Assessment Of Mass Media In Sensitizing The People Against Human Trafficking

In Nigeria (A Case Study Of NTA PH And Radio Rivers 99.1FM)

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This study was carried out to examine assess the role of mass media in sensitizing the people against human trafficking in Nigeria using NTA PH and Radio Rivers 99.1FM as a case study. The study was specifically carried out to identify the causes of human trafficking in Nigeria, determine the extent the mass media facilitates public awareness on the human trafficking in Nigeria, determine the frequency of mass media in the coverage of human trafficking in Nigeria, determine the extent the mass media sensitizes the public on the consequences of human trafficking in Nigeria, and determine the extent the mass media sensitizes the public on the value of human life in Nigeria. The survey design was adopted and the simple random sampling techniques were employed in this study. The population size comprise of staff of NTA PH and Radio Rivers 99.1FM, Nsukka. In determining the sample size, the researcher conveniently selected 57 respondents and 50 were validated. Self-constructed and validated questionnaire was used for data collection. The collected and validated questionnaires were analyzed using frequency tables, and mean scores. While the hypotheses were tested using Chi-square statistical tool. The result of the findings reveals that the causes of human trafficking in Nigeria includes: poverty, unemployment, insecurity, and illiteracy. The study also revealed that the level of mass media frequency in the coverage of human trafficking in Nigeria is high. Therefore, it is recommended that the media should draw more attention to the dangers of human trafficking by increasing the level of their reports on the issue. This will help in creating more awareness about human trafficking related risks and also in monitoring human trafficking trends in the country. To mention but a few.

Chapter One


1.1 Background to the Study

Nigeria has been bedeviled by all forms of crime, which range from simple acts of thefts, burglary and verbal assault to serious acts of robbery, economic and financial crime ethnic and religious disturbance “cultism and sexual harassment in institutions of learning youths restiveness and trafficking of human beings. All the segments of the population in Nigeria, including the elites and the youths, at one point or another commit these criminal acts. Both rural and urban cities have suffered from these undesirable activities the degree of the crime rate has gone far beyond the tolerance limit of the safety and has consequently attained disturbing dimensions to the extent that social economic and political activities are seriously attached, given this situation academic government and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) as well as the international community have sought an understanding of the various dimension of the phenomenon including its level manifestation causes and implications for all segment of the societies. These efforts have been with the singular desire of devising appropriate strategies towards the effective management of the problems, however, this study has focused on the effect of communication on trafficking in human commodities.

Trafficking in human beings has become a universal problem that affects every single nation and constitutes a grave human rights violation. Conservative estimates indicate that well over 20 million persons globally have been affected directly and indirectly (Atkinson, Curnin & Hanson, 2016). Also, Atkinson,, (2016) reported that this crime births trauma that is diverse in forms to its victims and identified both immediate and long-term physical and psychological harm to its sufferers.

In Nigeria, human trafficking is multidimensional, which comprises domestic (trafficking within Nigeria from rural to urban communities) and international (trafficking overseas). Nigerian women and children are taken from Nigeria to other West and Central African countries, as well as to South Africa, where they are exploited. Nigerian women and girls are subjected to sex trafficking throughout Europe, and are also recruited and transported to destinations in North Africa, the Middle East and central Asia (Badejo, 2016). Iyanda and Nwogwugwu (2016), posited that there are two different kinds of trafficking that Nigeria is notoriously known for: internal and external trafficking. Internal trafficking is in the form of domestic servitude and street begging, while external trafficking is mostly about sex trafficking and domestic labour.

Apart from the fact that, Nigeria is said to be the main supplier of child labour into different parts of the West African sub-region or across much of Africa (Adepoju 2005). There is also evidence suggesting that human trafficking in Nigeria had taken another dimension, as it has incorporated baby selling known as ‘Baby factory’ (a system which promotes child trafficking by creating room for exploiting young girls with undesirable conception) and organ harvesting (UNESCO, 2006, Salihu and Chutiyami 2016).

Despite these ambiguities, the Nigerian government has not rested on its oars in combating this menace after being ranked third place in the list of human trafficking criminality after trafficking in drugs and economic fraud in the UNESCO 2006 publication. For instance, in 2012, the government collaborated with the European Union and the UNODC to promote awareness about the actuality, perils and consequences associated with irregular migration. The nationwide campaign entitled “I am Priceless”, emphasized the consequences accompanying either being smuggled into other nations or being a victim of human trafficking. The slogan of the campaign “I am Priceless” was designed and aimed to communicate and reemphasize the reality of the importance, self-worth and dignity of all mankind irrespective of race, religion, ethnicity or gender, etc. It was also intended to infuse a sense of liberation and an orientation of empowerment to neutralize adverse information that the victims or potential victims of trafficking had experienced over time or as an aftermath of a trafficking experience (UNODC, 2012).

The issue of human trafficking has attracted and increased media attention and thus provides a case study for researchers because of its composite nature of many crimes that are linked to migration, labour, gender and health issues, human rights and criminal justice (Sanford, Martínez & Weitzer, 2016). According to Santas (2015), the mass media are indispensable in a democratic society and their major role involves feeding the public with accurate, timely and adequate information about trends and happenings in the society. Therefore, as major stakeholders in the Nigeria project, the mass media have a crucial role to play in reporting criminal activities, and sensitizing the public. Given the critical importance of the media in ensuring public orientation, the study seek to examine the role of mass media in sensitizing the people against human trafficking in Nigeria (a case study of NTA PH and RADIO RIVERS 99.1FM).

1.2 Statement of the Problem

Over the last decades, trafficking human beings has become an issue of concern for many international and national organizations, government and interest groups with political, social and economic consequences. As succinctly put by Nkememna (2009), human trafficking constitutes a cruel deviation from societal norms; a situation where humans are abducted for forced labour, forced prostitution, exploitations and deprivation of human right; and this crime often results in both short- and long-term physical and psychological harm to its victims. In Nigeria, the issue of human trafficking is the third most common crime despite constitutional provisions outlawing slavery and forced labour in Section 34(1) of 1999 constitution. Also, Sections 223-225 of the criminal code which provide sanctions against whoever trades in prostitution or facilitates the transport of human being within or outside Nigeria for commercial purposes (Nkememena, 2009).

Due to the growing prevalence of this problem, this study seeks to explore media sensitization of the public and coverage of the issue of human trafficking in terms of their severity and complexity which could help draw the attention of both local, national and international communities to have a clear understanding of the heinous activities against humanity and therefore, create an enabling environment for sustainable development. Given the critical importance of the mass media in shaping public attitude, this study focuses on the role of mass media in sensitizing the people against human trafficking in Nigeria (a case study of NTA PH and Radio Rivers 99.1FM).

1.3 Objectives of the Study

The study’s main goal is to examine the role of mass media in sensitizing the people against human trafficking in Nigeria (a case study of NTA PH and Radio Rivers 99.1FM).

The study specifically attempted to:

  • Identify the causes of human trafficking in Nigeria.
  • Determine the extent the mass media facilitates public awareness on the human trafficking in Nigeria.
  • Determine the frequency of mass media in the coverage of human trafficking in Nigeria.
  • Determine the extent the mass media sensitizes the public on the consequences of human trafficking in Nigeria.
  • Determine the extent the mass media sensitizes the public on the value of human life in Nigeria.

1.4 Research Questions:

The study will be guided by the following research questions

  • What are the causes of human trafficking in Nigeria?
  • What is the extent the mass media facilitates public awareness on the human trafficking in Nigeria?
  • What is level of mass media frequency in the coverage of human trafficking in Nigeria?
  • What is the extent the mass media sensitizes the public on the consequences of human trafficking in Nigeria?
  • What is the extent the mass media sensitizes the public on the value of human life in Nigeria?

1.5 Research Hypothesis

Ho: The mass media does not sensitize the public on the consequences of human trafficking in Nigeria.

Ha: The mass media does sensitize the public on the consequences of human trafficking in Nigeria.

1.6 Significance of the Study

This study will help to reignite the mass media effectiveness in help to reduce the rate at which human trafficking is growing in our country today. They could help inform and educate people both in urban and rural areas of the effect of human trafficking and disadvantages and how tit could destroy lives.

Lastly the study will serve as a source of referee materials for prospective researcher who may wish to undertake a study in this regard.

1.7 Scope of the Study

The scope of this study boarders on the role of mass media in sensitizing the people against human trafficking in Nigeria. The study will be conducted in Rivers state while the respondents will be obtained from the staff of NTA PH and Radio Rivers 99.1FM.

1.8 Limitations of the Study

Like all human endeavour, this research work was not without some factors that tended to jeopardize the smooth completion of the study. One of the factors is on the fact that the period of time allowed for this work was short that the researcher did not have enough time to do a thorough job.

Also the researcher in the course of data collection, had to put in extra effort to interpreting interviews schedule of the respondents, some who fall within the in comprehensible age limit. Additionally, there were financial and transit constraints.

1.9 Definition of Terms

Human Trafficking:

This is the trade in human, most commonly for the purpose of sexual, slavery, forced labor or commercial sexual exploitation for the trafficker or others, or for the extraction of organs or tissues including surrogacy and or removal, or for providing a spouse in the context of forced marriage.

Mass Media:

The mass media is a diversified collection of media technologies that reach a large audience via mass communication.

1.10 Organization of the Study

This research work is organized in five chapters, for easy understanding, as follows.

Chapter one is concern with the introduction, which consist of the (overview, of the study), historical background, statement of problem, objectives of the study, research hypotheses, significance of the study, scope and limitation of the study, definition of terms and historical background of the study.

Chapter two highlights the theoretical framework on which the study is based, thus the review of related literature.

Chapter three deals on the research design and methodology adopted in the study.

Chapter four concentrate on the data collection and analysis and presentation of finding.

Chapter five gives summary, conclusion, and recommendations made of the study.

Table of Contents

Title Page
Table of Content
List of Tables

Chapter One:
1.1 Background of the Study
1.2 Statement of the Problem
1.3 Objective of the Study
1.4 Research Questions
1.5 Research Hypothesis
1.6 Significance of the Study
1.7 Scope of the Study
1.8 Limitation of the Study
1.9 Definition of Terms
1.10 Organisations of the Study

Chapter Two:
Review of Literature
2.1 Conceptual Framework
2.2 Theoretical Framework
2.3 Empirical Review

Chapter Three:
Research Methodology
3.1 Research Design
3.2 Population of the Study
3.3 Sample Size Determination
3.4 Sample Size Selection Technique and Procedure
3.5 Research Instrument and Administration
3.6 Method of Data Collection
3.7 Method of Data Analysis
3.8 Validity of the Study
3.9 Reliability of the Study
3.10 Ethical Consideration

Chapter Four:
Data Presentation and Analysis
4.1 Data Presentation
4.2 Analysis of Data
4.3 Answering Research Questions
4.4 Test of Hypotheses

Chapter Five:
Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation
5.1 Summary
5.2 Conclusion
5.3 Recommendation

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