Impact Of Formal Education On Community Development

In Umuabi Udi

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This study examined the impact of formal education in Umuabi community in Udi Local Government Area of Enugu State. In order to do it effectively, three research questions were raised and answered. The review of related literature to this study was reviewed under the following sub-headings. They are as follows: the meaning of education, the advent of format education in Nigeria and other parts of the world, the impact of formal education in community development and the people’s attitude towards formal education. the research design is survey. The area of the study is Umuabi Community. The population of the study was 220 teachers and 220 students. The sample of the study was 25. The instrument used for data collection is questionnaire. The instrument was validated by two experts in the school of Science education. Data were collected using the questionnaire. Data were analyzed using decision rule. The result showed that teachers and students of Umuabi expected positive outcome in social, economic and political life of Umuabi people, teachers and students of Umuabi expected positive outcome on patterns of growth and also expected positive action as a result of missionary visit to Umuabi. Therefore, the conclusion draw from these results of this study indicated that 3 people were the brain behind the origin of formal education in Umuabi, education come to Umuabi through churches and accommodated schools and Catholic Church was the first church established in Umuabi.

Chapter One

Background of the Study
Education is the process of inculcating skills and knowledge in man for the purpose of acquisition of such knowledge and skills which will help him solve problems around him. Education means the training of the mind to acquire knowledge and skill (Ozochi 2008). Ukeje (2002) and Nwuzor and Ocha (2008) cited in Odo, Edo and Ezike (2002) prefer to look at it in this way;
Education as a process
Education as a product and
Education as a discipline
Education as a process is an ongoing activity that starts from the day one is born till the day one dies. It is also a discipline that has rules and regulations are followed, it makes education simplier for understanding by the subject and teachers.
Education as a product means the skills and knowledge that the subject acquires at the end of him/her education in order to solve problems around him/her environment.
Education exists in two forms, formal and informal education. Informal education has no pattern and method of skill acquisition. It is unorganized thus, the type of education received at home, from parents, relatives, friends and peer groups. When as formal education has pattern of skill and knowledge acquisition, well organized and follows a particular methodology as a principle of making it easier for both teachers and subjects. This is the type of education we receive at schools and institutions.
Formal education known as western education was introduced in Nigeria in 19th century by the Christian missionaries. However the missionaries had aims and purpose of introducing the education in the country. Odo, Ede and Ezike 2000’ 39) cited that return of slaves felt an urge to let their relation know of the western education they had tested while in slavery. The missionary education had the primary objective of converting Africans to Christianity in their religion. It was imperative for them to educate the Africans who could carry on the world of evangelization into the hinterland as they observed that most of the white could not do so due to the adverse whether and mosquito bites. They deemed it necessary to get interpreters such as catechist and people (Africans) who are capable of representing to their people (Africans).
It has been shown by many authors that education has effected human development. Formal education helped in the abrogation of slavery and slave trade in Africa as well as, killing of twin children in the eastern Nigeria, (Manson 1992) cited also in the work, education helped the black race in South Africa to abolish apartheid policy in their country an obliterated colonialism in the whole world.
According to organization for economic co-operation and development (OECD 1996), formal education has contributed in production in Denmark by helping the people with educational qualification and skills to produce more goods and services and enhance their knowledge of the Danish system of innovation. In drugs and medicine production addict countries like china, Japan, India, U.S.A etc formal education has a great effect on them as well as production of telecommunication equipment (Hansen, 1993)
The researchers therefore want to find out how much the same formal education has effected the development of Umuabi community in Udi Local Government Area, Enugu State.

Statement of the Problem
The missionaries as well as our colonial masters came with their culture, Christianity and education cum style of civilization among other thins. These, especially culture Christianity and education brought far reaching changes into our lives. The first formal schools appeared to have connection with the priesthood institutions. This means that education was confined only to a small portion of population usually sons of nobility depending on the social stratification. The society being seen as an organized collectivity of people made up of network of interconnected groups, though different societies emerged with the school or other society for survival. The same is true with formal education for community development. Therefore education functions as a wheel change which can drive a society to a better tomorrow if all hands are on deck. Determination of the effect of formal education in Umuabi needs in inquiry of how formal education came to the town. The effect of formal education on social, economic and political life of Umuabi people as well as the rate and growth of formal education are questions of crucial inquiry.

Purpose of the study
The main purpose of the study is to determine the impact of formal education is community development in Umuabi. The study will examine,
(i) How formal education came to Umuabi community.
(ii) The impact of formal education on the social, economic and political life of Umuabi community.
(iii) The rate and pattern of growth of formal education.

Significance of the study
The significance of the study is highlighted under the following sub-headings
(i) The students
(ii) The parents
(iii) The community
(iv) The government
The students
The significance for the students is that the formal education would enable them to know the difference between education and ignorance. Education enables the students with the acquisition of skills and knowledge which empower to solve problems around them. This would also enable them to fully take care of themselves in terms of medical health and their environment for better living. Gainfully employment is the long-run that would enable them to take care of their immediate families. Formal education creates an appreciable level of awareness among the students thus; it improves the social life of the students. It will enable the students to know the origin of formal education in some countries of the world including Nigeria. It would help the students to undertake some research works as they progress in their studies.
The teachers
The significance of the study to the teachers is that it would enable them gain more insight and acquire more knowledge on the contribution of formal education to the political, economic and social life of the Umuabi community in question and among other communities of the world. It also provides employment for the teachers for good standard of living.
The community
The community with formal education stands the advantages of rapid development as their educated cities become a key position to attracting government projects. Formal education improves human or manpower development which will increase the availability of highly skilled labour in such educated town such as Umuabi. There are adequate availability of manpower resources. This helps in the development of the town socially, economically and politically which will culminate to develop the environment and improves the life of the dwellers in general.
The government
It will afford the planning in terms of education, health, infrastructural development and other social amenities to the community. It supplies human resources to the government for better implementation and management of it, projects and establishment. The formal education equips the people to take wise and quick decision in government plans. It enables the government to approach the community and negotiate joint ventures in educational and other infrastructural development in the community.

Delimitation of the Study
This study concentrates mainly on the impact of formal education in community development, a case study of Umuabi. The scope of the study will centre on how formal education came into Umuabi community. The impact of formal education on the social, economic and political life and rate and pattern of growth of formal education in Umuabi community gender, teacher and students were the major variables that were looked into in the study

Research Question
1. How formal education came into Umuabi Community
2. What are the impacts of formal education on social, economic, and political life of Umuabi Community?
3. What are growths of formal education in Umuabi Community?

Table of Contents

Title page
Approval page
Table of contents
List of tables

Background of the study
Statement of the problem
Purpose of the study
Significance of the study
Delimitation of the study
Research Questions

The Meaning of Education
The advent of formal education
Impact of Formal Education on Community development
Negative Impact
Positive Impact
The people’s attitude towards formal education

Research Design
Area of the Study
Population of the Study
Sample and Sampling Technique
Instrument for Data Collection
Validation of the Instrument
Reliability of the Instrument
Method of Data Collection
Method of data analysis

Research Question 1
Research Question 2
Research Question 3
Summary of Results and Findings

Discussion of Result
Educational Implication of the Findings
Suggestion for Further Studies
Limitation of the Study

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