Constraints Of Effective Teaching And Learning Of Computer And Integrated Science

(Case Study Of Enugu East Lga)

5 Chapters
48 Pages
5,808 Words

Effective teaching and learning of Computer and Integrated Science encompass various elements crucial for fostering understanding and proficiency in these disciplines. In the realm of education, several constraints challenge the facilitation of optimal learning experiences. Firstly, resource limitations pose significant hurdles, with insufficient access to up-to-date technology, educational materials, and laboratory equipment hindering comprehensive exploration and practical application of scientific principles. Additionally, the complexity and rapid evolution of computer technology demand adaptable teaching strategies and ongoing professional development for educators to remain abreast of advancements and effectively convey concepts to students. Moreover, curriculum constraints, including overcrowded syllabi or inadequate emphasis on foundational concepts, may impede the depth of understanding required for students to grasp interdisciplinary connections between computer science and other scientific domains. Furthermore, diverse learning needs and varying levels of prior knowledge among students necessitate differentiated instructional approaches to cater to individual learning styles and promote engagement across the spectrum of learners. Addressing these constraints requires collaborative efforts among educators, policymakers, and stakeholders to prioritize resource allocation, curriculum refinement, and professional development initiatives geared towards enhancing the teaching and learning experiences in Computer and Integrated Science education.


The topic of this study is constraints to effective teaching and learning of computer and integrated science in Enugu East Local Government Area (Problems and Remedies). The purposes of the study was to find out the problems affecting teaching and learning of compute and integrated science in Enugu East Local Government. In junior secondary schools and proffer solutions to the problems. The study is a descriptive survey research. The instrument used for data collection is questionnaire, the sample was selected through simple random sampling hand delivery method was used both for administering and collection of the filed questionnaires, statistical text used for data analyses are questionnaire. Unqualified and inexperience teaches, teaching in an unhealthy environment, inadequate textbooks, equipments, instructional materials and non-chalant attitude on the part of students to learn computer and integrated science. The researcher, therefore, recommends that qualified computer/integrated science teachers should be employed. N80, there should be adequate facilities such as libraries with current textbooks and laboratories. Regular supervision should be encouraged to make the teachers more dedicated.


Title page
Approval page
Table of contents

Background of the study
Statement of the problem
Purpose of the study
Significance of the study
Research questions:

Theoretical rationale
Teaching/learning of computer/integrated science: 10
The effect of poor school management and lack of
computers on schools on effective teaching and
learning of computer and integrated science:
Stringent solutions to the problems or
constraints of effective teaching and learning
of computer science and integrated science:

Research design:
Area of study:
Population of study
Sample and sampling techniques:
Instrument for data collection
Validation of instrument:
Method of administration and collection:
Method of data analysis:

Analysis of research question:

Summary of findings:


The importance of the teaching and learning of computer and integrated science cannot be over emphasized as they are the background to science and technology, which played effective role in the life of man in the society. Such roles applies to medical, transportation, education, Automation, communication, Building and constructions, national defense and Global security 9Turner .T. Isuon, 2003).
Through the introduction of computer age, one could not imagine how rapidly our world is changing and with the advent of electronic computer, it has only taken a few short decades to make giant studies such that man has full control over his environment, all these are the result of effective teaching and learning of computer science.
Integrated science in the other hand is the knowledge of the world of nature (the new encyclopedia Britannica, 20030. Also Abdullah (2002) reported that some people define integrated science as an organized body of knowledge in form of laws, concepts and theories Mapadoru (2008) on the other hand defined it from its sociological point of view as an intellectual activity though which man seeks to understand nature. Ouguiyi (2006) defined integrated science as an attempt by human being to organize systems of explanations. Emovon (2009) attempted a fairly comprehensive definition of integrated science where he stated that “it is a body of knowledge which is acquired through observation and systematic experimentation. Abdullah (2002), defined it as activities culminentiy into a test she, falsifiable and veritable body of knowledge.
However, salacity any one of these definition of integrated science would be inadequate and misleading therefore, we can look at integrated science as an enterprise participated in by human beings, concerned with the study and parisimorous explanation of the materials and force of nature. It employs variety of techniques, is motivated by a desire to know, assumes an orderliness in nature, is governed by understandable and acceptable ethical principles and terminates incredible concepts in the form of descriptive, comparative and quantitative concepts. Integrated science is a human implications, is been recorded in the area of science and technology in the world. Modern inventions and discoveries have cumulatively helped to improve man’s progress in health, happiness and productivity. Through the study of science, crude oil, which uses to be refined around, is now being refined in the country. In the realms of biological science, there has been increase in food production, antibiotics and other pain relieving drugs to treat various diseases and animals. Electricity helps to illuminate our environment, look food and drive our plunging machines, tractors and harvesters have tremendously increased crop yield in recent time. Genetic engineering have helped in the development of new breeds of crops and animals.
Space science has gone long way in reducing the successfully transported himself against the force of gravity to other plants and he has also handed on the moon. Communication between a state capital and the remotest village in Nigeria can be achieved within seconds. Though satellites, one is given the opportunity to see and hear reports of events, while a style transmission or broadcast can reach a whole hemisphere of the earth. Computers of various brands and sizes can be used to process large amount of information within few seconds. All these and many more are examples of product of integrated science taught in schools. The availability of computer in school will help in the practical teaching of computer science. This is the only area where the students are shown and are allowed to make use of the computer. Packages are taught and practically done. Because of the importance of these two subjects, we therefore deem it necessary to carry out this research to find out the factors that attest the proper teaching and learning of these subjects and the possible solutions to them.

The state and federal government having seen the great effect of computer and integrated science to the society, level put effort in one way or another as to improve the teaching and learning of computer and integrated science in the secondary schools. Not with standing these effects, the student performances in these subjects is still not interesting. Hence, if the mass failure of students is not given proper attention it will drastically have great effect on every affair of the country both in economy and otherwise. The problem of this study therefore is to find out those factors militating against effective reaching and learning of computer and integrated science in Enugu East Local Government Area of Enugu State.

This study was designed to find out those constraints of effective teaching and learning of computer and integrated science in the secondary schools in Enugu East Local Government of Enugu State. Specifically, this study intends
1) Whether, lack of qualified teaching teachers have effects on effective teaching and learning of computer and integrated science.
2) Whether, teaching methods affect effective teaching and learning of computer and integrated science.
3) Whether, lack of laboratories in schools attest teaching and learning of computer and integrated science.
4) Whether environmental variables attest the effective teaching and learning of computer and integrated science.

The study was geared forwards the enlightenment of teaching, government, society, and students on how to enhance the effective teaching and learning of computer and integrated science in the secondary schools.
This knowledge is essential in the search for better ways of having positive effect in the teachers and learners.
It will also give one educators a peace or line of action as to how to measure and plan curriculum to accommodate these various effective factors.
On this, the whole future researchers would find this investigation relevant as indispensable reference material that could be of importance in this area of academic exercise.

The following research questions were formulated to guide the study;
1 Does lack of qualified teaching have effect on the effective teaching and learning of computer science and integrated science?
2 Does teaching method attest effective teaching and learning of computer and integrated science?
3 Does inadequate instructional materials have any effect on the effective teaching and learning of computer and integrated science?
4 To what extent does lack of laboratories in schools attest their teaching and learning effectiveness?

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Constraints Of Effective Teaching And Learning Of Computer And Integrated Science

Effective teaching and learning of Computer and Integrated Science, like any other subject, involves overcoming various constraints and challenges. Here are some common constraints and ways to address them:

Lack of Resources:
Inadequate Computers: Not all students have access to computers, which can hinder the learning of computer science. Schools should strive to provide computer labs and access to digital devices.
Outdated Software and Hardware: Using outdated software and hardware can limit the effectiveness of computer science instruction. Schools should invest in up-to-date technology.

Teacher Competence:
Inadequate Training: Some teachers may lack the necessary training to effectively teach computer and integrated science. Professional development and training programs can help improve their skills.
Lack of Subject Knowledge: Teachers should have a strong understanding of both computer science and integrated science to deliver quality education. Ongoing professional development can help them stay current.

Curriculum Design:
Outdated Curriculum: Curricula should be regularly updated to reflect the latest advancements in computer science and integrated science. This ensures that students learn relevant and current material.
Lack of Integration: Integrating computer science concepts into the broader science curriculum can be challenging. Collaboration between computer science and science educators is essential.

Student Engagement:
Lack of Interest: Some students may not be naturally interested in computer or integrated science. Teachers can engage them by making the subject matter relevant to their lives and interests.
Difficulty Level: Teachers should strike a balance between challenging students and ensuring that the material is not too difficult to grasp.

Infrastructure and Connectivity:
Limited Internet Access: Reliable internet access is crucial for computer science education. Schools should ensure access to the internet, and teachers should have backup plans for offline activities.
Power Outages: In areas with unreliable power sources, schools may need to invest in backup power solutions to ensure uninterrupted teaching.

Assessment and Evaluation:
Inadequate Assessment Tools: Developing effective assessment tools for computer and integrated science can be challenging. Teachers should use a variety of assessment methods, including practical projects and hands-on tasks.
Grading Complexity: Grading computer science assignments and projects can be time-consuming. Schools should consider providing additional resources or support for teachers in this area.

Cultural and Gender Biases:
Stereotypes: Cultural and gender biases can deter students from pursuing computer and integrated science. Teachers should create an inclusive and welcoming environment for all students.
Representation: Highlighting diverse role models in computer and integrated science can help break down stereotypes and encourage underrepresented groups to participate.

Class Size:
Large Class Sizes: Large class sizes can make it challenging for teachers to provide individualized attention. Schools should consider hiring more teachers or using teaching assistants to reduce class sizes.

Parental Involvement:
Lack of Parental Support: Parents’ support and encouragement can significantly impact a student’s learning experience. Schools can organize workshops and events to involve parents in their child’s education.

Funding Constraints:
Limited Budget: Insufficient funding can restrict the purchase of necessary resources and materials. Schools should advocate for increased funding for computer and integrated science programs.

Overcoming these constraints requires a concerted effort from educators, policymakers, and the community to prioritize and support computer and integrated science education. Collaboration and ongoing professional development are key to addressing these challenges and ensuring effective teaching and learning in these subjects.