Construction Of A Hydro Cyclone

4 Chapters
40 Pages
5,382 Words

A hydrocyclone, often referred to as a cyclone, is a device used for the classification, separation, and concentration of particles in a fluid suspension based on their density. This ingenious piece of equipment operates on the principle of centrifugal force, exploiting the varying mass and size of particles to achieve efficient separation. The construction of a hydrocyclone involves a cylindrical or conical-shaped vessel with an inlet at the top for the suspension to enter tangentially. As the suspension spirals down the cyclone’s interior, centrifugal forces compel heavier particles towards the outer wall, forming a concentrated underflow, while lighter particles are directed towards the center, resulting in an overflow. The efficiency of a hydrocyclone is contingent upon factors such as its dimensions, the flow rate of the suspension, and the design of the internal geometry, all of which collectively influence its ability to separate particles of different sizes and densities effectively.


The hydrocyclone is a separating device used for the separation of dust particles from air, which has no moving component parts. This mechanism can also be defined as a system of winds circulating about a center of relatively low barometric pressure and on the earths surface, blowing inward in spiral form.
This project is constructed for the separation of liquid – liquid and solid – liquid mixture, like air and dust mixture, dust and liquid drop. This equipment is constructed to separate dust air mixture input of about 25m3/h.
The equipment was constructed with flat sheet metal plate of a desired standard. The dimensioned and for truncated parts were coupled and welded in other to fasten the parts together. The material used in this construction is mild sheet. This material was selected to avoid the effect of rust of material due to contact of the separating item or material with the walls of metal sheet.
In considering the rating of this instrument, it is capable of sparing a gas-dust mixture of about 70% pure compared to the one used in commercial industries. That has the offering of product at around 90% pure. The total material cost of this equipment is ten thousand naira (N10,000).
The effect of hydrocyclone had been of much help especially in the pharmaceutical and photographic industries in the process of particle size separation. It is use to separate a mixture of particle size within the range of 4 and 95 m. The moving or relative speed for this model during separation is 4mls.


Title Page
Letter Of Transmittal
Approval Page
Table of Content

Introduction 1
1.1 Objective Of The Project 2

Literature Review 4
2.1 Historical Review Of Particle Size Separation 5
2.2 Theory Of Particle Size Separation 6
2.3 Material Balance For Screening 7
2.4 Theory Of Operation 9
2.5 Uses Of Hydrocyclone 11
2.6 Types Of Mechanical Size Separation Equipment 12
2.7 Features Of The Hydrocyclone 14
2.8 Collection Efficiency Of A Typical Hydrocyclone 15
2.9 Costing Estimation 16
2.10 Disadvantages Of Hydrocyclone 17
2.11 Material Of Construction 18

3.1 Construction Of A Hydrocyclone 19

4.1 Discussion 23
4.2 Recommendation 24
4.3 Conclusion 25
4.4 References 27
4.5 Table For Nomenclature 28
Appendix 29



Since 1772 Ac, the ancient Greek’s and the Roman Empire has successfully been equipment for separation to carry out separation operation. In the past, there are different separation apparatus invented either for the pur rose of size reduction or for size separation process such as decapitation and filtration. But later, a way of separating liquid from liquid by distillation process was introduced, but the mystery of separating dust, steam of gas and liquid remain not until recently, when it was broken by the invention of an apparatus called the electrostatic precipitator and the cyclone.
A cyclone, which is a mechanical separating equipment, is concerned with the separation of particulate and could be defined as a type of centrifugal equipment for separating dust or mist from gasses. The separation of a cyclone takes effect due to the strong centrifugal acceleration that act radically. The separation depends on periodically size and also on particles density, therefore, cyclone may be used to effect separation on the basis of particle size or density or even both.

If the apparatus is the hydrocyclone, the liquid used in this apparatus is usually water and the viscosity () is much higher than that of the gas.
The uncounted fluid resistance is greater in hydrocyclone than in ordinary cyclone. In hydro-cyclone which are solid-liquid separator, the slurry is pumped in tan gentially near the top coarse or heavy solid are thrown out to the apex and the same or higher solid are removed from the center of the vortex at the top.
Generally, hydrocyclone have pared way needed, often for processes that makes use of pure (filtered) air as their raw material is needed. For instance, in electronic and pharmaceutical industries where dust particles are to be removed may range from 10 to more than 2,000mu, in size. Moreover, in an evaporator, it is frequently necessary to estimate droplets, which become entrained in the vapour and in a plant involving fluidized solids.

The objective of this project is to construct a hydrocyclone that can be used in small scale industry for the size separation processes. The constructed hydrocyclone can also be used industrially for product quality improvement, as in an cleaning in pharmaceutical products and photographic film. A suitable choice of material of construction was made in order to enhance the versatility of its application’s.



Construction Of A Hydro Cyclone:

A hydrocyclone is a device used in various industries for the separation of particles from a liquid suspension based on their density, size, and shape. It operates on the principle of centrifugal force and is commonly used in processes like water treatment, oil and gas drilling, mineral processing, and more. Here’s a basic overview of the construction of a hydrocyclone:

Cylindrical Body: The main body of a hydrocyclone is typically a long, cylindrical tube with a conical or tapered section at the bottom. The purpose of this shape is to create a swirling motion inside the hydrocyclone, which is essential for particle separation.

Inlet: The suspension to be separated is introduced into the hydrocyclone through an inlet pipe. The inlet is usually tangential, which means the liquid enters the hydrocyclone in a spiraling motion, creating a vortex inside.

Vortex Finder: At the center of the conical section, there is a small-diameter pipe called the vortex finder. This pipe extends from the top of the hydrocyclone down to near the bottom, but it does not touch the bottom. Its purpose is to draw the overflow (clean liquid) out of the hydrocyclone.

Apex or Underflow Outlet: At the bottom of the hydrocyclone, there is a smaller opening known as the apex or underflow outlet. This is where the concentrated slurry or particles are discharged. The size of the apex can be adjusted to control the cut size of particles that are separated.

Overflow Outlet: Above the vortex finder, there is an overflow outlet, usually located at the top of the hydrocyclone. This is where the clean liquid exits the hydrocyclone. It’s important to note that the liquid that exits through the overflow contains fewer or no solid particles.

Material: Hydrocyclones are typically constructed from materials that are corrosion-resistant and can withstand the abrasion caused by the particles in the suspension. Common materials include stainless steel, rubber-lined steel, or ceramic materials, depending on the application.

Support Structure: Hydrocyclones are often mounted on a support structure, and multiple hydrocyclones may be connected in parallel or series to increase the efficiency of separation.

Instrumentation and Controls: In industrial settings, hydrocyclones are often equipped with instrumentation and controls to monitor and adjust their performance. This can include pressure gauges, flow meters, and automatic valves.

The operation of a hydrocyclone relies on the difference in the density and size of particles in the suspension. As the suspension enters the hydrocyclone and forms a swirling vortex, centrifugal forces cause the denser and larger particles to move towards the outer wall, while the cleaner liquid moves toward the center and exits through the overflow outlet. The separated particles are discharged through the apex or underflow outlet.

The design and dimensions of a hydrocyclone can vary widely depending on the specific application and the desired separation efficiency. Engineers and researchers use mathematical models and empirical data to optimize hydrocyclone designs for various industrial processes.