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This study on the Design And Implementation Of Language Translator is relevant for students in Computer Engineering
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English is the official language of only seven countries comprising little more than five percent of the world’s population. Yet the majority of online content is in English. While many business people speak English as a second language, most prefer to communicate in their native tongue Using machine translation one could easily translate the content in one language to the other largely in real time. This paper describes the role of an Intermediate language in machine translation of natural languages, how modular the work can be accomplished in translating a one language to other.

Chapter One


1.1 Background Of The Study

Electronic Benin Phrasebook is computer based system (process by Assembler) developed specifications with an effort to build a variable, reliable, beneficial and good relationship that have one source of motivation which is the potential to solve visitors. Driller’s problems by developing Benin electronic phrasebook to assist in proffering solutions to problems associated with the language barrier. This system consist some useful words and phrases in Benin language with translation for the uses of visitors to places where the language is spoken.The project work also serves as focal point whenever future references are needed in this field of study.

This application designed to replace the manual Benin phrasebook which can be likened to bilingual dictionary with clearly and orderly defined set of words and phrases with their corresponding translations to ease the communication among the visitors (foreigners) and the native of Benin land in order to enjoy their visitation or tourism.It specifically obliterates the menace of travel tourism. This phrasebook is software that has meanings of some prevalent words in Benin nation with correct diction in English and it world invariably help any tending guest to be familiar with some of the words to exchange pleasantries, greetings and commonly spoken words. Intimacy between Benin people and tourists would be enhanced, better relationship and good will would be built once a foreigner can communicate in Yoruba. As you were quite aware that tourism will improve economic globally once there is free flow of information between the vectors and the drivellers (no language barrier) which will be beneficial to all.

1.2 Statement Of The Problem

The following are the problems that can be deduced from the old system.

Lack of effectiveness in communication among Benin villagers and visitors

Communication interference and visitors

Misinterpretation of some phrases since it takes lot of efforts to decode the correct phrases that suitable for content of a typical situation

Lack of concentration since there no manual to fall back on

Untimely response to the sender of the communication to visitor

Language barrier


1.3 Aim And Objectives

The aim of the project is to develop a system that will process and translate Benin Language (greeting) to English Language.

The objectives of this project are:

Design electronic Benin phrasebook that will carry out the basic operations of Benin greeting language.

Carry out a comparative analysis of electronic phrasebook with the written one

The purpose of digital Benin phrasebook for tourist can better be accessed via internet although internet is language resource, reviewing words and has wide usage by all countries

It also provides solution to problems associated with the language barrier among the visitors and the indigenous native of Benin land.


1.4 Significance Of The Study

This is to teach foreigners that are willing to learn Benin language

To break some barrier that people face in learning the language

To make it very possible for people to interact with people speak the language

To learn some phrases and to put in practise.


1.5 Justification Of Study

This project is designed to bring the usefulness of information technology to the doorstep of non-Benin people that are non-literate or transact business with Benin indigenes

1.6 Scope Of Study

The project work is developed to encourage and motivate the foreigners (visitors) for the purpose of visiting our nation (or Benin City) and to enhance tourism. It designed as typically user’s friendly system whereby each and every visitor will be able to interact, converse and transact business smoothly without any prejudice. It provides for an individual the ability to browse the Electronic Benin Phrasebook in order to check for the meaning of particular words or phrases (mostly greetings) that best suitable for the situation on the ground with little or no human intervention for it most efficiency and effectiveness.

1.7 Definition Of Terms


A person who is travelling or visiting a place for pleasure


This is one of the tribe of Nigerian nation and it is also the western part of Nigeria


A program that converts symbolically-coded programs into object level, machine code.


A book containing lists of common expressions translated into another language, especially for people visiting a foreign country


A person who is travelling or visiting a place for pleasure


This is one of the tribe of Nigerian nation and it is also the western part of Nigeria

Pronunciation guide:

This is the list containing different types of words and the best way on how to pronounce it

Phrase list:

This is a list that contains many phrases and words with their corresponding meaning


Visual Basic


A value supplied to a procedure, macro, subroutine, or command that is required in order to evaluate that procedure, macro, subroutine, or command. Synonymous with parameter.


A program that converts symbolically-coded programs into object level, machine code. In an assembler program, unlike a compiler, there is a one-to-one correspondence between human-readable instructions and the machine-language code.


Process of establishing who you are.


Permission to access non-public information or use equipment that is either fully or partially restricted. Process of establishing what you can do.


Beginners All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code. A commonly used personal-computer language first developed at Dartmouth during the 1960s.

Batch processing:

Originally, a method of organizing work for a computer system, designed to reduce overhead by grouping similar jobs. In one scheme, jobs were collected into batches, each requiring a particular compiler. The compiler was loaded, and the jobs submitted in sequence to the compiler. The term has come to be applied to background processing of jobs not requiring user intervention on multiuser systems. See compiler.

Batch query:

A query that has been saved so that it can be used more than once and run in the background.


A temporary memory for data normally used to accommodate the difference in the rate at which two devices can handle data during a transfer

Chapter Five

Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation

5.1 Summary

Despite the visibility provided by the internet and the importance of the internet as a facilitator of quick knowledge, exchange barriers to communication disrupt the information cycle. One of the main barriers continues to be a principal obstacle language. If someone intends to reach speakers of other languages, the contents of their posting/electronic publication need to be translated.

No current operational translational system can produce good quality output without either placing restrictions on input texts or involving human assistance before, during or after translation processes. Those involved in MT development and utilization admit the necessity of pre-editing documents for translation in order to guarantee reasonable results. Users are beginning to realize that they must control the kind of language that they use when they intend to communicate across language by eliminating right at the start of the publication’s development cycle any factor that are likely to hinder localization. This process may sometimes involve extensive culturalization of content including certain non-verbal elements such as icons and layouts, to make the presentation more suitable for the target audience. Fascinating paper on culturally inapt machine translation is worth mentioning in this context.

Present machine translation systems make ‘simple’ grammatical errors that no human translator would make. All have difficulties in the selection of pronouns, prepositions, definite and indefinite articles-particularly when translating from languages such as Russians which do not have articles. The revision of machine translating output typically involves a great deal of low-level correction, and it is not surprising that translators have a generally poor opinion of machine translation systems. Revisers of machine translation output are prepared to accept difficulties with technical vocabulary and with homographs and polyesters, but the repetitive correction of the same mistranslation is irritating, both for operators of interactive machine translation systems. Much can be done to simplify the editing facilities, but it would be preferable if the mistakes where not there in the first place.

Machine translation cannot as yet deal with culturally based ontological issues, although this has been attempted.


5.2 Conclusion

Due to lack of space, only a few of the machine translation software packages are discussed in the following chapter. The software is reviewed in alphabetical order, and according to my linguistic ability to trial it. The list is limited to software translating to or from English. Hundreds more of other language couple packages exist.

5.3 Recommendation

Choose your medium of communication effectively; carefully choose your form of communication (phone or video conference, email, instant message e.t.c). Be mindful not to ‘overuse’ email. While useful, there are times when the medium is likely to be ineffective. When a message is complex and complicated or there is tension or conflict that needs to be resolved, switch to another medium.

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