Student Teachers Challenges During Their Teaching Practice And Their Solution

(A Case Study Of Enugu State College Of Education (Technical) Enugu)

5 Chapters
70 Pages
8,528 Words

Navigating the intricate landscape of teaching practice poses myriad challenges for student teachers. The multifaceted nature of these hurdles includes adapting to diverse classroom dynamics, addressing varying learning styles, and managing classroom disruptions. The dynamic nature of educational environments demands an agile approach to pedagogy, where student teachers must grapple with the intricacies of engaging students with distinct learning preferences. Furthermore, striking a balance between adhering to curriculum guidelines and fostering creativity can be daunting. To overcome these challenges, student teachers benefit from mentorship programs, collaborative initiatives with experienced educators, and professional development opportunities that enhance their pedagogical skills. Emphasizing the importance of reflective practices and creating a supportive community within the educational sphere can contribute to the resilience and effectiveness of student teachers as they navigate the intricate landscape of teaching practice.


This research project is aimed at finding the challenges student teachers encountered during their teaching practice and the possible solutions. This is largely due to the strategic importance, concept significance of teaching practice in teacher education programme. This study was conducted in Enugu State College of Education (Technical) Enugu. The design used in for the study is simple survey while the sampling technique is simple random technique. The researchers used questionnaire to obtained the information relevant to the study the questionnaire has two section viz section A: deals with the student teachers personal information while section B show the exposure of the challenges. The questionnaire of course was administered to two hundred and sixty respondents which constitute our sample but one hundred and ninety eight questionnaires were returned after completion. The result of the data analysis indicated that seventeen challenges had been found facing student teachers during teaching practice. They are finance, transportation to school of teaching practice, lack of incentive communication barrier, misuse of teaching aids, difficulty in preparing lesson note, indiscipline and rude behavior of student teachers, overcrowded class, unfriendliness of principal inadequate provision of writing material, extra workload given to student teachers, lack of infrastructure, emotional feelings of the supervisor, extortion of money from student teachers, in scheduled visit and finally time. However there are also recommendation given by the researchers.


Title page
Approval page
Certification page
Table of content

Background of the study.
Statement of problem.
Purpose of the study.
Significance of the study
Scope of the study
Research question

Conceptual clarification
The concept of teaching practice
Objective of teaching practice
Significant of teaching practice
Challenges encountered by student teachers
during teaching practice
Summary of the reviewed literature

Design of the study
Area of Study
The Research Population
Sample and Sampling Techniques
Development of the Instrument
Method of data Collection
Validation of the Instrument
Method of data analysis

Presentation and Analysis
Research Question I
Research Question II
Research Question III
Research Question IV
Research Question V
Research Question VI

Summary of the challenges
Limitation of the study
Suggestion for further Study


Background of The Study
Education is a pre requisite for a nation’s development. It is the only process through which a human being is developed into useful citizenry. Hanson and Brebmeck in Ozochi (2008) defined education as a means through which men acquire the civilization of the past which enable them to take part in the civilization of the present in order to make civilization of the future. Fafunwa (2004) rightly pointed out Education involves a combination of physical training with character building and manual activity with intellectual training. Education may be regarded as a method of socializing humans and leading them out of ignorance ‘Enyi’ (2004). From these meanings given by various educationists one can confidently say that something worthwhile is being intentionally transmitted in a morally acceptable manner. For the development of the society people tend to look to education for the realization of their hopes and ambitions in most aspects of life.
Teaching the keyword of this act of transmission for the a development of the society. It’s the process of transmitting a worthwhile knowledge or aspect of culture from an older generation to a younger generation in a morally acceptable manner. To teach someone that something is the case does not mean merely get him to believe that such is the case, it also entails getting him to understand our reasons.
Professional teachers are most recognize in this aspect like some says if you can write your name thank your teacher. The National Policy on Education pointed out objectives of teacher education programme as follows:
To produce highly motivated, conscientious efficient classroom teachers for all levels of our educational system.
To encourage further the spirit on enquire creativity nationalism and sense of belonging
To help prospective teachers fit into the social life of the community.
To provide teachers with the intellectual and professional background adequate for their assignment and to make them adequate to any changing situation
To enhance teachers commitment to the teaching profession.
This means for a pre service students to be made certified and efficient teachers after their course programmes in education be it colleges of education, Universities etc one must undergone the practice of teaching. This they (student teachers) embrace in part, preparation for teaching.
Teaching practice is a crucial aspect of teacher preparatory programme. It is a period when student teachers are asked to put into practice the theories and principles of education which they have learnt in the classroom/school under the supervision of a certified teacher as part of a course to qualify as a teacher or a degree in Education. Student – teachers take a whole semester for this practice. According to Gesunde and Adebano in Olaitan (2003) in fairness to the teaching profession, the practical aspect of learning to teach is as important as the theoretical or academic aspect of it. Student teacher seem to be partially aware of the challenges they will encounter in classroom during the practice. So they first embrace micro teaching which goes a long way to helping them in preliminary experience of the teaching practice.
However, there are certain objectives of teaching practice for assessing student teachers. This includes:
Providence of opportunities for student teachers to acquire and prove teaching skill.
To help the student teachers to acquire and develop attitudes and how to bring about learning in children.
To help them (student teachers) acquire the knowledge of the behaviour and characteristics of a good teacher and how to dress appropriately for the profession.
Moreover the key actors in teaching practice includes:
The student teachers
The resident supervisors
The college, supervisors
The principals/heads of department of the cooperating schools.
This research examines the challenges student teachers encountered in secondary school during their teaching practice and their possible solution.

Statement of the Problem.
The world need a literate and environmentally aware citizenry and work force to help guide nations in implementing their sustainability plans. Since the teachers are an influencing factor and role model for learners, it is most desirable to have the right quality of person for this important role. On the other side, there are challenges militating the right condition made available to attract quality persons for the training.

Purpose of the Study
This purpose of this study is to investigate the challenges student teachers encountered during their teaching practice and their possible solution.
Significance of the Study
The research findings will assist curriculum planners, school authorities in emphasizing the challenges students encounter during their teaching practice. Also the research findings will assist the researchers, student teachers and teachers in the “transmitting profession”.

Scope of the Study
Due to certain constraints such as time and finance, this research is limited to the challenges which the student teachers encountered during their teaching practice using Enugu State College of Education (Technical).

Research Questions
The research aims at answering the following formulated research questions
1) Do student teachers encounter personal challenges during their teaching practice.
2) What are the challenges posed on the student teacher by the pupil in the classroom
3) What are the challenges associated with the practicing school
4) Do student teacher encounter challenges with the school management/organization.
5) What are the challenges associated with the supervisor during supervision.
6) What are the challenges posed by student teachers’ institution research questions.



Student Teachers Challenges During Their Teaching Practice And Their Solution

Student teachers often face various challenges during their teaching practice, also known as student teaching or practicum. These challenges can be both professional and personal in nature. Here are some common challenges and potential solutions:

1. Classroom Management:

Challenge: Maintaining discipline and control in the classroom can be challenging for student teachers, especially if they lack experience.
Observe experienced teachers to learn effective classroom management techniques.
Seek guidance from mentor teachers and ask for advice on specific situations.
Establish clear rules and expectations from the beginning and consistently enforce them.

2. Lesson Planning:

Challenge: Creating engaging and effective lesson plans that align with curriculum standards can be time-consuming and overwhelming.
Collaborate with mentor teachers and colleagues to share lesson planning ideas and resources.
Use templates or planning guides provided by the school or university.
Focus on a few well-designed lessons rather than trying to create elaborate plans for every class.

3. Adapting to Diverse Learners:

Challenge: Meeting the needs of students with varying abilities and learning styles can be a significant challenge.
Differentiate instruction to accommodate diverse learners by offering various learning activities and materials.
Seek guidance from special education specialists or counselors for students with special needs.
Build rapport with students to better understand their individual learning styles and needs.

4. Time Management:

Challenge: Balancing teaching responsibilities, lesson planning, grading, and personal life can be overwhelming.
Create a daily or weekly schedule to allocate time for different tasks.
Prioritize tasks and focus on the most critical ones first.
Learn to say no to additional commitments that might overload your schedule.

5. Feedback and Evaluation:

Challenge: Receiving constructive criticism and evaluations from mentors and supervisors can be intimidating.
View feedback as an opportunity for growth and improvement.
Reflect on feedback and make specific goals for improvement.
Schedule regular meetings with mentors to discuss progress and concerns.

6. Emotional Stress:

Challenge: Teaching can be emotionally draining, and student teachers may feel stressed or overwhelmed.
Seek support from fellow student teachers or a mentor for emotional support.
Practice self-care techniques like exercise, meditation, and maintaining a healthy work-life balance.
Remember that it’s normal to feel overwhelmed at times, and seeking help is a sign of strength, not weakness.

7. Technology Integration:

Challenge: Incorporating technology effectively into lessons can be challenging for those less tech-savvy.
Take online courses or workshops on educational technology.
Collaborate with colleagues who are proficient in technology for guidance.
Experiment with technology in a controlled environment before using it in class.

8. Professional Development:

Challenge: Balancing the demands of student teaching with the need for ongoing professional development can be challenging.
Look for opportunities to attend workshops, conferences, and webinars that can enhance teaching skills.
Seek guidance from mentor teachers on professional development options.
Use online resources and forums to stay updated on best practices in education.

Remember that challenges during student teaching are common and can be valuable learning experiences. Seeking help and staying open to feedback are essential strategies for growth and success as a student teacher.