Strategies To Enhance Teaching And Learning Of Computer Science In Secondary School

5 Chapters
68 Pages
11,466 Words

The enhancement of teaching and learning in computer science at the secondary school level involves employing a diverse array of pedagogical approaches and resources. It necessitates a dynamic blend of interactive methodologies, innovative curriculum design, and the integration of modern technologies. Incorporating hands-on coding projects, collaborative problem-solving activities, and real-world applications can foster a more engaging and effective learning environment. Additionally, leveraging educational software, online platforms, and relevant industry simulations can provide students with practical experiences, bridging the gap between theoretical concepts and practical application. Ensuring that educators stay abreast of the latest advancements in the field and continuously update their teaching methods is crucial. By embracing a holistic approach that encompasses both theoretical knowledge and practical skills, educators can create a more enriching and empowering learning experience for students in the realm of computer science at the secondary school level.


The present study is undertaken to determine the various strategies to enhance teaching and learning of computer science in secondary schools.
The major findings were that employing qualified and professional teachers and the creation of a conducive academic environment and PTA body could enhance the teaching and learning of computer science. The need for the provision of financial support by some philanthropists and communities will also enhance the teaching and learning of computer science in secondary schools.
Computer science, is science subjects who are concerned with gaining knowledge about man’s contained search for a toll that will enable him meet his computation and data processing requirement with a minimal, manual and mental effort.
Consequently, the educational implication of this finding has a for reaching effect on both the society and the general economy. Thus, a society without a computer literate workforce will definitely lack behind in an age that is variously regarded as a digital age information age and millennium era and computer age.

According to the Oxford Advanced Dictionary strategy is define as plan that is intended to achieve a particular purpose or process of learning into something. In other words, it can be the process of putting a plan into operation in a skillful way.

It means to increase or further improve the good quality value or status o f something. It is also opportunity to the reputation of the company.

Gage (1994:4) observed teaching as any interpersonal influence aimed at changing the ways in which other persons can or will behave.
In other words, teaching deal of a particular person or group especially about political, region or society, that is taught to other people.
Teaching is a systematic, rational and organized process of transmitting knowledge, attitudes, and skills in accordance with professional principal principles.
According to Thompson (1969) observed that teaching identifies with communication, which involves the transmission of information from senders to receiver and from receivers to senders.

Oxford Advanced Dictionary defined learning as the process of gaining knowledge through reading and studying. It is also the relative change in human behaviour as a result of experience, training and the ability of acquiring knowledge through reading and writing.
Reinhold (1964) defined computer as an electronic device that are capable to accept data as an input, process it before given it out as a result or information. He further defined computer as any electronic device that performs calculation and process information.

This is a system for organizing the knowledge about a particular subject especially, one concern with aspects of human behaviour or society

The importance of computer cannot be over-emphasized considering its assistance to mankind in terms of business, industry, Government and law enforcement, banks, in biological, physical and social sciences, chemistry and physics, fine art, education and in home etc.
For instance, the computer is playing an increasingly important role in society, particularly in industrially developed countries. Its usage can be seen in various ways, which includes: –
– It helps to find a move in a game of chess
– It helps to transfer finds from one bank to another
– It helps to calculate their employee’s wages and print pay roll cheque.
– It helps record the amount of money deposited and withdrawn by customers for type setting books, magazine and documents.
– It stores a vast amount of data.
– It checks tax returns each year
– To finger print daily
– To store even crime statistics, license numbers of store cars in the computer database.
– To plan troop man over.
– To analyze experiment data used to guide telescope and other objects in space.
– To find out various major illness (e.g. in diagnosing brain turners and certain other disorders.
– It is also used for lectures through a step-by-step lesson.
Used to play the music stored in our CD-ROM used to scan picture into document for publishing used for sending mail to a friend across the globe.



Strategies To Enhance Teaching And Learning Of Computer Science In Secondary School

Enhancing the teaching and learning of computer science in secondary schools requires a multi-faceted approach that combines effective pedagogy, engaging resources, and supportive learning environments. Here are some strategies to help achieve this goal:

Teacher Training and Professional Development:
Provide ongoing training and professional development opportunities for computer science teachers. This should include updates on the latest programming languages, technologies, and teaching methods.
Encourage teachers to earn relevant certifications, attend workshops, and participate in online courses to stay up-to-date with industry trends and best practices.

Curriculum Development:
Develop a comprehensive and up-to-date computer science curriculum that covers a wide range of topics, including coding, algorithms, data structures, computer hardware, software development, and cybersecurity.
Align the curriculum with national or state standards and frameworks for computer science education.

Hands-on Learning:
Emphasize hands-on learning experiences, including coding projects and practical exercises, to reinforce theoretical concepts.
Encourage students to work on real-world projects and participate in coding competitions or hackathons.

Interactive Resources:
Utilize interactive learning resources such as coding platforms, online tutorials, and educational apps to make learning more engaging and accessible.
Incorporate multimedia, simulations, and gamification to capture students’ interest.

Diverse Learning Pathways:
Recognize that students have different learning styles and paces. Offer various learning pathways, such as differentiated instruction, to accommodate diverse needs.
Provide opportunities for advanced students to pursue more challenging topics and projects.

Collaboration and Peer Learning:
Promote collaborative learning by organizing group projects, coding clubs, or coding camps.
Encourage peer teaching and support networks among students.

Real-world Relevance:
Connect computer science concepts to real-world applications and industries to demonstrate the relevance of the subject.
Invite guest speakers or arrange field trips to tech companies or research institutions.

Inclusive and Diverse Classrooms:
Foster an inclusive and diverse classroom environment where all students feel welcome and represented.
Address gender and diversity gaps in computer science by promoting diversity and equity initiatives.

Assessment and Feedback:
Use a variety of assessment methods, including coding assessments, projects, quizzes, and peer evaluations, to gauge students’ understanding and progress.
Provide constructive feedback to help students improve their coding and problem-solving skills.

Supportive Technology Infrastructure:
Ensure that schools have adequate computer labs, software, and hardware resources to facilitate effective teaching and learning.
Consider providing access to cloud-based development environments to enable coding practice from anywhere.

Community Engagement:
Engage with the local tech community and industry partners to create internship opportunities, mentorship programs, and guest lectures.
Involve parents and guardians in computer science education by organizing informational sessions and showcasing student projects.

Continuous Improvement:
Collect feedback from students, teachers, and parents to continuously improve the computer science program.
Stay updated on advancements in technology and education methods to adapt and evolve the curriculum as needed.

By implementing these strategies, secondary schools can enhance the teaching and learning of computer science, preparing students for future careers in technology and fostering a deeper understanding of this increasingly important field.