Design And Simulation Of A Personnel Computer Temperature Control System

7 Chapters
45 Pages
4,094 Words

A Personnel Computer Temperature Control System refers to a sophisticated mechanism designed to regulate and maintain optimal temperatures within personal computers (PCs) to ensure efficient and safe operation. This system typically comprises hardware components such as fans, heat sinks, and thermal sensors, along with software algorithms that monitor and adjust temperature levels in real-time. By mitigating heat buildup generated by CPU, GPU, and other internal components during intensive tasks like gaming or video rendering, this system prevents overheating and potential damage to hardware components while enhancing overall system performance and longevity. Additionally, it offers users peace of mind by safeguarding against thermal-related issues like system crashes or data loss. Efficient cooling solutions, coupled with intelligent temperature management algorithms, not only optimize the PC’s thermal profile but also contribute to energy efficiency and noise reduction, creating an enhanced computing experience.


Temperature determines the survival of all natural creatures and as well the operational fitness of all scientific invention, it is quite important to every aspect of human endeavor and its control is as important as the temperature itself.
This research work centers its study on temperature and its control with a view of designing and implementing a reliable computerized system that will automatically contribute in temperature control.
The new system will be able to automatically detect temperature within a particular environment at a particular time and be able to give the desired output concerning the aim of its development. The new system pivots its temperature on room temperature, controlling the regulation of the room air conditioning system for good up- keep of the habitants. The new system can as well be used in other areas of temperature control by adjusting the target point of the design.


Title Page
Organization of work
Table of content

1.1 Statement of the problem
1.2 Purpose of the study
1.3 Aim and Objectives
1.4 Scope of study
1.5 Constraints
1.6 Assumption
1.7 Definition of Terms

2.0 Literature Review

3.0 Description and analysis of the existing system
3.1 Fact finding methods used
3.11 References to written document
3.1.2 Browsing of internet
3.2 Input, Process, Output analysis
3.2.1 Input, analysis
3.2.2 Input format
3.2.3 Process, analysis
3.2.4 Output, analysis
3.2.5 Input format
3.3 Problem of the existing system
3.4 Objective of the existing system
3.5 Justification of the new existing system

4.0 The design of the new system
4.1 Output specification and design
4.2 Input specification and design
4.3 File design
4.4 File structure
4.5 Procedure chart
4.6 System flowchart
4.7 System requirement
4.71 Hardware requirement
4.72 Soft ware requirement

5.0 Implementation
5.1 Program design
5.2 Pseudo code
5.3 Program flowchart

6.0 Documentation
6.1 Choice of language
6.2 Language introduction
6.3 Change over method

7.0 Conclusion
7.1 Recommendation


Every living and non-living things thrived on a particular temperature within a particular environment at a particular time. Temperature is a concept that cannot easily be shelved for its importance to man and the thing in its surrounding. The room temperature is convenient for man’s survival, the water temperature is convenient for the survival of fishes and other sea animals, the incubator temperature is convenient for hatching of chick from eggs. This is the same for every other living thing on the face of the earth. The same is also applicable to non-living thing on earth, chemicals, iron etc of different kinds thrives under different temperature.
Due to these facts, there is need for adequate control of temperature in areas where nature is not automatically controlling temperature. For example, chicks can only be hatched in a particular temperature and based on that, the incubator was designed to control the temperature for hatching the eggs of chicks. The incubator makes the temperature steady not to fall low or above the hatching temperature. The same is applicable to almost all manufacturing companies, breweries, seasoning company etc.
Temperature is very important in production of a lot of products and seasoning.
Temperature control requires expertise and accuracy for effectiveness and reliability the computer with its sophisticated feature assuredly can handle the control of temperature.

Temperature control system need to be designed on accuracy with effective reception and detection of environment temperature. This control has to be achieved best without any human intervention.
Ineffective temperature control system cause a lot of damages to the system the procedures it is designed for.

The purpose of this study is to design simulation of a personal computerized temperature control system which is built on accuracies, comprehensiveness and which will also be cost effective

The aim of this project work is to design an effective temperature control system, which is computer based and which will provide solution to the inaccuracy of he manual system

The objectives include:
1. To design a temperature control system that will be very accurate and effective
2. To design a system that will be quite automatic without any human intervention in its control

This work is to simulate an internal temperature control system for personal temperature control.

In the course of this project work we found it very difficult to lay our hands on material for its development. Time was also a hindrance.

The full implementations of this work will prove computer versatility in every field of human endeavor

TEMPERATURE: The measurement in degree of how hot or clod a thing or place is.
SIMULATION: To give the appearance of something different
CONTROL: To order, limit, direct or manage something.
SYSTEM: A group of thing or parts working together as a whole
VERSATILITY: Ability to change easily from one activity to another or able to be used for many different purpose.
COMPUTER: An electronic device for storing and analyzing information fed into it, for calculating or controlling machinery automatically.
AUTOMATIC: A machine working by itself without direct human control.
CONCEPT: An idea or a principle relating to something abstract.

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Personnel Computer Temperature Control System:

Designing and simulating a personal computer temperature control system involves creating a system that can monitor and control the temperature of a computer to prevent overheating. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to design and simulate such a system:

1. Define System Requirements:

  • Determine the desired temperature range for the computer components.
  • Decide on the type of temperature sensors to be used.
  • Set the acceptable temperature thresholds and temperature control algorithm (e.g., PID controller).

2. Components and Hardware:

  • Choose temperature sensors: Common options include thermistors, LM35, or digital temperature sensors like DS18B20.
  • Select a microcontroller: Popular options include Arduino, Raspberry Pi, or ESP8266/ESP32 for sensor data processing.
  • Identify cooling mechanisms: Options include fans, heat sinks, and possibly liquid cooling systems.

3. Design the Temperature Control Algorithm:

  • Implement a control algorithm to maintain the temperature within the desired range. PID (Proportional-Integral-Derivative) control is commonly used for this purpose.
  • Define control parameters such as the proportional, integral, and derivative gains.

4. Sensor Interfacing:

  • Connect the temperature sensors to the microcontroller and write code to read temperature values.
  • Ensure proper calibration of the sensors for accurate temperature readings.

5. Actuator Control:

  • Connect cooling mechanisms (e.g., fans) to the microcontroller.
  • Implement code to control the speed or operation of cooling mechanisms based on temperature readings and the control algorithm.

6. User Interface (Optional):

  • Create a user interface for monitoring and configuring temperature settings. You can use a display screen or a web-based interface.

7. Simulation:

  • Simulate the system using software tools or hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) simulation.
  • Use simulation software like MATLAB/Simulink or simulation platforms like Tinkercad for Arduino-based simulations.

8. Testing and Calibration:

  • Test the system by exposing the computer to different temperature conditions.
  • Calibrate the temperature control system to ensure accurate temperature regulation.

9. Safety Features:

  • Implement safety features, such as emergency shutdown if the temperature exceeds a critical threshold.

10. Data Logging and Analysis: – Incorporate data logging to record temperature data over time. – Analyze the data to identify trends and optimize the control algorithm if necessary.

11. Power Supply and Housing: – Ensure a stable power supply for the microcontroller and cooling mechanisms. – House the system components in a suitable enclosure to protect them from external factors.

12. Documentation: – Document the design, code, and simulation results for future reference and troubleshooting.

13. Real-world Implementation: – Once the system is tested and validated through simulation, implement it in a real-world environment, such as your personal computer.

14. Maintenance and Monitoring: – Regularly monitor the system’s performance and make adjustments as needed to maintain optimal temperature control.

Remember that the specific components, hardware, and software tools you use may vary based on your preferences and the complexity of the system. Regularly update and refine your system based on feedback and changing requirements to ensure efficient temperature control for your personal computer.