Impact Of Apprenticeship On The Manpower Needs

A Case Study Of Enugu Metropolis

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he Impact of Apprenticeship on the Development of Manpower Needs in Nigeria” underscores greater number of points which needed to be grasped.
In reality, during this work, a look is taken to correct bad impression and misconception problem that apprenticeship programme is meant for the illiterates. It is against this background that extensive discussion is made on the formal apprenticeship system. The in-plant or in-house training programme is a worthwhile venture which almost every company and institution embark upon so as to meet the new demands, new problems and new challenges. Also, on-the-job training. A conjectural hypothesis is also formulated to identify, ascertain and analyse research problems and means devised to test it is Chi-square which determines the association between nominal variables.
Meanwhile, the research approach or method investigation applied is face to face interaction with the personalities concerned that is through interviews, instrument used is structured questionnaire and this is made possible by a letter of introduction from the Head of Department.
On the other hand, the major findings are based on the fact that theory and practice are indispensable. The two must go hand in hand to ensure efficiency and effectiveness. The major purpose of training and development do cause a change in employee, trainee or apprentice behaviour on job and ultimately improves the effectiveness of the organization / company / institution. Growth and individual career objectives are achieved through effective training and apprentice can therefore reach their potentials without much ado.
On a very serious note, Nigeria government should restructure the curriculum of the apprenticeship system through some of its programmes.
National Manpower Board (NMB) should be reactivated and allowed to fully utilize its responsibilities.
Then the final research report is highly formalized and cuts across every sphere of ones life.

Chapter One

Let it be pointed out that the full research report on the topic under discussion would show how apprenticeship system and manpower needs contribute to Nigerian economy.
Again, an in-depth look has been taken to explore and identify whether the topic is research worthy and consequently to meet up with the challenges of time. Once more, the trend of business, economy, politic, technology and other special values of expertise in various fields of endeavour cannot be kept in isolation.
Therefore, several attempts should be made to write in detail some of the activities been embarked upon by different organizations, institutions, corporate bodies and what have we. They contribute immensely in the development of apprenticeship of manpower needs in Nigeria. This contribution would be found out in the course of research work.
It is against this and more background that this work might be made a daily companion by researching students, scholars, entrepreneurs and trainees.
In a nutshell, one is expected to know how the impact of apprenticeship development of manpower needs were to apprentices; be encouraged and welcomed by Nigerian Citizens. Some of the trends enumerated above would be a thing of past. Later all, the essence of acquiring knowledge is to impart it to one another.
It means that putting interest on this apprenticeship system would in no doubt be of great advantage to the government and populace who are desirous to make both ends meet. At a time, non-challant attitude of some people under the illusion that apprenticeship system is meant for the illiterates or people of low status should henceforth disillusioned. In large, apprentice does not mean those who did not know how to read and write but the literate ones. This will later be discussed in detail in the subsequent chapter.
To this end, the easiest way forward to achieve and maintain the impact of apprenticeship and its manpower needs is by all and sundry placing hands on deck, not to be seen in a wrong perspective to be of great importance to certain individuals but of a mutual advantage of all. Even if you are not an apprentice, it should never be discouraged.
We than God that n the contemporary institutions of higher learning that apprenticeship system is encouraged in the course termed “Entrepreneurial Development”
Lastly, to cope with the new demands, new problems and new challenges.

One should not fail to acknowledge some of the specific aspects which give the researcher a great concern during the course of this research. To buttress up points, as it is often said in research methodology, be it in business, education, political science, to mention but a few that; “A problem well defined is half-solved”. Let it be made clear that there are many of them but the prominent ones would be given rapt attention.
It is however imperative to note that this research topic is believed to be varying or changing in nature. The question is why is it so? In this light, programmes undertaken in the name of apprenticeship scheme are numerous, mismanaged and unstable.
Oftenly, a new government, which has new resolution, comes into power, most of the times have different ideology or idiosyncratic approach to issues to affect the already established programmes and schemes. Today, some of the schemes run by National Directorate of Employment (NDE) are not operational as it was before due to fraudulent activities and other vices. Let us categorically state that some of the problems encountered do not arise from only government-established enterprise.

On the other hand, why is that greater number of apprentices is illiterates? The attributable factor could be an alternative source of acquiring formal education. It specifies the learning period depending on the nature of the trade usually at the shortest possible time. Lets say one month, three months, one year, two years and so on. At times regarded as not time consuming.
For better comprehension, formal apprenticeship system would be the focal point of the study which is the basis of manpower training and development in Nigeria with particular reference to Enugu metropolis. The informal apprenticeship system should not be given attention.

There are certain outstanding objectives which is uppermost in mind and must be met. Interestingly, studying apprenticeship development of manpower needs in Nigeria with an in-depth look of events, individuals and institutions within the metropolis of Enugu; helps tremendously in effective and efficient management, sustainability of economic growth and development and skill acquisition.
In order to shed more light on this, it is imperative to outline the aims of studying apprenticeship development and manpower needs. Therefore, the overriding importance of the research work are given as follows:
1. To explore the objective of providing job opportunity more especially the unemployment youths or graduates.
2. To examine the need for self employment a conscious and predetermined choice and not only placing implicit confidence on government paid employment.
3. To ascertain that the social status of the Nigeria apprentices are up-graded.
4. To examine if the essence of apprenticeship development programmes of manpower needs are met via training, retraining and improving the innate qualities.
5. To identify the upliftment and restoration of dignity of labour.
6. To analyze whether the apprenticeship development of manpower needs and moulding of apprenticeship has a positive impact or not.
7. To investigate if there are gains derived from being an apprenticeship scheme.
8. To find out whether apprenticeship development of manpower needs are durable oriented, education oriented and management oriented.

As a matter of urgency, efforts have been made to ensure that adequate coverage in terms of the following delimitations are achieved: such as subjects studied like people issues or event, time – frame (period) and so on.
In other development, Enugu metropolis that is the case of study cannot be left out in the sense that all the necessary information gathered is from there. There are three (3) urban areas within the city of Enugu that consist of Enugu North, Enugu South and Enugu East Local Government Areas. A proper research was done in those areas and these from scope of the study.
In similar way, companies, ministries, parastatals, professional craftsmen and women were interviewed which serves as a basis of gleaning information. One can easily understood and noticed that the coverage is endless despite narrowing of focus.

The formulation and use of hypothesis are very crucial due to its sensitization and drawing of attention towards problem solving in the apprenticeship development of manpower needs.
In this regard, a conjectural hypothesis would be drawn based on the following:
Ho: Apprenticeship system does not give a gainful employment after the completion.
Hi: Apprenticeship systems do give a gainful employment after the completion.
H2: Apprenticeship system has a positive effect on the development of manpower needs in Nigeria
Ho: There is nothing like up-grading the social status of the Nigeria apprentices through apprenticeship development of manpower needs.
Hi: There is something like up-grading the social status of the Nigeria apprentices through apprenticeship development of manpower needs.
H2: The impact of apprenticeship system on Nigeria with Enugu metropolis as a focal point will in no way uplift and restore the dignity of labour.

There are certain outstanding objectives which is uppermost in mind and must be met interesting, studying apprenticeship development of manpower needs in Nigeria with in-depth look at events, individuals and institutions within the metropolis of Enugu helps tremendously in effective and efficient management, sustainability of economic growth and development and skill acquisition.
In order to shed more light on this, it is imperative to outline the aims of studying apprenticeship development and manpower needs. Therefore, the overriding importance of the research work are given as follows:
1. To explore the objective of providing job opportunity more especially the unemployment youths or graduates.
2. To examine the need for self employment as a conscious and predetermined choice and not only placing implicit confidence on government paid employment.
3. To ascertain that the social status of the Nigerian apprentices are up-graded.
4. To examine if the essence of apprenticeship development programmes of manpower needs are met via training, retraining and improving the innate qualities.
5. To identify the upliftment and restoration of dignity of labour.
6. To analyse whether the apprenticeship development of manpower needs and moulding of apprentices has a positive impact or not.
7. To investigate if there are gains derived from being an apprenticeship scheme.
8. To find out whether apprenticeship development of manpower needs are durable oriented, education oriented and management oriented.

In this respect, the importance gotten from the apprenticeship system in Nigeria are innumerable. It is practically relevant to the development of human resources in every field of endeavour.
Also, the invaluable role played by the apprenticeship development of manpower needs in all sectors of the Nigerian economy contributed immensely in reducing drastically over reliance and unemployment rate. It helps in manpower development and planning and expressing of one’s skill and specialization for effectiveness and efficiency.
Once again, it ensures creativity on the part of apprenticeship by intuitively working on the specific trade. The entrepreneurial skill development through apprenticeship system uplifts the dignity of labour. From all indications, the impact of apprenticeship system cuts across ever field be it science or art. In all, contributes to the social status of Nigerian apprentices.
We must not forget to note before drawing the curtain over that the impact of apprenticeship system makes one to be confident, self-sufficient, industrious, goal oriented, versatile and so on.

There are conspicuous factors militating against this research which must not be failed to note down.
The constraints faced are financial, material and time resources. Some respondents were not ready to give out materials. As usual, any researchable work cost money. For instance, ransacking of materials from one place to another, consumes a lot of time to meet up with certain requirements that do help in research report.
Also inability to reach all the members of the sample owing to some circumstances, the resulting sample may not be representative as expected.
In some of the areas we went to, we discovered inhospitable of respondents and inadvertent act over divergent issues.
Finally, provision of conceptual definitions rather than operational definitions. If care is not taken affect selection of the problem through data collection, ranges to the analysis and interpretation of the results of study.

Some of the operational zed technologies would be well defined to ensure than non-experts in the field of study understands the meaning and content of making use of them. Again, to enhance strict adherence to register of this field of study.
A young person who has agreed to work for a skilled employer for a fixed period, usually for low wages, in return for being taught that person’s skill. Conversely, a learner who has agreed to work for a fixed period of time in return or in agreement for being taught his masters trade, art, craft etc
It is situation whereby an apprenticeship obtains practical experience by working in the company and learns theoretical concepts in vocational schools.
By main look at it in management situation, it refers to long term, future oriented programmes and progress a person makes in learning how to manage.

It pertains to the programmes that facilitate the learning process and is mostly short-term activity to help people to do their jobs better. Most of time, training and development are used together.
It refers to the number of people working or available for work. It involves the employer and employer within the organizational context. In other words, it can be called work force.

This can shortly be put as the knowledge and practicable ability such as technicians.
It means a manager or superior which organizes for its subordinates or trainees on the job training that is usually a never – ending process.
This refers to the central point of activity in an urban area. A city where major events happen. It is often the administrative hub of a town.

Table of Contents

Cover page
Title page
Approval page
Table of content

1.1 Background of the study
1.2 Statement of the problem
1.3 Purpose of the study
1.4 Scope of the study
1.5 Research hypothesis
1.6 Significance of the study
1.7 Limitations of the study
1.8 Definition of the terms

2.1 Literature review.
2.2 The problems and prospects of apprenticeship system in Nigeria
2.3 Manpower analysis, training and auditing
2.4 The contribution of apprenticeship to development and manpower needs IN NIGERIA.

3.1 Research design
3.2 Area of the study
3.3 Population of the study.
3.4 Sample and sampling procedure
3.5 Instrument for data collection
3.6 Validation and reliability of the instrument
3.7 Method of data collection
3.8 Method of data analysis

4.1 Distribution and return of questionnaires
4.2 Presentation and analysis of data.
4.3 Testing of hypothesis

5.1 Discussion of findings.
5.2 Conclusions.
5.3 Implications of research findings.
5.4 Recommendations.
5.5 Suggestions for further research.

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