The Effects Of Poor Teachers And Students Relationships In The Academic Attainments Of Students In Secondary Schools Complete Project Material (PDF/DOC)
The purpose of the study was to find the effect of poor teachers and students relationship in academic attainment in secondary schools in Ezeagu Local Government Area of Enugu State. The study is a descriptive survey research. The instrument based for data collection is questionnaire. Sample population used for the study is (28) twenty eight secondary school, which were selected through simple random sampling. Hand delivery method was used in both administering and collection of the filled questionnaire. Statistical tool used for data analysis was linkert scale means. The identified positions and negative impacts of the effects of poor teachers and student’s relationships in academic of secondary school students were exhaustively discussed. The findings of the study would help students to be very useful to the education authorities in Enugu State in placing and organizing meaningful in-service education for teachers and students. The programme would afford the teachers and students the initiative to relate with one another to improve the effect of their poor academic performance. It would be observed that some of the identified problems seem to threaten the teaching effectiveness of some subjects and also the aims and objectives of in-service education programmes. However, recommendations were made regarding how to tackle the problems.
1.1 Background of the Study
According to Onah (2007); education is a process that starts the very moment a person is born and ends whenever he finally dies. According to Ozochi (2010), described education as a societal creation deliberating designed to find solutions to the mirage of problems confronting the society. The National Policy on Education (2004) revised sex education in Nigeria as an instrument “per excellence” for effecting National Development. Education is defined as all experiences through which an individual acquires knowledge or ideas to develop his intellectual and strengthens his wills.
Odo (2009) defined Education or said that education looks very simple and common but in real sense, it is very complex and ambiguous because it involves lots of tasks, goals and processes. Nzeneri (2008) defined education as process through which we foster in the individual desirable and relevant changes in behaviour and attitude. Form the above outlined the “term” education has no concise meaning or definition. This is because the meaning and interpretation assigned to education differ with generation as well as religious and political connotations.
Aims of education can never be achieved and actualize, if there are poor relationships existing between teachers and students in our educational system, because good background of education requires a committed and trained teachers who will carry the students along to achieve their educational goals. This is the major reason why many nations should recognize the importance of teacher education whenever they are making emphasis in their educational planning. According to philosophy of education on human relation in the teaching and learning process, it is said and believed that teaching in respect is a serious business and should be seen to be so. As a banker is governed by certain principles which made him to be expert in his field, so is the teacher governed by certain principles which made him to be expert in his area of specialization.
Teaching is defined as the transferring of information to the learner in the classroom. It is the process of passing ideas of a particular person or group; especially about political, religious or society, that are taught to other people. To male all of these definitions to come to reality, teaching is defined as the work of a teacher. Therefore to promote the relationships between the teachers and the students, we must determined the best efficient and effective methods of teaching, then materials to create conducive learning experience that will utilize the content associated with each objectives, however, to promote students or children. It is necessary that pedagogy became a study otherwise, there is nothing to hope for. In this case, a carefully analysis of any method must proceed its use. This is where philosophy of education come in and said that art of education must wait for a design of action. Evidence are the several theoretical models which philosophers and educators have come up with according to their best or frame of mental activities. For example, the nationalist emphasized on motivation, direct experience and maintaining interest of the child. This main concern is to create a suitable environment in order to influence the development of an individual. But a special aspect of the above is a poor teacher and student’s relationship in the classroom in secondary schools in the country including Enugu State. Hence, the researcher aims at the investigation of the effects of such relationships in Ezeagu Local Government Area of Enugu State.
1.2 Statement of the Problems
It is said that no nation can exceedingly grow above the quality of its teachers and students. It is with due respect to this that a lot of emphasis is placed on the improvement of the relationship between the teacher and students utilized by any school in any society. Despite all efforts made towards the improvement of the relationship between the teachers and the students, there are still poor teachers and student’s relationship in academic attainment (performance). What are the effects or the factors militating against poor teachers and student’s relationship in academic attainment (performance) in secondary schools in Ezeagu Local Government Area of Enugu? This is the question which this research aims at finding answers to.
1.3 Purpose of the Study
This study was designed to determine the effect of poor teachers and student’s relationship in academic attainment
(performance) in secondary schools in Ezeagu Local Government Area of Enugu State.
Specifically, the study intends to:
1. Identifying the negative impact of poor teachers and students relationship in academic performance.
2. Determine the differences between the effects on the teachers and students who has good relation in academic attainment and the effect on the teachers and students who has poor relationship in academic attainment.
3. Identifying the effect of poor teachers and students relationship in academic performance.
1.4 Significance of the Study
The results of the study will be beneficially to the state ministry of education, post primary school management board, teachers, educational planners and students, researchers and private organization/schools. The ministry of education and post primary school management board will use the results of the study to make recommendations to the state ministry of education and to search for factors that will improve the poor relationship in our post primary school, between the teachers and the students.
1.5 Limitations of the Study
The limitations of the study are listed below:-
The research faced the problem of Nigerian Labour Congress strike over the implementation of new minimum wage in Enugu State. This delayed the collection of statistical data on the area, population and sample size from the statistical unit of PPSMB, Enugu.
Also the financial resources were very slim and made the finance of the project in terms of cost of transports, and materials very uneasy.
Bad road network affected the movement of the researcher in and out of the source parts of the local government to administer the questionnaires especially during the rainy season.
1.6 Research Questions
The following research questions guided the study:-
1. What are the effects of poor teacher/students relationship on the academic performance of the students?
2. What are the factors that militate against the lack of concentration in the classroom lesson and a times missing lessons?
3. What are the steps that would be used to wipe out the adverse effects of poor teachers and students relationship in the schools?
Title Page
Approval Page
Table of Contents
List of Tables
1.1 Background of the Study
1.2 Statement of the Study
1.3 Purpose of the Study
1.4 Significance of the Study
1.5 Limitation of the Study
1.6 Research Questions
2.1 The Factors that militate against the
lack of concentration in the classroom
lesson and a times missing lesson
2.2 The Effects of Academic Performance of the Students
2.3 Factors that influence virtues of good
behaviours of the study
2.4 Summary of the Literature Review
3.1 Research Question
3.2 Area of the Study
3.3 Population of the Study
3.4 Sample and Sampling Techniques
3.5 Instrument for Data Collection
3.6 Validation of the Instruments
3.7 Reliability of the Instruments
3.8 Method of Data Collection
3.9 Method of Data Analysis
4.1 Presentation of Data
4.2 Analysis and Discussion of Results
5.1 Discussion of Major Findings
5.2 Implications
5.3 Suggestions for Further Studies
5.4 Conclusion
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