Effects Of 7E-Learning Cycle Model On Academic Performance Of Students In Biology

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This study examined the effect of 7E Learning Cycle Model on students’ academic achievement in Biology in secondary schools in Nigeria. The first objective was to compare the effect of 7E Learning Cycle Model and Conventional Instructional Method on students’ academic achievement in Biology, the second objective was to determine the influence of students’ attitude towards 7E Learning Cycle Model on their academic achievement in Biology and the third objective was to establish challenges faced by teachers when using 7E Learning Cycle Model and how they affect students’ academic achievement in Biology. Quasi-experimental design was adopted in this study. 7E Learning Cycle Model was applied to experimental group and Conventional Instructional Method to the control group. Target population for the study was 3421 SS3 Biology students and 61 Biology teachers. Data was collected from a sample size of 346 students and 18 teachers. The study employed stratified sampling, simple random sampling and purposive sampling procedures. Data collection instruments were Biology Achievement Test, Students’ Questionnaire and Teachers’ Questionnaire. Validity of the Biology Achievement Test was established by two Biology teachers. The validity of both students’ and teachers’ questionnaire were established by two supervisors. Reliability of Biology Achievement Test was established through test- retest technique using SPSS. A reliability coefficient of r = 0.83 was obtained. To establish the internal consistency of the questionnaire, Cronbach’s coefficient alpha was employed using SPSS. Students’ and Teachers’ questionnaire, had a Cronbach’s coefficient alpha of 0.89 and 0.84 respectively. Data was analysed using both descriptive (frequencies, percentages, mean and standard deviation) as well as inferential statistics (t- test) with the aid of SPSS and excel. The findings of the study showed that students in the experimental group performed better than students in the control group, students had positive attitude towards 7E Learning Cycle Model and that Biology teachers face challenges when using 7E Learning Cycle Model during instruction. The study therefore concluded that 7E Learning Cycle Model is an effective way of improving students’ academic achievement in Biology. Based on the findings of the study, the researcher recommended that Biology teachers should employ 7E Learning Cycle Model in teaching, KICD should incorporate 7E Learning Cycle Model into Biology curriculum, Ministry of Education together with other education stake holders should organize in-service programs for teachers on the use 7E Learning Cycle model and also, they should provide adequate instructional resources.

Chapter One

This chapter introduces the Effects Of 7E-Learning Cycle Model On Academic Performance Of Students In Biology and its relevance, states the research problems, research questions, and objectives, provides a background of the study, and should also include the research hypothesis.

Chapter Five

Summary of the Findings, Conclusion and Recommendations

5.1 Introduction of the Chapter

This chapter provides the summary of the major findings as presented in chapter four as per the study objectives: to compare the effect of 7E LCM and CIM on students’ academic achievement in Biology, to determine the influence of students’ attitude towards 7E LCM on their academic achievement in Biology and to find out how challenges faced by teachers when using 7E LCM and how they affect students’ academic achievement in Biology. Conclusions have been drawn based on the major findings. Finally, recommendations as well as recommendations for future research suggested.

5.2 Summary of the Findings

The following are the findings of the study and are presented as per the objectives of the study.

5.2.1 7E Learning Cycle Model and Conventional Instructional Method

This study was guided by a hypothesis that stated: There is no significant difference in Biology achievement between students taught using 7E LCM and those taught using. The findings of the pre-test showed that students who were taught using 7E LCM and those who were taught using CIM had close mean score. In addition, t-test result show that there was no significant difference in the means scores between the two groups. These results imply that the two instructional groups had equal ability before intervention, which was very significant to the study. Post-test scores indicated that students in the experimental group who were taught using 7E LCM had a higher mean score than those in control group who were taught using CIM. T-test also revealed that there was a statistically significant difference in post-test achievement among the two groups in favour of experimental group who were taught using 7E LCM.

5.2.2 Students Attitude Towards 7E Learning Cycle Model

The second objective of the study was to determine the influence of students’ attitude towards 7E LCM on their academic achievement in Biology. This was guided a research question which stated: How does attitude of students towards 7E learning cycle affect their academic achievement in Biology? In response to the question, the study found out that students had a positive attitude towards the 7E LCM. In addition, the study found out that students preferred certain aspects of 7E LCM. These included: engaging in group activities, responding to questions from their peers, Biology teacher eliciting prior knowledge before teaching, importance of discussion groups in learning of Biology, extending Biology knowledge gained in class outside the classroom, responding to challenging questions, looking for answers to assignments from the library and students asking questions in areas they need
clarification in a Biology class.

5.2.3 Challenges Facing Teachers During Instruction Using 7E Learning Cycle Model

The third objective of the study was to establish challenges faced by teachers when using 7E LCM and how they affect students’ academic achievement in Biology. The study therefore was guided by the research question: How does the challenges faced by teachers when using 7E LCM affect students’ academic achievement in Biology?
Majority of the teachers who participated in the study rated students’ ability to learn Biology as fair. On the other hand, most teachers preferred to use lecture method with few demonstrations to teach. Reasons for the teaching method was that it enabled them to cover the syllabus on time as well as lack of sufficient teaching and learning resources. In addition, only one teacher who participated in the study used teaching method which involved lecture, group activities, class discussions and presentation. The teacher argued that this approach enabled the students became peer tutors hence improve students’ understanding of the concept being taught. The study also found that most schools had inadequate teaching and learning resources for classification. Most schools lacked preserved specimen used in teaching and learning of classification. Finally, teachers were required to mention challenges they were facing in teaching Classification using 7E Instructional Approach. The challenges faced by the teachers are summarised as follows: Inadequate learning resources, broad topic; making it difficult to be covered as per the syllabus timeline, difficult terminologies, high class enrolment and frequent class interruptions.

5.3 Conclusion

Based on the evidence presented, the research has found that 7E Learning Cycle Model is more effective than Conventional Instructional Method. Students taught using 7E Learning Cycle Model performed better than those taught using Conventional Instructional Method. 7E Learning Cycle Model was more effective in promoting and arousing student’s interest and enthusiasm in learning than Conventional Instructional Method. The interactive nature of the 7E Learning Cycle Model makes the student to be motivated and therefore arousing their interest, creating deeper and broader understanding of the concept being taught. Secondly, the findings revealed that students’ attitude towards 7E Learning Cycle Model was positive. Lastly, the research findings established that teachers encounter challenges in implementing 7E Learning Cycle Model in teaching Classification, therefore, opting for Conventional Instructional Method. These challenges include: inadequate instructional resources, broad topic, difficult terminologies, high class enrolment and frequent class interruptions. These challenges should therefore be addressed by education stakeholders in order to ensure that teachers overcome these challenges.
This study therefore concludes that 7E Learning Cycle Model is an effective way of improving students’ academic achievement in Biology and should therefore be adopted in teaching Biology in secondary schools in Nigeria.

5.4 Recommendations

Biology teachers should employ 7E Learning Cycle Model that allow students to actively construct their own knowledge along with actively participating in class.

Ministry of education and other education stake holders should provide in service for teachers in the use of 7E Learning Cycle Model.

Nigeria Institute of Curriculum Developers (NICD) should incorporate constructivist approaches such as 7E learning cycle model into the Biology curriculum for teaching Biology in secondary schools. iv.The NICD should increase the number of lessons covering the topic of Classification so that the topic can be adequately covered.

Ministry of Education and other education stake holders should provide adequate resources such as books and laboratory apparatus. This is because 7E Learning Cycle Model requires that students gain access to such resources so as to actively construct their own knowledge.

5.5. Suggestions for Further Studies

In this study, 7E Learning Cycle Model was used to measure students’ academic achievement in Biology. Therefore, study recommends further investigation on other learning cycle models other than 7E Learning Cycle Model. The study also recommends studies be done on the effect of 7E Learning Cycle Model on students’ critical thinking skills.

Table of Contents

Chapter One:
1.1 Introduction of the Chapter
1.2 Background of the Study
1.3 Statement of the Problem
1.4 Purpose of the Study
1.5. Objectives of the Study
1.6 Research Questions
1.7 Hypothesis
1.8 Justification of the Study
1.9 Significance of the Study
1.10 Assumptions of the Study
1.11 Scope of the Study
1.12 Limitations of the study
1.13 Definition of Operational Terms
1.14 Summary of the Chapter

Chapter Two:
Literature Review
2.1 Conceptual Review
2.2 Theoretical Review
2.3 Summary of Literature Review and Knowledge Gaps

Chapter Three:
Research Methodology
3.1 Introduction to the Chapter
3.2 Research Design
3.3 Study Area
3.4 Target Population
3.5 Sample Size of the Study
3.6 Sampling Procedures
3.7 Research Study Variables
3.7.1 Independent Variable
3.7.2 Dependent Variable
3.7.3 Intervening Variable
3.8 Treatment
3.9 Research Instruments
3.9.1 Biology Achievement Test
3.9.2 Students’ Questionnaire
3.9.3 Teachers’ Questionnaire
3.10 Piloting
3.11 Validity and Reliability of the Instruments
3.11.1 Validity
3.11.2 Reliability
3.12 Administration of the Research Instruments
3.13 Data Analysis
3.14 Ethical Issues of the Study
3.15 Summary of the Chapter

Chapter Four:
Data Analysis and Result Presentation
4.0.1 Discussion of the Findings
4.1 Introduction of the Chapter
4.2 Demographic Characteristics of the Respondents
4.3.3 Hypothesis Testing

Chapter Five:
Conclusion and Recommendation
5.1 Introduction of the Chapter
5.2 Summary of the Findings
5.3 Conclusion
5.4 Recommendations
5.5. Suggestions for Further Studies

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