Domestic Waste Disposal Effect And The Solutions

(A Case Study Of Eswama)

Domestic waste disposal refers to the management and removal of household waste, encompassing various types of discarded materials generated within residential spaces. The impact of improper domestic waste disposal is profound, affecting both the environment and public health. Inadequate waste management practices can lead to soil and water contamination, air pollution, and the proliferation of disease vectors. Consequently, communities face heightened risks of environmental degradation and health hazards. To mitigate these effects, effective solutions must be implemented at both individual and collective levels. Initiatives such as recycling programs, composting, and the adoption of eco-friendly practices can significantly contribute to minimizing the adverse effects of domestic waste disposal. Moreover, raising awareness about responsible waste management and encouraging the use of sustainable products are vital steps towards fostering a cleaner and healthier living environment.


Domestic Waste Disposal is any materials from plants and animals which cannot be recycle back into the environments or into the market for future use. This domestic waste management disposal is of national and international concern. From analysis in question 1 it is proved that ESWAMA helped to control and manage waste disposal in the society. The result of finding here indicates that ESWAMA was established to develop and implement policies of the management solid and liquid waste disposal on the people’s environment. This shows that illegal waste disposal is dangerous to health and environment. It is also indicated that improper waste disposal contribute to health problems. It remedies shows that waste management activities by the ESWAMA individual and families has a great impact to people’s health and environment.


Title Page
Approval Page
Table Of Contents

Chapter One:
1.0 Introduction

1.1 Background Of The Study
1.2 Statement Of The Problem
1.3 Purpose Of The Study
1.4 Research Question
1.5 Hypotheses
1.6 The Scope Of The Study
1.7 Significant Of The Study
1.8 Definition Of Terms

Chapter Two:
2.0 Review Of Related Literature

2.1 Theoretical Framework
2.2 Summary Of Literature Review

Chapter Three:
3.0 Research Methodology

3.1 The Design Of The Study
3.2 Area Of The Study
3.3 The Population Of The Study
3.4 Sample And Sampling Techniques
3.5 Instrument For Data Collection
3.6 Validity And Reliability Of Instrument
3.7 Method Of Data Collection
3.6 Method For Data Analysis.

Chapter Four:
4.0 Analysis And Presentation Of Data

Chapter Five
5.0 Discussion And Conclusion Of Results

5.1 Discussion Of Findings
5.2 Recommendations
5.4 Suggestion Of The Further Studies
5.5 Limitation Of The Study


1.1 Background of the Study

The generation and disposal of waste is an intrinsic part of any developing society. Waste, both from domestic and commercial sources has grown significantly in the society over the past decade. Every time a householder shops at the store, and open market he contributes to the mountain of waste. It is possible to quote figures which show that the production of waste amounts to millions of tons. The percent of Nigeria’s population living in cities and urban area has more than doubled in the last 15 years.
According to Hornby (2005) domestic waste is something that is not or no longer used and is to be thrown away or disposed off. It is also any material lacking direct value to the producer and so must be disposed.
The management of waste is a matter of national and international concern. The cities, urban areas experience continuous growth which contributes to enormous in generation of solid and liquid waste.
According to Mowee (1990) there is no doubt that a dirty environment affects the standard of living, aesthetic sensibilities, health of the people and thus the quality of their lives. The corollary is that improper disposal or storage of this waste can constitute hazards to the society through the population of air, land and especially water, Mowee (1988).
According to UK Environmental Protection Act, (1990) hereinafter, EPA, defined waste as “any substance which constitutes a scrap material or an effluent or other unwanted surplus substance from application of any process”. Any substance or article which requires to be disposed of as being broken, worn out, contaminated or otherwise spoiled (75 EPA 1990).
Ilegbune (1994) states that domestic waste includes that from domestic premises, caravan sites residential homes, educational establishments (schools) and nursing homes and (probably hospitals). It can be organic or non-organic.
Waste management simply means the collection of keeping, treatment and disposal of waste in such a way as render them harmless to human and animal life, the ecology and environment generally. Domestic waste management has become an area of major concern in Nigeria today. It appears to be a loosing battle against the harmful consequences of unguided waste and the attainment of clean healthy environment for all Nigerians. It is common sight in Nigeria today to see heaps/accumulation of festering waste dumps in our states, urban and commercial cities.
Since the inception of the administration, there have been concerted efforts to achieve sustainable waste management in the state. The efforts culminated in the establishment of the Enugu State Waste Management Agency (ESWAMA) in 2004. The Agency was set up to replace defunct Enugu State Environmental Protection Agency (ENSEPA), which failed to meet the challenges of modern day waste management. This repositioning occurred to enable it give more focused service delivery and to restore the past glory of Enugu State as a very clear city through sound waste management.
ESWAMA was established to develop and implement policies on the management of solid and liquid wastes that would promote the health and well being of the people. The residents are also required to pay approved sanitation rates through designated banks in various zones, when presented with demand notice.
Nnamani (2000) states that sanitation is an act of working out ways to improve the health consideration of a given environment is necessary to overcome the impact of man’s negative activities on the environment.
World Health Organisation refers sanitation as the control of all those factors in man’s physical environment which exercise or may exercise a deleterious effect on his physical development, health and survival.
According to Nnamani (2000) Government intention on designating the last Saturday of every month as a sanitation day is to tackle in serious manner the insurmunting problem of ever-increasing waste generated from domestic, commercial recreational and those from working offices.

1.2 Statement of Problem
Waste management process in the society is the root development; no country or society can develop in isolation of proper waste management, whereas, there is indiscriminate disposal and dumping of waste in Enugu State. Now how would this bad attitude could be controlled in the society.
Since proper waste management is credible to create a change and impact on the environment and peoples’ health how would people cooperate with the effort of the ESWAMA as an agency and what could be peoples’ reaction over their job.
ESWAMA as an agency has been empowered by the government to check the illegal dumping of waste at roadsides, enclosures, streams in neighbourhoods and drains. How would government motivate them to carryout their job/responsibilities with dedicated effort and without much stress, in order to promote healthcare and environmental development in the society.

1.3 Purpose of the Study
The objective of the study includes:
1 To discover the ability of the ESWAMA as an agency to control and manage waste disposal in the society.
2 To find out the effect of domestic waste disposal in the environment and peoples’ health.
3 To find out the effect of waste management process by ESWAMA.
4 To discover the solution to domestic waste disposal in the society.
5 To find out how government help to motivate ESWAMA in order to carryout their job objectively.

1.4 Research Questions
1 Does ESWAMA (Enugu State Waste Management Agency) help to control and manage waste disposal in the society?
2 Does improper waste disposal create any effect on the people’s health and environment?
3 Does Waste Management process or activities has any impact in peoples health and environment?
4 Does waste disposal in the environment/society has any solution?
5 Does government in any way help to motivate ESWAMA in order to carryout their job objectively?

1.5 Hypothesis
H1 ESWAMA help to control and manage waste disposal in the society.
Ho ESWAMA does not help to control and manage waste disposal in the society.
H2 Improper waste disposal creates effect on the peoples’ health and environment.
Ho Improper waste disposal does not create effect on the peoples’ health and environment.
H3 Waste management activities by the ESWAMA has a great impact to peoples’ health and environment.
Ho Waste management activities by the ESWAMA has no impact to peoples’ health and environment.
H4 Waste disposal in the environment has a solution/remedy.
Ho Waste disposal in the environment does not have solution/remedy.

H5 Government helps to motivate ESWAMA in order to carryout their job objectively.
Ho Government does not motivate ESWAMA in order to carryout their job objectively.

1.6 Scope of the Study
This study is restricted to Ngwo town in Enugu State.

1.7 Significance of the Study
Waste management by the ESWAMA has been credited with the ability to control and manage domestic waste disposal in the society.
As the topic of the study implies “Domestic Waste Disposal, Effect and the Solution in Enugu State”. Therefore, this study intend to find out the effect of domestic waste disposal and how waste management is being carried out by the ESWAMA through their activities (sanitation).
The result of researches will enable the society to know the impact of sanitation and embark on it, for health care. People will get to know the value of ESWAMA in the society.
This study also indicate the role of waste management in people’s health and environment thereby improving health care and environmental sustainable development.
Now that the much emphasis is been placed on the domestic waste disposal, this study/work is most appropriate for it’s aim at finding out how effective people react as a result of waste management in the society.

1.8 Definition of Terms
Domestic waste disposal
It is any substance which constitutes a scrap material, an effluent or unwanted surplus substance arising from the application of any process.
Effect A change produced by an action or a cause; a result or an outcome.

A way of solving a problem, dealing with a difficult situation.
Operational Definition
Domestic waste disposal
This is any material lacking directive value to people of Ngwo Town (Ngwo metropolis) and so must be disposed of.
A change produce through domestic waste disposal from Ngwo town metropolis.
A way of solving, controlling and managing domestic waste disposal of Ngwo town metropolis.

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Domestic Waste Disposal Effect And The Solutions:

Domestic waste disposal has significant effects on both the environment and public health. These effects include pollution, habitat destruction, and the spread of diseases. However, there are several solutions and best practices that individuals, communities, and governments can adopt to mitigate these effects.

Effects of Poor Domestic Waste Disposal:

  1. Environmental Pollution: Improper disposal of domestic waste, especially when it includes hazardous materials or chemicals, can contaminate soil, water, and air. This pollution can harm ecosystems, damage plant and animal life, and disrupt the balance of natural environments.
  2. Habitat Destruction: Dumping waste in natural habitats, such as forests, rivers, or wetlands, can destroy these areas and displace wildlife, leading to the loss of biodiversity.
  3. Public Health Risks: Poor waste disposal practices can create breeding grounds for disease-carrying vectors like mosquitoes and rodents. This can lead to the spread of diseases like malaria, dengue fever, and leptospirosis.
  4. Aesthetic and Social Impact: Improper disposal can make communities look unsightly and affect the quality of life for residents. It can also lead to social conflicts and resentment within communities.

Solutions to Domestic Waste Disposal Issues:

  1. Waste Reduction: The best way to manage waste is to produce less of it. This can be achieved through reducing, reusing, and recycling materials. Consumers can buy products with minimal packaging and opt for reusable items instead of disposable ones.
  2. Separation and Recycling: Communities can implement recycling programs that encourage residents to separate recyclables like paper, glass, plastic, and metal from regular waste. These materials can then be collected and processed for reuse.
  3. Composting: Composting organic waste like food scraps and yard waste can reduce the amount of waste sent to landfills and incinerators. Compost can be used to enrich soil, reducing the need for chemical fertilizers.
  4. Waste-to-Energy Conversion: Some communities use waste-to-energy facilities that burn non-recyclable waste to generate electricity. While this can be an effective method of waste disposal, it should be combined with recycling and reduction efforts.
  5. Proper Disposal Facilities: Governments should establish and maintain proper waste disposal facilities, including landfills and incinerators, that meet environmental and safety standards.
  6. Education and Awareness: Public awareness campaigns can inform residents about the importance of proper waste disposal and the benefits of recycling and composting. Schools can also teach children about responsible waste management.
  7. Regulations and Enforcement: Governments should enact and enforce laws and regulations related to waste disposal. This includes penalties for illegal dumping and incentives for responsible waste management.
  8. Community Engagement: Communities can organize clean-up events and recycling drives to involve residents in waste management efforts. Building a sense of responsibility and community involvement can lead to better waste disposal practices.
  9. Innovation and Technology: Invest in research and technology to develop more efficient and sustainable waste disposal methods, such as waste-to-energy technologies or advanced recycling techniques.
  10. Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR): EPR programs hold manufacturers responsible for the end-of-life disposal of their products. This encourages companies to design products with recyclability and environmental impact in mind.

Domestic waste disposal is a shared responsibility that requires the active participation of individuals, communities, and governments. By implementing these solutions and adopting responsible waste management practices, we can minimize the negative effects of domestic waste disposal on the environment and public health.