Impact Of Road Network On The Marketing Of Agricultural Produce

(A Case Study Of Igbo Etiti Local Government Area Of Enugu State)

5 Chapters
98 Pages
11,499 Words

The impact of a well-developed road network on the marketing of agricultural produce is profound and extends across various dimensions. An efficient transportation infrastructure plays a crucial role in enhancing accessibility, reducing transportation costs, and facilitating the timely movement of goods from farms to markets. This connectivity significantly diminishes logistical challenges, fostering a seamless flow of agricultural products. Moreover, a robust road network improves market reach, enabling farmers to tap into a broader consumer base. The accessibility afforded by well-maintained roads not only accelerates the transportation process but also minimizes post-harvest losses, ensuring the freshness and quality of the agricultural produce. Additionally, the interconnectivity facilitated by an advanced road system contributes to the development of regional economies by linking agricultural hubs with urban centers, creating opportunities for economic growth and sustainable agricultural practices. Ultimately, the symbiotic relationship between a comprehensive road network and the marketing of agricultural produce underscores the vital role of infrastructure in bolstering agricultural efficiency and promoting economic vitality in rural areas.


The aim of this study is to determine the impact of road transport network on the marketing of agricultural produce in the Igbo-Etiti local government area and Nsukka zone of Enugu state to identify other factors directly or indirectly to the marketing of agricultural produce in the zone.
The empirical aspect of this research was carried out using the survey method and questionnaire to obtain information from respondents in the 10 major towns, all drawn from Nsukka zone.the high nature of response was made possible because of the constant visit of the researcher to the respondents. Tables, percentages pie charts and chi-square distribution were used as tools for presenting and analyzing the data collected.
The result of this study indicated that the nature of road network system in Nsukka zone of Enugu State adversely affects the marketing of agricultural produce. It was found that the inaccessibility of farmer to produce.
The researcher who discovered that the prices of agricultural produce rise and fall as a result of transportation costs. Bassed on the research findings the researcher made the following recommendations.
1. That government should put effort in improving the nature of road network in the states since it was observed that inaccessibility reduces the incentives to produce.
2. In planning for agriculture in a particular area, it becomes absolutely necessary that rural feeder roads are to be constructed to link such areas.
3. Food collection centres should be established in various rural areas, since transportation cost tends to increase the price of agricultural produce.
4. The provisions of farm equipment should be made available to the farmers and adequate storage facility should be well assessed to check against wastage and spoilage.


Title Page
Table Of Content

Chapter One
1.1 Background Of The Study

1.2 Statement Of Research Problem
1.3 Objectives Of Study
1.4 Statement Of Hypothesis
1.5 Significance Of Study
1.6 Scope Of Study
1.7 Definition Of Terms

Chapter Two
2.0 Review Of Related Literature

2.1 The Nature Of Agricultural Produce In Nigeria
2.2 The Role Of Transportation In The Marketing Of Agricultural Produce
2.3 Factors That Influence Transportation In Igbo-Etiti
2.4 The Nature Of Road Network In Igbo-Etiti
2.5 The Implication Of Road Network In The Marketing Of Agricultural Produce In Igbo-Etiti.
2.6 Transport And Improving Agricultural Production In Igbo-Etiti.

Chapter Three
3.0 Research Methodology

3.1 Sources Of Data
3.2 Population Of Study
3.3 Determination Of Sample Size
3.4 Sample Procedure And Design
3.5 Selection And Construction Of Research Instrument
3.6 Method Of Data Analysis

Chapter Four
1.1 Presentation Analysis And Interpretation

1.2 Presentation And Analysis
1.3 Testing Of Hypothesis

Chapter Five
5.0 Summary Of Findings, Recommendations And Conclusion

5.1 Summary Of Findings
5.2 Recommendations
5.3 Conclusion



The quest to achieve self-sufficient food production is one of the highest priority facing most of the world today. Nigeria in particular. This is also a problem that threatens to be worsening all year round.
Food in Nigeria is critically depended on transportation distribution, it then become obvious that wide variety of Nigerian food would not be available without the complex transportation network system, which serves as stem food industry. Farm produce therefore depend upon transportation facilities.
Based on the above reason, the impact as well as the importance of road transport system should not be over emphasized, especially as regards to agricultural produce.
Problems relating to rural inaccessibility have contained to brother the world and in particular Nigeria Agriculture. It is on this note that government and transport policy makers should intensify efforts to improve the transportation system especially in road network which is the main and the most popular mode of transportation in this country. Their collective and/or individual efforts should be directed towards fighting against hunger as well as in providing necessary transportation facilities and services and contribute to the instrument decision in related areas that can help to assume the supply of addition of food and its distribution to customers.

In the beginning agriculture and transportation are moving hand in hand. This produce must be reasonably available and when produced must be distributed to ports and factories. Also that adequate transportation and efficient courier services operation are necessary condition the affecting and efficient transportation network and a cornerstone of modern marketing system. Transportation thus serves as a means of moving goods, ideas and information geared towards increased productivity.
In Nigeria, road constitute the most important infrastructure and territory of sharp contrast in climate solid and vegetation which hinders agricultural progress. In some areas, most of the road which are essential for the evacuation of produce from the farmer to the market place are often inaccessible all year round.
Most of these feeder roads are unsurfaced, narrow, poorly drained and winding, they prevent easy access to the hinter land where the majority of the farmers are located. Even when such roads are in a fair condition there is a problem of poor maintenance, lack of adequate execution capacity, lack of suitable materials and management problems. All this factors attributed to the low agricultural produce in Igbo-Etiti.
If agriculture will respond to the growing demand of the rural populace then it will be necessary to include a good rural structure with road network to reduce the cost of flow of agricultural commodities, information and all sorts for rural services to enable it contribute meaningfully to the general economic growth.
This will help to accommodate the increase traffic flow of input and output moving from rural areas to urban centers, which will involve extra addition of maintaining rural road network.

This includes:
(a) To identify those factors that all directly and indirectly related to the marketing of agricultural produce and to what extent they have contributed to the use and fall of agricultural produce.
(b) To determine the extent which road transport system has affected the marketing of agricultural produce in Igbo-Etiti local government area.
(c) To offer useful recommendation with a view to making the marketing of agricultural produce in Igbo-Etiti more successful and effective.
(d) To determine the effect of road network in the marketing of agricultural producse in Igbo-Etiti.
(e) To determine the primitive use of farm tools to produce staple crops in large quantities that can be transported to other parts of the local government area.

Based on the stated objectives, this study will seek to base the impact of transportation on the marketing of agricultural produce with the following marketing mix variables which includes product, price, place (distribution) promotion.
Hypothesis 1
4.0 The high cost of transportation affects the prices of agricultural produce.
4.1 The high cost of transportation does not affect the price of agricultural produce in Igbo-Etiti.
Hypothesis 2
4.0 The perishable nature of agricultural produce affect the marketing of agricultural produce in Igbo-Etiti local government area.
4.1 The perishable nature of agriculture produce does not affect the marketing of agricultural produce in Igbo-Etiti local government.

Increased interest in this study is due partly to the gainful and developmental input which agriculture can make to the economy and most importantly to the tremendous impact of transportation infrastructure on regional economics. This is because transport and development as well as agriculture are usually regarded as closely related since each of them influences the fortunes or the rate of growths of the other.
The significance of this study is further highlighted. Considering that in Nigeria, road is the only mode of transport by which all the states of the federation are linked especially with regard to the movement and distribution of agricultural produce from various rural areas of production to the different urban areas of the state for consumption.
Finally, the study shall also serve as a stimulant or reference guide for further research in this area especially in the era of population explosion and impending food storage.

In Enugu state most of the agricultural produce like (yam, rice, garri, cassava, tomatoes, pepper) and so on are produced in the villages located in remote towns. Because of differences in ecological factors such as climate, soil texture, topography and so on. Some villages produce more or several types of agricultural produce than other. Taking cognizance of the fact the study covers gbo-Etiti.

Product problem – production problem confronting the agricultural produce particularly in Igbo—Etiti has various structures such as technical socio-economic and organizational differences.
(a) Technical problem – comprises of the following
(i) Inadequate quantity and quality of farm input and farming implements.
(ii) Low cost of agricultural technology and high illiteracy among the farmers.
(iii) Inadequate infrastructural facilities for agricultural produce in the rural areas where the back of farmers live, the farmers are predominantly poor, there are good road to xx their commodities to urban markets, no portable water and non-availability of electricity to make life comfortable. These vices makes the youth to migrate to urban towns for green pastures, thereby living farming for the very old also could produce just very little.
(b) Socio-economic problem – comprises of the following:
(i) High cost of agricultural production but low rate of return from agricultural investments because of the association risks and other cost.
(ii) Low productivity of farm labour Inspite of their high wage rate.
(iii) The land xx system that does not encourage high production and productivity.
(c) Organizational problem – The government had formulated a lot of policy on agriculture among which are
(i) The operation feed the nation (OFN)
(ii) Farm settlement scheme
(iii) Green revolution
(iv) National accelerated food development programme
(v) Land use decree of 1978
(vi) Operation back to land
(vii) Food for all and school to programmes.
These programmes were poorly formulated, executed controlled with no clear-cut and well defined objectives from the onset. Most of the performances of government ministries, agencies and states are conflicting confession and yielding no positive result due to poor planning, organizing, execution, coordinating and appraisal.
The nations agricultural production problems would be solved by devising an entirety indigenous technique of increasing production efficiency peculiar to its land resources and personnel, skills and management.
State problem – problems encountered by the state could be attributed to inadequate overall planning and coordination at the state and national level. At present, the link between state and federal ministry of agriculture we weak but plans as underway to increase the vital leadership role of the state and federal ministry and to provide better liaison between them. Shortages of qualified staff is a factor to which attention must be given.
However, the biggest of all is economic farm prices are too low to an incentive to the farmers.
Local government problem- problem associated with rural or local government dwellers is the inadequate health facilities and bad sanitary conditions and child malnutrition are prevalent. Rural well-being require more and better health facilities better systems of waste disposal improvement of water supplies and the introduction of health education and information on better feeding habits.



Impact Of Road Network On The Marketing Of Agricultural Produce:

The impact of a well-developed road network on the marketing of agricultural produce is significant and multifaceted. Roads play a crucial role in connecting rural agricultural areas to urban markets and transportation hubs, and they can have several positive effects on the marketing of agricultural products:

  1. Improved Access to Markets: A well-maintained road network provides farmers with better access to local, regional, and even international markets. This reduces the time and cost required to transport agricultural produce to buyers, resulting in higher profits for farmers.
  2. Reduced Post-Harvest Losses: Good roads enable faster transportation of perishable agricultural products to markets. This reduces the risk of spoilage and post-harvest losses, ensuring that more of the produce reaches consumers in good condition.
  3. Increased Market Reach: Farmers can access a wider range of markets when roads are well-developed. This can lead to increased competition among buyers, which can result in better prices for agricultural products.
  4. Diversification of Products: Access to better transportation infrastructure allows farmers to diversify their crops. They are more likely to cultivate high-value, niche, or cash crops that may have previously been uneconomical to transport to distant markets.
  5. Stabilizing Prices: Efficient road networks facilitate the movement of agricultural produce, helping to balance supply and demand. When products can move freely, prices are less likely to fluctuate dramatically due to local oversupply or scarcity.
  6. Reduction in Transaction Costs: Improved road networks reduce transportation costs, which lowers the overall transaction costs for both farmers and buyers. This can lead to more efficient and competitive markets.
  7. Enhanced Market Information: Better connectivity can enable farmers to access market information more easily. They can stay informed about current prices, demand trends, and consumer preferences, allowing them to make more informed decisions about what to produce and when to sell.
  8. Investment in Value Addition: With improved access to markets, farmers may be more inclined to invest in value addition activities such as processing and packaging. This can increase the value of their agricultural products and open up new marketing opportunities.
  9. Job Creation: Road construction and maintenance also create jobs in rural areas, which can have a positive impact on the local economy and increase the purchasing power of rural communities, further boosting the marketing of agricultural produce.
  10. Attracting Investments: Good road infrastructure can attract private sector investments in logistics and agribusiness, further strengthening the agricultural supply chain and marketing opportunities.

However, it’s essential to note that the impact of road networks on agricultural marketing can be influenced by factors such as the quality of roads, their maintenance, the presence of supporting infrastructure (such as cold storage facilities), and government policies related to transportation and trade. Additionally, while road networks can bring numerous benefits, they must be developed and managed sustainably to minimize negative environmental and social impacts.