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Appraisal Of Revenue Collection Method In Government Establishment

(Case Study Of University Of Nigeria Teaching Hospital (Unth) Enugu, Nigeria)

5 Chapters
83 Pages
12,055 Words

Revenue collection in government establishments is typically accomplished through a variety of methods aimed at generating income to fund public services and projects. The primary sources of government revenue include taxes, such as income taxes, sales taxes, and property taxes, which are collected from individuals and businesses. Additionally, fees and charges for government services, licenses, permits, and fines contribute to revenue generation. Governments may also rely on non-tax revenue streams, such as dividends from state-owned enterprises, grants, and loans. Efficient revenue collection methods often involve a combination of electronic systems, rigorous enforcement of tax compliance, and transparent financial management practices to ensure a steady and sustainable income flow for funding essential public functions and infrastructure development.


Good system of revenue collection method in most government agencies and establishment has over the year help federal state and local government in achieving optimum internally generated revenue for both recurrent and capital development.
Both federal and state government in order to have good system of revenue collection method set-up revenue commission and boards during military regime it was investigation commission and recovery of government funds and properties every successive government regime would want to look into it revenue generation with emphasis on system of revenue collection. Sequel to the growing economic activities and their attendant problems the budget speeches for state government. Government boards commission and agencies to diversify their revenue sourcing. Hence new revenue sources were identifying in hospitals such as introducing new product in the catering department contractors fees suppliers non refundable fees whole old revenue sources was increased to meet up with the economic trend. the hospitals hopes to collect millions of naira annually from patients. This study therefore was an attempt to find out how far the university of Nigeria teaching hospital Enugu.
Method of revenue collection advanced the objectives of he hospital the study answers to question on the method of collection. Questions were also raised to find out what has been the barriers in attending the optimum revenue collection the survey which was conducted in university of Nigeria teaching hospital where 150 questionnaires were administered to revenue clerks and accounting office in the hospitals. The questionnaires collected information in personal data motivational devices method of revenue collection. Most of the information was elicited through the use of structured questions while some supplementary information was obtained through interviews. The responses rates of questionnaires this chapter has been discussed under the following headings.
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Revenue assessment and location
2.3 Registration and out-patient department
2.4 In-patient assessment and collection method
2.5 Assessment and collection method with respect to patient who died in the hospital
2.6 Revenue collection method for staff and other special cases.
2.7 Ministerial accounting system accounting records kept by university of Nigeria teaching hospital in relation to revenue collection was 98.33 percent 89:33 percent was found valid for data analysis frequency was used in the analysis of data from the research. It was found that revenue collection has been very high. It was equally found form the analysis that very many revenue clerks do not have accounting experience. There is no training provision to increase their efficiency. Also the revenue clerks were not enough to meet up with the shifting arrangement in the hospital based on the findings the following recommendation were made amongst others.


Title page
Approval page
List of table
Table of contents

1.1 Introduction
1.2 Statement of the study
1.3 Objectives of the study
1.4 Scope of the study
1.5 Research questions
1.6 Significance of terms

Review of related literature
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Revenue assessment and collection method
2.3 Registration and out patient procedures
2.4 In- patient assessment and collection method
2.5 Assessment and collection method with respects to patients who died in the hospital.
2.6 Revenue collection method for staff and other special cases
2.7 Ministerial accounting system
2.8 Accounting records kept by UNTH in relation to revenue collection
2.9 Strategies to ensure effective revenue collection
2.10 The role of internal audit in enhancing

Research methodology
3.1 Research design
3.2 Instrument for data collection
3.3 Validity and reliability of measuring instrument
3.4 Population of the study
3.5 Sample and sampling procedure
3.6 Method of analysis of data

4.1 Presentation analysis and interpretation of data

5.1 Summary findings
5.2 Recommendation
5.3 Conclusion
5.4 Limitation of the study


There is no doubt that Nigeria is blessed with abundant human materials resources but the problem with the country is that government since its independence in 1960 some refused to utilize these resources to its benefit.
The abundance human and materials resources of the country was mismanaged and the country was into foreign debts. Since 1984 emphasis has shifted form external borrowing to local or internal sourcing of the country’s revenue for both capital and recurrent expenditure of the government according to Abubakar 1984 the above necessities by the effect of federal government economic measures especially the imposition of ceiling on the guarantee backing. It could give in respect of state generated external revenue and borrowing.
Achebe 1985/;10 maintained that the dwindling receipt form federal account owing to sharp drop in the price of crude oil fall in total earning form about 141 billion in 1980 and to lower figures. This swindling export earnings and foreign exchange disbursement on imports escalated.
1. Employment of enough qualitative accounting and revenue clerk
2. Improvement of the accounting system.
3. Provision of security escort during lodgments
4. The system of supervisory clerks and the role of the internal audit in issuing receipts should be continued.
The conclusion of the study is that the hospital achieves its aim and objectives at a high human and materials cost. The system therefore should be reviewed to make it more efficient and cost effective this resulted a decrease in the federal/government revenue allocation to the states and local government.
In the Enugu state in particular the inheritance of a big debt of about 1.83 billion form the civilian administration made local sourcing procedure imperative. The situation compelled the military government of Enugu state group caption Madueke (1984) to suggest the acquisition of revenue locally as the means of raising enough fund for capital development as a result of that the government then commissioned on 20th January 1984 the Enugu state finance and revenue commission which assessed the effectiveness of the existence systems of internal revenue collection and recommended improvements.
Revenue collection in the university of Nigeria teaching hospital is the responsibility of the accounting department of the hospital they are responsible for the recording in financial terms the day to day transactions of the hospital. These transactions and records mainly relate to the receipts and payments income and expenditure and assists and liabilities of the hospital and usually cover transaction with in a particular financial year or other period such as months or quarters within a financial years as may be required.
The financial years of the hospital follows the government fiscal year which is form 1st January to 31st December of each year this case study is carried out assess revenue generation machinery of government university of Nigeria teaching hospital Enugu.

Specifically therefore research intends to provide answers to the following questions.
i. Are accounting records adequately and properly kept in conformity with the objectives of government and accounting standards
ii. Who are the accounting staff of the hospital and how were they recruited or giving appointment
iii. What are the accountability method or who us accountable for what
iv. What are the financial implication of the findings and how on its knowledge help to the improvement of revenue collection process in the university of Nigeria teaching hospital Enugu. The study will examine the hospital as an enterprise and a very big one in this state for that matter the head of the account department is the assistant director finance who has the over all responsibility for the effective running of the department. He gives reports to the chief executive of the hospital and the chief medical directors.

In the study we intend to trace the extent of contribution of the university of Nigeria teaching hospital .in the internally generated revenue of the federal ministry of heath the study will equally provide answers to the problem of the teaching hospital as it concerns revenue collection method and investigating why there
i. Is decreasing revenue collection in government owned establishment
ii. Is poor establishment
iii. Are inadequate accounting system in those government prostrates

The researcher earlier had the intention to covering and the government owned establishment in Enugu state of Nigeria however time and financial constraints have hindered those intentions. The study is limited to university of Nigeria teaching hospital Enugu. It has been found out by the research the method used by hospital approximate the general practice for the purpose of this study the researcher will make a brief mention of revenue allocation in Nigeria. The role of internal audit in relation to revenue and then pay special attention to internally generated revenue.

The following are the research questions to be used in the study.
i. What are the methods of revenue collection being applied by the government owned establishment
ii. How effective are these methods being used
iii. What are the effective application

It is hoped that the study will be valuable to the hospital management and infact any other government establishment for that matters to appreciate the deficiency inherent in the present method of revenue collection in our teaching hospital the government following the recommendation will modify the same to achieve better results this will turn save the government big financial losses. There must be check and balance otherwise Justics and farness will be ignored by the actions in the accountability process.
It can be believed that if the methods are effective in controlling frauds every naria collected by the government will be adequately accounted for thus the government objectives of health for all the year 2000 might be a reality for the citizen who pays the hospital the hospital bills the study will lead.
It is also believed to the Justification of the revenue being collected which they pay as they will not go into the hands of wrong persons.
Finally this research report will enable students to have an in-depth knowledge of the methods of collecting revenue available to non-profit making organization especially those controlled by government. It will help them to understand the audit of government organization when the government relinguishes such audits over to certified public accountants

For the purpose of this work an accounting staff or office is used here to mean any person employed by the hospital to perform the duties of a finance officer in the hospital irrespective of the person’s designation or ranks
A revenue clerk is used to mean any person delegated to collect hospital bills and other fees whether the person is an accounting officer or not.
Revenue means total annual income of the hospital generated from hospital bills and charges. A self guaranteed patient is one who is accepted as a reputable and well know in the community and on balance of reasoning is allowed on personal recognition to guarantee herself or himself.
A staff quarantined patient arises where a member of the staff of the payment of the patients bills in case the patient fails to pay MAC means medical advisory committee.
Pauper means a very wretched patient.

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Revenue Collection Method In Government Establishment:

Revenue collection in government establishments is crucial for funding public services, infrastructure development, and other government activities. Various methods are employed to collect revenue efficiently and transparently. These methods can vary from country to country and even within different government agencies. Here are some common revenue collection methods used by government establishments:

  1. Taxation: Taxes are the primary source of government revenue in many countries. These can include income tax, property tax, sales tax, corporate tax, and more. Tax authorities typically collect taxes periodically, such as annually or monthly, and taxpayers are required to file tax returns and make payments accordingly.
  2. Customs Duties: Governments collect revenue through customs duties on imported and exported goods. Customs agencies assess and collect these duties based on the value, quantity, and type of goods being imported or exported.
  3. User Fees and Charges: Government establishments often charge fees for specific services they provide. For example, fees for obtaining passports, driver’s licenses, building permits, or access to public facilities like parks or museums. These fees contribute to revenue generation.
  4. Licenses and Permits: Businesses and individuals may need licenses or permits to operate legally. Governments charge fees for issuing these licenses and permits, which can generate significant revenue.
  5. Property Taxes: Local governments often rely on property taxes, which are levied on the assessed value of real estate. Property owners pay these taxes annually or semi-annually.
  6. Excise Taxes: Excise taxes are levied on specific goods like alcohol, tobacco, gasoline, and luxury items. These taxes can generate substantial revenue and are often used to discourage the consumption of certain products.
  7. Income from State-Owned Enterprises: Some governments own and operate various enterprises, such as utilities, transportation systems, and natural resource extraction. Revenue collected from these entities contributes to government income.
  8. Grants and Aid: Governments may receive grants and financial assistance from international organizations, foreign governments, or donors. These funds are often earmarked for specific projects or development initiatives.
  9. Dividends and Returns on Investments: Governments may hold investments in stocks, bonds, and other financial instruments. They earn revenue through dividends, interest, and capital gains on these investments.
  10. Lotteries and Gambling: Some governments operate lotteries and gambling establishments, which generate revenue through ticket sales and gambling taxes.
  11. Penalties and Fines: Governments collect revenue through fines and penalties imposed for various violations, such as traffic violations, environmental infractions, and legal offenses.
  12. Asset Sales: Governments may sell surplus assets, such as land, buildings, or equipment, to generate one-time revenue.
  13. Voluntary Contributions and Donations: Governments sometimes accept voluntary contributions and donations from individuals and organizations interested in supporting specific government programs or initiatives.
  14. Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs): In some cases, governments partner with private companies to develop and operate public infrastructure and services. Revenue-sharing agreements with private partners can provide a source of income.
  15. Online Payment Systems: Many governments have implemented online payment systems to facilitate easier and more efficient revenue collection. These systems often accept various payment methods, including credit/debit cards, electronic funds transfers, and mobile payments.

Efficient revenue collection methods are essential for sustaining government operations and funding public services. Governments must also ensure transparency, accountability, and fairness in their revenue collection processes to maintain public trust.