The Effect Of Training Practices On Employees’ Performance Complete Project Material (PDF/DOC)
The study examined the effect of training practices on employees’ performance in Nestle Nigeria Plc, Flowergate factory, Sagamu. The objectives of the study was to examine the effect of training needs assessment, training design and training delivery style on employees’ performance. The study adopted survey research design. The population of the study consist of employees of Nestle Nigeria Plc, Flowergate factory, Sagamu. The sample size of 305 was determined using simple random technique with the aid of Krejcie and Morgan, 1970 formulae. Questionnaire was used to gathered data from the respondents. The data gathered were arranged and analysed using descriptive statistics and linear regression with the aid of SPSS. The findings of the study revealed that, training needs assessment, training design and training delivery style have significant effect on employees’ performance, with p-value of 0.000, 0.000 and 0.000 respectively. Therefore, the study concluded that training practices has significant effect on employees’ performance. Based on the findings, the study recommended that: the organization need to conduct training needs assessment to ensure that the right training is given. This will enhance the competitiveness of the staff as they will be equipped with necessary competencies and current trends within the industry. The organization should give due attention to the design of the training program. The objectives of the training should be defined clearly to the trainees and coherent with their job needs; the training contents should be relevant and should fit with their respective ability, so as to enhance employees’ performance in an organization.
The general objective of this study is to examine the impact of training programs on employees’ performance.
The specific objectives are as follows:
- To investigate the impact of training needs assessment on employees’ performance
- To examine the effect of training design on employees’ performance
- To identify the impact of training delivery style on employees’ performance
The following questions are what the study want to seek answers to:
- What is the impact of training needs assessment on employees’ performance?
- What is the effect of training design on employees’ performance?
- To what extent does training delivery style has impact on employees’ performance?
The following are the statement of hypotheses for the study. The null statement of the hypotheses shall be stated:
H01: training needs assessment has no significant impact on employees’ performance
H02: training design has no significant effect on employees’ performance
H03: training delivery style has no significant impact on employees’ performance
Background to the Study
Organizations are known to exist and function in complete dynamic, competitive and global business environment. For organizations to survive the turbulent complete dynamic, competitive and global business environment, they must pay serious attention to their training practices. Organizations with a productive workforce (i.e. effective and efficient employees) hardly experience insolvency. This organization should have employees that have the capability of adjusting to the swift ever dynamic business environment (Oshishepo, Ahmed & Genda, 2021). The success of any organization is largely dependent on its knowledgeable, skilled as well as experienced workforce. Paradise (2007), in his report stated that U.S organization alone spent more than 126 million U.S dollars annually on employee training. Therefore, to maintain sustainability and effective performance organizations must see continuous employee training as valuable.
Training is considered fundamentally important to human capital development. It could be described as vehicle that takes organization to their destination within a stipulated time (Oforegbunam & Okarafor, 2018). They went further to state that for any organization to survive the competitive business world; it must train and retain its human resources in consonance with its immediate and remote operational environment. Most important among the response options to environmental dynamics is the organization’s focus on development and improving the human resources base. Training is very essential because it is regarded as organization’s life wire that improves the human element that moves the organization in the direction of meeting its objectives (Ozoya, 2019). Thus, training in modern work environment has become an important aspect of employers’ duty if the organization’s set objectives are to be achieved.
The importance of manpower training is more obvious given the growing complexity of the work environment, the rapid change in organizations and advancement in technology among other things (Okotoni & Eroro, 2018). They illustrate further that training ensure that organizational members possess the knowledge and skills they need to perform their jobs effectively, take on new responsibilities, and adapt to changing conditions. Until recently there has been a general resistance to investment in training in the public service because of the belief that employees hired under a merit system must be presumed to be qualified, that they were already trained for their jobs, and that if this was not so it was evidence that initial selection of personnel was at fault (Oshishepo et al., 2021). Like Nigeria, with its rich natural resources and the necessary financial support, many organizations can also experience such economic success if the appropriate attention is given to manpower training of their human resources.
Training as a function of human resource management, is one of the operations most critically affecting employees performance. While it is understood and accepted that training methodology is not properly enforced, it will influence employees’ performance, organizational efficiency and restrict goal accomplishment, we can readily identify which sort of training is appropriate for the specific worker. Acquiring and maintaining high-quality talented worker is critical to the success of an organization. As job security there is need to upgrade our understanding through a competitive technique of training efficiency and the accessible skills increase in diversity, training helps to establish a skill matrix. The knowledge and skills of employees is measured by the training programmes attended. The newly recruited employee are indirectly trained through trail of their performance, self – assessment of an employee and by asking questions. Well experienced employees learn from on the job through the way of their experiences. Yet this type of informal, unscheduled training can lead to simply unusable time and difficulty in workflow.
To improve employee enhancement, job performance, skills and moral within a particular organization, training is considered as critical part and function. Training gives motivation, purpose and the drive for the employees to move forward to improve their careers and increase performance which in turn will benefit the organization. Thus, today many organizations are considering employee training as an important area in Human Resource Management. According to Tahir, Yousafzai, Jan, and Hahim (2018), training is one of the imperatives of human resource management as it can improve performance at individual, collegial and organizational level. Employee job performance is measuring an individual performance against his target or set goal, with emphasis on whether outcomes match the expected goal. (Yang & Hwang, 2020).
Training has become one of the necessary functions in most organizations, because they lead to high performance in the same field and are important part of human resource department, it has a significant effect on the success of an organization through improving employee performance (Mozael, 2018). Training is very essential at all employee levels, due to the reason that skills erode and become obsolete over some time and must be replenished (Nishtha & Amit 2020). Additionally, employees who are more productive can obtain better wages/ salaries, better working conditions, and favourable employment opportunities. Moreover, higher productivity tends to maximize organizational competitive advantage through cost reductions and improvement in high quality of output (Wright, 2020). All these benefits have made employee productivity worthy of attention.
Training is of much significance in achieving the objectives of the organization by keeping in view the interest of employees and organization (Stone, 2020). Training encompass long term education process utilizing a systematic and organized procedure by which managerial personnel learn conceptual and theoretical knowledge for general purpose. Training proves to be a parameter for enhancing the ability of the workforce for achieving the organizational objectives. Training is seen as a useful means of coping with changes fostered by technological innovation; market competition, organizational structuring and most importantly it plays a key role to enhance employee general performance.
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