Effects Of Modern Information Technology On Yesterdays Secretaries

(A Study Of Selected Public And Private Organizations In Enugu Metropolis)

5 Chapters
85 Pages
10,311 Words

Modern Information Technology has profoundly transformed the roles and responsibilities of yesterday’s secretaries, shaping the landscape of administrative work. The advent of digital tools and communication platforms has revolutionized traditional secretarial tasks, introducing efficiency and streamlining communication processes. With the integration of advanced software and electronic communication, secretaries now engage in dynamic and collaborative environments, managing calendars, scheduling appointments, and coordinating seamlessly. The transition from manual typewriters to sophisticated word processing software has enhanced document creation and editing, facilitating a more rapid and error-free workflow. However, the evolution is not without challenges, as the demand for diversified skills has intensified. Modern secretaries are expected to possess not only traditional administrative acumen but also proficiency in navigating complex digital interfaces. The metamorphosis of secretarial roles underlines the need for continuous adaptation to emerging technologies, ensuring a harmonious blend of traditional administrative finesse and contemporary digital expertise.


This research has been carried out to discover the impact of modern information technology (IT) on the job of the effect of modern information technology on yesterday’s secretary focus on public and private metropolis, Enugu.
The theoretical frame work for this study was based on the use of related literature. Both questionnaire, interview, lecturer notes, textbooks, dictionary and past project were used in data collection and the researcher make use of all the categories of secretaries of public and private organization as the population of the study.
The data was collected, presented and analysed by the use of table and percentage form. From the data analysed, the researcher found out that there has been a great improvement in the secretarial service of yesterday’s office based on the automation they uses.
It was discovered that information technology can never replace secretarial role in any business organization. Rather the modern equipment is an aid to the secretary in facilitating her job.
The research thereby recommending that every secretary should endeavour to upgrade their skills and knowledge on modern technology so as to equip themselves and face challenges of information technology.


Title page
Approval page
Table of content

1.0 Introduction
1.1 Background of the Study
1.2 Statement of the problem
1.3 The purpose of the study
1.4 Scope/Delimitation of the study
1.5 Research questions
1.6 Significance/Rational of the study
1.7 Definition of terms

2.1 Review of literature
2.2 Historical background of the secretary
2.3 Who is a secretary
2.4 The effect of modern Information Technology on Yesterday’s secretary
2.5 Types of information technology used in office

3.0 Research Design and methodology
3.1 Research design
3.2 Area of study
3.3 Population of the study
3.4 Sample and sampling techniques
3.5 Research Instrument
3.6 Method of Data collection
3.7 Method of Data analysis

4.1 Presentation and analysis of Data
4.2 Percentage analysis of Data collected
4.3 Discussion of findings

5.0 Summary of findings, conclusion, Implication and Recommendations
5.1 Summary
5.2 Conclusion
5.3 Implication of the results
5.4 Recommendation
5.5 Suggestions for further research
5.6 Limitation of the study
Appendix I
Appendix II


It is an indisputable fact that there is at present a wide spread of technological revolution in ways and means of rendering office services. For the fact that secretaries are the backbone of business organizations, this revolution seems to have affected them more than any other group. Yesterday’s secretaries are therefore witnessing new changes and challenges in their jobs and responsibilities.
These changes have also reflected in the tools of rendering secretarial services and the environment in which the services are rendered.
The office is a nerve center of every organization and its functions have not changed over the years but the responsibility placed on an office and the expectations from it has drastically sky rocketed. The modern office, like the primitive office, collect information, records information, protect the business and safeguards its assets. However, the world we live in is a place were the only thing that is constant is change. Office methods and services are daily going more technological and the volume of materials to be handled are daily increasing.
In addition, the reaction or response time expected of the office worker is now shorter than what it has been in the recent past. There is, therefore, the need for office administrators, which includes the yesterday’s secretary, to cope with the increasing quantity and quality of services required in today’s modern offices which modern information technological instrument and machinery are handling effectively.
Over the years, there have been some changes in the status and work of secretaries. With this ever-changing role, has come the introduction of modern information technology variously called automated office, electronic office, mechanized office, paperless office, peopleless office etc.
Today, the secretary is expected to combine, in addition to his traditional role of taking dictation, typing, keeping records and appointment, the responsibilities of an office manager. More importantly, he should be versed on the operation and efficient use of such modern information and communication equipment like electronic (memory) typewriters, electronic notebooks, electronic filing system that makes use of disc, word processors, fax machines, microfilm equipment, teleprinters, computer etc.
Thus, this sophisticated nature of today’s office is such that an ill-equipped secretary stands the risk of being displaced as the global match as both private and public organizations gather momentum, unless he is retrained.
However, at the present, opportunities for high education is gradually widening, as could be witness in some colleges of education, most Polytechnics and some Universities. But these opportunities, do not guarantee that the secretary will be adequately armed and exposed to meet with the demands of the fast growing high technology in the modern business offices.
The effect the introduction of the modern information technology is making on the job of yesterday’s secretaries has attracted the attention of many including the educational planners and the practicing secretaries themselves. The new generation office executives also appreciate the benefits of office technology in the area of documentation, data processing, communication, storage and retrieval system done by secretaries almost effortlessly and with jet speed.
Motivated by the ideals, afforded by the use of modern office technology and the gap between what is on the ground in the country an what supposed to obtain and most importantly the effect of this development to yesterday secretaries, an investigation has been considered necessary by the researcher.
The researcher therefore intends to explore the effect the modern information technology has done on the job of yesterday’s secretaries in both public and private organizations and to use the findings as basis to discover how an availability of similar equipment in our schools where today’s secretaries are trained. The researcher equally hopes to prove that the computer as part of the modern information technology, in the form of word processor, personal computer, electronic typewriter, telecopies, fax machine, etc, does not displace the secretary’s role but has come to enhance her performance on the jobs and elimination of drudgery. Also the researcher hopes to position the dangers these modern information technology has on yesterday’s secretary who refuses to embrace the demands of this modern age.
Finally, to prove how technological advancement have provided the secretary with the necessary tools needed to have all her routine tasks performed automatically. This leaves her free for more creative work which in turn increases individual and collective productivity and promotes the best climate for maximum efficiency.

Due to the complexity of office services, technological devices are becoming indispensable in modern organizations. Hence, office automation is a necessary technology in any set-up or firm.
Before the advent of information technological devices, the secretary was considered an indispensable member of the office. We can be that the secretary’s work is affected in one way or the other by the introduction of these devices. Thus, automated services have come to enhance the secretary’s performance and productivity.
On the other hand, one would ask whether technology would indeed provides solution to the drudgery and monotony of secretarial practice of yesterday’s. will it not make additional demands on the yesterday’s secretary in terms of skill training (in keeping abreast of development) and will not indirectly lead to loss of jobs of some).
It is to these questions that this research work intends to address itself. This project will attempt to enumerate the advantages of technological advancement as well as the disadvantages, with particular reference to the role of the secretary.

The main purpose of this is to investigate the effect of modern information technology on yesterday’s secretary. Specifically the study intends to:
1. Find out if yesterday’s secretary can fit into today’s modern office.

The main purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of modern information technology on yesterday’s secretary. Specially, the study intends to:
1. To find out if yesterday’s secretary can fit into today’s modern office.
2. Find out whether modern information technology has replaced manual systems used by yesterday’s secretaries.
3. To ascertain whether modern information technology has come to displace the role of the secretary.
4. To investigate how modern information technology reduce the work load of the secretary.

It is hoped that at the end of this study that both present and future secretaries will realize whether modern information technological advancement has come to eradicate their roles or to increase their efficiency and productivity. It will also enlighten the readers that modern technological advancement represents an evolution of ofiice equipment and thus the job security of the secretary need not be jeopardized.
In most companies, both private and public, secretaries are being over-loaded with a lot of activities, a situation which leads to over working, just because they lack the knowledge of modern technology. This scientific study will help to enlighten, organization on the need for training their secretaries. On these modern devices for more efficiency and productivity.
In addition, the researcher will be afforded the opportunity of getting more versed on the topic. And finally, it will also serve as a source of literature to those who may get interested researching in this or other related areas.

This research work is expected to cover the secretaries of selected public and private organizations in Enugu metropolis.
find out whether modern information technology has replaced manual system used by yesterday’s secretaries.
Ascertain whether modern information technology has come to displace the role of the secretary.
To investigate how modern information technology have reduced the work load of the secretary.

Technology – This is the study, mastery and utilization
of manufacturing and industrial methods, systematic application of knowledge to practical tasks in industry.
Automation – It is the implementation of processes by
automatic means
Programme – A programmes a set of actions or
instruments that a machine is capable of interpreting and executing.
System – This is an assembly of computers united
by some form of regulated interpretation to form an organized whole.
Input – Pertaining to a device, process or
channel involved in any input process or to the data or state involved in any input process.
Output – Pertaining to a device, process or
channel or to the data or states involves in an output process.
Data – It is a representation of facts, concepts or
instruction in a formalized manner suitable for communication, interpretation or processing by human or technological means.
Wordprocessing – This is a text editing unit design for
preparation, storing and dissemination of text initiated on typewriter – like devices.
Manual – Things done with hands.
Computer – A computer is an electronic device, which
is capable of doing things at high speed, of making certain decision, storing and analyzing data.



Effects Of Modern Information Technology On Yesterdays Secretaries:

Modern information technology has had a profound impact on the role and responsibilities of secretaries compared to their counterparts from previous decades. The effects on yesterday’s secretaries can be summarized as follows:

  1. Automation of Tasks:
    • Typing and word processing: Secretaries in the past spent a significant portion of their time typing and formatting documents. Today, word processing software and voice-to-text technology have automated these tasks, reducing the need for manual typing.
    • Filing and record-keeping: Physical filing cabinets have largely been replaced by digital document management systems, making it easier to organize and retrieve information.
  2. Communication:
    • Email and instant messaging: Secretaries used to handle written communication through memos and letters. Modern technology has introduced email and instant messaging, enabling quicker and more efficient communication.
    • Video conferencing: Traditional secretaries didn’t have access to video conferencing tools. Today, they may need to schedule, set up, and manage virtual meetings.
  3. Information Retrieval:
    • Search engines and databases: Modern secretaries have access to powerful search engines and databases, allowing them to find information rapidly and efficiently, whereas in the past, this often involved manually searching through physical documents.
  4. Scheduling and Time Management:
    • Calendar software: Secretaries used to maintain physical calendars and appointment books. Now, digital calendar applications help them schedule, organize, and set reminders for appointments and meetings.
  5. Task Automation:
    • Task management tools: Secretaries can use software for task management, which helps them prioritize, track, and complete tasks more effectively.
  6. Data Security and Privacy:
    • Data protection: Modern secretaries must be well-versed in data security and privacy regulations, ensuring that sensitive information is handled in compliance with relevant laws.
  7. Adaptation and Learning:
    • Continuous learning: With technology constantly evolving, yesterday’s secretaries may need to upskill and adapt to new software and tools to remain effective in their roles.
  8. Remote Work:
    • Telecommuting: The ability to work remotely has become more common due to technology. Secretaries may need to adapt to remote work arrangements and manage their tasks from different locations.
  9. Role Evolution:
    • Expanded responsibilities: Modern secretaries often take on more diverse roles, including social media management, online research, and digital marketing tasks, depending on the organization’s needs.
  10. Reduced Need for Administrative Support:
  • Some administrative tasks that were once handled by secretaries may have been automated or delegated to other departments, reducing the overall demand for traditional secretarial support.

In summary, modern information technology has transformed the role of secretaries from primarily administrative and clerical to more technology-enabled and versatile positions. While certain traditional skills remain relevant, secretaries today must be adept at using a wide range of digital tools and managing information in a fast-paced, digital world