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Design And Implementation Of State Civil Service Payroll Accounting System

(A Case Study Of Civil Service Commission Enugu)

7 Chapters
37 Pages
3,904 Words

The State Civil Service Payroll Accounting System is a comprehensive and meticulously designed framework employed by government entities to manage the financial transactions associated with compensating their civil service employees. This system integrates various modules, including payroll processing, tax deductions, benefits administration, and timekeeping, streamlining the complex process of remunerating personnel. Through meticulous record-keeping and adherence to legal regulations, such as labor laws and taxation policies, this system ensures accuracy and transparency in salary disbursements while facilitating efficient budget management and resource allocation within governmental departments. Additionally, it serves as a vital tool for monitoring employee attendance, tracking leave balances, and generating comprehensive financial reports for internal audits and regulatory compliance. By leveraging advanced technology and automation, the State Civil Service Payroll Accounting System enhances operational efficiency, minimizes errors, and fosters accountability in the management of public funds, ultimately promoting fiscal responsibility and organizational integrity.


Ever since man discovered the computer and hence computer science, attempt have been made to computerize every facet of human life.
This project work experts the issue of designing and implementing a state civil payroll accounting system which inherent advantages (speed and accuracy over the more tedious inefficient and time consuming manual system.
This system encountered the following problems. Late receipt of raw data each month. Regular break down of the accountant machine presently used for data processing, irregular power supply, many errors resulting from the manual methods of data processing and the office caused by bulky files and constant complaints for errors from the workers. Consequently a computerized payroll accounting system when designed to take care of the above problems.


Title page
Organization of the work
Table of content

1.0 Introduction 1
1.1 Background of the study 1
1.2 Problems definition and analysis 2
1.3 Objectives of the study 2
1.4 Scope of study 3
1.5 Limitations 3
1.6 Assumption 4
1.7 Definition of terms. 4

2.1 Literature Review 6

3.1 Descriptions and analysis of the existing system 9
3.2 Methods of fact finding 9
3.3 He organizational structure 11
3.4 Objective of the existing system 11
3.5 Input, process and output analysis 12
3.6 Problem of the existing system 14
3.7 Justification for the new system. 15

4.1 Software designing and implementation. 16
4.2 Output specification and design 17
4.3 Input specification and design 18
4.4 File design 20
4.5 System requirement 21

5.1 Implementation 23
5.2 Program design 23

6.1 Documentation 25
6.2 Identification 25
6.3 User information 26

7.1 Recommendation 27
7.2 Conclusion 27
Reference 29


Computer, the versatile data processing machine has been found very useful in every human endeavor since its incursion into many fields of study, industry, business, sciences and technology in general. Payroll is being prepared by organization, committees, governments and other business firms, it is also part of account department, many organization concern. It is used for the preparation of worker’s salary daily, weekly or monthly.
The payroll module which helps in data processing, processes monthly pay of all the employees in state civil service commission. The module maintains staff loans, advances, tax and other deductions from staff pay. It also performs annual increment on the salary of qualified staff each month. The payroll list every employee for whom the computer has produced a payroll chewue and shows for each employee what deductions are subtracted from gross earnings to arrive at net pay. This report is reviewed by the manager of the payroll department before the cheques are released for distribution.

Over the years, manual method of payroll has been used. This method has its problems. It has been proven to be very ineffective and inefficient. Some of the problems are
a. The job of preparing salary payment manually is tedious causes delay
b. As a result of the problem above, manual method have a lot of discrepancies.
c. This method encourage fraud figures are easily manipulated and changed.
d. The manual method requires people who are competent in mathematics related computation to do a reliable job. As a result people of such are very scarce.

The study aims at designing a payroll accounting system that will help to eliminate mistakes, delay and frauds associated with manual calculation of workers salaries and entitlements

The study aims at designing and implementing a state civil service commission payroll accounting system Enugu

In the process of carrying out this research work, some factors tried to hinder the free flow of work. These factors include
a. TIME: Time factors in the sense that the semester was short and as a result combining this work with studies was tedious.
b. FINANCE: Finance were rather on the lean side and as a result it affected the carrying out of the research in that monetary commitment was needed for going to the case study, photocopying document, browsing etc.
c. LUKWARM ATTITUDE OF THE STAFF: The staff of the payroll department were rather hostile and aggressive owing to the fact that the felt if this activity is computerized they might loose their jobs to the computer.

If the designed new system is implemented it may improve and to a large extend enhance the activities of processing staff salary payment in state civil commission Enugu Office
The workers will be relived by the tedious tasks facing them in the discharging of their duties. They will have more time to themselves and also increase their standard of work

COMPUTER: Computer in management and business studies (1979) defined a computer as an electronic device that is capable of inputting and outputting, sorting, storing and retrieval of information stored in it.
PAYROLL: List of employee and all their wages and salaries including their allowance and deductions.
SALARY: This is usually a monthly payment for regular employment on a yearly basis.
SHIFT ALLOWANCE: This sis the allowance granted to an employee who work on shift basis
ARREARS: These represent the accumulation of staff entitlements
RENT SUBSIDY: These represent the rent given to an employee for his or her house,
FLOWCHART: It is a pictorial represent of information in data processing by means of symbols and interconnecting linking the generations.
TRANSPORT ALLOWANCE: This is the allowance given to a staff for his transportation to work..

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State Civil Service Payroll Accounting System:

A State Civil Service Payroll Accounting System is a specialized financial management system used by state governments to manage and process the payroll of their civil service employees. This system plays a critical role in ensuring that government employees are compensated accurately and on time while adhering to all relevant laws, regulations, and policies. Here are some key components and features typically found in such a system:

  1. Employee Data Management: The system maintains a comprehensive database of all civil service employees, including their personal information, job details, salary rates, tax exemptions, and other relevant data.
  2. Time and Attendance Tracking: It allows employees to record their work hours, leave requests, and other attendance-related information. Supervisors can approve or modify these records as necessary.
  3. Salary Calculation: The system calculates employee salaries and benefits based on predefined rules, including pay scales, overtime rates, deductions, and bonuses. It ensures accurate and consistent pay for each employee.
  4. Tax Withholding and Compliance: It handles federal, state, and local tax withholdings, as well as other deductions such as retirement contributions, healthcare premiums, and union dues. It also generates tax reports and complies with tax regulations.
  5. Direct Deposit and Payment Distribution: The system supports direct deposit, enabling employees to have their salaries deposited directly into their bank accounts. It can also issue paper checks if required.
  6. Reporting and Analytics: It generates various reports for payroll administrators, finance departments, and auditors. These reports help monitor payroll expenses, track budget allocations, and ensure compliance with labor laws and regulations.
  7. Compliance and Auditing: The system is designed to meet legal and regulatory requirements related to payroll, including tax compliance, labor laws, and auditing standards. It maintains an audit trail for transparency and accountability.
  8. Employee Self-Service: Many modern payroll systems include self-service portals where employees can access their pay stubs, tax forms, and make changes to their personal information, such as addresses and tax withholding preferences.
  9. Integration: It can integrate with other systems like human resources management, accounting, and timekeeping to ensure data consistency and streamline administrative processes.
  10. Security and Data Privacy: Payroll systems are highly sensitive, so they must have robust security measures in place to protect employee data and financial information from unauthorized access or breaches.
  11. Scalability: The system should be scalable to accommodate the changing needs of a state’s civil service workforce, whether that means adding new employees, handling promotions, or managing temporary workers.
  12. Support and Maintenance: Ongoing support and maintenance are essential to keep the system up-to-date, compliant with changing regulations, and functioning smoothly.
  13. Training and User Support: The system should provide training and user support to payroll administrators, HR staff, and employees to ensure they can use it effectively.

State Civil Service Payroll Accounting Systems vary in complexity and features, depending on the size of the state workforce and specific government regulations. These systems are critical for ensuring the efficient and accurate compensation of civil service employees while maintaining compliance with legal and financial requirements.