Effect Of Social Media Marketing On Online Consumer

(A Case Study Of Social Media Users In Ilorin)

The Effect Of Social Media Marketing On Online Consumer Complete Project Material (PDF/DOC)


As noted in marketing and consumer behavior literature, information that consumers get from their interpersonal sources invariably influences their decisions towards whether to purchase a particular brand. Even though advertisement commercials and other non-personal messages are also significant in the development of consumer awareness towards brands, products or services, word-of-mouth (WOM)—which is known as an act of exchanging marketing information among different customers—has been seen to play an even more critical role in changing consumer behavior and attitude toward different products and services. This study therefore seeks to investigate the effect of social media on online consumers. In order to attain this objective, the study focused on students of college management science in Al-Hikmah University Ilorin who are the users of selected social media platforms (such as instagram, Facebook, Twitter and BBM) as a case study. Convenience sampling technique was used to select the sample from the population of 911 college of management sciences students who are users of social media. With the aid of the sample size of 337was determined. Data were analyzed using frequency table, correlation and regression was used in testing the research hypotheses. The findings indicated that social media serves as a credible source for consumers’ decision making therefore social media marketing significantly affect online consumers decision. It was also discovered that social media have significant impact in communicating company product/brand to consumer. It was then recommended from the result of findings that Managers should be aware of the importance of social media sites in influencing online shopping by identifying and targeting different types of customers and taking initiatives to recognize and highlight customer interests.


Chapter One


1.1 Background to the Study

Human beings are social and nowadays, consumers are participating in variety of activities, from consuming content to sharing knowledge, experiences, opinions, and involved in discussion with other consumers online (Heinonen, 2011).

In the present competitive business world, marketers are now moving from the traditional brick and mortal world to marketing space, the ways in which most marketers interact with their respective customers has brings about quick response from company via their customer’s complaints. Technology advancement has brought about online business where both the buyer and seller meet together to interact for exchange of goods and services and where company’s engaged in other for them to promote their products. In recent years online environment is viewed by users from a new perspective, in a commercial way. Development and the emergence of online stores have turned users into consumers. Also the most important role of social media has changed the way of how consumers and marketers communicate (Hennig-Thurau, Gwinner & Walsh, 2004). Informational society influences affects the consumer decision processes and product evaluations. Social media provides a new channel to acquire product information through peer communication (Kozinets, 1999). Moreover, by using social media, consumers have the power to influence other buyers through reviews of products or services used. Consumers are also influenced by other psychosocial characteristics like: income, purchase motivation, company presentation, company or brand’s presence on social networks, demographic variable (age, sex, disposable income etc.), workplace method of payment, type of stores (online or physical), etc.

The unique aspects of social media and its immense popularity have revolutionized marketing practices such as advertising and promotion (Hanna, Rohn & Crittenden, 2011). Social media has also influenced consumer behavior from information acquisition to post-purchase behavior such as dissatisfaction statements or behaviors about a product or a company (Mangold & Faulds, 2009). In the last few years, it can be noticed that there is great influence of the companies on online networks. Social media websites provide an opportunity for businesses to engage and interact with potential consumers, encourage an increased sense of intimacy with consumers, and build all important relationships with potential consumers (Mersey, Davis, Malthouse & Calder, 2010). Organizations need to differentiate by the company or brand image through which to communicate distinctive advantages and positioning of the product. Many marketers believe that the organizations should aggressively promote only one advantage in the market concerned (Moise, 2011) and social networks in the online environment allows them to appear more attractive to consumers. The much higher level of efficiency of social media compared to other traditional communication channels prompted industry leaders to state that companies must participate in Facebook, Twitter, My space, YouTube, Blogs, Black Berry Messenger (BBM)among others, in order to succeed in online environments (Kaplan & Haenlein, 2010). The social media tools are used to communicate company brand to consumer, with this feedback is easy to get via using the social media tools by both company and consumers. Communication of brand/company and users help create a favorable or less favorable image of other users who read information posted and consider them in the information or purchase. Interactivity with target brand in social media is perceived differently by consumers depending on the message they convey (Shin, 2008). The perceived risk of purchasing and how much money are willing to pay for a product also determines the user to think more about the quality and the utility of the product( Ioanas, 2012).

1.2 Statement of the Research Problem

As noted in marketing and consumer behavior literature, information that consumers get from their interpersonal sources invariably influences their decisions towards whether to purchase a particular brand. Even though advertisement commercials and other non-personal messages are also significant in the development of consumer awareness towards brands, products or services, word-of-mouth (WOM)—which is known as an act of exchanging marketing information among different customers—has been seen to play an even more critical role in changing consumer behavior and attitude toward different products and services. This is mainly because interpersonal sources commonly are seen as more credible and reliable than non-personal or commercial sources.

The majority of the online consumers rely on the word-of-mouth when they want to purchase a specific product or a service. Findings from studies (South Africa Social Media Landscape ,2012) found out that 33% of Twitter users share opinions about companies or products at least once per week. These opinions and views affect other consumers with regards to purchasing products or services. The growth of online social networks around the world has created a new place of interaction and communication among people. Individuals can share their knowledge, opinions, and experiences with one other due to the online social networks provided features and may have an impact on people’s behavior in terms of communication and purchasing. In recent years, social networking has received an increased emphasis on business as well as individuals’ lives. Therefore, this research study observe that consumers nowadays rely more on social media to get information about product/brand than advertisements for buying products and services. The purpose of this study will to investigate the effect of social media on online consumers.

1.3 Research Questions

In-order to achieve the objectives of this study, the following research questions will serve as the bases of which the write –up will make an in depth enquiries on effect of social media marketing on online consumers. The following research questions will be raise;

Does social media marketing have impact on online consumers?

Are social media tools is more effective in communicating company product/brand to consumers?

Does interaction on social media have impact on consumer’s perception of brand/ product?

1.4 Research Objectives

The main objective of this study is to examine the effect of social media marketing on online consumers. Other specific objects are:

To examine whether social media marketing have an effect on online consumers

To determine if social media are effective in communicating company product/brand to consumers

To determine if social media have significant impact on consumer’s perception on brands/product.

1.5 Research Hypotheses

The following Null hypotheses will be tested;

H01: Social media marketing have no significant impact on online consumers

H02: Social media do not have significant impact in communicating company product/brand to consumers

H03: Social media have no significant impact on consumer’s perception of brands/products

1.6 Justification of the Study

This study is intended to examine critically the effect of social media marketing on online consumers. Thus, the outcome of this study will serve as additional literature for further study. In addition, it will serve as an essential material of information for marketers as to the potency of using social media marketing tools such as Facebook, twitter, blogs, MySpace, Black Berry Messenger (BBM) among others to communicate to target audience. Finally, the outcome of the study will enhance student’s knowledge on social media marketing and its effect on online consumers’.

1.7 Scope of the Study

The scope of the study will centered on effect of social media marketing on online consumers. This study will thus focus on the social media marketing and its effect on online consumer using student of Al-Hikmah University Ilorin, Kwara state who are online consumer as a case study. The purpose of restricting the study to Al-Hikmah University is to enable the ease of data gathering and complete the study within the time frame.

Chapter Five

Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation

5.1 Preamble

Data presentation and analysis was carried out in chapter four. The data collection instrument was administered, collected and analyzed, thus it provided answers to the research questions raised in chapter one of the research. This chapter discussed the summary of findings, conclusion and recommendation of the impact of social media marketing on online consumers.

5.2 Summary of Findings

This study examined the impact of social media marketing on online consumers and, thus, it sought to ascertain if social media marketing influence consumer’s buying behavior a product. The findings from the research show that majority of the respondents (30.4%) do not spend a lot of time thinking of social media, most respondents (35.8%) do not use more of social media than initially intended, majority of the respondents (32.9%) use social media in order to ease the stress of going to the market to buy goods, majority of the respondents (24.4%) use social media in order to reduce feelings of anxiety and depression, 44.6% of the respondents feel bad of not being able to use some social media platforms, and majority of respondent 40.8%use social media to communicate with their suppliers majority of the respondents. The result of the study shows that many respondents are influenced by social media when purchasing a product, most respondents agree that they use social media to get more information about a product., 43.7% of the respondents agree that Social media improves the quality of their taste, and majority of the students agree to the statement that they use social media to find out how industries use the concepts they learn in class, The study revealed that Social media marketing has significant positive effect on online consumers. The finding also revealed that Social media do not have significant impact in communicating company product/brand to consumers.

With all the above findings, the validity of the test of hypothesis using regression method indicated that Social media marketing has significant positive effect on online consumers. The study also revealed that social media have no significant impact on consumer’s perception of brands/products

5.3 Conclusion

Based on the results of the findings, we can conclude that many consumers use social networking sites to interact their suppliers. They also prefer to use social networking sites for purchasing goods online which is a reliable source to them. Moreover, most of the respondents are persuaded to buy a product through the promotion made using this social network sites. Most of them believe that they might be safe while buying online from the promotion made in social network sites.

Despite the response of the respondents’ with respect to their view, that social networking sites are successful in promoting products/services/events, this study believes that social networking sites need to implement more security measures to avoid fraud. This will increase the confidence in the users mind to buy or order products/services because of guarantee on the safety of the product/services. However, based from the results we can see that in the future social networking sites will be suitable for promotional purpose as the numbers of users using the social sites are increasing from time to time. Thus, researchers can conclude that, social networking sites are useful tools for marketers for promoting their products.

5.4 Recommendation

Today, any marketer or business owner understands the importance of internet marketing. Marketing a business on the web implies leveraging social media to create a lot of buzz in relation to a brand. Social media platforms offer immense possibilities for fostering relationships with consumers in an online environment. This study suggests different approaches for online marketers and managers looking to invest in advertising on social networking sites and hence improve their ads’ performance regarding clicking the advert and generating positive reactions towards it. One approach implies understanding the sources of trust in online information provided by sources social media users may or may not know, and how their concern for privacy influences their reactions to online advertising.

Managers should be aware of the importance of social media sites in influencing online shopping by identifying and targeting different types of customers and taking initiatives to recognize and highlight customer interests.
In order to be successful in social media marketing, companies need to create social media platforms and then constantly adjust the online marketing strategy according to the interests of customers for long-term success.

Figuring out what goes best for which particular audience leads to success. Regarding these aspects, companies can use online reputation systems in order to provide the right online incentives to the right online customers (Dellarocas, 2010). True customer engagement means commitment-focused, not transaction-focused. The companies that master this aspect are the ones that are truly successful. They undergo continuous online marketing research and must be sensitive to changes in consumer behavior patterns and to identify new areas of consumer values and interest.

Table of Contents

Title page




Table of Contents

List of Figure

List of Tables


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