Need For Quality Department And Control In A Manufacture Industry

5 Chapters
52 Pages
5,297 Words

In the manufacturing industry, the establishment of a robust quality department and effective quality control processes is imperative for ensuring the production of high-quality goods. Quality control encompasses a systematic approach to inspecting, testing, and evaluating products at various stages of the manufacturing process. This meticulous scrutiny helps identify and rectify defects, ensuring that the final output meets stringent standards. A well-structured quality department plays a pivotal role in orchestrating these control measures, overseeing the adherence to industry-specific regulations, and guaranteeing customer satisfaction. By implementing rigorous quality control measures, manufacturers can enhance their reputation, mitigate risks associated with subpar products, and ultimately achieve operational excellence. The integration of a quality department is not only a regulatory necessity but also a strategic imperative that contributes to the sustained success of a manufacturing enterprise.


This research work appraises “the need for quality determination and control in a manufacturing industry” The research identifies the need objectives and significance of quality determination and control and also the problems which manufacturing industry encounters in determining quality in a product. It identifies the role quality determination plays in the production sector the main aim of every producer is to produce goods with good quality that can be bold for a profit because good quality improves the development of the company. It also prove to the manufactures that a quality product is an asset to the form. In the sense that consumer are after good quality product.


Title page
Approval page
Table of content

1.0 Introduction
1.1 Background of the study
1.2 Statement of problem
1.3 Objectives of the study
1.4 Significance of the study
1.5 Scope of the study
1.6 Limitation of the study

2.0 Literature review
2.1 Introduction (definition of terms)
2.2 Other function of the topic

3.0 Research design and methodology
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Sources/ methods of data collection
3.3 Sample technique
3.4 Method of data analysis

4.0 Presentation and of data
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Presentation of data
4.3 Analysis of data

5.0 Summary, conclusion and recommendation
5.1 Summary
5.2 Conclusion
5.3 Recommendation



The main aim of every company/industry is to produce goods and services with good quality that can be bold for a profit. This could be achieved if only these products are manufactured in large quality in order to satisfy the basic needs of the consumers, because good quality improves the development of the industry.
Nigerians does not recommend locally made goods as good as those made abroad. To see the best quality in goods, some companies assigned quality control responsibility to various departments. The need for this good quality products is not new neither did it start in this point in time it started from our forefathers during the area of industrial revolution to prove the fact that some products produced were demanded more than others.
The good quality control cannot be our looked due to the danger associated with poor quality products. Poor drugs causes death or deformities.
Again the quality of the product cannot be regarded as a good quality unfill proper inspection made by the quality control and inspection department both on physical and technical aspects or knowledge.
Many organizations includes the purchasing department because of procurement of raw materials and their cost consciousness in the quality determination and control functions. Now the researcher would address their mind on the definition and explanation of quality in order to enable both producers and customers understand the subject matter of this researcher project.
According to Shubin (1957:34) been product quality as composition strength, shape, dimension, workmanship, colour and finish.
To make this more understandable, it will be wise to explain what quality determination and control stands for. Lee et al (1979:42) words sated on two major consideration.
(a) The technical consideration of suitability
(b) The economic consideration of price and availability
Here, the engineering join the sales and production to see the suitability of a material while purchasing based on the economic consideration which based on source and price of material.
The basic concern of the researcher is to know who determines and controls quality in a manufacturing industry and the purchasing work. And also to address the mind on how product quality can be controlled and improved in the manufacturing industry.
A quality product is an asset to the firm. Quality has been one of the hot topics in the 1989 is and 1990’s there has been efforts to increase quality and decrease cost. As global competition intensifies for large and small business more intensifies calls for quality. Quality is the most powerful weapon of a manufacturing industry.
Surveys shows that a high percentage of consumers are willing to pay for quality. Poor quality products results to loss of customers and loyal suits for damages caused by injuries from products.

Now consumers and always after good quality products. The satisfaction of the consumers is the main focus of every manufacturing industry/ organization through market report in the production of the goods with quality has more demand in the market. Most times poor quality products causes ineffective production and the success of an organization/ industry lies upon immediate supervision in the production sector since they are sole responsible for directing it towards the goods.
According to Osuala (1987:68) the statement of research problem serves to elaborate upon the information in the title of the study. This study is concerned with quality determination and control in a manufacturing industry. Below are the important problem question for this study:-
(i) Does the product confirm to specification?
(ii) Does product confirm to the targeted standard?
(iii) Is the net weight of the product up to the requirement?

In this research work there are some objectives that need to be born in mind as regard to quality determination and control such as:
(i) To monitor production through many stages of manufacturing.
(ii) To establish standards in quality
(iii) To take corrective measure/ actions
(iv) To ascertain in conformity to product
(v) To prepare and improve standard for the product

(i) The researcher’s report will go a long way in giving the production department necessary guideline in maintaining standard and also reach out to review the cause of inequality process in the industries
(ii) It will help the quality control manager to adopt a suitable solution in a portion process.
(iii) It will project consumer from accepting a product containing high number of detective
(iv) It will encourage the producer to keep the process in control and full information about the quality of the. goods being produced.

This research work covers the quality control process problems and solution to the manufacturing industries in the sense that it is:
(i) To ensure that finished products suits/ meet required standard to present the consumers with a product that is consistently within standards, to cover a coordinated programme combining the efforts of the various group quality development such as improvement and quality maintenance etc and also to cover an area of quality control programme focus in areas of plant operations.

At the course of this research work there are so many limitations at the process such as:-
(i) TIME CONSTRAIN: The was limited time to gather information for this work due to other academic responsibilities
(ii) LACK OF FINANCE: There was not enough money to finance this work since it involves gathering information from different sources.
(iii) UNAVAILABILITY OF MATERIALS: This was the major limitation I encountered in the course of this work, I find it difficult to get book materials that are accurate, no- book material his the subject matter under consideration.



Need For Quality Department And Control In A Manufacture Industry:

The Quality Department and Control are essential components of any manufacturing industry for various reasons:

Customer Satisfaction: Ensuring product quality is crucial for customer satisfaction. High-quality products are more likely to meet customer expectations and result in repeat business and positive reviews.

Compliance with Standards: Many industries have specific quality standards and regulations that must be followed. A Quality Department ensures that products meet these standards, reducing the risk of legal issues or fines.

Cost Reduction: Implementing quality control measures can reduce the number of defective products. This, in turn, reduces waste and rework costs. It also minimizes the likelihood of costly recalls.

Improved Efficiency: Quality control processes can identify and address production inefficiencies, resulting in better resource utilization and cost savings.

Competitive Advantage: High-quality products can give a company a competitive edge. Customers are often willing to pay more for superior quality, and this can help a company differentiate itself from competitors.

Risk Mitigation: A well-functioning Quality Department can identify and address potential quality issues before they become significant problems. This proactive approach reduces the risk of major product failures or safety issues.

Continuous Improvement: Quality control processes encourage a culture of continuous improvement. By analyzing data and feedback, a company can identify areas for enhancement in both products and processes.

Supply Chain Management: Ensuring the quality of incoming materials and components is essential for maintaining product quality. The Quality Department can work with suppliers to establish quality standards and monitor their adherence.

Employee Engagement: Employees are more likely to be engaged and take pride in their work when they know their efforts contribute to high-quality products. A well-implemented quality control system can improve employee morale.

Data-Driven Decision-Making: Quality control generates a wealth of data that can be used for analysis and decision-making. This data can help identify trends, root causes of defects, and areas for improvement.

Customer Complaint Resolution: The Quality Department plays a crucial role in investigating and resolving customer complaints related to product quality. Prompt and effective resolution can protect a company’s reputation.

Risk Management: Identifying potential risks in the manufacturing process and supply chain allows a company to develop strategies for mitigating those risks, reducing the likelihood of disruptions.

In summary, the Quality Department and Control in a manufacturing industry are essential for maintaining product quality, complying with regulations, reducing costs, ensuring customer satisfaction, and ultimately, achieving long-term success and competitiveness in the market.