Study Of The Internal Conflicts Among Teachers And Principals And It’s Consequences On Teaching And Learning In Secondary Schools

(A Case Study Of Enugu East Local Government Area)

5 Chapters
55 Pages
7,276 Words

Internal conflicts among teachers and principals within secondary schools can significantly disrupt the teaching and learning environment, leading to various adverse consequences. When discord arises between educators and school administrators, it can create a tense atmosphere that undermines collaboration and teamwork essential for effective education delivery. Such conflicts may stem from differences in teaching philosophies, management styles, resource allocation, or interpersonal dynamics. The resulting lack of cohesion can hinder the implementation of cohesive educational strategies, curriculum development, and the enforcement of disciplinary measures. Moreover, internal conflicts may divert attention away from student needs and academic priorities, affecting instructional quality and student outcomes. In turn, this can diminish student engagement, morale, and overall school performance, potentially leading to increased dropout rates, reduced academic achievement, and negative perceptions within the school community. Effective conflict resolution mechanisms, transparent communication channels, and fostering a culture of respect and cooperation are crucial for mitigating internal conflicts and promoting a conducive teaching and learning environment in secondary schools.


The broad objective of the study was to determine the effect of conflict on the teaching and learning process in public secondary schools in Enugu East. This study used descriptive and exploratory research design. A sample comprising of principals, teachers and education officers was used to investigate the understanding, perceptions and effects of conflicts in schools. The research instruments included a questionnaire and an interview schedule which were administered to the respondents. The data collected was subjected to qualitative and quantitative analysis. They were analyzed using frequency distribution tables and mean. The findings showed that the effects of conflict if not well managed can be very destructive as it can adversely affect the teaching and learning process in schools. From the study, the researchers found out that (a) the value is less than the standard average of Likert scale option which is 2.5, (b) that the principal does not dominate the teachers and could not be a source of conflict between the two parties; (c) the teacher do not show poor attitude to work rather they are afraid of principal and this could not be a source of conflict between the two parties; (d) that respondents disagree to a little extent that conflict bring about poor academic performance; (e) that conflict does not encourage behavioural misconduct of students. Among other recommendations, the researchers recommended that the school administration should embrace an open system where everyone is allowed to air his views towards the resolution of conflicts.



i Title page
ii Certification
iii Approval page
iv Dedication
v Acknowledgement
vi Abstract
viii Table of contents

1.1 Background of the study
1.2 Statement of the problem
1.3 Objective of the study
1.4 Research Questions
1.5 Significance of the study
1.6 Definition of terms

2.1 Definition of conflict
2.2 Types of conflict
2.3 Causes of conflict
2.4 Sources of conflict
2.5 Characteristics of conflict
2.6 Effects of conflict
2.7 Conflict Management and Resolutions
2.8 Examples of conflict

3.1 Research Design
3.2 Area of Study
3.3 Population of the Study
3.4 Sampling and Sampling Techniques
3.5 Instrument for Data Collection
3.6 Validity of the Instrument
3.7 Reliability of the Instrument
3.8 Method of Data Collection
3.9 Method of Data Analysis


5.1 Conclusion
5.2 Recommendations
5.3 Suggestions for further studies
Appendix I:
Letter of Introduction
Appendix II:



Background of the study
Conflicts have become part and parcel of human organization all over the world, the schools not an exception. This indeed is absurd considering the amount of energy and resources spent by schools and organizations to prevent and resolve conflicts.
Flippo (1980) attempted an explanation when he remarked that, ‘a total absence of conflict would be unbelievable, boring and a strong indication that conflicts are being suppressed.’ The inevitability of conflict was also established by Harold Kerzner (1998), when he asserted that conflict is part of change and therefore inevitable. It is therefore not an aberration to expect conflict among teachers and Principals in most secondary schools in Enugu East Local Government Area of Enugu State. This indeed has jeopardized the educational sector resulting in truancy and insubordination among students and teachers respectively, thereby causing a major set-back on the teaching and learning process in secondary schools in Enugu East which is one of the cardinal points in the establishment of schools.
Statement of the problem
The fall in standard of education as it is noticed in most secondary schools in Nigeria especially in Enugu East Local Government Area of Enugu State may be attributed to the internal crisis among teachers and principals. Part of this crisis may be attributed to the economic down turn in Nigeria which has led to poor salaries and wages of workers and introduction of minimum wage. The attendant disparity in incomes and inflation has produced great dissatisfaction and conflicts in almost every work place. This has become a major concern for school administrators in both public and private sectors.
However, such conflicts are more common in state owned secondary schools than in Federal schools because of the difference in salary structure that exist between the two.

Objectives of the study
The main objectives of this research work are:
1. To ascertain the causes of conflicts among teachers and principals in secondary schools in Enugu East Local Government Area.
2. To identify the effects of the conflicts between teachers and principals on the teaching and learning processes.

Research questions
The following research questions were formulated to guide the study;
This study aims at answering the following research questions
A. To what extent does conflict exist between the principals and teachers?
B. To what extent does over dominance by the principals cause conflicts between the principal and the teachers?
C. How far does teachers’ poor attitude to work relate to conflict between them and principals?
D. To what extent does conflict between teachers and principals brings about poor academic performance by the students?
E. How far does conflict between principals and teachers encourages behavioural misconduct of student?

Significance of the study
This research work is predicated on the need for a peaceful atmosphere devoid of conflicts in secondary schools in Enugu East Local Government Area.
However, since conflict has never contributed to the progress of any institution, this study will enable the principals and school administrators to see their employers and teachers as co-workers not as rivals or subjects. Also, the study will enable the teachers to respect their principals if the knowledge to avoid or resolve crisis is acquired. It will serve as an essential resource material for conflict resolution in school by the government education agents.

Definition of terms
The key concepts and variables of this research work have seen defined for better comprehension of the topic under study. They are:
a. Internal: According to oxford Advanced learner’s dictionary, 6th edition, internal involves or concerns only the peoples who are part of a particular organization rather than people from outside it.
b. Conflict: A situation in which people, groups or countries are involved in a serious disagreement or argument.
c. Consequences: A result of something that has happened.
d. Teaching: The act of giving lesson to students in a school, College or University
e. Learning: Knowledge that you get from reading and studying.

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Internal Conflicts Among Teachers And Principals And It’s Consequences On Teaching And Learning In Secondary Schools:

Internal conflicts among teachers and principals can have significant consequences on teaching and learning in secondary schools. These conflicts can arise due to various reasons such as differences in teaching philosophies, communication breakdowns, personality clashes, conflicting priorities, or organizational issues. Here are some potential consequences:

  1. Dysfunctional School Culture: Internal conflicts can lead to a toxic school culture where mistrust, resentment, and negativity prevail. This can create a hostile environment for both teachers and students, impacting morale and motivation.
  2. Decreased Collaboration: Conflict can hinder collaboration among teachers and between teachers and principals. When educators are focused on internal disputes, they may be less inclined to work together to develop innovative teaching strategies, share resources, or support each other’s professional growth.
  3. Inconsistent Discipline and Policies: Conflicts between teachers and principals may result in inconsistent enforcement of discipline and school policies. This lack of cohesion can confuse students and undermine the authority of school leadership, leading to disruptions in the learning environment.
  4. Diminished Teacher Effectiveness: Teachers who are embroiled in conflicts may become less effective in the classroom. They may be distracted, emotionally drained, or disengaged, which can negatively impact their ability to deliver high-quality instruction and support student learning.
  5. Negative Student Outcomes: When internal conflicts persist, students often bear the brunt of the consequences. Disrupted classrooms, decreased teacher effectiveness, and a toxic school climate can hinder students’ academic progress, social-emotional development, and overall well-being.
  6. High Staff Turnover: Prolonged internal conflicts can lead to high staff turnover as teachers and administrators may choose to leave the school in search of a more supportive work environment. This turnover disrupts continuity, stability, and institutional knowledge, further exacerbating the challenges faced by the school.
  7. Loss of Community Trust: Internal conflicts can damage the reputation of the school within the community. Parents, students, and other stakeholders may lose confidence in the school’s ability to provide a positive and nurturing learning environment, leading to declining enrollment and support.

Addressing internal conflicts requires proactive measures from both teachers and administrators. This may include fostering open communication, promoting conflict resolution skills, establishing clear expectations and procedures, providing professional development opportunities, and fostering a culture of mutual respect and collaboration. By addressing internal conflicts effectively, schools can create a more conducive environment for teaching and learning, ultimately benefiting students and the entire school community.