Effects Of Tobacco Advertising On Youths

(A Case Study Of Students Of Institute Of Management And Technology)

5 Chapters
48 Pages
5,551 Words

Tobacco advertising significantly impacts youths by fostering a pro-smoking attitude, initiating tobacco experimentation, and contributing to long-term addiction. These campaigns strategically target impressionable demographics, exploiting vulnerabilities and shaping perceptions around smoking as a normative behavior. Consequently, adolescents exposed to such advertising are more likely to initiate tobacco use, perpetuating a cycle of addiction and adverse health outcomes. The pervasive presence of tobacco promotions in various media channels further exacerbates the issue, amplifying the allure of smoking among young audiences. As a result, stringent regulations and comprehensive anti-tobacco campaigns are imperative to counteract the detrimental effects of tobacco advertising on youth initiation and public health.


This study is aimed at evaluating the effect of tobacco advertising on youths, using student in Institute of management and Technology as a case study.
The work opens up in chapter one and contains the background of the study, statement of the problems objectives of study, research questions, significance of the study and limitation of the study.
Chapter two is a comprehensive review of related literature. While chapter three deals with the methodology.
Chapter four contains the presentation, analysis and interpretation of data. The work finally came to an end in chapter five with the summary of findings conclusions and recommendation for further studies.


Title Page
Approval Page

Chapter One
1.0 Introduction

1.1 Background Of Study
1.2 Statement Of The Research Problem
1.3 Objectives Of The Study
1.4 Significance Of The Study
1.5 Research Questions
1.6 Research Hypothesis
1.7 Conceptual And Operational Definition

Chapter Two
2.0 Review Of Literature

2.1 Sources Of Literature
2.2 The Review
2.3 Summary Of The Literature Review

Chapter Three
3.0 Methodology

3.1 Research Method
3.2 Research Design
3.3 Research Sample
3.4 Measuring Instrument
3.5 Data Collection
3.6 Data Analysis
3.7 Expected Results

Chapter Four
4.0 Data Analysis And Results

4.1 Data Analysis

Chapter Five
5.0 Summary And Recommendation For The Study

5.1 Summary
5.2 Recommendation For Further Studies Note



The period of youth is a very delicate time in the life of an individual. It is very critical and delicate because most of the things individuals do always affect them in the future. Youthful period is characterized by zealous acts, which could be positive or negative. That is when the individual would want to feel and taste everything within his reach or environment regardless of the morality of the act or it’s effects on the individual well being.
Some of these acts could be addictive and regretted in future. A typical example of which is tobacco consumption. Tobacco consumption is one of the strongest addictions in the catalogue of addiction acts. Inspite of the known dangers, it is being consumed and advertised through the media, thus creating a negative effect on the users especially the youths. Before now, tobacco, which has been the most profitable or lucrative product, has been on adverts in all the media houses. This product, though profitable in the business is not in the health perspective.
Tobacco, which has eaten or taken raw, can be used in variety of ways. It can be in the powdered form (snuff), cigarette, pipes etc. when one gets used to filling one’s blood stream with nicotine ( a substance in the tobacco) one is apt to feel uncomfortable when it’s level decreases in the blood stream. So it is very addictive.
Advertising being a powerful instrument of persuasion has helped in no small measure in persuading the public especially youths, to indulge in the dangerous act of tobacco consumption, an act that is threatening to destroy our youths, the supposed leader of tomorrow.

Apart from the fact that adolescent smokers are 50 time likely to use cocaine than non smokers, television guide (1996) states that, cigarette use is often the “gateway” to behaviours that leads to other types of risk taking, including drug and alcohol use, because these behaviours are indicators of poor self-esteem and susceptibility to poor pressure. And what is worse, tobacco advertisers are walking round the clock.
According to Awake 1996, if three million people each year around the world are dying from smoking related causes and many others quit smoking, then more than three million new users must be found annually. And they succeed more among the youths who are always out of a misguided adventure.
The health implications of smoking are almost innumerable. They include lung cancer, heart disease, breast cancer, hearty asthma, leukemia, and so on.
Socially, youths who indulge in smoking soon find out that their inter –personal relationship with non-smokers and elders is not very mutual and economically, because of the psychological and physical dependence on nicotine, there is need to borrow to buy to satisfy the coordinate urge. This urge is so grave because of the addictive nature of nicotine.
The statistics on the hazards of tobacco smoking that is so glaring that one wondered why people still smoke.
It is the light of the above ugly sides of tobacco smoking that a survey of its effects among youths to determine what motivates them into picking the habit becomes necessary. The cause of the study would have been run when an answer to this question has been found.

The objectives of this study are:
a. To find out the extent to which tobacco advertising influences youths in forming the habit of smoking.
b. To find out the extent to which tobacco advertising influence youths in keeping at the habit of smoking.
c. To find out the extent to which tobacco advertising influences youths as they spend money on commodity and to prefer solution to the adverts effects to tobacco consumption.

Research is usually the first step in finding answers to peculiar problems. This research will therefore be of immense benefit to government as well as helping in finding the best way of turn lead to a great reduction of tobacco consumption, which will in turn lead to a great reduction of tobacco related diseases such as cancer of the lungs, black lung bronchitis and others.
This research will also satisfy the academic interest of students in the effects of tobacco advertising on youths. It will also be of great help to other researchers, as the research will add to the pool of knowledge existing in the field of study.

The main aim of this research is to examine and evaluate the effect of tobacco advertising on youths. To this end, the researchers would specifically want to find answer to the following question:
1. Does tobacco advertising influence the mood of the youths and this affects them in forming the habit of smoking?
2. Does tobacco advertising re-enforce the habit of smoking among youths?
3. Does tobacco smoking in any way affect the economic power of the youths in particular and the pubic in general?
4. does tobacco smoking among youths affect social fabric of the society?
5. is there any solution to the glaring negatives effects of tobacco consumption?

A hypothesis is a tentative statement about phenomenon the validity of which is unknown. The hypothesis could be confirmed or disapproved after subjecting it to a test. Therefore in this study, we have formulated the following hypothesis.
H1: advertising of tobacco product plays a supportive role to tobacco consumption
H0: advertising of tobacco product does not play a supportive roles to tobacco consumption
H2: tobacco adverts reinforce the habit of smoking among youths.
H0: tobacco adverts do not re-enforce the habit of smoking among youths.
H3: tobacco adverts affects the economic power of the youths and the public in general.
H0: tobacco adverts do not affect the economic power of their youths and the public in general.
H4: tobacco smoking among youth affects the social fabric of the society.
H0: tobacco smoking among youths does not affect the social fabric of the society.
H5: tobacco advertising influences the mood of the youths and thus affect them in formulating the habit of smoking.
H0: tobacco advertising does not in any way influence the mood of the youths and this affect them informing.

EFFECTS: Impression produced on them and of a spectator, hearer or reader.
TOBACCO: plants having leaves which are dried, cured and used for smoking un pipes cigars, cigarettes or as a snuff.
ADVERTISING: the act of making things known to people by printing notices in newspaper or by other mean, like radio or television.
NICOTINE: poisonous oily substance found in tobacco leaves.
YOUTHS: the state of time of being young.
INFLUENCE: power to affect somebody’s character, believes or action through example fear or admiration.
CONSUMPTION: using up food, energy or material.
GOVERNMENT: a body that make, interpret and carryout laid down rules and regulations in a state.
MEDIA: channels through which things are passed through.
ECONOMY: system for management and use of resources.

EFFECTS: effect in this context means the after math of tobacco advertising on the youths.
TOBACCO: it is used in the study to expose the means through which cigarette of different brands are produced.
ADVERTISING: this study, advertising is used as a means of increasing the consumption of tobacco product or creating awareness or communicating the public about the existence of some brands of cigarette and other tobacco products.
NICOTINE: it is used in this context to show the negative effect of the poisonous substance in tobacco endangers health.
YOUTHS: in this study, youths are used to bring out people that are mostly affected by tobacco advert because they are the most adventurous populaces in the society.
INFLUENCE: influence is used in this study to show the extent tobacco advertising lures youths into tobacco consumption
CONSUMPTION: in this context consumption is used to show the intake of tobacco by the youths.
GOVERNMENT: government is used in this context as body that has the power to issue command on how to curtail the habit of tobacco consumption.
MEDIA: media in this context means the channel through which tobacco adverts are relayed.
ECONOMY: economy is used in this context to evaluate the appropriateness of the money allocated to tobacco products and consumption.
ASSUMPTIONS: it is assumed that youths engage in tobacco consumption and that advertising is the oly one force among several forces which interest in a complex manner in making the youths develop the ac of being addicted to tobacco.
Also that tobacco products are solution on Nigerian media of communication and that they sometimes contain attractive pact ages.

A survey of this nature does not lie down to determines the whole garment of effects of advertising of tobacco products on youths. This research work covered only students in institute of management and technology. The researchers restricted their investigations to students in,
Department of mass communication.
Department of Business administration
Department of Accountancy
Department of marketing, all in institute of management and technology, Enugu. Information derived from them was used to make a generalization on the effect of tobacco advertising on youths.
Regarding the limitation of the study, the researchers were given a relatively short time frame to complete the study.
Again, the researchers were exposed for the first time to the process of a research project. It took us reasonable time to get acquainted with the format. Besides, the financial involvement in schooling under the present economic situation is not amusing.
Being students and with no other income except the measure allocation from our parents, the researchers found it a bit difficult to carry out a more comprehensive work.
Finally, our respondents were at first reluctant to fill the questionnaire, but a letter from us assuring them of the confidently of their responses did the trick.

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Effects Of Tobacco Advertising On Youths:

Tobacco advertising has long been a subject of concern due to its potential influence on youths. Here are some of the effects of tobacco advertising on young people:

  1. Initiation of Smoking: Tobacco advertising, especially when it glamorizes smoking, can entice young people to experiment with tobacco products. It can make smoking seem cool, rebellious, or adult-like, which can increase the likelihood of initiation.
  2. Perception of Social Norms: Advertising can shape the perception of social norms. If young people believe that many of their peers are smoking, they may be more inclined to try it themselves. Tobacco advertisements can create the illusion that smoking is common and socially acceptable.
  3. Branding and Product Recognition: Advertisements play a significant role in building brand recognition. Young people exposed to tobacco advertising are more likely to recognize and be familiar with specific tobacco brands and products, making it easier for them to choose these brands when they decide to smoke.
  4. Positive Associations: Advertisements often associate smoking with positive emotions, such as happiness, relaxation, or success. This can lead young people to associate smoking with these positive feelings, making them more likely to try smoking in pursuit of those emotions.
  5. Peer Pressure: When young people see characters in advertisements or their favorite celebrities smoking, it can reinforce the idea that smoking is socially desirable. This can contribute to peer pressure to smoke, as young individuals may want to emulate the behavior they see in media.
  6. Reduced Perceived Harm: Some tobacco advertisements may downplay the health risks associated with smoking or use misleading language to suggest that certain products are less harmful than others. This can lead young people to underestimate the dangers of smoking.
  7. Accessibility: While not a direct effect of advertising, tobacco advertisements often lead to increased visibility of tobacco products in stores. This can make it easier for underage individuals to access these products.
  8. Addiction and Long-Term Use: Young people who experiment with tobacco products due to advertising influence may become addicted and continue smoking into adulthood. This can have severe health consequences over the long term.
  9. Misperceptions: Tobacco advertisements may create misperceptions about the safety and contents of various tobacco products, including e-cigarettes and smokeless tobacco, leading young people to believe these alternatives are safer than traditional cigarettes.

Efforts to combat the influence of tobacco advertising on youths include banning or heavily restricting tobacco advertising in many countries, implementing graphic warning labels on cigarette packaging, and public health campaigns to educate young people about the risks associated with tobacco use. However, despite these measures, the tobacco industry continues to find ways to market its products to youth, such as through social media and product placement in movies and TV shows, making it an ongoing public health challenge.