Effects Of Corporate Social Responsibility Activities On The Growth Of Hospitals

(A Study Of Chapel Group Specialist Hospital Owerri)

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives undertaken by hospitals have a profound impact on their growth trajectory. By integrating CSR activities into their operations, hospitals not only fulfill their ethical obligations but also enhance their reputation, foster community goodwill, and bolster patient trust. These initiatives encompass a spectrum of endeavors, ranging from providing healthcare services to underprivileged communities, conducting health awareness programs, to implementing environmentally sustainable practices within their facilities. Such initiatives not only address societal needs but also contribute to the hospital’s long-term sustainability by attracting philanthropic funding, improving employee morale, and reducing operational costs through efficiency gains. Moreover, CSR efforts often lead to enhanced stakeholder engagement, fostering collaborations with government agencies, NGOs, and corporate partners, thereby expanding the hospital’s reach and influence. Overall, the integration of CSR activities into hospital operations fosters holistic growth, benefiting both the institution and the communities they serve.


This project work was prepared and structured, to evaluate the effect of social responsibility on the growth of hospitals. This project is arranged in such as way that one chapter naturally leads to the others. It is organized in five chapters, the chapter one started with the introduction of effect of social responsibility on the growth of hospitals which is narrowed down to the concept of social responsibility by the project work also highlighted on the objective of the study, and the scope of the studies in chapter one. Chapter two deals with the review of the related literature all of which are discussed. In details chapter three deals with research methodology ways or which data are designed, collected and sampled, chapter four deals with data presentation and its analysis and interpretation of result chapter five deals with findings, conclusion and recommendations.


Title Page
Approval Page
Table of Contents

1.0 Introduction 1
1.1 Background of the study 1
1.2 Statement of the problem 2
1.3 Research questions 3
1.4 Objectives of the study 4
1.5 Significance of the study 5
1.6 Scope of the study 6
1.7 Limitations of the study 6
1.8 Definition of terms 7
1.9 Historical background of the Chapel Group Specialist
Hospital and maternity 7

2.0 Literature Review 9
2.1 Concept of social responsibility 9
2.2 Parties to whom business is socially responsible 11
2.3 Factors encouraging social responsibility 14
2.4 Factors discouraging social responsibility 16
2.5 Benefit of social responsibility 18
2.6 Summary of the chapter 24

3.0 Research design and methodology 27
3.1 Introduction 27
3.2 Research design 27
3.3 Sources / Method of data collection 28
3.4 Population of the study and sample size 29
3.5 Sampling techniques 30
3.6 Validity and reliability of measuring instrument 30
3.7 Method of data analysis 31

4.0 Presentation and analysis of data 33
4.1 Introduction 33
4.2 Presentation of data 33
4.3 Analysis of data 33
4.4 Interpretation of data 42

5.0 Summary of findings, Conclusion and
Recommendations 43
5.1 Summary of findings 43
5.2 Conclusion 44
5.3 Recommendations 44
Bibliography 46
Appendices 48-51


All hospitals whether large or small in their journey towards growth and substance do not operate in isolation, they must interact the concept of social responsibility as a view way of thinking or social expectations suggests that the prime purpose of business is to maximize the satisfaction of the society. This is contrarily to the view of economists and capitalists that the purpose of any business is to maximize profit.
The argument in support of social responsibility based on the fact that a business derives the basis for its existence by satisfying the society. That is, it is one by performing socially desirable responsibility that a business improves its goodwill and level of acceptance in its area of operations. A business firm is therefore expected to show concern to the community in which its operate and from where it draws it input resources, support government development, improve development programmes improve employees welfare and contribute to charitable organization. The concept has indeed modified the view profiteering entity fails to recognize business as an integral part of the society.
As a part of the society, a business owns some sort of community and social obligations subsequently business firms are now increasingly judged by the public not only in terms of their product and profit but also in terms of scope of the participation in wider social process and benefits. This, it has become normally obligatory for the management of any organization to deal with even and circumstances that are external to the firm whole at the same time trying to achieve the firm primary objective due to some positive effects it has towards organizational success.

Despite that social responsibilities has been the only good way through which business organization like hospitals respond to demand of the environment but people still doubt whether it contributes achieving the growth of hospitals, some people thinks that when carried out social responsibility, it affects the workers attitude to work, that make it a problem. Other problems include, lack of motivation, inadequate support of the community in terms of security etc. The argument in support of social responsibility is based on the facts that a business derives the basis for its existences by satisfying the society.
That is to say, any business wishes to improve it goodwill and level of acceptance in its area of operation must do so by performing social desirable responsibility. Business should show concern to the community in which it’s operate and from where its input resources. Support government development improve development programmes, improves employee’s welfare and contribute to charitable organization base on this, the study whether social responsibilities contributes to the growth of hospitals is not yet reveal.

1. How do you respond to external obligation of business firm?
2. How does wrong discharge the social responsibility affect the firm?
3. How can you examine the problem faced by the firm for not meeting up to the obligation of the environment?
4. How do you affect the factor that encourage and discourage s social responsibility?
5. How do you examine the party which business is socially responsible?

The major objectives of this project are as follows:
1. To examine the party which business is socially responsible?
2. To x-ray the important of discharging social responsibilities by firms.
3. To examine the problems faced by firms for not meeting up to their obligations of business firm.
4. To examine the method of responding to external obligations of business firm.
5. To examine the factors that encourages and discourages social responsibilities and business growth.

Social responsibility has been the only good way through which business organizations respond to demand of the environment. Certain group of environment components has been neglect by these enterprises, which do not respond positively to the yearning of their components. This has not brought bad reputations to the enterprise but also low patronage in healthy environment, and inadequate support of the community in terms of security to the firm.
When reverse is the case, when the firm respond to significance of this study is:
1. It will boarding my understanding as a researcher on how business obligations respond to its social obligation to the immediate environment.
2. This study will help to educate business organization on the importance of discharging social responsibility and the benefits that occurs from it.
3. Ii also will team the various parties to which business must be socially obliged.

This project examines how the concept of social responsibilities contributes to business growth in hospital but was confined to chapel group specialist hospital Owerri. It covers the party to which business firms are socially responsible, factors that encourage and discourage social responsibility mentioned is also made of the benefits, derived and how it contributes to cover all organizational growth in the process of executing this project.

However, there are obvious limitations of study encountered by the firms and they are as follows:
1. Lack of information
2. Financial constraints
3. Limited of time to carry out the project execution and to meet up lecture periods.
4. Lack of access to various section or the manufacturing industries hence, limiting this project on social responsibilities and business growth solely to chapel group specialist hospital and maternity.

Environment: This refers to the society, region or locality with which business operates.
Obligation: Promise, duty, conditions that indicates the actions ought to be taken which shows a sense of what is right.
Social Responsibility: An obligation of an organization is to take action that protect and improves the welfare of the society as a whole trying to achieve its objectives.
Hospital: This means any association or group of people or co-operation establishment by law in Nigeria or an institution for the treatment and care of sick or injured people.
Management: This is an organization that control human activities and material resources towards a specific ends or objectives.

This hospital was established by Dr. B.A. Nzerem on the 20th of January 1985 and it was located at Naze Mbari Street, Ikenegbu Owerri. This hospital works 24 hours every day.
The staff size and department of term, this hospital is headed by the medical director / chief executive under him are the following units.
1. The medical doctors
2. The laboratory unit
3. The pharmacy unit
4. The medical record unit
5. The x-ray units
6. The administration units
7. Te cleaner
8. The security
9. The cashier
10. The nursing division
The total number of staff in this hospital is 31m numbers including the medical doctors, three administrative officer, two pharmacist, three in the laboratory units, two in the x-ray unit, one medical doctor, the matron and the assistant, a cleaner, security man, generator operator and 14 nurses.
Mission: The mission of the hospital is to save life.
Motto: The motor of the hospital is patent first

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Effects Of Corporate Social Responsibility Activities On The Growth Of Hospitals:

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities can have several positive effects on the growth and reputation of hospitals. Here are some key ways in which CSR activities can impact hospitals:

  1. Enhanced Reputation and Trust: Hospitals that engage in Corporate Social Responsibility activities demonstrate their commitment to the well-being of the community. This can enhance their reputation and build trust among patients, donors, and the local community. A positive reputation can attract more patients and donors, leading to financial growth.
  2. Community Engagement: Hospitals often serve as anchor institutions in their communities. Engaging in Corporate Social Responsibility activities, such as health education programs, free medical camps, or partnerships with local schools, can help hospitals connect with the community. This engagement can foster a sense of loyalty among local residents and may lead to increased utilization of hospital services.
  3. Cost Savings: Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives that focus on sustainability and environmental responsibility can result in cost savings for hospitals. For example, implementing energy-efficient systems can reduce utility costs over time, contributing to financial growth.
  4. Talent Attraction and Retention: Hospitals involved in Corporate Social Responsibility often find it easier to attract and retain top talent. Many healthcare professionals are drawn to organizations with a strong commitment to social responsibility. A skilled and motivated workforce can enhance the quality of care and operational efficiency, ultimately contributing to growth.
  5. Philanthropic Support: Hospitals that actively engage in Corporate Social Responsibility activities are more likely to attract philanthropic donations and grants. These funds can be used for facility expansion, the acquisition of advanced medical equipment, or the development of new medical programs, all of which can contribute to growth.
  6. Compliance and Regulatory Benefits: Some Corporate Social Responsibility activities may align with regulatory requirements or industry standards. Compliance with these standards can reduce legal risks and regulatory penalties, thereby protecting the hospital’s financial stability.
  7. Risk Mitigation: Corporate Social Responsibility activities can help hospitals mitigate certain risks, such as reputational risks associated with medical errors or adverse events. When hospitals are known for their commitment to ethical practices and community well-being, the impact of negative incidents can be less severe.
  8. Patient Satisfaction: Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives that improve patient experience and access to care, such as community outreach programs or improved facilities, can enhance patient satisfaction. Satisfied patients are more likely to return to the hospital and recommend it to others.
  9. Innovation and Differentiation: Hospitals that engage in Corporate Social Responsibility may innovate in areas related to healthcare delivery, technology, or patient care. These innovations can set them apart from competitors and contribute to growth.
  10. Long-Term Sustainability: Corporate Social Responsibility activities that focus on sustainability and long-term community health can contribute to the long-term sustainability of the hospital. Healthy communities are less likely to face widespread health crises, reducing the burden on the hospital’s resources.

In conclusion, while the immediate financial impact of Corporate Social Responsibility activities on hospitals may not always be straightforward, the long-term benefits in terms of reputation, community engagement, cost savings, and talent attraction can contribute to sustainable growth. Hospitals that effectively integrate Corporate Social Responsibility into their strategic planning are likely to see positive impacts on their bottom line over time.