Application Of Information And Communication Technology In The Management Of Nigerian Academic Libraries

(A Case Study Of Federal Polytechnic Library, Owerri)

The Application Of Information And Communication Technology In The Management Of Nigerian Academic Libraries Complete Project Material (PDF/DOC)


This research work investigated the information communication technology and collection management in Academic Library (A case study of Imo State University Library, Imo State).

The data collection instrument used for this work were questionnaire, interview schedule and observation methods.

The research population composed of the students, lecturers, library staffs and client of the institutions under study.

The findings revealed the application of information and communication technology service, the types of ICTs in use in the academic library and the examination of their standards. The findings showed the problems in the academic libraries.

Base on the findings, recommendations were made on ways of solving the outstanding problems by giving an insight on the positive outcome of embarking on ICT for Academic libraries. The suggestions generally highlighted on the challenges and opportunities Academic library services in terms of application of information and communication technology services.

Chapter One

1.0 Introduction

Information and communication technology services (ICT) in collection, management of academic libraries: a case study of Imo State University Library, Owerri has been studies in this project.

These applying of information and communication technology have been used as the ultimate aim of the information service. It is also applied to the operation of libraries and information centers to ensure the information delivered is timely, accurate, precise and relevant.

These information and communication technology is used to describe system only recently in use and those destined for use in the foreseeable future. Information and communication technology services” itself has been defined as all the electronic infrastructure and facilities employed by libraries to improve and provide efficient services such as facilities in broad terms consist of hardware, software and communication links between the services outlets of the same library and similar outlets of different library to facilitate the sharing of common resources, for example library network.

According to Evarest C. Madu (2004); computers are link together to one another forming large network, the telephone system are being digitalized and their collective technology capabilities are now able to provide such services as on-line information, electronic mail, facsimile transmission.

Information and communication technology have made the libraries to handle information in a variety of forms. Information conveyed by speech, textural materials, pictures or table of numerous can be deal in easy way. These evident about the new technologies that are available have affected the inherent affairs or operations of libraries considering the geometric growth rate of publication and other communication.
The fact is that people are becoming\ more aware of the sue of academic or polytechnic library, encourage a large volume of clerical work in the library

The library that automates their operations invariably work more efficiently and save the time of their users better. More efforts should be made in the computerization of the polytechnic library. information and communication technology services like the digital computers perform the routine but essential tasks at rapid speech which is for greater than-would have been expected from a manual operation, this has to breaching effects on various department of ten academic library in terms of operating automatic location of materials, retrieval, cataloguing of material in the library.

The history of the collection and management of academic library can be trace by the first higher institution of learning Yaba, which is now Yaba College of Technology which was established as far back as 1934 followed by the University College Library, Ibadan in 1948, a fall out of the growing interest in academic. As soon as it was established, the university of Ibadan library inherited some collection of about 8, 000 titles from the Yaba Higher College. One of the manageable factors, however, was the absence of commensurate collection to match the physical sizes of these institutions.

The library collection of Yaba Higher College was anything but impressive. By 1945, the library contained some 3600 volumes mainly textbooks and reference work in science. It was hardly comparable to Achimota College Library (Ghana) with 16,000 volumes. The sharp contrast could be due to the poor economy of Nigeria but more so to official indifference towards higher education in Nigeria. By Emmanuel A. Oduagwu (2002).

1.1 Statement Of The Problem

This indicate that academic library practices in many Universities in Nigeria; it is not one factor that is responsible for the flaws the university library but undoubtedly clear that information and communication technology services or computerization can be very influential in matters affecting the libraries.

In this regard, the information and communication technology services become unavoidable in every academic libraries dispensation because of its roles. The absences of computer or information and communication technology in Imo state university Owerri has been a source of concern for most people whose interests lie on library and document services, much ass they believe that the prevailing situation has been stalling progress.

From available records, universities and few polytechnic which have the computer (that is ICTs) are not lacking behind in their assigned library roles unlike those polytechnic who have not.
The researcher attempt to develop into this area of study should be seen as a move capable on unraveling the reason behind the continued absence of (ICTs) or computerization the universities mentioned the decision the study this phenomenon is therefore foresighted.

1.2 Objective Of The Study

These objectives are intended to be my little contribution to the improvement of Academic library and collection management and the way to acquired knowledge. They are as followed:

Do you make use of the library?

  • To determine the type of ICTs equipments
  • To find out whether there is a feasible (ICT) in academic library
  • To determine whether ICTs is an investment or a white elephant project.
  • To find out the types of ICTs equipment use in the academic library as the best.
  • To find out the cost ICTs benefit effectiveness
  • To determine the activities in the library that constitutes information and communication technology.
  • To find out the problem encountered in using ICTs in academic libraries.

1.4 Research Questions

These questions have been dressed in consideration of application of information and communication technology (ICT) as a solution for accommodating library needs and requirement. They are:

  • Have you make use of the library?
  • What are the roles of information and communication technology services in the library?
  • What are the feasibilities of ICTs ion the academic library?
  • Is ICTs an investment or a white elephant project?
  • Enumerate the type of ICTs computer consider best for library usage?
  • What are the costs of ICTs benefits effectiveness?
  • What are the activities in the library that constitute information and communication technology services?
  • Enumerate the problem which we encountered in using ICTs in the academic libraries?

1.5 Scope Of The Study

The scope covered the application of information and communication services in the management of Nigerian academic libraries” a case study of federal polytechnic library, Owerri.
The areas we need to look into include:

  • The benefits of applying information and communication technology services in Nigerian academic libraries.
  • The benefit federal polytechnics are getting by applying ICTs in their library.
  • The problems inherent in the introduction of the system of ICTs.
  • How such problem can be overcome or solution for solving the problem.

Efforts will also made by maintaining the effectively, bearing in mind the lack of maintenance culture, which is the bane of many laudable project in the developing countries/nations.

The scope is limited to the use of micro electric based information and communication technologies that have influenced computing and telecommunication, the use of computers and telecommunication in the dissemination of information.

1.6 Significance Of The Study

This study is meant to keep academic libraries (polytechnic library) abreast of the current trends in the use of information and communication technology for easy and accessible means of information retrieval and dissemination.

It will also be a great significant to staff, student and clientele of academic libraries. It will support plan for library development and input to improving services.
This study will also serve as literature/reference materials for research in the future.

1.7 Historical Background Of Imo State University, Owerri.

The federal polytechnic Owerri formally called college of technology was established by the Imo state Edict N0 16 of 1976, which among other things empowered the polytechnic to erect, provide equipment and maintain the library

The chief librarian was pointed in March 1978 and by this time the polytechnic opens and was still operating at a temporary site at the government technical college Owerri. It was exactly on that time the library started operating with an initial collection of 300 volumes of materials, including serial titles, newspapers, periodicals, etc which were organized and consulted by users in a separate segment of the library. With the 300 volumes of initial collections, the polytechnic moved into its permanent site in November 1980. The library was house on one of the apartment of the school of engineering blocks, but in January 1983, the library move again to a location in the new complex.

In April 1983, the school then known as polytechnic Nekede was taken by the federal government ad consequently renamed “federal polytechnic Nekede, Owerri” when Ben Nwabueze, the secretary minister for education whose ministry when the welcome development off federal polytechnic Nekede, Owerri was made.

Today, the federal polytechnic Nekede purpose and aim have been achieved and a befitting two story academic library was constructed under the regime of the former Rector; Dr. C.L Osuorji who completed it.
Finally, the polytechnic academic library was commissioned on Saturday may 19th, 2001 by Prof. A.B Borishade and the member of Nekede library staff and student. The Nekede library has about 18,500 volumes of materials/books and about 900 journals titles and computers.

1.8 The Definition Of Terms / Summary


this refer to as a programme that enable the computer to do specific job in different field of human endeavours (Engr. Timo Duru, 2005)


this means a human being assigns to data by means of the convention applied to that data. (Drubbel, 2003).


is a means of the flows of information from one place of the sources to another (Drubble, 2003).


this is the application of science to practical human ends particularly to increase productivity and available of leisure and to improve to quality of life (Evarest .C Madu, 2004).
Services: this refers to as a means of rendering a help or information idea to a person or some thing (Evarest C. Madu, 2002).


is the specific organ of the business enterprises and organ can be define only through their functions (Drucker, 1990).

Academic Library:

these are the libraries in institution of higher learning such as universities, polytechnics, colleges of education, college of technology (Emmanuel A. Oduagwu, 2002).


is a store or house of document knowledge where professionally selected and acquired knowledge, print and non print materials are processed, and orderly arranged to make for easy location, retrieval and use. (Isaac Nnadimele, 2008).

Chapter Five

Summary Of Findings, Conclusion And Recommendations

5.0 Introduction

This chapter contains summary of finding conclusion and recommendation of the study.

5.1 Summary Of Finding

Based on the result of the finding (28) questionnaire were given to the staff of federal polytechnic Nekede library Owerri of which the questionnaire were returned and nine (9) was valid.

The first segment of the background information on the respondents sought to determine the gender distribution of the respondents. The data presented in table (2) shows that male dominate the federal polytechnic Nekede library.
The second segment of the questionnaire was concerned with the finding of the ranks of the respondents. From the first question in the questionnaire, it was known that there is the use of library in Academic library and that student, lecturer / staff and clients make use of the federal polytechnic library on a daily need. Also, with respect to question table 5, five which sought to determine the role of ICTs in the academic library, it was observed that ICTs function as keeping accurate record, maintaining up-to-date information, quick work implement quick delivery of information.

In relation to question table six, it was observed that computerizing academic library can be feasible in the following ways that mention in the option. In relation to table seven, it was observed that ICTs is a white elephant project. it is not an investment. It is also confirmed that the tree option indicate in the table 7, are the best library usage.

From the question on table eight questionnaires, it was known that there is an effectiveness of ICTs. Also with respect to questionnaire on table ten determined that all the above options are the problem encountered in the use of ICTs in the library, which the respondents gave includes the following:

  • Lack of capital
  • Lack of manpower
  • Inadequate power supply
  • Lack of telecommunication
  • Inadequate ICTs equipment or facilities

5.2 Conclusion

It is obvious from the generated and analyzed data that federal polytechnic Nekede carries out information and communication technology services and it helps in the dissemination of information in the federal polytechnic libraries in Nigeria.

Therefore, any library that wants to live up to expectation must be connected or lese be isolated from organs of development. Libraries must be adequately prepared for the new challenge, the phenomenon of living in cyber space and continuously learning environment induced by rapidly changing circumstances.

Therefore, the researcher concluded that the exercise is given much attention in federal polytechnic Nekede, Owerri.

5.3 Recommendations

Based on the findings and conclusions of the study, the researcher made the following recommendations:

  • Adequate fund should be provided for the purchase of ICTs facilities.
  • Adequate telecommunication will be provided.
  • Proper handled of ICTs equipment and services should be provided on daily bases to avoid faults.
  • Standard man power training should be provided.
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