The Impact Of Leadership Skills And The Growth Of Small Scale Business Organization Complete Project Material (PDF/DOC)
The introductory aspect of this study gives comprehensive overviews of the impact of leadership skill. On the growth of small scale business organization is important to the survival and efficient control of any business organization in this study was made to survive the impact of leadership skill on the achievement of organization goals and objectives. The research was also airiest at discussing the problems faring leadership in business organization and to give recommendation for solving same of business problems in the case of carrying out this project, the research consulted related literature, periodicity newspaper and journals also a structure questionnaire was developed for the purpose at data collective. In the final analysis the result show that over eight five briefly agree that leadership plans is important role in the growth, and profit making of any business organizations.
From time in memorial managers has been confronted with the problems of how to effectively make, good use of the potentials of nature in association with other human beings. The desire to solve the above stated problem led to the emergency, of the concept of leadership.
The concept leadership simple means that there must be someone in charge of stated or certain objectives.
The important of leadership is followership. It is the willingness of followers to follow, that makes a person a leader generally, leadership is the ability of a leader to influence his subordinates, so that they strive willingly towards the is an attempted at interpersonal influence directed at the individuals through communication process towards the achievement of group objectives.
Leadership has been subjected to a variety of determinants in behavioral science. It is a process for the attainment influence by one person over another is achieving goals. Nwachukwu (1999) without leadership organization would constitute an uncoordinated group of people lacking direction leader is the most influential’s person in all organization who providers direction guides group activities and ensures that group objectives are attained, the term influence includes power, personals and pastimes attributes of a given leader. The function of a leadership pervasive all section departments of any organizations. The accuracy bind charity of communication effects the behavior and performance of the subordinates, therefore an effective leader must be able to communicate to enhance progress in the organization.
According to Nwachukwu (1999) organization is a combination of people or individuals efforts working together in pursuit of certain common purpose called organization goal. It is any group of two or more people working together to achieve goals or objectives. Organization helps in providing good and services in our society which help in he improving the standard of living of people.
The goals many be such a thing profic for business organization. Spreading of knowledge (university) national defense caring, social satisfaction (social club) the process of achieving organizational goals is through the coordinated performance of give specific functions of a leader which includes planning, organizing, staffing, controlling and directing, leadership involves getting, tunings done through people by means of organizing them into a work team and assigning functions to them and ensuring time, coordination, control and proper motivation so that the organizations goals are achieved.
Leadership effectiveness therefore determines the success and failure of an organization in relation to some set objectives organization is a social and economic entity in which different individuals perform a variety of functions in order to achieve common goals for an organization to function properly, (i.e.) to produce needed goods and services behave in a way specified by the management to fulfill its aims, and objective. Leadership is a way of focusing and motivating a group of enable them to achieve their aims, it also involves being accountable and responsible for the group as a whole. A leader should provide community movement and be flexible in allowing changes of directions.
In recognition of the fact that leadership skills are a high priority to the survival of any business the impact is very substantial objectives or goals are the end towards which activity is armed, those represent not only the point of planning but the end toward which organizing, staffing, directing and receding and controlling are armed, the rain part closing up at both small and large business organization in the recent time have stemmed form mismanagement by leaders, due to inefficiency and lack of focus, it is therefore essential that leader in business organization are properly trained and educated in order to perform effectively. For the profitability of the organization
The major purpose of this to ascertain the impact of leadership skills in the growth of small scale business specifically, the study aims at:
a. Determine how lack of good leadership can affect the growth of small scale business organization.
b. Ascertain some problems effecting effective and efficient leadership in business organization.
c. Determine how leadership skills and competence can enhances the growth of small scale business
d. Determine the type of leadership skill that can sustain the growth of small scale business
e. Determine how leadership direction and focus for term being led
i. To what extent does lack of good affect the growth and profit of small scale business Isiak Ngwu LGA Abia state.
ii. What problems againt the effectiveness of leadership skills in business Isiak Ngwu LGA Abia state
iii. What problems against the effectiveness of leadership skills in business? Partially as a result of the disenchantment with the trait approach to leadership that occurred by the beginning of 1950s, the focus of leadership research shifted away from traits of leader behavior.
iv. What types of leadership skills has the potential of sustaining the growth of small skill business?
a. Sustainability or corporate responsibility board committees.
b. Sustainability leadership teams and network
c. Sustainability or stakeholder advisory councils
v. Can leadership provides directive and focus for the subordinate
The ability of lead effectively is base on a number of key skills. These skills are highly sought alter by employers as they involves dealing with people in such a way as to motivate, enthuse and build respect.
A successful completion of this work would enable the researcher and the business world to know the impact of leadership skills on business organization.
It would enable businessmen, terms, charitable organization, churches and profit making organization companies and individuals to appreciate the importance of grimg priority to education and training of managers, leaders for effective utilization of their skills knowledge.
Furthermore, it would enable business organization (profit and non profit making) to appreciate the significance and impact of leadership skill on term of inducing compliance, focus of group process and achievement, it will also provide useful information to the chambers of commerce, firms, students and various organization about the impact of leadership skill on business.
Finally it will constitute a useful research materials for the library.
This study covers leadership skills and sand profitability of leaders in small scale businesses Isiala LGA of Abia state also arrays what leading entails which includes foreword, inward and outward of the entire business organization, it also touches on the differences between leadership and management as well as leadership styles.
During the course of this research I encountered several problems which includes;
a. Finance: there was insufficient found for any transportation to Abia state to sources for a reliable information
b. Poor performance from respondents: my respondents find it difficult to release vital information concerning the management due to feeling of insecurity and fraud.
c. Time constraint: I was given limited time to conduct these research work adverse weather condition etc.
The under listed are terms and definition which are defined briefly to reflect their usage on this study.
SMALL SCALE BUSINESS: Accordin to Agu C.N small scale business is a business owned by ones of few person with direct owners influence in decision making and having share of the market with relatively low capital requirement.
BUSINESS: Is sum total of these activating armed at creation, maintenance and extension of a concern because it earns [profit or other forms of benefits (Aguy C.N.) 2003 management in introduction test.
EFFECTIVE LEADERSHIP: According to Oxford Advance Learning Dictionary it is defined as the ability of an individuals (leader) to achieve him intended objectives/result.
LEADERSHIP SKILLS: According to Oxford Advanced Learning Dictionary it is the ability of an individual (leader) to do something expertly and well.
Title page
Approval page
Table of contents
1.0 Introduction
1.1 background of the study
1.2 statement of the problem
1.3 objective of the study
1.4 significance of study
1.5 research questions
1.6 scope of the study
1.7 limitation of the study
1.8 definition of terms
2.0 literature review
2.1 introduction
2.2 the concept of leadership
2.3 types of leadership
2.4 Leadership and growth in business organization
2.5 Problems of leadership in business organization
2.6 Consequences of poor leadership business organization
2.7 Consequences of Good leadership business organization
2.8 Summary
3.0 research methodology
3.1 introduction
3.2 research design
3.3 sources of data collection
3.4 population of study
3.5 sample size determination
3.6 validity and reliability of measuring instrument
3.7 method of data analysis
4.0 data presentation analysis
4.1 introduction
4.2 presentation and data analysis in tables and figures
5.0 summary of findings, conclusion and recommendations
5.1 introduction
5.2 summary of findings
5.3 conclusion
5.4 recommendations
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