The Effect Of Stress On Job Performance Of A Factory Workers Complete Project Material (PDF/DOC)
The study investigated and evaluated occupational stress and its effects on job performance among members of staff at Innoson Mottors. The study sought to find out how work-related stress could affect the productivity of staff of Innoson Mottors in the dispensation of quality product. In addition, it identified certain factors which contribute to occupational stress among staff of the car plant. The systematic sampling technique was used to select 150 participants for the study. The results of this study revealed that workload was the major cause of occupational stress among staff of Innoson Mottors It was further observed that respondents, in order to relieve stress often walk around and visit other colleagues in their offices to discuss matters unrelated to work thereby affecting productivity at the firm. Health-wise, some members of staff of the firm had developed chronic back pain, an effect of long sitting hours at work. Management commitment to employee-related issues such as paying attention to workload conflict, supervisors recognition of outstanding output of staff and the introduction of proper stress management training programmes were perceived as significant steps which if embraced, were identified as major contributory factors that could contribute to improve productivity of staff and boost output of staff.
1.0 Background of the Study
Job life is one of the important parts of our daily lives which cause a great deal of stress. Due to the competitive nature of the job environment, most of the people in the world arc spending their time for job related work purposes resulting in ignoring the stress or influencing that work and life. Usually, people are more worried about the outcome of their work that can even affect the way they treat other people and how they communicate with their peers and. customers.
People react to stress in different ways some coping much better than others and suffering fewer of the harmful effects of stress. Some occupations are more stressful than others. There are various ways that stress symptoms or outcomes are reflected in the workplace. Evidence from a growing body of research suggests that certain individuals in a. variety of occupations/levels of job related stress (Schultz and Schultz, 2002).
Stress is a word derived from the Latin word “Stringere” meaning to draw tight.
1.1 Statement of Problem
Organization continues to face a lot of management problems that have their roots from occupational stress which are as follows:
Role ambiguity, which exist when an individual lacks information about the requirement of his/her role, how those role requirement are to be met and the evaluative procedures available to ensure that the role is being performed successfully.
Bad work relationship
Demand associated with family and finances
Unfair remuneration
Role conflict
Pressure originated from workload
Rapidly changing technology which increases the pressure of workforce to perform maximum output and enhance competitiveness
Working conditions including shift and weekend, hours of works, discrimination and safety at the work environment
1.2 Significance of the Research Problem and the Justification for Investigating it
The research project will be of great importance and benefit to factory workers organization and as well as general public who will leave the benefit of going through this project work. The study is worth pursuing because; its findings would be beneficial to the society, organization, students, lectures, and individuals in the following works;
The findings will go a long way in educating the populace on how best to handle stress.
Individuals employee will also know how to handle stress positively i.e timing stress to enthusiastic.
Organisation especially the key personnel will know what to do to help employees who are experiencing stress.
Organisation will understand that stress management in an organization must be handled by professionals.
Recruitment and selection exercise will be handle with great care and skill.
Above all, chapter two of this study will focus on literature review. For the purpose of the study, the project is intended to dwell upon learned submission of some renounced authors on stress aspect in an organization. Their different position will be perused and comment will be made on each chapter three of the study will focus on summary, conclusion and recommendation.
1.3 Relevant Research Questions
The research questions utilized in this project are:
Is there any relationship between stress and job satisfaction.
Does stress really affect job performance of a factory worker?
1.4 Scope of the Study
The main focus of the study is to determine the effect of stress on job satisfaction of factory workers.
The limitations are that some people do not know they are going though stress as they are already used to their routine work. Others do not want to change in order to adjust their schedules because they are afraid of the outcome. Some people do not know how to manage stress people and its effect.
1.5 Limitation of the Study
The study will limit its scope to the factory workers of organization in Lagos metropolis.
Thus, inadequacy of time,
Finance attitude of the respondent,
And other research related problem such as securing primary data from the company, and as well as lukewarm response from respondents who had questionnaire on time would pose as limitation.
1.6 Purpose of the Study
Stress is something that is common to every employee and so it’s not an issue that should be lightly look into the research; while it is really aimed at basically to find out the various forms of stress experienced by workers. It will also examine the effects of stress on performance, turnover and absenteeism of the worker.
The purpose of the study could however be itemized as follows;
To critically examine the concept of stress and it impact on employee performance.
To identify the sources of stress experienced by the worker.
To determine and examine ways by which stress could be effectively managed in an organization.
1.8 Definition of Terms
(i.) Stress:
Stress is the wear and tear of our body experienced as are adjust to continually changed environment.
(ii.) Stress Management:
This can be define as various effort to control and reduce the tension that occurs in stressful situation.
(iii.) Employee:
This is either skilled or unskilled individual who is assured to be economically gesture, and he/she is employed for some form is reward.
(iv.) Work Environment:
This is the organizational arrangement of the work situation, which has a high impact on the employee.
(v.) Performance:
This is the degree of effectiveness in utilizing the facilities of production, especially in labour and material.
(vi.) Destructive Stress:
This is the stress that acts in a dysfunctional way for both individual and the organization.
Summary of Findings, Conclusion and Recommendations
5.0 Introduction
This chapter summarizes the entire study; the findings of the study, recommendations by the researcher, limitations encountered and directions for future research.
5.1 Summary of Findings
The principal purpose of the study was to investigate occupational stress and its effects on job performance. The literature reinforced the need for the present study.
The study demonstrates support for the objectives of the study and further indicates an inverse relationship between occupational stress and job performance. The results agree with those of the studies conducted by Jamal M. (1984) Stress and Job Performance Controversy: an empirical assessment; 33:1-21 and Hsiow-Ling (2004) Work stress and Job Performance in the hi-tech industry: A closer view of vocational education. 3(1):147-50.
5.2 Conclusions
Based on the analyses of the data, the following conclusions were drawn:
The profile of the majority of respondents were males (57.7%) with the remaining (42.3%) being females. The age groups falls within the age range of 24-34 and majority of respondents fell below the age of forty-five (45) years. Workload was identified as the major component of occupational stress to respondents as it chalked (55.5%). It was also realized that troubles concentrating on the job was s signal to respondents that they were under stress. It was noted that(83.9%) had experienced some of the signs of stress and (86%) report that occupational stress has affected their performance. Finally, it was observed that (63.6%) of respondents experience reduced productivity as a result of occupational stress.
An overwhelming 97% of respondents were of the view that occupational stress can be minimized. They suggested that Stress management training (53.3%) should be instituted to help minimize the effects of work related stress as it will enhance productivity. Most respondents submitted that their jobs sometimes (34.3%) have to work under pressure.
Participants were satisfied with the support they receive from their immediate supervisors with a response rate of (35%) as a result of supervisors making life easier for them at their work places. On the contrary, it was revealed by a (47.4%) that members of staff in tough times receive minimum support from their supervisors. This is very critical in reducing job stress in times of troubles as such these are times when workers would need some form of support from their superiors to help manage some of their stressors.
An overwhelming (89.1%) of respondents were aware that job stress can affect their health negatively as most of the respondents observed that they could contract a cardiovascular disease as a result of job stress. It was noted that workers who experience job stress manifested in the form of back pain and fatigue which scored 42.6% and 39.3% respectively. Drawing from the consequences of the results, it could be concluded members of staff of Innoson Mottors mainly experience back pain and fatigue which could grow in other health implications leading to low output of those affected.
In summary, the results of the study indicate that there is a negative relationship between job stress and job performance. Those workers who had high level of job stress had low job performance. All the factors contributing to job stress affected all the categories of staff of Innoson Mottors.
5.3 Recommendations
Based on the findings above the following recommendations have been made: Innoson Mottors has a working population which is youthful and therefore could be very competitive in the provision of quality tertiary education by adopting a well-designed, organized and managed work helps to maintain and promote individual well-being.
Since the job related stress from lack of support from supervisors in tough times and workload conflict was high among workers, the Polytechnic administration should pay attention to solve these issues. Lack of resources such as inadequate staff and lack of equipment must be advocated by the heads of the department or sections for the benefit of the staff.
Performance is hindered by stress because the individual faces signals of stress which affects their productivity. Therefore, increasing formal organizational communication with employees reduces stress by lessening the role ambiguity. Open communication has an advantage of resolving conflicts between supervisors and subordinates. Lack of effective communication could cause unresolved conflicts that increase stress level.
Support from supervisors and colleagues are a major factor in reducing stress. Supervisors need to recognize the good work and outstanding contributions of employees in challenging times to keep them motivated. Promoting a culture of support will set the example and it will make them realize that co-worker support is very important.
Correct stress management should be incorporated into the fabric of the Polytechnic administration to improve the health of workers and intrapersonal relationships. An individual needs to maintain good level of personal health. The prevention and management of workplace stress requires organizational level interventions, because it is often the organizations that create the stress. A culture of openness and understanding, rather than of criticism, is essential.
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