Design And Implementation Of A Computerized News Editing System

7 Chapters
43 Pages
4,591 Words

A computerized news editing system refers to a sophisticated software tool designed to streamline and enhance the process of editing news content for publication across various media platforms. This innovative system leverages advanced algorithms and automation techniques to facilitate tasks such as grammar and spelling checks, style consistency enforcement, fact verification, headline generation, and layout optimization, thereby significantly increasing efficiency and accuracy in newsroom operations. By integrating artificial intelligence and natural language processing technologies, this digital solution empowers editors to swiftly navigate through vast amounts of information, identify relevant stories, and polish them to meet journalistic standards before dissemination. With its ability to analyze data trends and user engagement metrics, the system also aids in content curation and audience targeting, ensuring that news organizations deliver timely and compelling stories tailored to their readership’s interests. In an era characterized by rapid information dissemination and evolving reader preferences, the adoption of a computerized news editing system emerges as a strategic imperative for media outlets seeking to stay competitive in the digital landscape and maximize their online visibility and reader engagement.


Those people out there , who are familiar with journalism will better appreciate how difficult it is to produce or developed well edited news .
This project Design and implementation of a computerized News Editing system , distinguish itself as it provides solution to the teaming problems facing today’ journalist as for as news editing is concerned .
The concept of this project is divided into seven (7) chapters which gave an ample opportunity for the study of the existing system in order to be able to design a new system that is far better than the former system .
We shall in this work look at the traditional news editing system form the view point of desiring and implementing of a new editing system which will ease the works of news editor in the field of journalism.


Cover page
Title page
Table of the content

1.0 Background of the study
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Statement of the problem
1.3 Purpose of the study
1.4 Objective of the study
1.5 Scope of the problems
1.6 Definition of terms

2.0 literature Review

3.0 Overview of the existing system
3.1 Description and Analysis of the existing system
3.2 Method of the data collection
3.2.1 Interview Methods
3.2.2 Reference to winter text
3.3 Input Analysis
3.4 process Analysis
3.5 output Analysis
3.6 Problem of the existing system

4.0 Design of the new system
4.1 Output specification and design
4.2 Input specification and Design
4.3 File Design
4.4 Precede chart
4.5 system flowchart
4.6 system Requirement

5.0 Implementation
5.1 program design
5.2 Program flowchart
5.3 source listing
5.4 Test Run

6.0 Documentation

7.0 Recommendation & concision


The advent of computer Technology has completely changed the way things are done globally . these effects of computer Technology can be fall in all field of study , consequently giving birth to the automation of process of activities in various field of human endeavor.
This study will seek to usher in automation of the news editing system . it is believed that the traditional news editing system is grossly in efficient and ineffective . these hare been the reason behind the epileptic news presented on daily basis by journalists to their teaming audience globally.
This study will be carried out with the view of designing a new system that will take good care of the ineffectiveness that characterized the existing system and automation of the entire process of news editing.

According to the Oxford English Dictionary, editor come from the Latin phrase “e ditus’’ which means “to put forward’’. Therefore, News Editing is the process of preparing language, News, for presentation to the audience, through correction, condensation, organization and other modification. A person who edits, especially professionally or as a hobby, is called an editor.
News editing involves reviewing text written on topical issues, and identifying errors related to the we of language in general or adherence to specific style guide. This activity ensures that News are of good quality. In large media houses, experienced function writers are dedicated to the News editing function.
News sources includes: official records, publication or broadcasts, official in government or business, organizations or corporations, witnesses of crime, accidents or other events, and people involved with or affected by anew event or issue.

News editing as it regards to the journalism profession is characterized by numerous problems. The problems that characterized the existing system are actually responsible for the fall in the quality of news production and presentation. The problems with the existing system includes:
i) Reviewing of reports submitted by reports on the field
ii) Identification of errors in the reports, this includes: grammatical errors, spelling errors, punctuation errors etc.
iii) Condensation of reports into meaningful and concise piece
iv) Organization of the reports in an orderly manner for presentation to the audience.
v) And other modifications.

Like other studies or projects carried out on various issues in different fields of human endeavor, globally, the purpose of this study is as follows:
Firstly, this study will try to find out new ways of reviewing reports that are far better than the existing method.
Secondly, to seek a way of editing News that will take less time when compared to the former or traditional method, existing system .
Thirdly, this study will try to discover methods of improving the quality of edited piece of news done by the editor.
Lastly, the purpose of this study is to uncover an easier way of correcting the errors commonly found in reports from the field directly.

The aim of this study (project) is to design a new system that will surpass the existing system in the following areas:
– Reviewing of reports
– Detection of errors
– Correction of errors
– Summarization of reports
Furthermore this study will aim at automating the entire process of news editing system, that will further enhance News editing in terms of:
– Quality
– Timeliness
– Accuracy
– Relevance
– Importance
– And correctness.

The scope of this study will cover all the activities and processes that are involved in News Editing from the submission of news reports to the final News editing process. These will further lead to the design and implementation of a blue print for the automation of news Editing system (existing system).

Automation – The use of machines or computers to do work that was previously done by people.
News – An information about something or an event that has happened recently.
Editing – The process of preparing a piece of writing by correcting the mistakes, making improvements.
Editor – A person who edits.
Reporter – A person who collects and reports news.
Correspondent – A person who reports news from a particular country or on a particular subject for a newspaper or a television or radio station.

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Computerized News Editing System:

A Computerized News Editing System (CNES) is a software application or platform designed to assist news editors, journalists, and other media professionals in the process of editing and publishing news content. It leverages computer technology and automation to streamline various aspects of the news editing workflow. Here are some key components and features typically associated with a CNES:

  1. Content Management: CNES systems often include a content management system (CMS) that allows editors to store, organize, and access news articles, images, videos, and other multimedia elements. This makes it easy to retrieve and update content as needed.
  2. Text Editing: These systems provide text editing tools tailored to the specific needs of news editing. This may include spell-checking, grammar checking, and style checking to ensure the quality of written content.
  3. Collaboration Tools: CNES often have collaboration features, allowing multiple editors and writers to work on the same article simultaneously. This can include real-time collaboration, comment threads, and version control.
  4. Metadata Management: Editors can add metadata to articles, such as tags, categories, and keywords, to improve searchability and categorization of content.
  5. Multimedia Integration: CNES systems support the integration of multimedia elements, such as photos, videos, audio clips, and infographics, into news articles.
  6. Automation: These systems may incorporate automation tools for tasks like formatting, fact-checking, and even generating certain types of content (e.g., financial reports or sports scores).
  7. Approval Workflows: CNES can enforce approval workflows to ensure that articles go through a review process before being published. Editors can assign roles and permissions to different team members.
  8. Archiving and Versioning: CNES often have archiving capabilities, allowing easy access to past articles, and version control to track changes made to articles over time.
  9. Integration with Distribution Channels: Integration with various distribution channels, such as websites, mobile apps, and social media platforms, enables editors to publish content seamlessly across multiple platforms.
  10. Analytics and Metrics: CNES may offer built-in analytics tools to track the performance of published content, including metrics like page views, engagement, and social shares.
  11. Security and Access Control: These systems typically include security measures to protect sensitive information and access control to restrict who can edit or publish content.
  12. Search and Retrieval: Robust search functionality allows editors to quickly find and retrieve archived content for reference or repurposing.
  13. Customization: CNES can often be customized to meet the specific needs and branding of the news organization using them.
  14. Mobile Accessibility: Many CNES platforms offer mobile accessibility, allowing editors to work from different devices and locations.
  15. APIs and Integration: They often provide APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) to enable integration with third-party tools and services, such as advertising platforms or content syndication networks.

Overall, a Computerized News Editing System is designed to improve efficiency, accuracy, and collaboration in the newsroom, ultimately helping news organizations to produce high-quality content and deliver it to their audiences through various channels.