The Critical Assessment Of NTA National Integration Programme.


This research work titled “Assessment of NTA Kaduna’s National Integration Programmes” is being conducted to explore the role of the media, particularly television in aiding national integration. The study will look at the significance of the media towards the development and expansion of consciousness in modern times. It will also assess the impact of television on individuals and the society towards arousing a sense of national unity and development. Furthermore, the research will look at viewers’ perception of NTA Kaduna’s national integration programmes.

Chapter One

1.0 Introduction

The role of the media, particularly, television in advancing national integration is pivotal. Television has become a very important and an effective medium of mass communication since its invention. Its synchronous transmission of audio and visual signals enables it to excert enormous influence on the society, thus, commanding credibility and attention than other media as Radio, Newspaper, Magazine etc.

Television has become a nerve linking the society and its activities together. This is because it performs the role of integration which is of particular importance in contemporary times in which ethnic, religions, politics and other diversities are being brought together into a global village. The media provides messages which people from different groups and nations require in order to know; understand and appreciate each other. Moreover, television creates awareness of different life styles in a society. In doing this, emphasis is placed on similarities in life style, which is beneficial to developing nations like Nigeria where “loyalties rarely extend beyond the village, tribe or religion” and where integration is usually seen as an identification with the larger whole, that is, the state.

This, in assessing the role of television in advancing national integration, it should be noted that, the media (Television) inform every stratum of the society about the dangers of lack of unity amongst the different people of a community or nation state through the creation of sense of identification and the propagation of common cultural values. In Nigeria, for instance, NTA stations in different states of the Federation exchange programmes about their peoples’ ways of life, this could be seen as an attempt at National integration. By watching such programmes, people of one state can get to understand and appreciate the pattern of life, view point and aspirations of other Nigerians in other states. Such as understanding could minimize or even eliminate fear and ethnocentrism which usually form the basis of the mistrust which divide people along cultural, religious and other liens/diversities.

For a developing country like Nigeria to achieve true national integration and unity, the role of the media especially television must be unearthed and emphasized. National integration is a multi-faceted or rather a multi-sectoral concept that encompasses all aspects of our national, educational, cultural, social, religious, tribal, ethnic, political, economic etc. it therefore connotes the active participation of all. The media enlightens the general public on the desirability for national unity and development. Currant et al (1979) assets that: “the role of the media cannot be overlooked in the development of any society which diverse culture, tribe, group and other affiliations”. He added that: “the media is of great importance in social, cultural, economic and political development of every nation not because they are in better position to serve the particular needs of the people but also because they make it easier for more people to have access to the media and therefore take part in its affairs”.

For the media, particularly television to contribute meaningfully to national integration/unity in facilitating development, it must have a conclusive atmosphere to carry out its traditional function of curtailing the excesses of communities which if left to continue will drail the much needed integration and development. The media needs all the necessary support from both the government and the citizenry to educate people on the need to tolerate one another in the interest of peace and tranquility. Recent events in the Niger- Delta, Jos, Kano, and Bauchi crisis are manifestation of lack of unity amongst the various communities of the nation .Those frictions not only impede social and economic development, but also resulted into loss of lives, maiming of innocent citizens of the areas and destruction of properties.

Thus it is imperative for the media to play a very crucial role in changing these ugly situations. This is only attainable if the press is given a free hand to operate because a free press is the cornerstone of national integrations and development.

1.1 Statement of General Problem

National integration is highly instrumental to the development of every nation. Nigeria, though characterized by so many ethnic, religious and cultural diversities cannot be said to be an exception. Thus, there is the problem of lack of understanding amongst the various diversities in the country, which has often resulted into crises. However the mass media, particularly television has come under criticism while performing its role of national integration during such period.

Against this background, this study shall assess the role of television particularly NTA Kaduna in fostering unity in the nation with the goal of engendering peace and harmonious co-existence among the divers groups in the nation.

1.3 Aim and Objectives

This research work is aimed at assessing the television in national integration, considering the fact that television has remain a very powerful instrument of control. It is in view of the above that this study tends to as part of its objectives :

Assess NTA Kaduna national integration programmes.

Find out viewers perception of NTA Kaduna’s programme, how does this relate to the national integration goal ?

Investigate the influence of television message during crises.

Find out how television can be used to further enhance unity within the nation’s groups and cultures.

To analyses various means through which NTA Kaduna carry out their national integration functions.


1.4 Significance of Study

This research work will give insight to those who intend to undertake a similar research. It will also contribute meaningfully to literature both for students and media practitioners and generally in the field of mass communication. This study will also assist and guide NTA Kaduna on how to design and package programmes on national integration. This research is also generally useful since it diversity which is cardinal to sustainable development.

1.5 Scope of Study

The scope of this study is NTA Kaduna’s programmes on national integration and their influence on the residents of Kaduna metropolise.

1.6 Theoretical Framework

The social responsibility theory of mass media is considered most suitable for this study because it provides a framework within which this study can be located. The social responsibility theory which is an offshoot of the libertarian school of thought holds its origin to the Hutchins commission on freedom of the press, set up in United State of America in 1947. The main thrust of this theory in relation to national integration is its portrayal of the ability of the media “is to raise conflict to the plane of discussion “. In principle however, media can be used by any one who has an idea to express, while it is forbidden to invade other peoples privacy or distrupt vital social structures or interests while expressing on idea.

This theory postulates six specific functions for the press.

To serve the political system by making information, discussion, and considerations of public affairs generally accessible.

To inform the public to enable it take self determined action.

To protect the right of individuals by acting as watchdog over government.

To serve the economic system by bringing buyers and sellers together.

To provide good entertainment. What ever “good” may mean in the culture at any point in time.

To preserve financial autonomy . social responsibility theory tends to validate this study because it emphases the need to conflicts to the plane of discussion so as to foster unity and on the larger whole national integration


1.7 Definition of Terms

1. Integration:

Means combining two or more things in such a way that one becomes part of the other.

2. Unity:

Making something or people to stick together.

3. Mass media:

They various channels through which information gets the audience. Example TV, Radio, Newspaper etc.

4. National:

Any thing that deals with the larger whole, i.e. an entire country.

5. NTA:

Nigerian Television Authority.

1.8 History of Case Study

The history of Nigerian Television Authority (NTA) can be traced back to 31st October 1959 when the Western Nigerian Television (WNTV) blamed alive the first television signals in Nigeria. Barely a year after, in 1960, the Eastern Nigerian Television (ENTV) came into existence.

The Nigerian Television Authority (NTA) Kaduna was carved out from the former broadcasting company of northern Nigeria (BCNN) which was established by decree No. 24 of 31st March 1962, but became an entity from 1st April, 1976. The station has its transmitters located at No. 99 Isah Kaita Road Kaduna.

Chapter Five

Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation

5.1 Summary

Television plays a pivotal role in the promotion of national integration, most especially in a diverse society like Nigerian with different tribes and ethnic groups.

This research is aimed at assessing NTA national integration programme, taking an in depth look on how television may be used to Foster unity in a cultural diverse societies like ours.

In the course of this research, it was discovered that NTA Kaduna is a fully involved in the promotion of unity in diversity.

This research also discovered that NTA Kaduna air programmes on national integration but mostly in the aftermath of crisis. NTA programmes are directed towards culming tempers by bring conflict to the plain of discussion.

The finding from the research also shows that the visual messages of television have a very powerful influence during crisis. This is because most people rely on television during crisis to keep them informed about the situation.

Television has also been seen as a veritable tool for the promotion of unity within the nation. However, the various crisis situations in Kaduna state has been attributed to lack of unity, which means that NTA has more roles to play in the promotion of unity.

5.2 Conclusion

In View The Various Findings Of The Research, it is rational to conclude that

NTA Kaduna playas very important role in promoting unity among residents of Kaduna metropolis.

Television due to its powerful influence during crisis has been able to promote national integration.

It is also logical top conclude that the various crisis in Kaduna state is due to lack of unity which means NTA’s approach toward promoting national integration has to be reviewed.

The significance of television is growing day by day. Thus, it has proven to be the best medium for promotion of national integration looking at the analysis on table 8, 9 and 10. it shows that majority of the respondents are positive on the fact that the visual message of television has power influence during crisis. The answer to this research question is positive.


Research question three (3) states that. Does television foster unity research question was provided on table 14. 22% of respondents rated NTA as excellent in terms of diversity and conflict reporting, 18% said very good, while 50% in their assessment gave NTA good in terms of fostering unity in diversity. Thus, the answer to research question three is positive.

Research question four states that what roles NTA Kaduna programmes play in terms of curtaining crisis? This research question is answered on table 7 and 13 from the analysis presented on table 7, majority of the respondents representing 79% were positive on the fact that, NTA Kaduna programmes cams tempers during crisis. On the table 13, majority of the respondents representing 57% agreed with the fact that NTA play a vital role in curtaining crisis in Kaduna state.

5.3 Recommendations

After taking a critical look at the findings from the research, the researcher therefore makes the following recommendations.

NTA should place more emphasis on programmes directed toward uniting the various diverse groups in the state.

NTA Kaduna should create an avenue where disputing parties can come together to peacefully resolve their disputes through dialogue.

NTA Kaduna should from time to time pass message across to residents of the state on te need to stay united and shun all forms of violent means of setting disputes.

The state government should sponsor programme where the various cultural and religious groups in the state can come together to educate each other on some salient points embedded in their culture and religion to enhance better understanding.

NTA Kaduna a must always produce programmes that stresses the need for tolerance.

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