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Effect Of Steeping Period On Yield And Acceptability Of Starch Extracted From Sorghum Sorghum Bicolor White Variety And Red Variety

5 Chapters
71 Pages
10,286 Words

The steeping period significantly influences the yield and acceptability of starch extracted from both white and red varieties of Sorghum bicolor. A prolonged steeping duration enhances the yield of extracted starch due to improved hydration and solubilization of starch granules, especially in the white variety. However, excessive steeping may lead to reduced acceptability due to increased levels of undesirable compounds like phenolics and proteins, particularly noticeable in the red variety. Optimal steeping periods, tailored to each variety, are crucial for maximizing starch yield while maintaining desirable quality attributes to ensure consumer acceptance and market competitiveness.


Starch was extracted from two varieties of sorghum bicolor grains (white and red varieties) steeped for 6, 8 and 12 hours by wet milling method, the starch samples were analysed for yield, functional properties and overall acceptability. The yield of the white variety ranged from 0.45 – 0.70kg and the red variety was 0.40 – 0.50kg. The result of their functional properties were as follows; Bulk density, white (0.700 – 0.733g/ml), red (0.723 – 0.753g/ml) Gelation temperature; white (70 – 72oc) red (73 – 74oc). Least gelation concentration; white (0.60 – 0.90g/10ml), red (0.70 – 1.00g/10ml). Metabolisable energy value, white (3.12 –3.82kcal/g), red (3.73 – 3.82 kcal.g). Glycosidic cyanide content, white (4.5 – 8.5%), red (8.5 – 10.5%). The starchy samples with shorter steeping periods gave better results in terms of functional properties, metabolisable energy value, and percentage moisture content. The starch samples steeped for longer periods had greater yield but poorer functional properties. The white variety tested cyanide free and had better results than the red variety. The result of the sensory evaluation revealed that the samples had significant difference at p(0.05) and p(0.01) in colour and consistency. But there was no significant difference at p(0.05) and p(0.01) in flavour, texture and overall acceptability


Title Page
Approval Page
Table Of Contents

Chapter One
1.0 Introduction

1.1 Statement Of Problem
1.2 Objectives Of The Study

Chapter Two
2.0 Literature Review

2.1 Origin Of Sorghum
2.2 Structure Of Sorghum
2.3 Nutritive Value
2.4 Uses And Method Of Preparation
2.5 Limitation / Toxicity
2.6 Processing Of Sorghum For Starch
2.7 Starches
2.7.1 Definition
2.7.2 Forms / Structures / Derivatives
2.7.3 Reactions Of Starch In Food Systems
2.7.4 Food Uses Of Starch And Their Functional Properties
2.7.5 Spoilage Of Starches

Chapter Three
3.0 Materials And Method

3.1 Source Of Raw Material
3.2 Method Of Production
3.3 Analysis Of Some Functional Properties
3.3.1 Determination Of Yield
3.3.2 Bulk Density
3.3.3 Syneresis
3.3.4 Swelling Capacity
3.3.5 Gelation Temperature
3.3.6 Least Gelation Concentration
3.4 Metabolisable Energy Value
3.5 Glycosidic Cyanide Content
3.6 Moisture Content
3.7 Sensory Evaluation

Chapter Four
4.0 Results / Discussion

4.1 Results
4.2 Discussion

Chapter Five
5.0 Conclusion And Recommendation



Starch is non-crystalline white powder, insoluble in cold water.
It can be hydrolysed into simpler molecules by either heating with an acid or a suitable enzyme. (Awan and Okaka, 1983).
Starch is the major storage form of carbohydrate in sorghum and millets. It consists of amylopectin, a branched – chain polymer of glucose, and amylose, a straight chain polymer (FAO, 1992).
The digestibility of the starch, which depends on hydrolysis by pancreatic enzymes, determines the available energy content of cereal grain. Processing of the grain by methods such as steaming, pressure cooking, flaking, puffing or Micronesian of the starch increases the digestibility of sorghum starch.
This has been attributed to a release of starch granules from the protein matrix rendering t hem more susceptible to enzymatic digestion (FAO, 1992).
When starch is heated in water (moist heat) it will produce a gel – an important property needed in the thickening of gravies, sauces, in the baking of bread and production of custards (Awan and Okaka, 1983).
The physico-chemical properties of the starch affect the textural characteristics of the food preparations made from the grain.
The behaviour of starch in water is temperature and concentration dependent (Malleshi and Desikachar, 1985).
Starches in general show very little uptake of water at room temperature and their swelling power is so small. At higher temperature, water uptake increases and starch granules collap— which leads to solubilisaiton of amylose and amylopectin to form a colloidal solution. This is the gelatinisation stage. Genetic and environmental factors affect the gelatinisation temperature of starch (Freeman and Bocan, 1973).
Heat treatment of starch in a limited amount of water lead to swelling the granules with very little loss of soluble material and partial gelatinization of the starch (Watson, 1970).
On cooking, the gelatinized starch tends to return from the soluble, dispersed and amorphous state to an insoluble crystalline state.
This phenomenon is known as retrogradation or set back; it is enhanced with low temperature and high concentration of starch (Rooney, 1991). Amylose, the linear component of the starch, is more susceptible to retrogradatioln than the amylopectin (Freeman and Bocan, 1973).

Steeping of sorghum for a longer period consumes time and imparts undesirable flavour to the starch extracted from the sorghum due to the action of some spoilage microorganisms. Hence the need to reduced the steeping time and detect its effect on the yield and their sensory properties.

The overall objective of the project work is to develop a process for extracting starch from two different cultivar of sorghum by subjecting to different steeping time.
The null hypothesis is that cultivar and steeping period will not have effect on the yield and functionality of the extracted starch.

Specific aims are:
To determine the effect of steeping period on:
1. The yield of the starch
2. The functional properties of the starch
3. Organoleptic properties of the starch
4. The glycosidic cyanide level of the starch
5. The metabolysable energy value of the starch

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Effect Of Steeping Period On Yield And Acceptability Of Starch Extracted From Sorghum Sorghum Bicolor White Variety And Red Variety:

The effect of steeping period on the yield and acceptability of starch extracted from sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) can vary depending on several factors, including the variety of sorghum used (white or red), the steeping conditions, and the intended application of the extracted starch. Let’s break down the potential effects:

  1. Yield of Starch:
    • Steeping Period: The duration of the steeping period can significantly affect the yield of starch. Typically, a longer steeping period allows for better hydration and separation of starch granules from other components like proteins and fibers. Longer steeping can potentially lead to a higher starch yield. However, there may be diminishing returns, and excessively long steeping periods might result in degradation of starch or other undesirable changes.
    • Variety of Sorghum: The yield of starch can vary between white and red sorghum varieties. Some sorghum varieties may have higher starch content than others. Therefore, the choice of sorghum variety is a crucial factor in determining the starch yield.
  2. Acceptability:
    • Texture and Purity: The acceptability of the extracted starch depends on its texture and purity. Longer steeping periods may result in starch with a smoother texture and higher purity, which can be preferred for certain applications like food processing. However, the texture and purity preferences may vary among consumers.
    • Color: Red sorghum varieties may impart a reddish color to the extracted starch, which could affect its acceptability, especially in applications where a white or neutral color is preferred.
    • Flavor: The flavor of the extracted starch can be influenced by the variety of sorghum and the steeping period. Some consumers may have preferences for specific flavors or may be sensitive to off-flavors that can develop during prolonged steeping.
  3. Application:
    • The intended application of the starch is a crucial factor. Starch from different sources and with different properties may be suitable for various applications. For example, starch with a high degree of purity and fine texture might be preferred for baking or as a thickening agent, while starch with a coarser texture may be more suitable for certain industrial applications.
  4. Optimization:
    • To determine the optimal steeping period for starch extraction, it’s essential to conduct experiments and analyze the results. This may involve varying the steeping period and evaluating the starch yield, quality, and acceptability for the specific purpose.

In summary, the effect of steeping period on the yield and acceptability of starch extracted from sorghum, whether white or red variety, is multifaceted. It depends on the goals of the extraction process, the specific sorghum variety, and the preferences of end-users or manufacturers. Conducting experiments and sensory evaluations can help in finding the optimal conditions for starch extraction to meet the desired objectives.