Needs For Effective Store Security In Stare Operation

4 Chapters
40 Pages
4,991 Words

Ensuring effective store security in retail operations is essential for safeguarding assets, minimizing losses, and fostering a safe environment for both customers and employees. Robust store security encompasses various measures, including physical security features such as surveillance cameras, alarm systems, and access control mechanisms to deter theft and vandalism. Additionally, implementing stringent inventory management protocols, including regular audits and inventory tracking software, helps in detecting and preventing internal theft or inventory shrinkage. Training employees on security procedures, customer engagement techniques, and recognizing suspicious behavior enhances vigilance and responsiveness. Collaborating with local law enforcement and utilizing data analytics to identify patterns of theft or security breaches enables proactive interventions. Regular risk assessments and updates to security protocols ensure adaptability to evolving threats, ultimately bolstering the resilience and reputation of the retail establishment in the competitive market landscape.


Title page
Approval page
Table of contents

Chapter One
1.0 Introduction
1.1 Background of the study
1.2 Statement of the study
1.3 The objectives of the study
1.4 The significant of study
1.5 Research questions
1.6 The scope of study
1.7 The limitation
1.8 Definition

Chapter Two
2.1 Meaning of store keeping
2.2 Store security function in an organization
2.3 The role & qualities of a good security
2.4 The functions of the store security
2.5 Duties & responsibilities of store security functions
2.6 Security and safety of stores
2.7 Methods of store security
2.8 Security of stores outside normal hours

Chapter Three
Discussion of major findings from the conceptual literature.

Chapter Four
Summary, Conclusion, & Recommendations
4.1 summary
4.2 conclusion
4.3 Recommendation
4.4 Bibliography
4.5 Appendix


The stores function is a vial part of industrial concerns, public & private utility undertaking agricultural enterprises, maniple authorities, aimed service and government department and it must be design to suit the needs of the organization it services. There, is therefore, no standard system which can be universally recommended or applied but, in this course of time, certain principles and practices of more or less general application have been evolved. In this book it is proposed of examine at length some of these principles and practices but it must always to born in mind that the conditions of operation are very diverse.
The importance of efficient storage and central of stock in indicated by the fact that according to the monthly digests of statistics published by him. Stationery office the total value of stores in stock in the United Kingdom exceed 13.000m.
Store security is a systematic procedure of recording transaction in the store, so that at any time, the stock will show the actual stock position at each material held within the stores organization. In organization where receiving function store security spans through initiating purchasing. Inspection operations and receipt stock items, documentation to the issuing of material to user department of presentation of authorization (authority notes).There is no universally recommended system of operation in different organization but the basic principles are the same. Thus, if these principles are properly, mastered then adoption to any situation or condition will be an easy task.
Store security provides a supportive role to the functional areas of the organization, without which no organization can operate efficiency and effectively. In industrial concern, store security provides and any service which lead to the production.

The need for effective store security in an organization can not be overstated. This is more important when there is need to maintain efficient and effective inventory central and management in an organization. The following problems have been identified by the research.
1. Store keeping and store keepers have no serious role in inventory management in the organization.
2. Most personnel involve in store security and store controls in an organization are not experienced and skilled in the areas of inventory management.
3. The position of inventory control unit in the organization structure has negative effect of the activities of the store keeper.
4. Store security function is not recognized by top management as very essential
5. The process of store keeping has move from minor to computerize system. There has not any effort by top management to expose staff in value in store keeping the computer has to enable them acquire the needed skills and techniques

In the light of the above problems, the researcher believe that the study will achieve the following objectives.
(1) Examining if store security and store keeping are recognized and giving there proper place in an organization
(2) To investigate management feelings and believe with regards to store security and store keeping as a profit making tool or otherwise
(3) To find out the experience and qualification of all store keeping personnel with a view of determining there impact in the efficient and the effective management of inventory in lower brothers
(4) To examine passed present and future human development programs of the organization especially in the area of computer training skill acquisition and other improvement programmes.
(5) To find out the effects of the position of store security unit in an organization structure with a view to find out if the position has effect on its function and activities.
(6) To examine records, procedures and policy manuals with respect to store keeping activities in the organization.

The need for effective store security in the store operation both in the public and private sector cannot be over stated. Since stock is regarded as cask and should be managed. Therefore, this study will be relevant in the following ways:
To write this study will help in no small measure in shaping their research skill and at the same time, this study is a requirement for the award of National Diploma in purchasing and supply management. For without it, the researcher will not be able to obtain this certificate.
Also, the study when completed will be relevant to all manufacturing firms at maintain store keeping function serious as an important role in the store operation. The stuffy will create the needed awareness and may result into them to start by appreciating storekeeping a necessary function.
Finally, this study will be also relevant to other students who may be interested in carrying out further study on the role of storekeeping in materials management as it will serve as the source date for their own research work

The research questions from this research work are as follows:
1) Why is it that effective store security in an organization are over stated.
2) Is there anything like store security in your organization
3) Which ways does store security provides a supportive role to the functional areas of the organization
4) Is store security function recognized by the top management as a essential part.
5) Can store security advocate an organization to achieve their stated goals

This study would have be more fruitful, if it would have cover all the materials management until of all manufacturing companies in Nigeria, but for obvious reason the researcher decided to concentrate on the inventory control, stores and purchasing department of florida Bookshop limited Owerri with the hope that information of things from this unit and department will give a general picture of situation in other inventory stores and purchasing department in the entire industry Vise-via the role of a store security in material management.

The study can be limited when the student need to go round for more research to make them enlighten and know what the thing or topic they are saying is all about but due to studies lectures in the school draw them back for not going for investigation
Lack of money can be cause the limitation of the study, because the student at times, will not have enough money to transport his or herself to the company to know the topic all about.
Some companies hide their inventories balance over the stock in the stores for the student not to know, by doing
-these the researcher can not know what his or her topic is all about
Rain can cause the limitation of the study during the raining season mostly is the time we are doing our research, the student may want to go to the place (company) to do some research but due to the rain has meet him or her, the person may decided no to go again or even went to sleep on the way which will cause him more money to fine a place to sleep because of the rain

(1) MARSHALLING: The process of selection and collecting together all items which are to be sent out at the same time to the same consignee
(2) DISPATCH: This refers to items being selected from stock and then loaded and subsequently delivered to their given destination.
(3) STOCK TAKING: This involves verifying the quality balances of the entire range of items held in stock.
(4) STOCK CHECKING: This refers to stock on physical quantities when may be applied either regularity or inter intently
(5) SECURITY: It is a process taken to guard against theft, burglary, fire incident, etc on materials or goods stored in the store house.





Needs For Effective Store Security In Stare Operation:

Effective store security is essential for the successful operation of a retail store. It helps protect both the store’s assets and the safety of employees and customers. Here are some key needs and considerations for effective store security in a retail operation:

Surveillance Cameras:
High-quality surveillance cameras positioned strategically throughout the store can deter theft and provide evidence in case of incidents.
Ensure good coverage of critical areas such as entrances, exits, cash registers, and high-value merchandise sections.
Use digital video recorders (DVRs) or network video recorders (NVRs) to store and access video footage.

Alarm Systems:
Install intrusion alarm systems to detect unauthorized access outside of business hours.
Connect alarms to a monitoring service that can dispatch security or law enforcement in case of a breach.
Consider using panic alarms for employees to alert authorities in emergencies.

Access Control:
Implement access control systems to limit entry to authorized personnel only.
Use key cards, PIN codes, or biometric systems to control access to stockrooms, offices, and other sensitive areas.
Regularly review and update access permissions as employees come and go.

Adequate lighting both inside and outside the store helps deter criminals by reducing hiding spots.
Use motion-activated lighting in areas like parking lots and loading docks to save energy and improve security.

Security Personnel:
Employ security guards to patrol the store during business hours.
Uniformed guards can act as a visible deterrent to potential thieves.
Plainclothes security personnel can monitor the store discreetly to identify and prevent theft.

Employee Training:
Train employees in security protocols and awareness.
Teach them how to handle suspicious behavior and shoplifting incidents without putting themselves at risk.
Encourage reporting of security concerns to management.

Inventory Control:
Implement inventory control systems to track merchandise movement accurately.
Conduct regular audits to identify discrepancies and potential theft.
Use anti-shoplifting devices like security tags and electronic article surveillance (EAS) systems.

Cash Handling Procedures:
Establish strict cash handling procedures to prevent employee theft and fraud.
Use cash management systems like safes, cash drawers with limited access, and regular cash drops to minimize the amount of cash on hand.

Protect customer and business data by implementing robust cybersecurity measures for point-of-sale (POS) systems and online sales platforms.
Train employees to recognize and respond to phishing attempts and other cyber threats.

Emergency Response Plan:
Develop a comprehensive emergency response plan that covers situations like robberies, fires, medical emergencies, and natural disasters.
Conduct regular drills to ensure employees are prepared to respond appropriately.

Customer Safety:
Ensure that security measures do not compromise customer safety or experience.
Clearly mark emergency exits, keep aisles clear, and maintain fire safety equipment.

Legal Compliance:
Stay updated on local, state, and federal laws related to store security, including video surveillance, employee background checks, and use of force by security personnel.
Comply with privacy laws when collecting and storing customer data through surveillance systems.

Effective store security requires a multi-faceted approach that considers both physical and digital threats while safeguarding employees and customers. Regular assessments and updates to security protocols are essential to adapt to changing circumstances and security risks.