Employee Participation In Management Decision Making

(A Case Study Of Nigeria Bottling Company Plc Onitsha)

3 Chapters
61 Pages
7,966 Words

Employee participation in management decision-making is a fundamental aspect of fostering a collaborative and empowered workplace culture, enhancing employee engagement, and ultimately driving organizational success. By involving employees in decision-making processes, organizations can leverage diverse perspectives, tap into frontline expertise, and cultivate a sense of ownership and commitment among staff members. This participatory approach not only leads to more informed and innovative decisions but also promotes transparency, trust, and accountability within the organization. Moreover, empowering employees to contribute to decision-making fosters a supportive and inclusive work environment, where individuals feel valued and motivated to actively contribute to the achievement of organizational goals. Overall, integrating employee participation into management decision-making processes serves as a catalyst for organizational growth, resilience, and competitive advantage in today’s dynamic business landscape.


The study of the titled employee participation in management decision making with particular reference to Nigeria bottling company PLC Onitsha
The researcher concentrated her study on the various approach of employee participation and the after affect of these participation toward the employee performance output
Chapter deals with the general perspective of the study including the problem encounter in the production of these works
Chapter 2 involves the views of other writer and relevant sub-issues to the work
The instrument employed for data collection were by means of face to face interview questionnaire as well as personal observation the study was based on simple of fifty-seven 57 employee irrespective of level of the company. This complies in chapter three
A careful analysis of the various researches one out with the following finding
1. That Nigeria bottling company PLC Onitsha achieves both their organizational needs and their employee needs
2. That employee participation policy a major role in the running of an organization
3. That it is wise for the NBC PLC to adopt the method of employee participation in management decision making


Title page
Approval page
Table of content

1.1 General background to the subject matter
1.2 Problems associated with the subject matter
1.3 Problems that the study will be concerned with
1.4 The importance of studying the area
1.5 Definition of important terms
1.6 (Chapter) reference

2.1 The origin of the subject area
2.2 School of though within the subject area
2.3 The school of though relevant to the problem study
2.4 Different method of studying the problem
2.5 Summary
2.6 Reference

3.1 Data presentation [highlight of the study]
3.2 Analysis of the data
3.3 Recommendation
3.4 Conclusion
3.5 References
3.6 Bibliography


In many organization today their exist some forms of interaction to a large extent influence the behaviour of the people who work in the organization
Manager and employee similarly in tract in their pursuit to implement their organizational goal. Traditionally managers are known to excise much interest over the common employee of the organization and especially their immediate subordinate. This has led them to most cases to internally make decision unilaterally even the one that concern or affect their 5 subordinates

However in recent times this particle one on longer popular among employees hence their need to ensure adequate representation in such managerial laicism
For the purpose of he study employee will be bad on individual and group participation in managerial decision making. The implied that manager consults the subordinate with out going through representation. Furthermore participation means advice usually accepted by management. The study is divided to into five chapter 7 deal with the general perspective of the study mending the delimitation and limitation encountered in the course of this work- chapter 2 involves other relevant sub- issue including review of related literature. Chapter 3 1mintes it own part discussion the method of conducting the research work in chapter 4. The result of the fund will show. With subsequent summary of finding and appropriate recommendation in chapter 5

Many companies are being formed nation wide every day. They range from local nationals to multinational with a greater number of Nigeria as the employee. The organizational structure of these companies becomes diffused as they expend these requiring different categories of manager to fill many position.
These managers will have a good number of workers under these subordinate. It is also the responsibility of such managers to take varieties of decision relating to their work and that of the subordinate.
In various circles today there has been a growing concern with the participation of subordinate in such managerial decision making many authors are of the view that employee need to have a say on the making of decision that affect their jobs.
The essence of this study is to know whether actually in the Nigeria cantered this is so practiced and it so to what extend.
In industrialized society it was discovered that Americans does so much better than Europe in terms of economics efficiency calculated by such conventional standard as return on capital invested various explanation sprang up as to why the other countries were not doing so well. Explanation like the technological gap research and development gap and other economic and efficiency gaps

However more of them could be backed up with any worthwhile or clear-cut evidence. It became natural therefore to look for the explanation elsewhere.
In the end it was discovered that American superiority was the result of their unique managerial approach to democratic management style in contrast to European industrial autocracy.
The above those calls for one central question regarding the participation of employee in managerial decision making motivation. Morgan stated this there can be a title augment concerning the motivational assumption that when an employee is allows to participate in the decision making process he will perform better.
Against the background this paper will investigate the problem of employee participation in managerial decision-making including the various view and argument concerning that subject

The study is aimed at determining the extent of influence which employee in a company exert over managerial decision.
The study will also involve knowing how such enhance or participation affect their productivity. Among the aims of the study are a knowing the major determination of participation by employees in managerial decision making.
b) Discussing the type of decision employee participation in
c) Analyzing of the effect of participation by employee in managerial decision making
d) Seeking to know whether manager actually make use of recommendation arrived at monthly by them and the employee
e) Making appropriate recommendation on how to improve employee participation in managerial decision-making.

The study is of particular significance in the following ways.
a) The study recognizes the importance of employee participation in decision-making.
b) To determine the process of employee participation in decision-making.
c) The ultimate needs for employee participation in decision making
d) The role that employee play in an organization

In the course of this I asked some question that covers the range of my study. He questions are some of the researches are contained in the questionnaire.
1) Does employee participation in management decision making of Nigeria mineral industries



Employee Participation In Management Decision Making:

Employee participation in management decision-making refers to the practice of involving employees in the process of making important organizational decisions. This involvement can range from seeking input and feedback to giving employees a direct role in shaping and influencing decisions that affect the company. This approach is often associated with creating a more inclusive, democratic, and transparent workplace environment.

There are several ways in which employees can participate in management decision-making:

  1. Information Sharing: Managers share relevant information about the company’s goals, performance, and challenges with employees. This transparency helps employees understand the context of decisions and encourages them to contribute more effectively.
  2. Consultation: Managers seek input and feedback from employees before making decisions. This can involve surveys, focus groups, or one-on-one discussions to gather insights and perspectives from different levels of the organization.
  3. Participative Decision-Making: Employees are directly involved in the decision-making process. This can include brainstorming sessions, collaborative problem-solving meetings, and consensus-building discussions.
  4. Employee Representatives: Companies establish formal mechanisms, such as employee councils or committees, to represent the interests and concerns of employees in management discussions.
  5. Delegated Decision-Making: Managers delegate decision-making authority to teams or individuals who are closest to the issues at hand. This empowers employees to make decisions within defined boundaries.

Benefits of Employee Participation in Decision-Making:

  1. Improved Decision Quality: Including employees with diverse perspectives can lead to better decision outcomes by considering a wider range of viewpoints and expertise.
  2. Higher Employee Engagement: When employees feel their opinions are valued and have a direct impact on decisions, they are likely to be more engaged, committed, and motivated.
  3. Enhanced Creativity and Innovation: Employees at different levels often have valuable insights and ideas that can contribute to innovative solutions and approaches.
  4. Increased Ownership: When employees participate in decision-making, they tend to take more ownership of the outcomes and are more invested in their implementation.
  5. Better Problem Solving: Collaborative decision-making can lead to more effective problem-solving, as it leverages the collective intelligence of the workforce.
  6. Foster Trust and Transparency: Involving employees in decision-making builds trust and demonstrates transparency in how the organization is run.

Challenges and Considerations:

  1. Time and Resources: Involving employees can be time-consuming and may require resources to facilitate effective discussions.
  2. Resistance to Change: Some employees and managers may be resistant to shared decision-making, fearing loss of control or slower processes.
  3. Hierarchy and Culture: Hierarchical organizational cultures may hinder open participation, requiring a shift in mindset and culture.
  4. Complex Decisions: Not all decisions can be made through participatory approaches, especially complex or sensitive ones.
  5. Conflict Management: Increased participation can sometimes lead to conflicts that need to be managed effectively.
  6. Communication: Clear communication is crucial to ensure that employees understand the decisions and their implications.

Overall, employee participation in management decision-making can lead to a more democratic, engaged, and effective workplace, but it requires a commitment from both leadership and employees to make it successful.