The Effect Of Political Instability On Students Academic Performance Complete Project Material (PDF/DOC)
The study examines the effect of political instability on students academic performance in Suleja public secondary school. Despite the role of the government which aimed(s) at education development, the quality of education is very low in Nigeria. The paper relied on survey research conducted with the teachers of basic education in Nigeria, 500 questionnaires were distributed but only 378 were returned. Secondary data such as text books, journals, newspapers and government publications were also used. The findings revealed inherent institutional constraints are the key issues to education development such as lack of commitment of government, inadequate funding and poor coordination leading to crises such as terrorist group (Boko Haram), armed robbery, prostitution, militancy and bomb blast. The paper recommends increased commitment of state, proper accountability, public private partnership and ensuring rule of law as a way of improving performance of the institution.
The main objective of this study is to investigate the effect of political instability on students’ academic performance in Suleja Public secondary school. Specific objectives include to:
- Examine the impact of political will on quality education in Nigeria.
- Investigate the effect of policy coordination on quality education in Nigeria.
- Determine the relationship between political will, policy coordination, and quality education in Nigeria.
- What is the impact of political will on quality education in Nigeria?
- What is the effect of policy coordination on quality education in Nigeria?
- What is the relationship between political will, policy coordination and quality education in Nigeria?
5.1 Summary of Findings
The figure 4.3 above shows the mean for the variables which ranged from 5.1960- 5.6428. The highest mean is the quality education with 5.6428, followed by political will showing 5.2636. However the lowest mean is the coordination with 5.1960. Also political will has the standard deviation of 2.06434, while coordination has 2.02342 and quality education has 2.00091. The mean scores of the variables for this sample population are considered adequate. Therefore, the data is considered reliable.
The political will has the significant effect t = 7.177 to the quality education. The finding is in line with the work of Treadway, Iyochwarter, Kucmar&Feris (2005) in their work political will, political skill and political behavior which said that there is relationship between political will and achievement of a set of political objectives.The findings isalsointenderm with the work of (Kpundah,2000 cited in Abdullai,2009. As a result the first hypothesis of the study which stated that political will has effect on quality education is supported with significant level of value p < 0.00.
The coordination has the significant effect of t = 4.222 to quality education. The finding is in line with the work of Kirzner, 1998 who observed the relationship between coordination and organizational performance. The result is also in line with Klein, 1997. As a result the hypothesis which stated that coordination influences quality education is supported also with significance level of value p < 0.00.
From the data presented above, it was discovered that lack of commitment by government and the other stakeholders led to high level of illiteracy. The country is worse hit by poverty which was attributed to poor education and illiteracy (National office of statistics, 2012). The emergence of militant group known as Boko haram was attributed to low level of literacy in both states. Therefore for quality education, governments (federal, states and local governments) and other stakeholders need to be committed towardsthe realization of the aims and objectives of basic education.
5.2 Conclusion
The problem under investigation is political will, state and funding of primary education in Nigeria, primary education being the bedrock of the educational system is beset with many problems which include inadequate budgetary allocation to educational system, lack of political will on the part of government, and unclear role and responsibility between three tiers of government in financing primary education. As a result it create problems such as pupils drop out and decrease in quality of education which is fueling insecurity of lives and properties and emergence of militant groups such as Boko Haram, Niger Delta militancy, prostitution and armed robbery and kidnapping in Nigeria.
5.3 Recommendation
Based on analysis carried out in this study, the following are recommended;
- The government should ensure adequate budgetary allocation to the educational sector for the implementation of educational policies. The amount allocated to the education sector should at least conform with the recommendation of UNESCO of allocating at least 26% of a country’s budget to education. Not only this, the personnel responsible for utilizing such funds should be trained to have fiscal discipline so that the funds will not be misappropriated.
- Professionals should be employed in the formulation of educational policies to avoid poor planning and formulation of education policies.
- Educational policies should be properly planned, coordinated and systematically drafted for easy implementation. Many educational policy plans crashed during implementation stage due to poor planning.
- The government in power should ensure to involve all educational stakeholders, especially political parties whenever they are planning to come up with educational policies. The involvement of all stakeholders and the political factors will sustain the policy whenever there is a change in government.
- The government should ensure that persons appointed to various education boards and councils to manage educational institutions and agencies should be of high integrity, with relevant qualifications and cognate experience. This will help to reduce poor policy formulation and implementation in Nigeria.
- Adequate funding: The major problem facing basic education is inadequate funding of the program, government should ensure as a matter of urgency the meeting of the UNESCO threshold of 26% budgetary allocation to education in any member country..
- Private partnership:As a result of the enormous amount of funds involved in education, philanthropic organizations should as a matter of urgency be involved in funding basic education in Nigeria.
- The relationship between the three tiers of government with respect to funding basic education should be made clear with respect to who plays what role when and how as a matter of urgency. Government should enhance the autonomy of each and every tier of government especially state –local relations. The issue of joint account should be abolished.
- The commission should ensure proper record keeping of the income and expenditure of the primary schools.
- In addition to that, government should ensure that the money meant for enhancement of primary education commission is spent judiciously in accordance to the laid down rules and regulations. This could be achieved through transparency and accountability.
Chapter One: Introduction
1.1 Background of the Study
1.2 Statement of the Problem
1.3 Objective of the Study
1.4 Research Questions
1.5 Significance of the Study
1.6 Scope of the Study
1.7 Limitation of the Study
1.8 Definition of Terms
1.9 Organization of the Study
Chapter Two: Review of Literature
2.1 Conceptual Framework
2.2 Theoretical Framework
2.3 Empirical Review
Chapter Three: Research Methodology
3.1 Research Design
3.2 Population of the Study
3.3 Sample Size Determination
3.4 Sample Size Selection Technique and Procedure
3.5 Research Instrument and Administration
3.6 Method of Data Collection
3.7 Method of Data Analysis
3.8 Validity of the Study
3.9 Reliability of the Study
3.10 Ethical Consideration
Chapter Four: Data Presentation and Analysis
4.1 Data Presentation, Data analysis, and Answering Research Questions
4.2 Discussion of Findings
5.1 Summary
5.2 Conclusion
5.3 Recommendation
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