Impact Of Advertising On Consumer Buying Habit

(A Case Study Of Owerri Urban)

5 Chapters
49 Pages
4,981 Words

Advertising plays a crucial role in shaping consumer buying habits by influencing perceptions, preferences, and decision-making processes. In today’s dynamic market, advertising serves as a persuasive tool that extends beyond merely promoting products or services. It operates as a multifaceted force, leveraging various mediums to convey brand messages, foster emotional connections, and create a distinctive brand image. Through strategic placement and compelling narratives, advertisements can capture consumers’ attention and stimulate interest in a particular product or service. By consistently reinforcing key messages and associating positive attributes with a brand, advertising helps build brand loyalty, affecting long-term consumer behavior. The influence of advertising on consumer buying habits is evident in the way it can establish brand recognition, shape perceptions of product value, and ultimately drive purchasing decisions.


Title page i
Approval page ii
Dedication iii
Abstract iv
Table of contents v-vii

1.0 Introduction 1
1.1 Background of the study 1
1.2 Statement of the Problem
1.3 Statement of Objective
1.4 Scope of the study
1.5 Research of the question
1.6 Importance of the study
1.7 Limitations of the study

2.0 Literature review
2.1 Consumer behaviour
2.2 Communication factors affecting consumer Behaviour in Owerri Urban
2.3 Meaning of advertising
2.4 Types of advertising in Owerri Urban
2.5 Impact of advertising
2.6 Influence of Advertising on consumer buying habit
2.7 Importance of advertising
2.8 Effort of advertising the society of economy

3.0 Research Design and methodology
3.1 Population and sample
3.2 Types of research
3.3 Method of data collection
3.4 Method of data analysis

4.0 Data presentation interpretation and analysis
4.1 Questionnaire on the impact of advertising on
Consumer buying habit in Owerri Urban

5.0 Summary, conclusion and recommendation
5.1 Summary of findings
5.2 Conclusion
5.3 Recommendations


Advertising is used to reach a wide market to induce consumer behaviours. However, advertising consist of non-personal form of communication conducted through paid media under clear sponsorship. Also advertising can be said to consist of all paid activities in presenting openly sponsored message regarding a product service. All the above aim at making impact on consumer habits.
Consumer’s habits about anything object is based upon what the things are related to the feeling of satisfaction. The techniques to include change in another person behaviour includes: the characteristics of the communicator may influence how much change occurs. They way in which message in presented may make difference example whether the message is poorly organized or not some situation variable may help to increase like the supporting audience surrounding the target.

The problem facing advertising includes the following:
It is expensive activity: The creation of awareness through a good mass media or other channels of communication consume a lot of finance to the person involved or company embarking on such awareness.
It is a difficult action: To reach a wide number of consumers involved in our environment. This also takes patience by the company of owner of a product because the audience may not respond immediately. The awareness should also be done through many media for conception for the audience.

The objective of the study is to make a detailed analysis of the impact of advertising has no consumers buying habit in Owerri Urban. How effective and efficient does advertising have impact on the consumer? What are the types of advertising? How does consumer behave? What are the effect of advertising on the society and economy?

This work covers the methods employed by many companies in promoting and advertising good and services to the public with reference to the study of consumer buying habit in Owerri Urban.

i. How do you see advertising function in the organization?
ii. What method do you employ in studying consumers buying habit in our society?
iii. Is advertising an important feature?
iv. Is marketing department in charge of promoting finish product?
v. How do they promote finish product?
vi. Does marketing department have adequate number of staff to carry out marketing activities?
vii. who is responsible for the over all decision to market product?

The need for this study is to analyze the impact of advertising on consumers buying habit in owerri urban.
It is to serve as reference to students and business companies. It aimed at taking the various ways of improving the effective and efficient of advertising to the consumer.

A number of limitations were encountered on the process of writing this project such as:
Communication barriers: This was one of the factors that affected this study. Most of the time, the behaviour of consumers change due to inadequate of communication about a particular product. The time allocated for the writing of this project was short and there is test and examination coming.
This affected the effort of the researcher in carrying out the depth study. Another problem is the issue of high cost of transportation to go from one place to another in Imo State to study the consumer’s habit in buying. This did not allow the researcher to reach or search for more information about the consumer’s habit in Owerri Urban.
There are most inadequate text books in the school library to enhance this study. The attitude of the management against dissenting and giving vital information to the research affected the study for security reasons as they said they could not give all information needed by the researcher.



Impact Of Advertising On Consumer Buying Habit:

Advertising plays a significant role in influencing consumer buying habits. It can shape perceptions, create awareness, and ultimately drive consumers to make purchasing decisions. Here are some key ways advertising impacts consumer buying habits:

Awareness and Information: Advertising introduces consumers to products or services they might not have been aware of otherwise. It provides information about the features, benefits, and availability of these products, helping consumers make informed choices.

Brand Recognition and Loyalty: Repeated exposure to advertisements can lead to brand recognition and loyalty. Consumers often feel more comfortable buying from brands they recognize and trust. Effective advertising can build and reinforce this recognition, making consumers more likely to choose a familiar brand over others.

Influencing Perceptions: Advertising can shape how consumers perceive a product or brand. Through imagery, messaging, and storytelling, advertisers can create a certain image or association with their products. For example, a luxury car brand may use advertising to convey sophistication and prestige.

Emotional Connection: Many successful advertisements appeal to emotions. They can make consumers feel happy, nostalgic, inspired, or even sad. Emotional connections can drive consumers to buy a product not just for its features but also for the feelings associated with it.

Creating Need or Desire: Advertising often creates a sense of need or desire for a product or service, even if it’s not a basic necessity. It can convince consumers that they want a particular item, making them more likely to purchase it.

Influencing Buying Timing: Advertisements can influence when consumers make a purchase. For instance, holiday-themed ads or limited-time offers can encourage consumers to buy during specific seasons or events.

Comparative Advertising: Some advertisements directly compare a product with competitors, highlighting its advantages. This can influence consumers to choose one brand over another by emphasizing why it’s superior.

Social Influence: Advertising can create trends and influence what’s considered popular or fashionable. When consumers see their peers or celebrities endorsing products in ads, they may be more inclined to follow suit.

Educational Content: Some advertisements serve an educational role by explaining how a product works or how it can solve a problem. This can be particularly effective for complex or innovative products.

Repeat Business: Advertising isn’t just about getting new customers; it can also encourage repeat business. Regular reminders and promotions through advertising can keep existing customers engaged and coming back for more.

Online Advertising and Personalization: With the rise of digital advertising, companies can use data to personalize ads for individual consumers. This targeted approach can significantly impact buying habits by showing consumers products and offers that align with their interests and browsing history.

Word of Mouth and Social Media Sharing: Engaging and memorable advertisements often get shared on social media. This word-of-mouth advertising can amplify the impact of an ad and influence a wider audience.

In summary, advertising is a powerful tool that can shape consumer behavior in various ways, from creating awareness to influencing perceptions, emotions, and ultimately, purchasing decisions. Its impact can vary depending on the quality of the advertising campaign, the product or service being promoted, and the target audience’s receptiveness to the message.