The Impact Of Manpower Development And Training In Efficient Management Of Organizations Complete Project Material (PDF/DOC)
The topic of the research is the impact of manpower development and training in effective management of organizations: a case study of Franson Mannyon Pharmaceutical International Company Limited Anambra State. The study shows how companies can be efficiently managed and how employee’s low level of performance can be lifted to a higher level getting them trained. Employees constitute the backbone of any organization for they are the ones that perform the grassroots operations of an organization. The researcher’s review literature went further to use both primary and secondary data in carrying out the research face to face interview was held and also a questionnaire was designed and administered to some employees. It was later found out that the organization has some areas to put in more effort, as far as training and development is concerned and also that training exercise is supposed to be a constant practice because it will help in improving the effectiveness of the organization.
There are a number of factors that contribute to the success of any organization. These factors include: capital, equipment, manpower etc, all these factors are important but the most significant factors are the human factors. Since it is the people that will put the other resources to work, it would be viewed as such by management by giving it the attention in order to achieve its organizational and objective goals. Manpower planning culmed at ensuring that the right person is available for the right job at the right time, this involves: formulating a forward looking plan to ensure that the necessary human effort to make it possible for the survival and growth of the organization, it becomes imperative to develop the employee.
Manpower development is a process of intellectual and emotional achievement through providing the means of which people can grow on their jobs, it relates to series of activities which an enterprise would embark upon to improve its management capacity. Manpower development is important in any discussion of strategic human resources management.
These emphases on manpower and development is influenced by the belief that it is now desirable to focus more attention on areas which in the past has been relatively neglected because every organization regardless of its employees and its work environment needs to effectively utilize manpower if it is to earn loyalty, dedication, involvement and commitment necessary to compete effectively.
Since the early 1960s, the human factor of production as it is alternatively called has increasingly been recognized as the most critical resources of the factors of production, without which an effective utilization of all other factors remain a dream. Although, it might be fascinating to attach more importance to the availability of physical resources such as capital and equipment, undermining that they are mere passive factors of production and manpower is the active agent to exploit them in order to achieve the objective of the organization thus the human factors (manpower) is the main stay of the organization.
In other words, the success of an organization depends on the ability and expertise of those who operate it both of the managerial and lower levels of operation from the knowledge they posses and training received.
According to Harbison, F.H. (1973) human beings constitute the ultimate basis of a nation’s wealth. This proposition applies complexity in the organization, which implies that with daily increase and complexity in the organizational activities and the problem ensuring optimum productivity which is fast becoming a challenge as well as imperative for the management of organization, thus training and development of staff on whom the huge responsibility of furthering these goals rest must take top priority if the organization must continue to enjoy maximum performance from the staff.
The importance of human resources in an organization cannot be overemphasized from the early days to the present period organizations have placed dominate roles despite the adoption of automation and other semi-mechanized processes of production. The human factor is the most sensitive and volatile of all factors. Inputs in production and therefore requires proper handling so that the other factors inputs can be properly harnessed to the utmost advantage of all in the industry.
Every organization depends more on these resources, for the attainment of its objectives cannot be achieved unless the organization is made up of employees which have the skill, knowledge and abilities to work and who are also ready to commit themselves to the organization. Employees may have the ability, skill and knowledge but may find it difficult to cope with their job due to many factors such as organizational changes, environmental changes and technological changes.
Therefore, managers adopt manpower training and development as one of its various strategies to enhance employee’s capabilities. They are not just left to stay and work until they are due for retirement but they are being trained and developed in order to increase their abilities, skill and knowledge. Experience has shown that many employees have failed in many organizations due to the fact that there was no provision for training.
Employees are not just trained for their own benefit only, the organization stand the chance and privilege to gain a lot from them, the manpower training and development is an important activity that management cannot afford to play around with because not every activity can be carried out in working situation.
Manpower training and development develops the working skill and ability of workers so that they can contribute optimally to the achievement of organizational goals. It is important in an organization in order to improve workers interest towards job so as to increase the quality of output and also reduce accident and improve productivity.
There are factors that necessitate training and development these factors include:
1. Increasing Employee’s Effectiveness: The survival or failure of an organization depends on its employee’s effectiveness. Definitely, organization cannot easily achieve its objective without undertaking training programmes in order to set-up its employee’s performance.
2. Environmental Change: Every organization is set to exist in an environment. This is to say no organization operates in a vacuum. Every organization needs to be updated to these changes in structure, relationships technology, processes and procedures and also behaviours of the employees.
3. To Reduce Cost of Wastage and Accidents: Employees often make a lot of mistakes which leads to wastage especially in automated production. The risk of accident is where an employee lacks the experience. In this case, training is necessary to reduce cost of wastages and accidents.
4. To Increase Employee’s Responsibilities: Training and development programme is very important to increase employee’s responsibilities when an employee is promoted to occupy a new position of the job, it is very necessary to train and prepare them for the job.
5. To Meet with its Competitor’s and even employees Obsolescence and Redundancy: It is also necessary for an organization to embark on training and development programme in other to meet with its competitors and even employees obsolesce and redundancy.
Considering these importance and factors that necessitates manpower training and development, one has to say that it is indispensably necessary for the attainment of organizational goals. A substantial amount of money is needed for this programme but it is regarded that money will be invested because of its various benefits. Infact, the importance of training and development cannot be over-emphasized. It plays a major role in determining the effectiveness and efficiency of the performance of the organization.
In assessing manpower training and development as a tool for effective and efficient performance, there are problems that come to mind. The company has been facing the problem of ineffectiveness due to inconsistency in the performance of the staff. This has gone a long way to hamper productivity.
The company has also been facing the problem of employees obsolesce and redundancy which has resulted to a situation whereby the company can no longer cope or face the environment. Changes, technological and organization changes around it to the point where employee interests in their jobs are lost and as a result, the company can no longer meet its competitors.
The problems mentioned above have given rise to many other problems in the company such as risk of accident being higher, low improvement in quality of output, loss of goodwill, labour turnover manpower training and development will go a long way in solving these problems mentioned above if proper attention is given.
Following the problems stated previously is the duty of the researcher to determine the following objectives:
1. To determine the training and development needs of employees in organizations with reference to Franson Mannyon Pharmaceutical International Company Limited.
2. To know the relationship between training and employees performance in the organization.
3. To determine the factors that militates against training in the company.
4. To ascertain the categories of employees who need training in the company.
5. To find out the methods they employ and which method that is most accepted by its employees.
6. To emphasize on the problems they encounter in carry out training and development programme.
Bearing in mind that the study is basically on academic exercise, it becomes necessary to formulate research questions, which will be answered during the course of the research.
1. Does Franson Mannyon engage in any type of employee training programmes and what are their forms?
2. What are those factors that militate against effective staff training and development in Franson Mannyon?
3. Will training and development programme be useful for improvement of efficient performance?
4. How can training need to be used in determination of the company’s success?
For the enhancement of manpower and development to be more effective, its objectives, benefit and process must be clearly understood from a utilitarian standpoint.
Therefore, it properly done, it will be used as a means of increasing the effectives and efficiency in workers. The findings and recommendation of this study will be useful to both students and researchers who will be undertaking research on training and development and other topic on human resources management.
The scope of this study will cover the development of staff potentials and also ensure that the idea of manpower training is introduced so that they will be enough qualified personnel who will give better and efficient services to Franson Mannyon Pharmaceutical International Company Limited. The study has been conducted in Imo State. This is to enable the researcher do a thorough study on the subject matter.
One of the limitations, I faced at the time the study was carried out did not help matters in a study of this nature non-chalet attitude of the respondents to supply necessary information probably due to their ignorance of the main purpose of this study, some out rightly refused to grant interviews or answer questions asked them. Cost of transportation was one of the limitations encountered during the course of the study.
Lack of literature, journals and magazine on the area of study was also constrained to the student though all these did not invalidate the finding of the study.
Training: This is an organized activity aimed at imparting information and instructions to improve the recipient’s performance or to help him or her attain a required level of knowledge of skill.
Productivity: A measure of the efficiency of a person, machine, factory, system etc in converting inputs into useful outputs.
Development: The systematic use of scientific and technical knowledge to meet specific objectives or requirements.
Organization: A social unit of people that is structured and managed to meet a need or to pursue collective goals.
Efficiency: The ability to produce something with a minimum amount of efforts.
In the study at hand, the researcher has chosen one compay as a case study, Franson Mannyon Pharmaceutical International Company Limited.
Location: It is located at Ojoto in Idemili Local Government Area, Anambra State and a branch office at Obohia Road, Aba, Abia State.
The company was commissioned in 1990 by Col. Emeka Akonosi. It is a joint venture been some members of the Federal Republic of Nigeria and the Federal Republic of North Korea, due to that fact the chairman of the company is a Nigerian while the managing director is from North Korea.
No. of Employees: The Company has sixty workers in their payroll.
The aim of the company is to provide a means through which the health of the masses can be taken care of, their principle activities are on the production of drugs like paracetamol, vitamin B2, blood tonic, vitamin C, injections etc.
Structure: The company has many sections/departments. They are shown in the appendix.
Title Page
Approval Page
Table of Contents
1.0 Introduction 1
1.1 Background of the study 1
1.2 Statement of the problem 3
1.3 Objectives of the study 4
1.4 Research questions 4
1.5 Significance of the study 5
1.6 Scope of the study 6
1.7 Limitations of the study 6
1.8 Definition of terms 7
1.9 Brief history of Franson Mannyon Pharmaceutical
International Company Limited. 8
2.0 Literature Review 11
2.1 Genera review 11
2.2 Meaning and definition of training 12
2.3 Training needs 15
2.4 Types of training 18
2.5 Definition and meaning of development 20
2.6 Types of development programme 22
2.7 Reasons for staff training
2.8 Problems of training and development
2.9 Summary of related review literature
3.0 Research methodology 30
3.1 Introduction 30
3.2 Research design 30
3.3 Population of the study 31
3.4 Sample size and sampling techniques 31
3.5 Research instrument 32
3.6 Validity and reliability of measuring instrument 32
3.7 Research procedures 33
4.0 Data presentation and analysis 34
4.1 Introduction 34
4.2 Data presentation 34
4.3 Data analysis 36
4.4 Test of hypothesis 38
5.0 Summary of findings, Conclusion and
Recommendations 42
5.1 Introduction 42
5.2 Summary of findings 42
5.3 Conclusion 43
5.4 Recommendations 44
5.5 Suggestions for further studies 44
Bibliography 46
Appendices 47-49
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