Construction Of A Potable Electric Operated With Radio Control Wireless Remote Motor Vehicle For Long Danza Bus

7 Chapters
33 Pages
3,501 Words

The construction of a portable electric motor vehicle operated with radio control wireless remote encompasses the integration of various components and technologies to achieve efficient functionality. This project involves the assembly of a compact and lightweight chassis equipped with an electric motor, rechargeable batteries, and steering mechanism, all controlled wirelessly through a radio frequency remote. The design process incorporates engineering principles to ensure stability, maneuverability, and durability of the vehicle. Emphasizing energy efficiency and safety, the selection of materials and components is crucial, balancing performance with sustainability. Integration of advanced electronics and wireless communication protocols enables seamless remote operation, enhancing user experience and versatility. Through meticulous design and fabrication, this project aims to exemplify innovation in portable electric vehicle technology, catering to diverse applications ranging from leisure to industrial sectors while promoting sustainability and technological advancement.


Construction of a potable electric operated motor vehicle for long Volvo Bus. In this project involves the knowledge of mechanical engineering workshop technology and engineering material science and strength.
This was exactly what we were taught. We contracted the electric car with the actual dimension of long Volvo bus(Ml-) got from the catalogue and we enlarged the scale by 1: 8mm. aluminum cord was used in the construction of the vehicle body because of its light weight and it is paraded with marking sole, which absorbs heat entering from outside into the vehicle due to excess heat or sum on the aluminum. In the construction of electric car, he step are as follows:
1. The fabrication drawing, taking in consideration the various diversion of the component that make up the electric car and the type of materials to be used.
2. The construction of the material was carried out in the workshop with the help of the working tools and finally assembling the components.


Title page ii
Letter of transmittal iii
Signature of page iv
Release note v
Approval vi
Dedication vii
Acknowledgement viii
Abstract ix
Table of content x

Introduction 1

Literature Review 3

Material selection 5
Safety glass 6
Ignition component 6
Direction indication 7
Aluminum sheets 7

Deception of electrical components 9
The electric motor 9
The battery 10
How the battery works 10
Types of battery 11
The radio control 11

Types 12
The function of the type 14
The wheels 15
Types of wheels for cars 15
Centre look wine wheel 15
The gear box 16
Maintenance 16

Operations 17
Cost evaluation 19

Conclusion 22
Recommendation 22
Reference 23


The purpose of this project is to help the reader to under standard FEW thing about electric car. Those specialist who have slayer long in electric vehicle design recognize this alternative type of transportation as a challenge to commanding importance to contemporary mankind.
The construction of electric car could achiever the speed and acceleration of those of internal combustion engine.
If being build in small qualities. Electric car be constructed of corrosion proof material to provide a far long life.
They do not have the universality of the gasoline powered vehicle. It should be recharged after a shoot period of time or after a trip. It should also have its charging cord connected to the outlet convenient for it and the battery rejuvenated(charged) for the vehicle’s next excursion.
This procedure will minimize the daily effective range, which in a9hour period can now approach 81mites of urban during.
This figure comes into perspective, when it is realized that 50% of the gas line powered car in over sea travel less than 28 miles per day and that 54% of the trips are under 5 miles.
Such usage is already efficiently attained by a good electric car.
In a developing and growing countries here are more effective electric car and fabricating batteries with greater energy storage per unit of weight.

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Construction Of A Potable Electric Operated With Radio Control Wireless Remote Motor Vehicle:

Building a portable electric vehicle operated by radio control with a wireless remote is an ambitious project that requires a strong understanding of electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, and robotics. Long Danza Bus is not a well-known term in my knowledge, so I’ll assume you’re referring to a standard electric vehicle or a bus. Here’s a simplified overview of the steps and components you’ll need to consider for such a project:

  1. Design and Planning:
    • Define the specific goals and requirements for your electric vehicle.
    • Create detailed design schematics and plans for the vehicle’s chassis, electronics, and control systems.
    • Determine the vehicle’s size, weight, and payload capacity.
  2. Chassis Construction:
    • Build the vehicle’s chassis, which includes the frame, wheels, suspension, and steering system.
    • Ensure that the chassis can accommodate the electric motor, battery, and other components.
  3. Electric Motor and Drive System:
    • Select an appropriate electric motor and controller for your vehicle’s size and intended use.
    • Install the motor and controller into the chassis, connecting them to the wheels.
    • Design a battery system (e.g., lithium-ion batteries) and install it on the vehicle.
    • Implement a charging system for the batteries.
  4. Radio Control System:
    • Choose a reliable radio control system with a wireless remote.
    • Install the radio receiver on the vehicle and configure it to communicate with the remote control.
    • Implement safety features, such as emergency stop mechanisms.
  5. Sensors and Feedback:
    • Integrate sensors (e.g., gyroscopes, accelerometers) to provide feedback on the vehicle’s position and orientation.
    • Implement sensor fusion algorithms to ensure stability and control.
  6. Power Management:
    • Design a power distribution system to ensure efficient energy use and to power other onboard components like lights and accessories.
  7. Control Software:
    • Develop control software to interpret commands from the wireless remote and control the vehicle’s movement.
    • Implement algorithms for smooth acceleration, braking, and steering.
    • Include fail-safe mechanisms to prevent accidents.
  8. Testing and Calibration:
    • Thoroughly test the vehicle’s performance and safety features.
    • Calibrate the control system to ensure precise control.
  9. Safety and Regulations:
    • Adhere to safety regulations and standards applicable to electric vehicles in your region.
    • Consider safety features such as emergency braking and obstacle detection.
  10. User Interface:
    • Design a user-friendly interface on the wireless remote control for easy operation.
    • Consider adding features like a display for vehicle status and battery life.
  11. Documentation:
    • Create detailed documentation of your project, including wiring diagrams, software code, and user manuals.
  12. Final Assembly:
    • Assemble all components, making sure everything is securely in place.
    • Perform a final inspection to ensure the vehicle is ready for use.
  13. Optional Features:
    • Depending on your goals, you can add additional features like GPS navigation, autonomous capabilities, or remote monitoring.
  14. Testing and Refinement:
    • Continuously test and refine your vehicle’s performance and control systems based on real-world usage and feedback.