Extent Of The Use Of Instructional Materials In The Effective Teaching And Learning Of Home Economics

(A Case Study Of Awgu Local Government)

5 Chapters
55 Pages
6,501 Words

Effective teaching and learning in home economics rely significantly on the strategic utilization of instructional materials. These materials, which encompass a diverse array ranging from textbooks and multimedia resources to practical tools and visual aids, play a pivotal role in enhancing comprehension, engagement, and retention among students. By integrating instructional materials into lesson plans, educators can facilitate experiential learning, enabling students to grasp theoretical concepts while simultaneously honing practical skills essential for everyday life. Visual aids such as charts, models, and videos not only elucidate complex topics but also cater to diverse learning styles, fostering inclusivity within the classroom. Furthermore, hands-on materials like cooking utensils, sewing machines, and gardening tools not only enrich the learning experience but also empower students to apply theoretical knowledge in real-world contexts, fostering autonomy and mastery. In leveraging instructional materials effectively, educators can cultivate a dynamic and enriching learning environment that not only enhances academic achievement but also nurtures holistic development in home economics education.


Domestic Waste Disposal investigated the extent of the use of instructional materials in effective teaching and learning of Home Economics. The study aimed at determining the extent of the use of instructional materials or reportage of the problems associated with the use of instructional materials and the government effort on the use of instructional materials.
The project work consisted of five major chapters starting with the introduction which covered the introduction, statement of problems, objective of study, research question, hypotheses etc. Relevant literature consisting of meaning, classification, functions and availability of instructional materials.
Analysis of data with the help on descriptive and inferential statistical tools showed that instructional materials are not required and not well taken care of. However, when these materials go bad, they are either dumped, discarded, or managed the way it is. The researchers therefore recommend that a more provision of adequate funds for acquisition and maintenance of instructional materials for teaching and learning of Home Economics and that government should pay more attention to the need for relevant instructional materials for effective teaching and learning of Home Economics. It also recommended that in-house training, seminar and workshop on the use of instruction materials should be frequently organized by governments or schools to promote the use of instructional materials in effective teaching and learning.


Title Page
Approval Page
Table Of Contents

Chapter One
1.0 Introduction

1.1 Background Of The Study
1.2 Statement Of Problem
1.3 Purpose Of The Study
1.4 Significance Of The Study
1.5 Research Questions
1.6 Scope Of The Study
1.7 Definition Of Terms

Chapter Two
2.0 Literature Review

2.1 Meaning Of Instructional Materials
2.2 Classification Of Instructional Materials
2.3 Function Of Instructional Materials
2.4 Availability Of Instructional Materials.

Chapter Three
3.1 Research Design

3.2 Area Of Study
3.3 Population
3.4 Sample And Sample Techniques
3.5 Instrument For Data Collection
3.6 Validation Of Instrument
3.7 Reliability Of The Instrument
3.8 Method Of Data Collection
3.9 Method Of Data Analysis

Chapter Four
4.0 Presentation Of Data

4.1 Research Question One
4.2 Research Question Two
4.3 Research Question Three

Chapter Five
5.0 Summary Of Findings, Discussion, Conclusion, Recommendations And Suggestion For Further Research

5.1 Summary Of Findings
5.2 Conclusion
5.3 Recommendations
5.4 Suggestion For Further Research


1.1 Background of the Study

The term Home Economics means home training or skill training. It takes one on welfare of himself and other families. It has been in existent hence mothers train their girls on how to cook and do other work at home artworks, also mothers train their daughter on how to keep houses clean, hair plaiting, decorating home with local paints, body painting, dressing during moon light and festivals also how to make up in other to marry comfortably, while fathers train their son on how to farm and make crafts like baskets and carving art works. As time goes on, it was introduced as domestic studying schools, later to domestic science. On arrival of the white men called missionaries to Nigeria. Though there were no formal schools, they introduced it to be called Home economics, no more domestic science. Since their arrival they introduced it as formal
education. It becomes more than cooking and craft making. And extended into sewing, home management, clothing and textile, and within a short time Nigeria introduced it to primary schools, junior and senior secondary level and today into higher institutions. Today, both sex study home economics because it offer job opportunity. Obiakor (2006) stated that through this philosophy, “home has become the most influential and sweetest of all human institution and organization in shipping the destiny of man. Anyakoha (2010) stated that Home Economics is a method of finding out the need of individual families and finding way of meeting the needs of individuals and families, improving the goods and services which families use, prepare people for family living and prepare people for employment. To enhance an effective teaching and learning of Home Economics, teachers should apply the desirable methodology in teaching Home Economics especially the use of instructional materials, just as Ezeugwu (2009) noted that no subject area which does not make use of instructional materials. These materials enhance learning concepts and events in less time than mere verbalization by involving all the senses. Obanya (1989) view instructional materials as a didactic materials – things which is supposed to make teaching and learning possible.

1.2 Statement of Problem
A close look at schools around its today goes to prove a popular opinion or view that the majority of teachers do not use instructional materials effectively for teaching and learning of Home Economics. Tahir (2002) admitted that there is a general lack of instructional materials. Ekpo (2004) aptly declared that instructional materials are often used to compensate for the inadequacies of sense organ or to reinforce the capacity of the dominant organs. They must be relevance for the realization of the intensive of curriculum. Thus there is a short fall in the availability of instructional materials and teachers are unable to improvise with what is available in our environment in other to effectively derive home the lesson thought. Therefore, the inadequacies of sense organs are not compensated. Oforah (2009) state that the outcome of committee of STAN were pupils textbooks, teachers guides etc while Tauari (1998) states that the commission for now can only supply exercise books, chalks and such minor things. Instructional materials are grossly inadequate for effective teaching and learning. Furthermore, Tyler (1950) in his opinion explained that Home Economics Department should have a well organized instructional material corner, units or room where some of the following could be found. Verbal symbols (oral or written), recordings, visual symbols for stimulating interest, realia the real thing or authentic materials Dale (1959), Television, it made educational experiences which are beyond the reach of the classroom available to the students.

1.3 Purpose of the Study
The purpose of this study are to:
1 Determine the extent of the use of instructional materials in effective teaching and learning of Home Economics.
2 Identify the problems associated with the use of instructional materials in teaching and learning of Home Economics.
3 Enlighten people on the use of instructional materials in effective teaching and learning of Home Economics.

1.4 Significance of the Study
This study will be of significance to the following:
1. It will serve as a reference point on the use of instructional materials in teaching and learning of Home Economics.
2. The study will bring awareness to the government curriculum planners and other stakeholders in the area on the necessity in provision of adequate instructional materials for effective teaching and learning of Home Economics.
3. It will make educational experience which are beyond the reach of classroom available to student of Home Economics.
4. It will provide a guide to the appropriate use of instructional materials in effective teaching and learning of Home Economics.
5. The study will also create awareness on the benefit of the use of instructional materials in effective teaching and learning of Home Economics.

1.5 Research Questions
1. To what extent is the use of instructional materials effective for teaching and learning of Home Economics?
2. What are the problems that are associated with the use of instructional materials in the effective teaching and learning of Home Economics?
3. How much awareness is being created for the people on the use of instructional materials in effective teaching and learning of Home Economics?

1.6 Scope of the Study
Few selected schools in Awgu Local Government area were studied. This will be made up of combination of government owned schools. The names of the government owned schools includes: C.S.S. Mmaku, Rosary High School Awgu and Boys Secondary School Awgu. While the private owned schools includes: Presentation secondary school Awgu and Alpha secondary school Awgu. This scope of study are selected/chosen so as to help solve financial limitation/problems.

1.7 Definition of Terms
Conceptual And Operational Definition
Instructional materials – conceptual – Teaching aids which can also be referred to as instructional aids, teaching materials which appeal to all sense and felling and aid learning.
Operational – Course of study, syllabus, curriculum, bulletins, guides, handbooks, research reports, audio visual aids and other materials which serve as a teacher’s educational function.
Home Economics – Conceptual – An interdisciplinary field of study which help families and individuals to understand and adopt to the social economics, culture and technological changes.



Use Of Instructional Materials In The Effective Teaching And Learning Of Home Economics:

Instructional materials play a crucial role in enhancing the teaching and learning of Home Economics, a subject that encompasses various aspects of household management, nutrition, clothing, and family economics. When used effectively, instructional materials can make the learning process more engaging, interactive, and practical. Here are some ways in which instructional materials can be used effectively in teaching and learning Home Economics:

  1. Visual Aids: Visual aids like charts, diagrams, and pictures can help students understand complex concepts in Home Economics. For example, using images of food groups on a nutrition chart can make it easier for students to grasp the concept of a balanced diet.
  2. Cooking and Sewing Equipment: In the practical aspects of Home Economics, such as cooking and sewing, the use of actual equipment is essential. Students can learn how to use kitchen appliances, sewing machines, and other tools effectively by working with them hands-on.
  3. Samples and Models: Providing samples of food items, clothing materials, or household products can help students examine and understand the quality, texture, and durability of different materials and products. For instance, showing samples of various fabrics helps students learn about textile properties.
  4. Digital Resources: Utilize educational websites, apps, and videos to supplement classroom teaching. Online resources can provide additional information, tutorials, and interactive simulations related to Home Economics topics.
  5. Cooking Demonstrations: Live cooking demonstrations or videos of cooking processes can be used to teach culinary skills. Students can observe cooking techniques, ingredient measurements, and presentation methods.
  6. Clothing Displays: Displaying various types of clothing, fabrics, and sewing projects can help students understand garment construction and fashion design. Fashion shows or displays of student-created clothing can also showcase their skills.
  7. Food Samples: Taste testing or preparing and serving food samples can make nutrition lessons more engaging. It allows students to experience different flavors and learn about food preparation techniques.
  8. Budgeting Tools: Introduce budgeting tools like spreadsheets or budget calculators to teach financial management and planning. These tools can help students practice managing household expenses.
  9. Recipes and Manuals: Provide students with written recipes, sewing patterns, or household management manuals. These documents can serve as references for students to follow step-by-step instructions.
  10. Real-Life Scenarios: Present real-life scenarios or case studies related to home economics topics. For example, discussing a family’s budget and financial challenges can help students apply economic concepts in a practical context.
  11. Guest Speakers: Invite experts or professionals in areas like nutrition, interior design, or family economics to share their experiences and insights with students. Guest speakers can provide valuable real-world perspectives.
  12. Field Trips: Organize field trips to relevant places such as farms, food production facilities, textile factories, or home décor stores. These trips offer students hands-on experiences and exposure to different aspects of Home Economics.

Incorporating these instructional materials into Home Economics lessons can make the subject more interactive, relatable, and practical for students. It helps them acquire valuable life skills that are essential for managing their homes and personal lives effectively.