The Factors Influencing Students Choice Of Subject In SSCE Examination Complete Project Material (PDF/DOC)
This study was carried out in the five mixed senior secondary schools in Enugu North Local Government Area of Enugu State on factors influencing students choice of subjects in SSCE Examination. The purpose of the study was to determine the subject preferred by male or female; to identify the factors associated with subject choice of students and to determine the problems affecting the subject choice of students. Descriptive survey method was adopted. There were seven hundred and fifteen (715) students in Senior Secondary 3 (SS3) in Enugu North, out of which random sampling technique was used to select two hundred and fifty (250) the students. The questionnaire was used for data collection and the items were descriptive, frequencies and mean responses were calculated. The basic findings showed that greater number of male students choose science subjects based on their greater aptitude in mathematics than their female counterparts. The major factors that influenced the choice of both male and female students were: Gender, family background, job opportunity, parents, teachers and peer group. It was recommended that the students, teachers and parents should be exposed to the needs of choosing subjects that one knows better.
1.1 Background of the Study
According to Longman Dictionary (2000), gender is defined as the art of being male or female. Oxford Dictionary 5th edition (1998), on the other hand defines gender as the condition of being a male or female. The New International Webster’s Comprehensive Dictionary of the English Language (2004) has it that “gender corresponds to sex. Animate beings are either masculine or feminine. Britannica volume 5 of Buypodia (2005) defines gender as self-conception of being a male or female as distinguished from actual biology sex. From the above definitions, these researchers perceive gender as “the art of being male or female.”
The word “Influence” according to Oxford Dictionary 5th Edition (1998), is to have effect on somebody on their behaviour. It is the power to affect somebody’s actions, character or beliefs especially by providing an example for them to follow. Longman Dictionary (2000) defines influence as the power to affect the way someone develops, behaves or thinks without using direct forces or order. Also, the New International Webster’s Comprehensive Dictionary (2004) sees influence as the power or process of producing an effect upon a person, by intangible means. Influence, therefore, is the power to affect the way someone develops, behaves or thinks without directly forcing or ordering the person. Thus, influencing means the power of affecting the way someone develops, behaves or think without directly forcing or ordering the person.
The Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary 6th Edition (2000) defines “Choice” as an act of choosing between two or more possibilities. Another definition by The New International Webster’s Comprehensive Dictionary of English Language (2004) says that “Choice is the act, power or privilege of choosing; selecting a number or variety from which to choose, the power to prefer or select. Brittannica volume 3 of endopedic (2004) defines choice as a corollary of the proposition of the free will, that is, the ability voluntarily to decide to perform one several possible acts or to avoid action entirely. Choice can therefore be defined as the power to prefer or select.
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English (2000) defines subjects as the things you are talking about or considering in a conversation, discussion. It is the area of knowledge that one studies such as biology, chemistry, physic, English language etc. For the purpose of this research work, subjects are the courses offered in Senior Secondary Certificate Examination (SSCE) which are sciences and Arts.
Senior Secondary Certificate Examination (SSCE) is the external Examination that students in Senior Secondary Three (SS3) take as the final examination usually organized by the West African Examination Council (WAEC) and National Examination Council (NECO) in Nigeria. According to the National Policy of on education (2004), the Nigerian Government is committed to building a nation devoid of gender discrimination, guaranteeing equal access to political education, social and economic wealth, creating opportunities for women and men.
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), (2001) Pointed out that gender development index in Nigeria stood at 0.423 ranking 124th country in the world empowerment index for men was 0.456 and that of women was 0.442 indicating that men were marginally better than women not withstanding the saying that “what a man can do, a woman can do it better.
In the traditional society, the situation is not better because there women were highly discriminated against and marginalized to the pint that education of young women were regarded as a waste of resources, since their education will end-up in kitchen. Because of this, women choose subjects like Arts that will allow them carry out their domestic responsibilities alongside their education. Gender is a concept that is dynamic and its relationships are always subject to changes; however, it varies from one country to another.
United Nation International Children’s Education Fund (UNICEF), (1998) defines gender as “the various socially and culturally constructed roles, qualities, responsible behaviours, power and so on that are described to women and men by different societies. Gender influence on students’ choice of subjects has been a topic in recent global development initiative (Clifford, 1999). Gender plays decisive role on students’ choice of subject in Senior Secondary School Examination (SSCE). Measor and Sikes, (1996) observed that most societies prescribe different activities and characteristics for male and females which may come to be seen as natural by the people involved. Therefore, there are courses such as mathematics and physic and other science subjects that involved calculations which are ascribed as male subjects while those that requires less calculation or that have less quantitative implications were attributed to females. Along these lines, determines the gender preference at each point in time.
However, women are competing favourably with men in choosing science subjects today. The present study seeks to investigate the influence of gender and other factors on choice of subjects of students in SSEC Examination with special references to Enugu. North Local Government Area of Enugu State.
In sum, the variables of this work are factors being the independent variables and students’ choice being the dependent variable. This is so because factors cannot be changed, it remains what it is while choice changes or can be manipulated.
Statement of the Problem
In a bid to find out the factors that influence students’ choice of subject in SSCE, the researchers would like to know if:
(i) students choose science or Arts subjects because of their gender (sex);
(ii) they make choice of subjects based on how difficulty or how easy the subject may be.
(iii) student make choice of subjects under the influence of their parents, teachers or their fellow students (peer group);
(iv) the family background of students influences their choice of subjects in Senior Secondary School Certificate Examination (SSCE);
(v) the nature of school equipped or ill-equipped and or presence of qualified and experienced teachers) influence the students choice of subjects in SSCE; and if the job opportunity is a factor in influencing the students’ choice of subjects in SSCE.
1.2 Purpose of the Study
The purpose of this study on the whole is to find out the factors that influence students’ choice of subjects in Senior Secondary School Certificate Examination (SSCE).
Specifically the study seeks to:
(i) identify the particular subjects the male or female students will differently prefer to register in SSCE Examination;
(ii) identify the factors influencing the students in choice of subjects;
(iii) find out if gender is a factor that influences students choice of subject in SSCE.
(iv) find out if parents, teachers and or peer groups are factors that influence students choice of subjects in SSCE.
(v) discover if students’ nature of school or family background are factors that influence their choice of subjects.
(vi) Find out whether job opportunity that a subject may offer is a factor in students choice of subject in SSCE.
1.3 Significance of the Study
This study (research work) will be relevant to: the researchers themselves, their younger students; parents; schools; government and the legislators (policy makers) as well as curricular planners.
(1) This study will help the researchers to graduate successfully since it is a prerequisite for graduation is NCE graduates.
(2) It will serve as a reference material to their younger students or would be researchers during their own time.
(3) Through this study, parents will know how to counsel and guide their children (students) to make their choice of subjects properly rather than influencing them unnecessarily.
(4) The school uses it (research work) as a reference material in the library.
(5) This research work will be of immense use to the government and ministries of Education as they make policies that guide students.
(6) It will also enable the policy makers (legislators) and curricular planners to initiate policies that encourage young women in aspiring to offer subjects that will compete with men such as specialize in science areas.
1.5 Research Questions
The following research questions were formulated to guide this study:
(1) Does gender influence on students’ choice of subjects in Senior Secondary Certificate Examination (SSCE)?
(2) Do students choose subjects because of how difficult or how easy the subjects may be in their SSCE just to show off?
(3) Do parents, teachers and peer-group influence students’ choice of subjects?
(4) Does student’s family background affect his/her choice of subjects in Senior Secondary Certificate Examination (SSCE)?
(5) Does the nature of schools or type of schools attended by students affect their choice of subjects?
(6) Does job opportunity of a prospective subject influence the students’ choice of subject?
1.6 Scope and Limitation of the Study
This study is limited to Senior Secondary Class 3 (SS3), in five mixed secondary schools, randomly selected in Enugu North Local Government Area of Enugu State. The study seeks to find out the factors influencing the students’ choice of subjects in SSCE.
Title page i
Approval Pageii
Certification Pageiii
Table of contentsvii
1.0 Introduction1
1.1 Background of the Study1
1.2 Statement of the Problem7
1.3 Purpose of the Study8
1.4 Significance of the Study9
1.5 Research Questions10
1.6 Scope and Limitation of the Study11
2.0 Introduction12
2.1 Gender and Student Choice of Subject12
2.2 Subject Difficulty and Student Choice18
2.3 Parents/Guardians, Peer Group Influence22
2.4 Family Background and Students’ Choice 26
2.5 School Type Influence on Subject Choice29
2.6 Influence of Potential Job Opportunity
of Subjects on Choice33
3.0 Introduction36
3.1 Research Design37
3.2 Area of Study 37
3.3 Population of the Study38
3.4 Sample Size and Sampling Techniques38
3.5 Instrument of Data Collection39
3.6 Validity of the Instrument41
3.7 Reliability of Instrument41
3.8 Procedure for Data Collection42
3.9 Method of Data Analysis42
Data Analysis and Presentation45
5.0 Discussion of the Findings50
5.1 Conclusion53
5.2 Implications to Education54
5.3 Recommendation55
5.3 Limitations56
5.4 Areas for Further Study57
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