Identification Of Difficult Teaching Topics In Integrated Science In Junior Secondary Schools

(Case Study Of Enugu Urban Area In Enugu State)

5 Chapters
60 Pages
7,482 Words

In junior secondary school education, identifying challenging teaching topics in integrated science is a critical endeavor. The multifaceted nature of integrated science demands a nuanced approach to pinpoint areas that students find particularly challenging. Teachers must navigate through diverse subjects like physics, chemistry, and biology, recognizing the intricacies that may pose difficulties for students. Addressing these challenges requires a comprehensive understanding of the interconnectedness of scientific concepts and a strategic teaching approach that caters to the diverse learning styles within the classroom. By dissecting the curriculum and assessing students’ grasp on topics such as chemical reactions, ecological systems, and force and motion, educators can tailor their teaching methods to enhance comprehension and engagement, fostering a more effective learning environment.


Identification of difficult teaching topics in integrated science and the causes of their difficulty were carried out in the research. Questionnaire was used to elicit the require information and the results obtained analyzed using mean and percentages. Results of the analysis showed that while some topics were difficult to the teachers. Other were easy. The causes of the difficulty as indicated were also found out.
Finally, recommendations were made bared on the research findings.


Title Page ii
Approval Page iii
Dedication iv
Acknowledgement v
Abstract vii
Table of Contents viii

Introduction 1
1.1 Background of the Study 1
1.2 Statement of Problem 4
1.3 Purpose of Study 5
1.4 Significance of the Study 5
1.5 Scope of the Study 6
1.6 Research Questions 6
1.7 Limitation of the Study 7

2.0 Literature Review 8
2.1 Nature and Structure of Integrated Science 8
2.2 Qualified Integrated Science Teachers 9
2.3 Facilities and Equipment 12
2.4 Area of Difficulties Topics in Integrated Science 14
2.5 Causes of these Difficult Teaching Topics 17
2.6 Teaching Methods 19
2.7 Approach to the Teaching of Integrated Sciences 21

3.0 Methodology 25
3.1 Design of the Study 25
3.2 Area of Study 25
3.3 Population of the Study 26
3.4 Sample and Sampling Techniques 26
3.5 Instrumentation 26
3.6 Validation and Reliability 27
3.7 Administration of Instruments 27
3.8 Methods of Data Analysis 27

4.0 Analysis and Discussion 29
4.1 Research Question One 29
4.2 Findings of some difficult Teaching Topic in
Integrated Science by Teachers 32
4.3 Analysis of the Results 37

Findings, Summary and Recommendation 39
5.1 Findings 39
5.2 Summary 41
5.3 Recommendation 42
5.4 Area of Further Research 43
References 44
Appendix 48


Science and technology are concepts in national development which remain indelible in the mind of African and third world leaders according to Ochu and Ekezie (1974).
In Nigeria science was introduced into secondary school system as far back as (1880).
It was first taught as general science and later speared into physics, chemistry and biology. With the introduction of the core science subject, the general science came to be seen as the science subject which was suitable for the less able and it was recommended to the least science oriented and for those who do not intend to pursue science. Syllabus was therefore devised to contain basic elements of biology, chemistry and physics, which should be taught primarily to pupils in the low secondary school classes. (Anani 1977).
Although attempts were made to raise the status of general science with the introduction of a double credit O/level, yet people still questioned the rationale of mere putting together subjects. There was in the early sixties a new wave of thought about science in school rather than open into professional restricting under the conditions of normal classroom culture.
There is a hesitancy on the part of both school teachers to try out innovations in classroom teaching. Activities are rarely included in the classroom deliberation and laboratory programme are seldom organized as an opportunity of exploration. Agarkara (1998), stated that teachers learn very little from experience in the classroom on that capacity of mastering science and new technology logics. Since Iloputaife and Eze (1994) has tried to propose the following tasks.
Lip dating and improving the qualify of science teaching integrating scientific education and human features, developing a comprehensive approach for science curricula. Focus has been put on teachers processes so as to promote the teachers understanding of scientific method and rationality but the reality of lack of resources in most countries has impeded them adjusting both the contents of their curriculum and textbooks in consequence, and the training of their integrated science teachers which often remains of very poor quality. The curriculum is inter disciplinary and it is supposed to provide the teachers to see the concept and the pedagogical principles which unify the separate subject matter thus harmonizing the knowledge derived from the integrated.
The course is supposed to provide the teachers with a broad view of science which enlightens his interactions with his environment of this mental manipulative and social skills UNESCO – UNICEF (1971).
Essentially, integrated science is designed to develop interest in the teaching that his is encourage to pursue further student in science discipline.
Secondary school was to lay a solid foundation in the learners early study of science for further studied.
A significant proportion of Nigeria J.S.S integrated science. Teachers do not achieve as well as they should in integrated science examination, Iloputaife and Eze, (1994).

Based on the background of the study. Here, one or two problems are shown.
First, some teachers have the problems of finding some topics difficult to teach in integrated science. This was also confirmed by research evidence in Nigeria, Desai (1994) indicates low integrated science attainments of teachers. The condition was amplified by the alarming low number of qualified teachers in integrated science area irrespective of the crucial role of integrated science Neera (1996).
Second, as a result, there are some problems in the implementation of the curriculum Olarewaju (1987), besides achievement has been shown to be very low and unimpressive Okebukola and Jegede, (1999). These might negate the philosophy behind the introduction of the integrated science core curriculum as J.S.S leave. Also Jegede (1999) and Akueailo (1998) undependably in their studied tend to show that the teaching of integrated science in Nigerian secondary school are inadequate.

The purpose oft his study is to identify the difficult teaching topics in J.S. integrated science curriculum.
(a) In the relation to teachings area of specialization
(b) In relation to teachers qualification
(c) In relation to availability of instructional materials in Enugu urban area Enugu State.

The identification of these difficult teaching topics in integrated science will enlighten the teachers as well as government and expose them to the area they specialized on. Being aware of these, difficult topics school authority, the government and even the science teachers association of Nigeria will be of great help in planning in-service course for the teachers in those areas of science. This also brings to light the need of equipping higher institutions and universities preparing integrated science teachers with adequate training needed for planning and execution of integrated science in our secondary schools.
The exposure of these difficulty topics will motivate the integrated science authors and publishers to give a details attention on these different area in their write up.

The study was restricted to identification of difficult teaching topics in junior secondary schools in Enugu urban area Enugu State.

The following research questions are proposed.
1. What topics do the teachers find difficult in teaching J.S.S integrated science?
2. Why do teachers have difficulty in teaching those identified topics in integrated science?
3. How can the difficulty in teaching those topics be remedied?
4. What influence has experience on the identification of topics as difficult?
5. What effects of qualification on finding a teaching topics difficult?
6. What effect has sex on findings a teaching topics difficult?
7. What is the effect of area of specialization in identification of a topics as difficult?
8. What in your opinion are the possible remedies the difficulty experienced?

Due to limited time, financial constraints and logistics the study was limited to secondary schools in Enugu urban area Enugu State. This study was also limited to a sample of teachers in junior secondary school in due sampled schools within the Enguu urban area in Enugu State.



Difficult Teaching Topics In Integrated Science In Junior Secondary Schools

Teaching integrated science in junior secondary schools can be challenging due to the diverse range of topics it covers and the need to ensure students have a solid foundation in various scientific disciplines. Here are some difficult teaching topics in integrated science for junior secondary schools:

Atomic Structure and Periodic Table: Understanding concepts like atomic structure, electron configuration, and the periodic table can be challenging for junior secondary students.

Chemical Reactions: Teaching chemical reactions, including balancing equations and understanding reaction types, can be complex.

Genetics and Heredity: Explaining the principles of genetics, including Punnett squares and inheritance patterns, may be difficult for students.

Human Reproduction and Development: Topics related to human reproduction, fertilization, embryonic development, and the menstrual cycle can be sensitive and challenging.

Ecosystems and Ecology: Teaching about ecosystems, food chains, and the complex interactions between organisms and their environment can be conceptually difficult.

Electricity and Magnetism: Concepts related to electrical circuits, magnetism, and electromagnetic waves can be abstract and challenging for students.

Cell Biology: Understanding the structure and function of cells, organelles, and cellular processes can be complex.

Climate Change and Environmental Issues: Discussing topics like climate change, pollution, and their impact on the environment requires a comprehensive understanding of interconnected scientific principles.

Chemical Bonding: Teaching the different types of chemical bonds, such as ionic and covalent bonds, can be challenging due to their abstract nature.

Force and Motion: Explaining concepts like Newton’s laws of motion and the principles of force and motion can be challenging for students without prior exposure to physics.

Geology and Plate Tectonics: Understanding the Earth’s structure, plate tectonics, and geological processes can be complex and require visualization.

Space and Astronomy: Teaching about the solar system, celestial objects, and the universe can be challenging due to the vastness of the subject matter.

To address these challenges, teachers can employ various strategies, such as hands-on experiments, visual aids, real-life examples, and interactive activities to make the topics more engaging and comprehensible for junior secondary students. Additionally, breaking down complex concepts into smaller, digestible parts and providing ample opportunities for student questions and discussions can help enhance their understanding of these difficult teaching topics in integrated science.