Effectiveness Of Mandatory Monthly Environmental Sanitation Exercise In Ensuring A Clean And Safe Environment

(A Case Study Of Akwa Ibom State)

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The study investigated the effectiveness of mandatory monthly environmental sanitation exercise in ensuring a clean and safe environment (a case study of AkwaIbom state). Three objectives guided the study. The study answered three research questions and tested three null hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance. The study adopted survey research design. The research was conducted in the South-South Zone of Nigeria. The population of the study was all the residents of Uyo, AkwaIbom state, Nigeria. The sample size was one hundred respondents; this was determined using Taro Yamane formula. The instrument used for data collection was a structured questionnaire titled: the effectiveness of mandatory monthly environmental sanitation exercise in ensuring a clean and safe environment (a case study of AkwaIbom state) developed by the researcher from literature reviewed. Three experts in the field of measurement, evaluation and research validated the instrument. Descriptive statistics of mean and standard deviation were used to answer the research questions while inferential statistics of Chi-square was used to test the null hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance. The findings revealed that there is a significant relationship between education and environment; that there is a significant correlation between cleanliness and health. It also found out that there is a significant relationship between environmental sanitation and cleanliness and good human condition.

However, the study recommended that: Efforts should be made to reduce the challenges faced in the conduct of the monthly sanitation exercise; for instance, a supervisory term should be put in place to supervise the activities of the citizens during the environmental exercise, as well as punishment of culprits during the exercise; Government at all levels should strengthen the environmental agency to be more effective; and there should be proper orientation of the stakeholders on the need to maintain cleanliness.

Aims and Objectives

The main objective of the study is to examine the effectiveness of mandatory monthly environmental sanitation exercise in ensuring a clean and safe environment by using Akwa Ibom State as a case study, but for the successful completion of the study, the researcher intends to achieve the following specific objectives;

  • To determine the impact of education on environmental sanitation.
  • To understand the relationship between cleanness and health.
  • To examine the contributions of environmental sanitation to cleanliness and good human condition in Akwa Ibom State.
Research Questions

The following are some of the questions which this study intends to answer:

  • What is the impact of education on environmental sanitation?
  • What is the relationship between cleanness’ and health?
  • What are the contributions of environmental sanitation to cleanliness and good human condition in Akwa Ibom State?
Hypothesis Of The Study

The following will be the research hypotheses to be tested for this study:

  • There is no significant relationship between education and environmental.
  • There is no significant correlation between cleanness and health.
  • There is no significant relationship between environmental sanitation and cleanliness and good human condition.
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