Effect Of Leadership Style On Workers Performance In A Manufacturing Firm

(A Case Study Of Autostar Gallary Limited, Emene, Enugu)

5 Chapters
65 Pages
9,101 Words

The impact of leadership styles on workers’ performance is a critical aspect that significantly shapes organizational success. A judicious choice of leadership approach can serve as a catalyst for heightened productivity, job satisfaction, and overall employee well-being. Effective leaders adept at fostering a positive work environment, encouraging open communication, and providing clear guidance tend to cultivate a motivated and engaged workforce. Conversely, a lack of leadership cohesion may lead to inefficiencies, communication breakdowns, and a decline in employee morale. Therefore, understanding the correlation between leadership styles and workers’ performance is paramount for manufacturing firms aiming to thrive in a competitive market. Employing transformational leadership, which inspires innovation and collaboration, or adopting a participative leadership style that involves employees in decision-making processes, can prove instrumental in enhancing the overall effectiveness of a manufacturing team.


The effect of leadership style on workers performance in a manufacturing firm, the three major effect of leadership style such as interpersonal, information and co-ordinating effect must be integrated to ensure the betterment of the company.
It acts as a lubricant for the wheels of a performance in a manufacturing firm.
Moreover, effective of leadership style has contributed to the increase in the company productivities and their income, which will ensure the continuity of the workers.
Besides, some workers have also contributed to the detriment of the workers by some dubious character exhibited by them. For instance, wrong uses of funds, pilferage, frauds and failure to carry out employees training scheme that will activate their working abilities.
In fact, the government should recognize the importance of workers performance in a manufacturing firm sector because when they are firmly establish the nation is built up, so it is advisable for the government to help in strategies in which this ugly situation of things are solved immediately.




Title Page
Approval page
Table of Content

1.0 Introduction
1.1 Background of the Study
1.2 Statement of the Problem
1.3 Purpose of the Study
1.4 Scope of the Study
1.5 Research Questions
1.6 Significance of the Study

2.0 Review of Related Literature
2.1 The Concept of Leadership and Productivity …
2.2 The Trait Approach to Leadership
2.3 Leadership System on Management
2.4 The Situational and Contingency Approach
2.5 To Leadership Effectiveness
2.6 The Relationship between Leadership Styles and Productivity
2.7 References

3.0 Research Design and Methodology
3.1 Research Design
3.2 Sources of Data
3.3 Population of the study
3.4 Sample and Sampling
3.5 Research Instrument
3.6 Reliability and Validity of Instrument
3.7 Method of Investigation
3.8 Method of Data Analysis
4.0 Data Presentation and Analysis
4.1 Presentation and Analysis of Data
4.2 Interview Results
4.3 Summary of Results

5.0 Discussions, Recommendation and Conclusion
5.1 Discussion of Finding
5.2 Recommendation
5.3 Conclusion
5.4 Limitation of the study
Appendix I
Sample of Introduction Letter
Appendix II
Sample of Research Interview Questionnaire



The aim of this chapter is to present the introductory part of this project work, sub-divided into the following sub-heading, example are background of the study, statement of the problems etc.

Leadership is an important area in management that occupies of central position in our every day life. It involves the still of leading and dealing with people. One thing among human group is that there is always a leader otherwise the group cannot live to achieve its purpose.
The success in leading a group is contingent upon both leaders ability to held power effectively and the existence of an opportunistic situation. The problems which result within organizational members disagree on both the nature of the goals of which people aspire, and the art of leadership. Leadership as we use to term in this work refers to behaviour undertaken within the context of an organization that influence the ways in which other organizational members behave. It could be observed that leadership and management envisages deeply into what the organization can achieve if the quality of recognition is accorded to them. Leadership has been propounded to include the source of influence that are built into position in an organizational hierarchy. These include organizational sanctioned rewards and punishment authority and also export power. It could be seen however that subordinates within the organization, though not all seen to enjoy the influence that exist all over the above organizational hierarchy provided by them in the organization.
Leadership is very essential in organization because achievements and results occur vis-à-vis the tracts being projected by leader. Leadership includes the ultimate source of power but has the positive ability in persuading other individual and to be innovative in decision making. Problems are sound to occur within every noted organization. Decision making is found to generate conflicts in whatever they are doing to achieve organizational goal. In the light, the notions of leadership act are these which help a given organization in meeting those stated objectives (Barelas 1960).
In general terms, the act of controlling other people consist of uncertainty reduction which entails making the kind choice that permits the organization to proceed towards its objectives despite various kind of internal and external challenges.
Note: That in the society today, not only the presence of reward (positive and negative) or the incentive appraisal could induce productivity but the feeling of belongingness. Further expressions like, is it my father’s work? “They can dismiss me, I don’t care”, “why should I kill myself for them”? There are some of the uncountable expressions often used by Nigeria workers to show that attitude to work. Whenever any of these expression are heard, one will readily know that something is wrong somewhere in the entire system, so meaningful economics development, growth and self reliance would not be obtained where unsuitable leadership style is in place, therefore, how far an organization succeeds in achieving its goals depends to a large extent on how the management and workers relationship are handled in the organization, and this effect workers psychological expectation. In the light of the foregoing, this study aim is to look at the leadership style, the organization should adopt to attain better performance. The work will also try to examine the philosophy of leadership and its functional relationship with workers performance in a manufacturing firm. Therefore, to discover more means of finding a lasting solution to the numerous problems facing leadership styles on workers performance. The increasing force of competition have awakened the minds of organizational management to develop and acquire new technique and mechanism to increase the level of organizational efficiency and effectiveness. This task requires resources of the organization involved in production namely – money, material and labour which need to be confirmed appropriately for effective performance.

Leadership style has become a very crucial area of management. In fact, it has attracted the attention of many management scientists who have actually delved into the difficult task of writing about the subject in the management literature.
Improper leadership qualities within the organization have a negative impact on the subordinates as well as the achievement of the organization objectives.
The reasons for poor productivity in motor industry have become a very important subject of study in the face of the deteriorating economic situation in the country. It is important to note that many companies are going out of business in the motor industry for the reasons of low productivity and can be addressed if workers are appropriately directed. Sequel to the above employment situation in the country has been threatened because of firms that are going out of business in the motor industry, due to lack of employees performance. This implies that people who called have been employed in the motor industry Candro Congle be employed due to the prevailing situation and this has gone a long way in worsening the unemployment situation in the country, it did not just stop here, the continuous experience of strike, lock out, picketing and conformation in the motor industry which disrupt services to the public and also affect workers’ performance in the industry. This is another place of concern to the people as it adversely affects the economy. Then, one can ask to what extent do the theories of management developed by western management scholar apply to Nigeria environment are the theories relevant to Nigeria context? The study is set out to investigate the effect of different leadership styles in manufacturing firm in order to determine its distinct impact on the workers performance. The study will also evaluate the factor of leadership like, intelligence, initiative and imagination, in this case organization with the view to calculating their contribution to attaining organization objective. It will inquire to ascertain the cost favourable leadership laissez-faire used in the case of organization to determine its influence and management employees.
The study also includes to investigate the relationship (positive or negative) between leadership and its effect on workers performance. The study will try to correlate the leadership styles to workers performance in Autostar Gallery Limited to decide the trend and influence of leadership styles on the workers performance.

As earlier stated, the main aim of the work is to determine the impact of leadership styles on workers performance. The specific purpose include the following:
(a) To critically evaluate the nature of leadership styles as it affects workers performance in Autostar Gallary Limited, Emene, Enugu.
(b) To ascertain the relationship which leadership styles has on workers’ performance.
(c) To ascertain the various factor which affect leadership and their styles in organization.
(d) To recommend to the company and similar organization the various leadership(s) that they should adopt to attain corporate purposes.

The study will help in assessing the effect of leadership styles on workers performance. It is limited to the staff of Autostar Gallary Limited, Emene, Enugu. The research survey excludes those in the organization that can either read or write.

(a) Is there any effective and efficient leadership styles existing in Autostar Gallary Limited?
(b) How does this leadership style affect workers?
(c) Is there any relationship existing between the present leadership style of Autostar Gallary Limited and the workers’ performance?
(d) Is there any factors affecting the present leadership of Autostar Gallary Limited.
(e) Is there any solution(s) to ensure effective and efficient leadership style in Autostar Gallary Limited?
The above question has been designed as research questions of this study.

The significance of the study is basically a definite scope which will help elicit all the problems and effects of each different leadership styles. Also, it will assist in highlighting how management employees react under stereotyped conditions.
In addition, all the mentioned and determined efforts, problem and solution will be critically studied so as to provide basis for possible recommendations to today’s manager who may be willing to employ a particular leadership styles. It will proffer suggestions on situation that will require certain leadership style to succeed.
Finally, the research will assist future researchers in carrying out their study.






Effect Of Leadership Style On Workers Performance In A Manufacturing Firm:

The leadership style in a manufacturing firm can have a significant impact on workers’ performance and the overall success of the organization. Different leadership styles can create different work environments and influence employee motivation, productivity, and job satisfaction. Here are some key effects of leadership styles on workers’ performance in a manufacturing firm:

Transformational Leadership:
Transformational leaders inspire and motivate employees to go beyond their own self-interest for the greater good of the organization.
This leadership style can lead to increased employee engagement, commitment, and innovation.
Workers may be more willing to take on new challenges and strive for excellence under transformational leadership.
Higher job satisfaction and a sense of purpose can result in improved performance.

Transactional Leadership:
Transactional leaders focus on rewards and punishments to motivate employees.
Clear expectations and well-defined performance targets are set, and employees are rewarded for meeting them.
Workers under transactional leadership may perform well to receive rewards or avoid penalties, but this style may not foster creativity or intrinsic motivation.

Autocratic Leadership:
Autocratic leaders make decisions unilaterally and have strict control over the work environment.
This style can lead to compliance but may stifle creativity and engagement.
Workers may feel disempowered, which can negatively affect their performance and job satisfaction.

Laissez-Faire Leadership:
Laissez-faire leaders provide minimal guidance and allow employees significant autonomy.
While some employees thrive in this environment, others may struggle with the lack of direction and support.
Performance can vary widely depending on individual employee motivation and competence.

Servant Leadership:
Servant leaders prioritize the well-being and development of their employees.
Workers often feel supported, valued, and empowered under this leadership style.
High levels of trust and collaboration can lead to improved performance, as employees are more likely to take ownership of their work.

Democratic Leadership:
Democratic leaders involve employees in decision-making processes and value their input.
Workers may feel more engaged and committed when they have a say in how their work is organized.
This style can lead to better problem-solving and higher job satisfaction, which can positively impact performance.

Situational Leadership:
Situational leaders adapt their leadership style based on the specific situation or the needs of their employees.
Flexibility in leadership can help ensure that workers receive the support and guidance they need, leading to improved performance.

In summary, the choice of leadership style in a manufacturing firm can significantly influence workers’ performance. A leadership style that fosters trust, engagement, and employee development is more likely to lead to higher productivity, job satisfaction, and overall success for the organization. It’s essential for leaders to assess the needs of their team and the specific context to determine the most effective leadership approach.