Design And Implement Student Registration And Online Payment Portal

The Design And Implement Student Registration And Online Payment Portal Complete Project Material (PDF/DOC)

Chapter One


1.1 Background Of Study

The trend shows that more Nigerians do financial transactions electronically via banks ATMs, internet banking and SMS-banking. It was reported that in Nigeria major bank, the number of ATM transactions is 3.5 to 4 million (of total 5 million transactions) in a single day. In another bank, the ATM transactions are increased by 32% annually. Still, the banks in Nigeria seem to be confident that the ATM transactions would keep on increasing in the next several years as they continue to add more ATMs in the entire areas of Nigeria. As reported, currently, web technology has also been used widely. In line with this trend, the internet transactions in Nigeria are also increased fantastically (up to87% in a single quarter) so is the SMS and mobile banking transactions. With this trend, it could be said that conducting transactions electronically has been becoming necessity and way of life of Nigerians.

By considering the trend, it is necessary that higher education institutions (HEIs) in Nigeria, where most depend on the students’ fees to operate, provide electronic payment services for the students. Since students in an HEI might origin from all over area of Nigeria, and their fees might be paid directly by their parents, it would be best if the payment system could be accessed through the banks wide ATM network, internet, and cellular network established in

Nigeria. What a pity, though, the result of our survey on the HEI websites reveals that among more than 3000 HEIs in Nigeria, only less than one thousand have been operating “online system payment” where most of their online systems accept payment transactions conducted in limited or a few banks network only. Certainly, this could be considered as a drawback in terms of catching up with IT use and fulfilling the Nigerians needs of electronic transactions. By conducting limited survey on a few HEIs, I also found the fact that the financial HEI managements nowadays still encounter problems related to balancing the total of student bills with the actual payment made. They are also having difficulties in generating the up to date yet accurate financial reports. These, of course, cause inefficiencies in the HEIs.

Developing Electronic Payment System (EPS) to handle union bills and payment is a complex task, since students’ and parents’ behavior as well as their needs, HEI management requirement, integration with the academic information system, IT infrastructure, banks products offered and banks collaboration must be addressed. The task is also challenging as the literatures acknowledge that IT projects are high-risk. (It was reported that 34% of IT projects were late or over budget, 31% were abandoned, scaled back or modified, only 24% were completed on time and on budget. Also reported that only 28% of software development projects were successful.)

Contributions: Despite the urgent needs of EPS for HEIs and the challenge in developing one, we could find research results of EPS concerning with e-commerce or government institutions only. Therefore, this paper is intended to contribute in presenting the development method and model of EPS for student unions (a HEIs type with the largest number in Nigeria), which specifically ensure the project success. Our approach is: We define the key success factors in the early stage of requirement gathering, then, in the following stages, the student union government policies and system models are designed in such a way to ensure that key success factors are achieved. As the banks maintain confidentiality of their system for the sake of security, detailed discussion of the system development could only be presented for the system component owned by the student union. The research is conducted in a well-known polytechnic in Nigeria.

1.2 Case Study: Student Union Government (OGITECH Chapter)

Student Union Government (OGITECH CHAPTER) was founded in 2013 with some elected executives, legislative and electoral body; some of the executives are president, vice president, transport director, sports director general secretary and etc.

The student union Government comprises of 3 organ namely:

The Executive Council

The Student Representative Council

The Judiciary


Execution Council Functions

The management of the union shall be entrusted to an executive council, which shall serve for one academic year. The executive shall be elected in the second semester.

The executive council shall super intend and control the affair of the union and cater for the interest of its members. It shall submit its annual budget of less 15% of its total income to the student representative council within a month into a new academic session. The 15% saving will be paid into a separate account known as the student trust account, such savings would be used for contingency purpose (s) that are beneficial to the student body subject to the approval of the S.R.C PRESIDENT, DIRECTOR OF FINANCE and TREASURER. The executive council shall organize an annual student union week otherwise known as “POLYWEEK” in accordance with the article 2© of the constitution.

It shall be the responsibility of the union executive to fix union dues subject to approval of the student representative council which shall be paid into specified account in the bank.

Membership fee shall be subject to review when necessary by the executive council to meet the needs of the union. Such fees shall be approved by the student representative council.

The executive council shall prepare the semester programme and present if to the house of representative within a month into the semester for approval. The house of representative shall within 7 days of receiving the programme return the vetted version to the executive council for presentation to the house of senate for ratification.

In the event of any matter arising which is not wholly or in any part covered by the rules of the union, the executive council with the approval of the student representative council shall have powers deal with such matter to the best of the union.

Shall exercise any other duties that may be assigned to it by the student representative council

Officer And Qualification Of The Executive Council

The executive council comprises of:


Vice President

Secretary General

Assistant Secretary General

Director of Socials

Director of Publicity

Director of Welfare

Deputy Director of Welfare

Director of Finance


Director of Sports


Any student union member shall be qualified to vote and be voted for to serve in the executive council provided such student is:

A fully registered student of the polytechnic

Has obtained a cumulative grade point of not below 2.50 (with or without carry over) in the current session or in the absence of the first semester result a G.P.A of not less than 2.50 at the end of the previous session.

Is not found to have been involve in fraud, misappropriation of fund and anti-union activities within then polytechnic

Is not a member of any unlawful association within and outside the polytechnic

Is not on industrial attachment

Is not gainfully employed by any employer

Does not hold execution position in any registered club/society or if he hold such position (s) shall relinquish same prior or nomination.


The post of the president and secretary general has been reserved for those student who have spent at least a session in the institution as matriculated student and have served the union in the past as a member of the student representative council or S.U.G executive of there is a strong evidence of leadership and service to the institution. This is also applicable to the senate president and speaker of the house of Representative.

Students Representative Council

There shall be a student representative council (SRC) which shall be the highest legislative body of the union. It consists of the House of Representative.

House Of Representative

The House of Representative consists of members elected by popular vote on class basis. Each class consist a constituency. Member shall meet appointment date by SUECO after being duly elected to elect the officers of House of Representatives. Shall form a quorum by two-third of its members and shall carry any motion by a simple majority of the House. Shall exercise such other power to be delegated to it according to the provision of this constitution.

Officers Of The House Of Representatives

The House of Representatives have the following officers. Speaker, Deputy Speaker, Clerk of the house, Deputy Clerk, Sergeant at arms. The election of the above officials shall be such that no school in the institution shall fill more than on position. For the purpose of the first meeting at which above officers shall be elected by the SUECO Chairman or his Representative shall preside over the meeting and conduct the election.


Deputy Speaker

Clerk of the house.

Deputy clerk of the house

Sergent of arms



The judiciary comprises of the Judicial Council and the Court of Appeal.

Judicial Council

There shall be a Judicial Council for the Students Union of OGITECH Polytechnic.

The Judicial Council l comprise of two members from each school who shall hereafter be referred to as judges.

Judges shall meet on an appointed day by SUECO after been duly elected to elect the officers of the judiciary.

The Judicial Council shall be headed by the Chief Judge who shall be elected form among the judges.

The Judicial Council shall be formed in the second semester.

The term of office of the Judicial Council shall be one academic session.

The Judicial Council shall be independent and members shall enjoy a secured tenure of the office and shall hold office until a new full Judicial body is constituted to replace them.

There shall be a by-election in case of any vacancy.

They shall comprise of HND students who must have spent at least one academic session in the Polytechnic.


Officers Of The Judicial Council

There shall be:

A Chief Judge.


Deputy Registrar.


The tenure of office for the organs of the union or any office holder is one academic session.

1.3 The Existing System

Student Union Government of Ogun State Institute of Technology Account office was created by the school management during the Prince Sola Adetutu Administration with the primary objective of satisfying the institute a qualified student unionism. Therefore as an important arm of the school system it has to be consistently developed to meet this need.

The student union government currently boosts of a well-qualified treasurer and committed administrative assistants who are highly meticulous in carrying out the various student payment procedures. However a few lapses have been noticed especially in the managing of student’s information in terms of accessing student payment details. The present system operates a manual system of data collation and Processing of student registrationand union due.As a result the following problems are evident:

Inaccuracy in data documentation of student’s information.

Problems of data insecurity or misrepresentation.

Time wastage and other problems associated with manual method of data processing.


1.4 Problems With Existing System

The highlighted problems of the existing system are listed below:

The existing system does not does not allow online student registration of the union

The existing system is not flexible, robust.

The existing system cannot check student details online and also it cannot be used to register students’ referee details.

The existing system cannot be queried all because the size of the database is very small.


1.5 The New Proposed System

The new proposed system will be running on a server, using Dreamweaver as the front end and MySQL which will serve as the database at the back end with java script, cascading style sheet (CSS) and php script application to build the new system and couple it as executable program, whereby it will be running or operating on a micro-computer or a standalone computer system which will be launched on a server (WAN) for every applicant to use. The newly proposed system will be menu driven program, whereby it will display some sets of control that the user will be viewing to make selection of an object.

The new proposed system will also be able to receive data from the keyboard in the student registration page, such as first name, last name, age, sex, local government, state, nationality, contact address, phone no, registration of student at the beginning of each session and checking of student dues etc. and it will process the data been received from the keyboard based on the condition specified by the user and the data received.

The new proposed system will be able to register:

New students into the association.

All levels that students are will be registered because levels due are not the same.

The new proposed system will update and delete unwanted existing records in the database.

The new proposed system will determine the failed and successful transaction made by each student.


1.6 Aims And Objectives Of The Study

The main objective of the study is to DESIGN AND IMPLEMENT STUDENT REGISTRATION AND ONLINE PAYMENT PORTAL. Other specific objectives are:

To know the advantages of Online Payment Portal

To know the associated problems with the Online Payment Portal

To find solution or suggest solution to the problems of automated Online Payment Portal.


1.7 Scope And Limitation Of The Study

The software shall be used to register student online.

The software shall be used to pay S.U.G due online

The software shall use a Vogue pay payment gateway for online transaction


1.8 Definition Of Terms

Payment Gateway

An avenue where by payment can be made via web.


Automated Teller Machine. A cash machine.

Credit Card

A plastic card, usually with a magnet strip or an embedded microchip, connected to be a credit account and used to buy goods or services.


This describes a system which is connected (generally electrically) to a larger network. Hence


Student Union Government. The elected student representative body that represents the entire student of an institution within the school and outside the school.

Chapter Five

Conclusion, Recommendation And Summary

5.1 Conclusion

In this project work much effort has been madeto boost S.U.G management payment operations by Effective entering of new payment into the association and the details of payment made for that transaction. The software can issue receipt for students to indicate that they have made payment for the semester. In this project work, effort has also been made to track the failed and passed transactions

Also information has been presented in an easy and intelligible manner for quick grasp of the payment portal concept by users. The software is easily accessible by the systemoperator, in addition to eliminating the stress associated with the manual system ofdata management.

Finally, the system will ensure accurate documentation and easy retrieval and data update. Thisalso serves a potential platform for data integrity.

Problems Encountered.

I had some problems with power stability. I also had some difficulty with deleting of a record from the database, but after series of debugging steps coupled with reverent contribution from on-line tutors, friends and seniors, I soon found it quite an easy task to execute.

5.2 Recommendations

The proposed “payment portal “ is of immense benefits to both the S.U.G operators, the EXCO’s and also the student’s by virtue its competence in terms of accurate data documentation ,storage and quality speed of procedure executions.

This, which largely focuses on human improvement,is a fresh air of effectiveness to the payment system.
After series of testing and going under some supervision, I hereby recommend this software for the Student Union Government for use.

5.3 Summary

After we have completed the project we are sure the problems in the existing system would overcome. The “STUDENT REGISTRATION AND PAYMENT PORTAL” process made computerized to reduce human errors and to increase the efficiency. The main focus of this project is to lessen human efforts. The maintenance of the records is made efficient, as all the records are stored in the MySQL database, through which data can be retrieved easily. The navigation control is provided in all the forms to navigate through the large amount of records. If the numbers of records are very large then user has to just type in the search string and user gets the results immediately. The editing is also made simpler. The student has to just type in the required field and press the update button to update the desired field.

Our main aim of the project is to get the correct information about a particular student and membership due he/she has paid for a session or semester in the association. The problems, which existed in the earlier system, have been removed to a large extent. And it is expected that this project will go a long way in satisfying user’s requirements. The computerization of the Student Registration will not only improve the efficiency but will also reduce human stress thereby indirectly improving human resources.

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