Procedures And Problems Of International Purchasing In Economy

(A Case Study Of Stallion Motors Transamadi Port Harcourt)

5 Chapters
69 Pages
7,988 Words

International purchasing in the economy refers to the processes and challenges involved in acquiring goods and services from foreign suppliers to meet domestic demand or expand market reach. This multifaceted undertaking encompasses various procedures, including sourcing suppliers, negotiating contracts, arranging logistics, and managing payments. One of the primary problems encountered in international purchasing is navigating complex trade regulations and tariffs, which can significantly impact costs and lead to logistical delays. Additionally, currency exchange fluctuations pose a significant risk, affecting the affordability of imported goods and potentially impacting profit margins. Cultural differences and language barriers further complicate negotiations and relationship-building with overseas suppliers, requiring effective communication strategies and cultural sensitivity. Supply chain disruptions, such as natural disasters or political instability in supplier countries, also pose significant challenges to international purchasing efforts, necessitating robust risk management strategies and alternative sourcing options. Overall, successful international purchasing in the economy demands meticulous planning, strategic decision-making, and proactive risk mitigation to navigate the diverse array of challenges and capitalize on the opportunities presented by global markets.


This research project intends to explore the procedures and problems of international purchasing in Nigeria economy
I deemed it necessary since this research topic is unique to industries in Nigeria, and environmental practice research was carried out on Stallion Motors transamadi Port Harcourt, which was used to generalize the project objectives.


Title page i
Approval page ii
Dedication iii
Acknowledgement iv
Abstract v
Table of contents vi

1.0 Introduction
1.1 Background of the study
1.2 Statement of the problem
1.3 Objectives of the study
1.4 Significance of the study
1.5 Research question
1.6 Statement of Hypothesis
1.7 Scope of the study
1.8 Limitation of the study
1.9 Definition of terms

2.0 Literature review
2.1 Meaning of international purchasing
2.2 The procedures for international purchasing
2.3 Sourcing and selection supplier overseas
2.4 Factors influencing international purchasing
2.5 Problems of purchasing abroad
2.6 Reasons for purchasing abroad

3.0 Research design and methodology
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Research design
3.3 Questionnaire design
3.4 Population and sample size
3.5 Sample of data
3.6 Primary source
3.6.1 Secondary source
3.7 Survey method
3.8 Observation
3.9 Method of data analysis

4.0 Presentation and analysis of data
4.1 Presentation of data
4.2 Analysis of data
4.3 Test of hypothesis
4.4 Decision Rule

5.1 Summary, recommendation and conclusion
5.2 Summary
5.3 Conclusion
5.4 Recommendation
Appendix 1


In the present day economic challenging phenomenon, both importing and exporting organization fare a challenges either through increase competition in terms of product differentiation, price, services etc or through changing rules and regulation is political, legal, economic, social etc or through development of new technology and information techniques.
There are challenges which effective purchasing and supplier manager is deemed proficiently to handle and employ profitability in order to assert its position as a planner and consultant.
The other words, what is purchasing? Purchasing is a managerial process that goes beyond simply buying materials, it is also that department that sees that materials and services are provided at the lowest cost which is compatible with suitable quality.
In that case, our main topic which is on international purchasing, the act of purchasing abroad or which mean purchasing externally those items in which you know you can not get economically in domestic market.
The procedures, of international purchasing include the identification of the need to the final receipt of the goods by the user department. This includes all the processes to be done till the final stock is delivered in this research; we are going to discuss the procedures and problems of international purchasing in Nigeria Economy.

The procedures and problems of international purchasing in Nigeria Economic. A case Study of Stallion Motors Ltd Port-Harcourt.
This study is carried out in a well known company that has the similar features of representing others known as stallion motors limited Port Harcourt kia motors under the umbrella of stallion motors limited port Harcourt was founded in 1944 before, it was known as a car manufacturer, it was a car guide 123.
Kia motors are South Korea’s Second largest automobile manufacturer having sold over eighteen million cars in 2010.
The World Kia is derived from Korean words meaning “to arise to the world out of Asia”, with its headquarters in Seoul, the company is partially owned by the Hyundai Kia Hyouny-Keun (Hank) lee leads the company’s global operations from the headquaters in Seoul North American and European arms are operated by Kia Motors American and Kia motors Europe respectively.
Since 2005, kia has focused on the European market and has identified “design as its core future growth engine” – leading to the hiring of perterschreyer in 2006 as Chief design officer and his subsequent creation of a new corporate grille known as the Tiger Nose.
It has an employees of 42,000 as of November 2010 over their branches in content especially stallion motors limited Port-Harcourt (Kia Motors).

This study try to examine the major problem involved in international purchasing in our economy.
The problem includes the following:
i. There is always predetermination of price fluctuation
ii. Arbitration problem and legal procedures
iii. Non-existence of purchasing department and non-professional purchasing officer handling the department
iv. Inadequate information that will help in procurement of raw materials and goods
v. Government policy or rules and regulations regarding international business and
vi. Language problems etc.

This study is designed to evaluate the procedures and problems of international purchasing in Nigeria Economy. The objectives of the study are:
To find out the methods/the company adopt in importing abroad.
To determine the obstacles the organization face when purchasing abroad.
To examine the nature of international purchasing in our economy
To know the problems organization encounter when buying abroad.

The significance of the study includes:
a. This study is meant for the researcher to know the significance of research work and its benefit.
b. It is also meant for the award of higher national Diploma
c. The study will help management in a company to understand the effectiveness of purchasing professionals in the profitability of the organization.
d. It is meant to understand the constraint that some companies face during the process of purchasing has contributed to the growth of the Nigeria Economy despite the challenges the importing company encounter.

a. Does your organization encounter problems in purchasing vehicles abroad?
b. Does legal restriction made by government affect your importation from abroad?
c. Does your company has a clearing officer or an agent?
d. What are the obstacles you encounter when clearing the goods at the port?
e. Do you have a qualified purchaser handling the purchasing?

Hi: There are constraints faced by the company when importing abroad.
Ho: There are no constraints faced by the company when importing abroad.
Hi: Legal restrictions affect the company in carrying out international purchasing effectively
Ho: Legal restrictions do not affect the company in carrying out international purchasing effectively

This research focuses particularly on procedures and problems of international purchasing in our economy.
In other words, these research would have cover the companies or industries in our economy, but because of some reasons and the level of the researcher, it was limited to stallion motors, Port Harcourt.

The researcher being a student was faced with a lot of constraints in the course of carrying out the study which includes:
a. Financial constraints
b. Seasonal weather
c. Lectures
d. Lack of adequate materials
As a student, the problem lies as a result of transportation and feeding because of the scarcity of fuel and the distance, it was not easy for me to be transporting from school to the company.
The seasonal condition or weather was another problem that limit to this study in the sense that some times, it was not easy for me to go under rain, coupled with heavy rain fall every day.
This is another problem, the time use in attending to my lectures, was the time I could have use in going to this company
This also posed as a constraint to the study.

The definition of terms of the research work is as follows:
PURCHASING: (Business) the actively of buying things especially for a company
ECONOMY: Relationship between production, trade and the supply of money in a particular country.
A country which you are thinking about its economic system.
PROCEDURES: A way of doing things especially the usual or correct way; the official or formal order or way of doing thing especially in business, law or politics.
IMPORTATION: The act of bringing a product or service into one country from another. A product or service that is brought into one country from another.
QUOTA: Act of reducing the volume of goods that is bring inside the country. That is a device through which government agencies restrict the quality of goods and services that the international buyer or seller can bring in and out of the country for economic reasons.
ARBITRATIONS: This is a situation where the two parties had a dispute between them and the third party (the Arbitrator) came settle the disputes.
SOURCING: Is an identification and development of suitable sources of supply



Procedures And Problems Of International Purchasing In Economy:

International purchasing, also known as global sourcing or international procurement, involves buying goods and services from suppliers located in different countries. It can be a complex process with various procedures and problems that organizations need to navigate. Here are some key procedures and problems associated with international purchasing in the global economy:

Procedures of International Purchasing:

Supplier Identification: Identifying potential suppliers in foreign markets is the first step. This involves market research, supplier evaluations, and establishing relationships.

Sourcing Strategy: Developing a sourcing strategy that considers factors such as cost, quality, lead times, and geopolitical risks. This may involve deciding whether to source globally, regionally, or locally.

Negotiation: Negotiating terms and conditions with international suppliers, including price, payment terms, quality standards, and delivery schedules. Language and cultural differences can pose challenges in negotiations.

Logistics and Transportation: Planning the logistics and transportation of goods, including selecting shipping methods, customs clearance, and managing the movement of products across borders.

Legal and Compliance: Ensuring compliance with international trade laws, regulations, and customs requirements, including import/export licenses and documentation.

Risk Assessment: Assessing and managing risks associated with international purchasing, such as currency fluctuations, political instability, and supply chain disruptions.

Quality Control: Implementing quality control measures to ensure that the purchased products meet the required standards and specifications.

Problems of International Purchasing:

Currency Exchange Risk: Fluctuations in exchange rates can affect the cost of imported goods and impact profitability.

Political and Geopolitical Risks: Political instability, trade disputes, and changes in government policies can disrupt supply chains and impact international purchasing decisions.

Language and Cultural Barriers: Communication challenges and cultural differences can lead to misunderstandings and complicate negotiations.

Supplier Reliability: Reliability and performance of foreign suppliers may be uncertain, leading to supply chain disruptions.

Quality Control: Ensuring consistent product quality and compliance with international standards can be challenging when dealing with distant suppliers.

Customs and Import/Export Regulations: Navigating complex customs and import/export regulations in different countries can be time-consuming and costly.

Lead Time and Distance: Longer lead times and greater distances can increase the risk of delays and affect inventory management.

Tariffs and Duties: Tariffs and import duties imposed by governments can significantly impact the cost of imported goods.

Supply Chain Complexity: Managing a complex global supply chain with multiple suppliers and transportation links can be challenging.

Ethical and Sustainability Concerns: Ensuring that suppliers adhere to ethical and sustainability standards can be a growing concern for organizations.

Global Economic Conditions: Economic downturns or crises in different regions can affect demand, supply, and pricing dynamics.

To mitigate these problems and optimize international purchasing, organizations often invest in supply chain visibility, risk management strategies, supplier relationship management, and technology solutions that improve communication and streamline processes. Adapting to changing global conditions and staying informed about international trade regulations is also crucial for success in international purchasing.