Design And Implementation Of An Enhanced Online Result Processing System

The Design And Implementation Of An Enhanced Online Result Processing System Complete Project Material (PDF/DOC)


The end-of-course grades assigned by lecturers are intended to convey the level of achievement of each student in the class. These grades are used to make a multitude of decisions. Unless a sufficiently accurate and efficient method is used for the grading, the grades are apt to convey misinformation and lead the decision-maker astray. In itself, the processing of results is found to be rather tedious, especially when carried out manually, and when the number of students is large. It is time-consuming and error prone. The process, however, becomes a lot easier and much more accurate when carried out with a computer running a suitable software application. To find a sufficiently fast and accurate method of carrying out this processing is a problem that is both challenging and interesting. In this work, a computer software application was developed to facilitate the automated processing of the results. The software was developed in Java programming language in the form of a database, employing PostgreSQL Relational Database Management System. The developed software performed well and produced expected results on completion. With it, it was possible to compute Grade Point Average and Cumulative Grade Point Average for each student based on examination scores entered being the core idea behind the design.

Chapter One

1.0 Introduction

1.1 Background of Study

The errors associated with the existing manual method of processing of students’ results in most universities in Nigeria, including the Federal University of Technology, Owerri, make it not only desirable but imperative that computerized approach be used to the full in measuring students’ academic progress. The manual methods being employed suffer a number of set-back. They make the process to be time-consuming and prone to errors even as they lead to late publication of examination results. Worst still, sometimes wrong grades are being entered and students’ grade point averages are computed wrongly. Consequently, the cumulative errors being generated are ultimately linked to awarding of erroneous class of degree. Some students could end up with undeserved good classes of degree, while others could be unfairly victimized, bringing about frustration. In this case, the image of the department(s) concerned and the whole University alike could become tarnished. The problem, therefore, that arises is to find a method of processing examination results that would be sufficiently accurate and reasonably timely.

Result processing is a routine activity. Every semester in the higher institution calls for assessment of the performances of the students. This assessment usually comes in the form of examinations, tests, practicals, labs, and the like. Without an assessment of the students, there will not be the need to work hard.

Assessment takes the form of a reward system. Students are interested in a competitive environment. Tracing this to the primary and secondary school systems where the students are graded in positions; each student works very hard to make the best results. The higher institution system is no difference. At the end of each academic semester, the results of the semester academic activities are computed. The issue here is in the conversion of the levels of involvement and expertise of the students into relative figures which ranks the students.

There are over forty (40) departments in the Federal University of Technology, Owerri (FUTO), each having an average of over four hundred students. A simple calculation here surfaces that there are over sixteen thousand students in FUTO; excluding the post graduate and pre degree students. Each of the students in every level has results to be computed. The task of result processing and other academic activities mandates the assignment of course advisers to take care of such functions.

Result, by way of definition is the consequence of an action; the conclusion of a problem, or experiment after a period of time. At the end of each academic semester, the results of the exams, tests, practicals and labs are calculated and the grades are correspondingly computed. This is done by the various course coordinators of the courses. The next phase of the result processing process is done by the level course adviser. Each level of every department has its own dedicated course adviser. The course adviser acts on the list of results of all the students in his/her level and those of other students who sat for courses in other levels; either as borrowed courses or as carry over courses. The task ahead of the course adviser is to convert the grades of the students submitted to him into grade equivalents.

The Federal University of Technology, Owerri (FUTO) is characterized by six faculties. The faculties with the associated number of departments are tabulated below.

Table 1.1: FUTO Faculties and associated number of departments

Table of Contents

Preliminary Page(s)

Title page





Table of Contents


Chapter One

1.0 Introduction

1.1 Background of Study

1.2 Statement of the Problem

1.3 Objectives of the Study

1.4 Significance of the Study

1.5 Scope of the Study

1.6 Limitations of the Study

1.7 Definition of Technical Terms


Chapter Two

2.0 Literature Review

2.1 Introduction

2.2 Computer Systems and Other Related Concepts

2.3 Result Processing and Associated Concepts

2.3.1 Processing

2.3.2 Problems Associated with Data Processing

2.3.3 Formats of Result

2.4 Computer Systems and Result Processing

2.4.1 Result Processing Stages

2.4.2 Modes of Result Processing


Chapter Three

3.0 Methodology And System Analysis

3.1 Introduction

3.2 Problem Identification

3.3 Method of Data Collection

3.3.1 Interviewing

3.3.2 Observation

3.3.3 Evaluation and Inspection of Documents

3.4 Problems of the Existing System

3.5 Analysis of the Current System

3.6 The Organization and Its Environment

3.7 Analysis of the Proposed System


Chapter Four

4.0 System Design And Implementation

4.1 Introduction

4.2 Objectives of the New System

4.3 System Design

4.4 Program Design

4.5 General Flowchart of the Proposed System

4.6 Program Specification Flowchart

4.6.1 Program Module Flowcharts

4.6.2 Program Modules

4.7 Database Specification

4.8 Data Dictionar

4.9 Input/Ouput Design

4.9.1 Input Specifications and Design

4.9.2 Output Specifications

4.10 Choice of Programming Language

4.11 Program Documentation and Implementation

4.11.1 System Implementation

4.11.2 Hardware and Operating System Requirement 6

4.11.3 Software Specifications

4.11.4 Requirements for Processor

4.11.5 RAM Size

4.11.6 Disk Space

4.11.7 Run/Operate the Software

4.11.8 Detailed Implementation Plans

4.11.10 File Conversion

4.11.11 Training of Operators and Users


Chapter Five

5.0 Summary, Conclusion And Recommendations

5.1 Summary

5.2 Conclusion

5.3 Recommendations


Appendix A: Program Screenshots

Appendix B: Program Source Code


List Of Figures

3.1 Federal University of Technology, Owerri Organogram 35

3.2 Block diagram of the system 39

4.1 Conceptual Design of a System 43

4.2 General Flowchart of the Proposed System 46

4.3 Base Record Setup 47

4.4 Enrollment Flowchart 48

4.5 Validation Flowchart 49


List Of Tables

1.1 FUTO Faculties and associated number of departments 4


Database Tables

4.1 Academic Session 52

4.2 User Country 52

4.3 Course 53

4.4 Degree 53

4.5 Degree Class 54

4.6 Department 54

4.7 Faculty 55

4.8 Grade 55

4.9 Level of Study 56

4.10 Result 56

4.11 Semester 57

4.12 Sex 57

4.13 Staff 58

4.14 State 59

4.15 Title 59

4.16 Validation Record 60

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