Effectiveness Of Advertising Tools For Successful Marketing Of MTN Products

The Effectiveness Of Advertising Tools For Successful Marketing Of MTN Products Complete Project Material (PDF/DOC)


The aim of this study is to examine the effectiveness of advertising tools for successful marketing of MTN products using Lagos as case study. The study adopted a survey research design and with the aid of convenient sampling techniques, 80 participants who are staff of MTN walk-in centers in mainland Lagos State was enrolled for the study. A well structured questionnaire was issued to the respondent of which a total of 77 responses were received and validated for the study. Data was analyzed using simple percentage as well as frequencies and table. Findings of the study revealed that advertising tools used in the company for marketing includes Radio/television advertising, Direct marketing, Internet marketing, Sales promotion and Public relations and these tools have been effective in bringing about successful marketing. The study therefore recommends that MTN-NG should intensity efforts in nourishing good customers‟ relationship. There should also be growing movement towards integrating all the messages created by their various communication agencies and sent out by various departments within the company in order to achieve consistency. More so, in order for MTN to prosper against its rivals, they have to be innovative and alert to whatever subtle move made by other competitors‟ in order to continue occupying its leadership position.

Chapter One


1.1 Background of the Study

We are all surrounded by a vast amount of advertising. Nearly everybody, therefore, has some thoughts on the subject. The tendency is to judge advertising as good or bad, to single out advertisements that one likes or dislikes, to wonder if advertising is worth the large sums of money spent on it, to question the contribution advertising makes to social welfare, and so on. Advertising research also aims to answer these questions in academic ways mainly within the fields of social science.

In business, a successful marketing campaign can lead to increased sales, better name recognition and a wider customer base. Great marketing helps your company establish a strong, memorable brand identity in the minds of customers. By using tools to measure the effectiveness of each Advertising effort, you can determine which to keep and which to discontinue. In doing so, you can more effectively utilize your time and money to develop a powerful marketing campaign.

The ultimate goal of most business concern is to make profit. It is the measure of success for the businessman and the reward for taking a chance. It is widely known that Advertisement is one of the ingredients used to achieve the stated objective of any business for most corporate organization the means of achieving this goal is found in integrated marketing policy back up by effective marketing management, the Advertising enables the organization not only to achieve lasting profit while satisfying the needs of the customers but also to achieve lasting success of the competition in wining lasting customers loyalty.

The concept seeks to reconcile two apparently conflicting motives. Its balance the organization need for benefit in such a way that the organization makes enough profit, and the need of business to retain customers through constant patronage.

Advertisement itself be the ingredient widely used to inform and persuades the customers to patronize the company’s products. Its involves publicity and Advertising strategy to create the Advertising mix.

1.2 Statement of the Study

Most of the GSM Operators in Nigeria do not know the usefulness of the sales promotion and hence plan to overlook the influence it has on the patronage of the company’s product.

Among some of the problems of promotion on sales of company product or the form are, it has been alleged that the cost of sales promotion increase price of the product. It is believed that a large part of the annual expenditure on sales promotion represents a wasteful application of resources, and also the question that pays for promotion manufactures or find consumers? This has to be determined before the profit can be ascertained it is therefore and investment. Hence this aims on the effectiveness of advertising tolles for successful marketing with close reference to MTN products.

1.3 Research Question

In the course of this study, the research will evaluate each advertising strategy used and which department is to carryout the promotion.

The main objectives of such exercise briefly are:-

What are advertising tools used in the company?

To what extent is the effective of these tools in marketing of the company products?

What are the objectives of using these tools by the company?

To what extent does the effectiveness of advertising affect the overall performance of the company?


1.4 Objectives of the Study

The study when successfully completed will assist the management of MTN Nigeria to achieve the following:-

This study is aimed at highlighting and finding out certain facts as regards the effect of promotion on patronage of products of MTN Nigeria.

This study will further look into the problems facing Advertisement of product in the breweries sector.

The research will also benefit individual company that provide one kind of product or the other and helps them to know the best way of promoting and techniques to use in such advertising exercise.

1.5 Significance of the Study

The particular topic is order to examine the usefulness of sales Advertisement on sales to avoid misconception. Its also aims at highlighting the principal benefit of sales Advertisement to the organization in particular and the society at large.

Also the study will help us understand the influence of Advertisement of sales on the company product volume. The research findings will assist the company to know its sales and profitability volume before embarking on advertising activities. This research will enable us to know the department that should be responsible for the sales Advertisement activities.

Finally, this research work is to enable the company to accord more attention, recognition to sake Advertisement as a weapon used in attaining organizational objectives. The findings of this study will help all manufacturing companies, corporate bodies, marketing students, managers and researchers in their various endeavours.

1.6 Scope and Limitation of the Study

The scope of this research work cover the various advertising options used by MTN Nigeria. . Its Information, Implementation and its effectiveness towards the achievement of the organizational goals and objectives.

1.7 Limitation of the Study

The limitation faced by this research is insufficient of time and other factors such as the following:-

Academic Constraints

Financial and Inadequate Resources.


This study could have being extended to all parts of Nigeria Breweries, but due to the aforementioned problems, the research is on MTN Nigeria only.

1.8 Definition of Terms

Sales Advertisement:

This is an indirect advertising program or advertising research, which is intended to stimulate quick sales action.


This is a band of physical services, a symbolic characteristics designed to produced consumer want and satisfaction.


This is the direct watching of event or action of a particular object which being study.


This is the person who boys goods or used services.


This is a way which advertisement purpose are arranged according to plan.


These are pointed by the manufacturers and to represent the manufacturers net themselves.


This is a non-personal message, which is transmitted in the media to a large number of intended evidence.

Chapter Five

Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation

5.1 Summary

The aim of this study is to examine the effectiveness of advertising tools for successful marketing of MTN products using Lagos as case study. The study ascertained advertising tools used in the company, the extent at which effective these tools are effective in marketing of the company products, examined the objectives of using these tools by the company and established what extent does the effectiveness of advertising affect the overall performance of the company.

The study adopted a survey research design and with the aid of convenient sampling techniques, 80 participants who are staff of MTN walk-in centers in mainland Lagos State was enrolled for the study. A well structured questionnaire was issued to the respondent of which a total of 77 responses were received and validated for the study. Data was analyzed using simple percentage as well as frequencies and table.

5.2 Conclusion

Advertising is without doubt a very important promotional tool, its importance can be understood from its ability to attract attention and having drawn customer‟s attention, it provides information that can prompt them (consumers) to further actions which means that it encourages continuous patronage.

Findings of the study revealed that:

Advertising tools used in the company for marketing includes Radio/television advertising, Direct marketing, Internet marketing, Sales promotion and Public relations.

MTN Company uses the “KING” of advertising media which is television as it combines the aural quality of sound and the visual impact of photographs to produce pictures. For instance, it uses the complementary nature of sound that makes the universality of the photographic code more meaningful to a homogenous audience, luring them to buy.

To a great extent these advertising tool have been effective in marketing the product of the company.

The objectives of using these tools by the company is to inform the people about new products and services and to inspire them to purchase them, to create awareness of brands, products, services, and ideas and To remind customers of existing product by channeling desire and supplying reasons for preferring a particular organization’s offerings.


5.3 Recommendations

Base on the findings of the findings of the study, the following recommendations were made:

MTN-NG should intensity efforts in nourishing good customers‟ relationship. There should also be growing movement towards integrating all the messages created by their various communication agencies and sent out by various departments within the company in order to achieve consistency.

In order for MTN to prosper against its rivals, they have to be innovative and alert to whatever subtle move made by other competitors‟ in order to continue occupying its leadership position.

The place of research in advertising is very crucial. Findings or research is the foundation of advertising. MTN should endeavor to carry out research from time to time. A business world is full of uncertainties and risk. Research and findings can help reduce these risks to manageable proportions. It will also guide the management to take informed marketing and advertising decision.

The need of the customers/ subscribers should also be put into consideration during the process of advertising campaign in order to give the right messages that the audience would immediately react to and in turn increases the profit of the company.

MTN-NG should adopt modern advertising which will help them get more knowledge and wider horizon in the face of high competition in the market place as well as new dimension.

MTN-NG should most importantly endeavor to make their advertising messages simply to avoid ambiguity for audience acceptance.

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