Evaluating The Basic Education Needs Of Imo State In Line With The Millennium Development Goals

Between (2011)

The Evaluating The Basic Education Needs Of Imo State In Line With The Millennium Development Goals Complete Project Material (PDF/DOC)

Chapter One

1.0 Introduction

1.1 Background Of The Study

The research project work is aimed at evaluation of basic education needs of Imo State in – line with the minimum developmental goals.

Education is a set of practical techniques for the instructions given in schools, colleagues and universities for the purpose of preparing learners to become useful to their selves and the society at large (NTI 2001)

Okonkwo (2003) was of the opinion that education leads on individuals to a fuller self-discovery and manifestation. He also stated that education is for life and living. That what makes a man to live and function is the concern for education, which is a means to life objectives. It is a common knowledge that for any nation to develop or grow positively adequate considerations must be given to the provision of education of her citizen.

It is in light of those contributions of education to the economy of a state, a nation and little of her citizen that the federal government of Nigeria from past till date has mounted various educational programmers.

Evaluating the basic educational needs in Imo state such factors like sound tends liberties, locations of the school, transportations of the students whose houses are located faraway from the school in Imo State and the cost of admission into all strategies of education in the state should be taken care of. In Imo state, the universal basic education programmes is faced with some problem which hinders its successful implementation in the state.

Except these factors are carefully handled, education will still be having its set back.
The situation can be handled but only time can tell.

1.2 Statement Of Problem

In Imo state, education is faced with the problem of some necessities which helps teaching and learning, that are not in palace to preform their function in helping education to achieve its aim and objective.

Many are of the opinion that there is the problem of insufficient schools and inadequate provision of physical facilities by the government. While others attribute it to lack of trained teachers and lack of incentives to motivate learners.

Unless these things are put in place, education may not achieve its objectives.

1.3 Objectives

The purpose of the study is to identify the effects of some necessity that helps education to achieve its objectives.
A very beautiful goal may be achieved if education is meet with it requirement.

1.4 Scope Of The Study

The area of this study is on the evaluation of some educational needs and its developmental goals in Imo state.

1.5 Significance Of Study

This study will be useful to scholars who may need useful information on the necessities of education in Imo state.

Researchers may also found it useful in there research work.

Libraries and government well find the result of this work useful as it may enable the government, the education polg`y makers and implements to be away of the problems that militate against the effective implementation of educational programmes.

Teachers on their own part are not left out in the exercise. The researcher will also highlight tutorial staff involvement and come up with total involvement appraisal.

1.6 Research Question

The Following are the research questions of this research.

Is there any significance relationship between the education the child and UBE programme?

Does the UBE programme have effect on the child?

Are the children themselves willing for the UBE programme?



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