Art As A Vehicle To Religious Education

(A Case Study Of Ezeagu Local Government Area)

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This Art As A Vehicle To Religious Education research material will be relevant to students in the: Education
Educational Administration and Supervision
Educational Measurement and Evaluation
Fine & Applied Arts Education
Fine and Applied Art
Religious Studies and Theology and other fields.


Ezeagu is among the tribe that produces art in Enugu State. Most of them are now Christanions, yet the old traditions still have a powerful influence in the life of Ezeagu people. It is better for one to trace the history
of his people and pass it on to the younger ones.
The Art of Ezeagu people suffered much humiliation and neglect at the advent of western civilization. The effect was felt more on the sculpture which comprised carving and molding. Such an event will deny generations to come the knowledge and pleasure of seeing what their for-fathers and fathers did in the past.
Traditional Ezeagu Artist creats some or his art mainly as instruments by which to make contact with supernatural forces which help him to over-come the danger of their environment. These art objects being created are ritual pots, birds, plants, carved doors and images, ofor, masks, mound, paintings for religious worship. Some of these art works could be found in village squares, shrines or altars,, evil forest, hands of individual persons. For instances, “ofor” is handy and is seen on the hand of any man who calls himself a father in the traditional religious group.
The produces of these works are traditional artists, priests and medium men. Some of these works when completed are used as very powerful oaths. In modern churches, there are art objects and their uses,, for instance, in the catholic and protestant churches.
My finding revealed the role of art in traditional religion, identification of tools and materials used in the production of art pieces, and its utility.
In carrying this investigation, traditional artists were interviewed and their works examined. Traditional religious priests, common men were also interviewed. The rest of the information was obtained from books, journals, magazines, archives and libraries.
At the end of this discussion, one should be able to know the importance of Art in Religious education in Ezeagu Local Government Area.


Title Page
Approval Page
Table Of Content

Chapter One
1.0 Art As A Vehicle For Religious Education In Enugu State A Case Study Of Ezeagu L. G. A

1.1 Back Ground Of Study
1.2 Geographical Location:
1.3 Ethnography:
1.4 Occupation And Culture Of Ezeagu People:

Chapter Two
2.0 Purpose Of Study

2.1 Importance Of Study
2.2 Scope Of Thee Research
2.3 Objective

Chapter Three
3.0 Art In African Traditional Religion

3.1 Literature Review:-
3.2 Description Of Sample
3.3 Summary Of The Research
3.4 Questionnaire
3.5 Recommendation For Further Research:
3.6 Education Implication:
3.7 Limitation Of Research:

Chapter Four
4.0 Discussion And Interpretation Of Result

4.1 Production Of Wood Sculpture
4.2 Wooden Gongs.
4.3 Mkwa Arusi (Idol)
4.4 Ceremonial Stools
4.5 Contemporary Figures

Chapter Five
5.0 Art As A Means Of Spiritual Communication

Chapter Six
6.0 Arts In Muslim Religion




Ezeagu is located some twenty kilometers south west of Enugu, the Enugu State capital of Nigeria. Bounded on the north by Uzo- uwani Local Government of Anambra State and on the east and south by parts of Udi L.G. A., then on the west by Awka- North L.G.A. The entire area is liberally watered by the River Ajali, which is the factor upon which the Greater Ajali Water scheme of the Enugu capital Territory is derived. Occupying a land area of over 630 kin, the greater part of its geographical area is low-lying with savannah – like vegetation. It has an estimated population of about 200,000 based on the 1991 census.

Ezeagu teases her ancestry to an itinerant farmer and hunter who settled at Imezi Owa. The man known and called Owo or Ezeagu, (literally, “King of the farm”) was the name he earned following his unprecedented success in the cultivation of the land and hunt for game Eze meaning King and Agu meaning wilderness.
The man Ezeagu married Mgboli who fore him three sons, who were, in order of with, Owa, Oghe and Oghu. He later married a second wife Udeagu from Nkanu, by whom he got a son, Umana alias An a on Naa, who became Ezeagu’s seoond son in Oadea of birth. Umana got two sons oblelagu and Awo (Umana Ndiuno, Umana Ndiagu and umana Agba). The Umana extraction often referred to as the umana neli has ten villages with obeleagu having six and Awo had two sons, Obunofia and umumba. Today, all boona fide descendants of Ezeagu owe their direct ancestry to Owo alias Ezeagu and his fore children who later spread out to the four corness of the clan to found new homes for themselves. Grand any great grand children soon followed and these were to be the soot of the many antonymous communities which today answer the collective name of Ezeagu clan.
The Olo and Oha guoups (called Umudiaba) Later immigrated from the west and settled on the western slope beside the clan following inter-marriages, social and cultural interactious with the Ezeagu people, these immigrants acculturates and gradually melted into the Ezeagu complex.

Ezeagu is endowed with a which cultural traditional festivals and dances announce the arrival and depurative of traditional festivals of the various seasons of the years. The people are predominantly farmers, cassava on the low – lying plins the liver banks.
The swampy tegions of Olo and Mgbago-Owa areas have been identified as suitable for since cultivation, and the Enugu State. Government ministry of Agriculture is already making experiment on cooperative large scale since farming there.
Ezeagu has, traditional festivals amongst others like Ogugo – chi, Akanu, Ibono – okochi, Ibono Udu – Mii, Mgba une n’ une, Mgba Ogwu and Atiliogwu. Successful farmers also take titles of Ozo and Ekwu dosing specific periods of the year. The influence of Christianity in Ezeagu has brought a lot of change in the people’s life. Fanatics have found the spread of Christianity of destroy one cultural identity and should approach this with caution because no nation ever survived without cultural identity.

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Art As A Vehicle To Religious Education:

Art has long been used as a powerful vehicle for religious education and expression. It serves as a means to convey religious beliefs, stories, and values in a visual and emotional manner. Here are several ways in which art can be used effectively as a tool for religious education:

  1. Depiction of Religious Stories and Myths: Artists have historically created paintings, sculptures, and other visual representations of religious stories, myths, and parables. These artworks can serve as visual aids in teaching these narratives, making them more engaging and memorable for learners.
  2. Illustration of Religious Texts: Art can be used to illustrate religious texts such as sacred scriptures, hymns, and prayers. Illuminated manuscripts, for example, feature intricate and decorative illustrations that help convey the meanings and messages of the texts.
  3. Religious Iconography: Different religions have specific symbols and iconography that represent their faith. These symbols, such as the Christian cross, the Islamic crescent moon and star, or the Hindu Om symbol, can be explored through art to help learners understand their significance and cultural context.
  4. Places of Worship and Architecture: The architecture of religious buildings, from cathedrals and temples to mosques and synagogues, is a form of art in itself. Studying these architectural designs can provide insights into the religious practices and beliefs of a particular faith.
  5. Religious Art Movements: Throughout history, there have been art movements deeply influenced by religion, such as the Renaissance in Europe. These movements produced a wealth of religious art that can be used to teach not only about art history but also about the religious themes and ideas prevalent during those times.
  6. Art as Spiritual Practice: Some religious traditions, like Tibetan Buddhism and Islamic calligraphy, consider art as a form of spiritual practice. Encouraging learners to engage in artistic activities as a means of connecting with their faith can deepen their understanding and connection.
  7. Interfaith Dialogue: Art can also facilitate interfaith dialogue and understanding. By studying and appreciating the religious art of different cultures and faiths, individuals can gain insights into the diversity of religious beliefs and practices around the world.
  8. Contemporary Religious Art: Contemporary artists continue to explore and express religious themes in their work. Studying contemporary religious art can help learners connect religious teachings to contemporary issues and perspectives.
  9. Meditative and Reflective Art: Creating art can be a meditative and reflective practice. Encouraging individuals to create art inspired by their religious beliefs or experiences can be a deeply personal and meaningful way to engage with spirituality.
  10. Community Art Projects: Religious communities can organize art projects that involve members in creating artworks related to their faith. This collaborative approach can foster a sense of community and shared identity while educating members about their religious heritage.

Incorporating art into religious education can be a creative and effective way to engage learners on a deeper level and help them connect with the spiritual and cultural aspects of their faith. It allows for a more immersive and experiential understanding of religious concepts and traditions.