Factors Militating Against The Training Of Secretarial Student In Polytechnics

A Case Study Of IMT Enugu

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This area of the research is to acquaint the reader on the factors militating against the training of secretarial students. These factors underlies the rationale for the study. It is the researcher connector that neglect of these factors posses that neglect of these secretaries are the wheel on which the execute activities remove this is as a result of what they play in an organization.
However, the researcher intends to X ray these factors preventing the training of secretarial student and to correct the views of the public about my reason for the neglect of secretarial profession.
Further more, a rundown of what the research have in the study are:
Chapter one. This is where the background of the study, statement of problem, purpose of study, research questions and significance of the study was elaborated.
Chapter two-This has to do with literature review where authors gave their view of the secretary. The following are there in meaning of a secretary, qualities types of a secretary and summary of related literature review.
Chapter three- It has to do with methodology applied by the researcher which include Design, Area of study, population, sample instrument, validity and method of data analysis
Chapter four- it has to do with data presentation and results. How data collected was analyzed.
Chapter five- this chapter connotes, Discussion of results, conclusion, implication recommendation, suggestion for further study and lastly limitation of the study.

Chapter One

Secretarial Administration is universally acknowledged as an indispensable functional area in the conduct of business in government commerce industry and even in other private and public institution. In spite of technological enhancement in whole range of computer technologies a human resources is still an indispensable element a providing satisfactory services.
Administration comprises every thing the manager does but which no manger can do effectively and efficiently without a trained secretary. It is a specialized area of business administration that can not be over looked no matter the stage of scientific or technological development in the society.
Years back, the concept of secretarial administration was misinterpreted this ill defined that the executives could not get the best out of their secretaries the secretaries were treated as fear, makers and not takers what was for the called secretaries then was to take down shorthand and transcribe on the noisy typewriter.
Further more, the real secretary is, in fact a manager> the management function of getting things done by other people, meet predetermined objective certainly for major part of high level secretarial work. The place of secretarial graduates any organization is so vital that no organization can perform effectively without them. As the life wire of any organization. It is there fore not supervision that they are usually considered first for employment for the smooth running of any organization.
Oliverior (1977) quoted secretaries association of the united states of American as having defined a secretary as an assistant to an executive, who posses mastery of office skills and ability to assume responsibilities without direct supervision display time, judgement and takes decision within the scope of her assigned authority. Infact she is the wheel on which the executives activities revolve and she is referred to as the executive alter ego.
More so, trained secretaries are pivot column) on which every person does his/she work. This project includes secretaries of all categories of graduate the project secretary is expected to ease the burden of his her boss whose work and responsibilities make heavy demand on him. A perfect secretary may be said to be born and not made. A qualified secretary is he /she who effectively performs his her role and is always regarded by the boss as a partner and not a maid/servant.
Nevertheless, the effect of the training of secretaries increases productivity , peace and unity in an organization. The training of seretarial graduate is very much important for smooth running of an organization and it veigten the morals of the secretaries. There fore, secretarial graduates in the institute of management and technology rated equally with other professional courses be cause they are the hubs around which the work of the organization revolves.
No manger can function effectively and excellent to day without a trained secretary one may imagine how depressed and disturbed a boss could be the day his secretary is absent in the office. Thus no secretary no office”.

Where as the position of a secretary is an indispensable one in any organization, the performance of most tramed secretaries has not much to be desired.
Most time, the many or discourse that her secretary can not type a simple letter or memo the office without some grammatical errors or wrong sentences/spellings, more so, it has been observed that the conduct of most secretaries is such that they hardly make use of their own initiative adequately without wanting for directives from the boss,.
Further more most serving secretaries are still computer illiterates there by rendering their training important in the technological enhancement being expercened now in most organization.
Sequel to the above problem as enumerated the researcher tend to investigate to know the factor militating against the training of secretarial student in polytechnics. The problems are as follows.
1. The training equipment such as typewriters, computer electric typewriters and some vital text books are not adequately provided for training of secretarial students.
2 The high not and material needed in secretarial department has made students to with draw from offering secretarial courses
3. Some student regard secretarial administration as an inferior profession due to the fact that the society do not have regard for the profession

The main purpose of this study is to identify the factors that militate against the training of secretarial student in polytechnics in Enugu state specifically, the study seeks to
1. Find out factors that militate against the training of secretarial student in polytechnics.
2. Determine lecturers roles in training secretarial students.
3. Find out whether secretarial equipment are available for the training of students in polytechnics in Enugu state.
4. Certain whether the polytechnics in Enugu state are properly funded
1.4 Significance of study:
If this work is successfully completed, the management of the institute of management and Technology (IMT) Enugu as well as the secretaries in texture institution and those who may wish to pursue secretarial career will benefit from the work in the following ways:
1. The need for the provision of adequate in frastructional facilities will be glaringly seen for the proper and adequate training of secretaries which will consequently benefit the three groups above.
2. The efficiency of a trained secretary as a result of enhance training will help to the secretarial profession an enviable profession
3. The trained secretary can because of enhanced training perform his/her job with less supervision from the management

The following research question have been formulated as a guide for this study
1. What are the factors that militate against the training of secretarial students?
2. What the lecturers impact in training secretarial student?
3. What are the office machines and equipment used secretarial students in polytechnic?
4. To what extent has the government funded secretarial training in polytechnics in Enugu state?

This research covered the department of secretarial Administration intuited of management and technology (IMT) Enugu.

Table of Contents


I Title page
2 Approval Page certification
3 Dedication
4 Acknowledgement
5 Table of contents
6 List of tables
7 abstract

1.1 introduction
1.2 background of the study
1.3 statement of the problem
1.4 purpose of objectives of the study
1.5 significance of the study
1.6 research questions
1.7 scope of the study


3.1 Research methodology
3.0 Research Design
3.1 Area of study
3.2 Populaton for the study
3.3 Sample and sampling procedure
3.4 Instrument of data collection
3.5 Validity of the instrument
3.6 Reliability of the instrument
3.7 Method of Administration of instrument
3.8 Method of data Analysis

4.1 Data presentation and results (summary of Results/ findings)

5.1 Discussion, implication
5.2 Recommendation
5.3 Discussion of Results
5.4 Conclusion
5.5 Recommendation
5.6 Suggestion for further studies
5.7 Limitation of the study.
6.1 Reference
6.2 Appendixes


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