Impact Of Technological Innovation On The Growth Of Organization

(A Case Study Of United Parcel Service Aba)

Technological innovation serves as a catalyst for organizational advancement, fostering increased efficiency, productivity, and competitiveness in today’s dynamic business landscape. Organizations leveraging cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, and automation streamline operations, optimize processes, and enhance decision-making capabilities. By embracing innovative solutions, companies can swiftly adapt to market changes, meet evolving customer demands, and capitalize on emerging opportunities. Moreover, technology facilitates seamless communication, collaboration, and knowledge sharing among employees, fostering a culture of innovation and agility within the organization. Through continuous investment in research and development, organizations can harness the transformative power of technology to drive sustainable growth, gain a strategic edge in the market, and ensure long-term success in an increasingly digitalized world.


The thrust of the project work is to identify the importance of technology and its impacts on the growth of every organization using ups as a case study and to fish out the importance of manpower training and education in using technology since training and education of work is an attempt to improve their performance. Chapter one of the study, x-rays the effect of impact of technology on the growth of organization (to the customers) as many be obtainable in ups, ups desirable to access the level of technology in accessing their customers and performance among competitors. Chapter two review past literature and presenting in a nutshell in the ups online, on-time information enquiry system, parcels transportation and sorting system, communication and services the impact of technology on the growth of an organization (a case study of ups Aba) chapter three treats research methodology in place relevant to this research.


Title Page
Approval Page
Table of Contents

1.0 Introduction 1
1.1 Background of the study 1
1.2 Statement of the problem 2
1.3 Objectives of the study 3
1.4 Research questions 4
1.5 Significance of the study 4
1.6 Scope of the study 6
1.7 Limitations of the study 6
1.8 Definitions of terms 7
1.9 Historical background of the study 8

2.0 Literature Review 10
2.1 Concept of workers performance 10
2.2 Measures of performance factors that influence
Performance 10
2.3 The concept of technology 11
2.4 The impact of technological change 12
2.5 Classification of technology 13
2.6 Service quality to customers and their stand
among competitors 14
2.7 Supply chain management in UPS 14
2.8 UPS use of technology on-line, on-time information 16
2.9 The impact of technology on the growth of organization 18

3.0 Research methodology 25
3.1 Research design 35
3.2 Area of study 26
3.3 Population of the study 26
3.4 Sample size and sample techniques 27
3.5 Method of data collection 28
3.6 Method of data analysis 29

4.0 Presentation, analysis and interpretation of data 30
4.1 Analysis of data 30

5.0 Summary of findings, Conclusion and
Recommendations 38
5.1 Summary of findings 38
5.2 Conclusion 39
5.3 Recommendations 40
5.4 Suggestion for further study 41
Bibliography 42
Appendix 43
Questionnaires 44-45



The word technology is from the Greek word Tekene e.g. technology which means an art or skill and logic, it means an area of knowledge or study. Technology is an interaction of knowledge, skill and social organization. It describes the things or product of our modern society, which are but in the result of human endeavour and complex organization of a society which developed long side technology advance. New technology has a considerable influence on society, increase work capacity through the use of machines and tools significantly changing the pattern of low work and leisure time and has gone a long way in improving workers performance. The benefit comes through computerization and introduction of information technology.
Technology is also the branch of knowledge that deals with the creation and use of technical means and their interrelation with life and society environment drawing upon such subjects as industrial arts, engineering, applied science and pure science.
According to Luna (1994) the earlier use of the word technology is the United States was found in a hazard university course on the application of the science to the useful art in 1816. The 1832 encyclopedia American defined technology as principles, processes and nomenclature. Ever since that time, there has been debate as to the identity of technology from a historical perspective philosophers of technology agree that two phases of technology can be seen the craft phase and that modern scientist phase. However, to a philosopher of technology modern technology, although scientist is a unique structure of thinking not merely applied sciences, the impact of technology on organizational growth demand on environment influence, which includes technology beings similar to a specific job, the available skill, motivation targeted output and operational methods among other.

1. The problems facing organizational growth are basically problems with people in the organization because manager achieves organizational efficiency mainly through technology which enables the subordinates to understand the supervisor.
2. The on-line, real time computer internet technology, telegrams, telephone, cell phone machines like type-writing machine, photocopying machine as well as electricity, technology access /manpower enhances performance but when the system fails, it turns out frustrating the workers.
3. Inadequate training and specialization concerning new technology is another problem that faces organizational growth due to the fact that majority of the workers do not undergo training on how to use modern technology, for instance, in the areas of computer operation, type-writing machine operator, telegram, photocopying machine etc. a worker who does not undergo the training on how to use or operate them cannot perform well with them.

The objective of the study is to ascertain the level of technology practiveness in United Parcel Service and its impacts on the organization. In the delivery and satisfactory of quality service to their customer, other objectives of the study include:
1. To determine the steps taken by the organization in preparing workers for technological changes.
2. To find out how the introduction of modern system to work performance has affected staff morals and commitment.
3. To establish the extent of utilization of on-line real time package tracking system in service delivery.

1. Has the use of technology in business transaction been accepted as means of improving organizational growth?
2. Has technology has any impact on organizational growth?
3. Does management failure to prepare workers for technological changes hinder the worker use of technology?

Many benefits are o be derived from his study impact of technology o organizational growth: a case study of the United Parcel Service (UPS).
1. The desired precision required in exercising quick delivery of parcels, which invariably affect the supply chain of other firms is achieved for example, the on-line, real time communication it he services of UPS.
2. Tracking of parcels in transit and locating misdirected items through tracing mechanisms internet communication services.
3. Through the impact of technology, government derives great benefit through improved economy in terms of checking the amount of money in circulation as well as in terms of sending and receiving of information either through computer browsing, through mail or telegram etc.
4. Technology is a serious term to watch in industrial growth; according to minor T.B. structural changes occur largely to response to shifts in their nature, environment or technology of the organization. Among these factors which almost force organizational changes two have been studied extensively.
a. To advent of automation and the introduction of computers into many spheres of company operation.
b. The fact that corporate growth either through internet expansion or through acquisition exist a complex interaction among people. Value structures technological size and organizational structure when leads to this research. In this research, people are expected to benefit a lot on how to use technology enables easy business transaction and quick retrieval of information in the office which enables employees perform better which turn improves the organizations productivity and growth.

United Parcel Service Aba, this study covers the impact of technology on organizational growth.

Time Constraint: It takes time for the research to get much information as possible it required by the project.
Financial Constraint: Money been the major thing affected the research as the research encountered problem due to the fact that there were no much money to get relevant information that are required for this research.
Textbook: This is another problem militating against the research because some of the textbook in the library does not contain enough information on the impact of technology.

Technology: Is a scientific knowledge of using machines in processing some works which cannot be done ordinarily. It is the use of skills in doing things.
Growth: Growth is the process of improving some measure of an enterprises success, growth can be achieved either by boosting the top line or revenue of the business with greater product sales or service income, or by increasing the bottom line or profitability of the operation by minimizing costs.
Organization: Organization is a social unit of people that is structural and managed to meet a need or to pursue collective goals. All organizations have a management structure that determines relationships between the different activities and the members and subdivides and authorities to carry out different tasks organization are open system, they affect and are affected by their environment.

The United Parcel Service as conceptualized in the mind of a 19yrs old James Cassey and his pairs who founded the courier body in Washington in August 28 1907, James started with a borrowed capital of 8,000 U.S the company of messengers in response to telephone calls received at its headquarters ran errands of carrying and delivering notes, hand baggage and trays of foods from restaurants, bicycles and cars served long trips.
The organization held to a policy of never promise what you cannot do and keep to every promise. In 1919, their services extended to Oakland California, adopting the present name “United Parcel Service” UPS 1988 says “Parcel” indicates the nature of the business and service indicates what we often the United Parcel Service (UPS) 1988 says “parcel’ indicate the nature of business and broke the ground of courier service in Nigeria in 1979 under the name International Messengers Nigeria Limited (IMMI) involving Andrew Walter a retired pilot from British Army in the second world war. United Parcel Service Nigeria through acquisition of JMM, Air Chartering Limited London became part of United Parcel Service network worldwide. This network is one of the world’s most extensive terms of worldwide deliveries, the speeds the volume of business handled daily and staff strength and facilities.

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Technological innovation has a profound impact on the growth of organizations in various ways. These impacts can be seen across different aspects of an organization, including its operations, products and services, customer relationships, and overall competitiveness. Here are some key ways in which technological innovation can drive organizational growth:

  1. Operational Efficiency: Technological innovations often streamline processes and reduce operational costs. Automation, for example, can significantly increase efficiency by eliminating manual, time-consuming tasks. This allows organizations to do more with less, which can lead to improved profit margins and overall financial health.
  2. Product and Service Enhancement: Innovation can lead to the development of new and improved products and services. These innovations can attract new customers, retain existing ones, and open up new markets. Companies that continuously innovate their offerings are more likely to stay competitive and experience growth.
  3. Market Expansion: Technology can enable organizations to expand into new markets. E-commerce, for instance, has made it possible for businesses to reach customers worldwide. Cloud computing and digital marketing tools have also made it easier for organizations to enter new geographical areas and demographics.
  4. Data-Driven Decision-Making: Innovations in data analytics and business intelligence tools allow organizations to make more informed decisions. By analyzing large volumes of data, companies can identify trends, customer preferences, and areas for improvement. This leads to better strategic planning and more effective resource allocation.
  5. Customer Experience: Technological innovation can greatly enhance the customer experience. From AI-powered chatbots to personalized marketing campaigns, organizations can use technology to better understand and engage with their customers. Improved customer satisfaction often translates into increased loyalty and higher sales.
  6. Competitive Advantage: Embracing new technologies can give organizations a competitive edge. Companies that are early adopters of innovative solutions often have a head start over competitors. This advantage can be sustained if the organization continues to invest in and adapt to evolving technologies.
  7. Cost Reduction: Innovations like remote work technologies and energy-efficient equipment can reduce overhead costs. This, in turn, can free up resources for other growth initiatives, such as research and development or marketing.
  8. Risk Mitigation: Technology can help organizations identify and mitigate risks. Cybersecurity solutions, for example, protect against data breaches and other digital threats. Predictive analytics can also help companies anticipate potential challenges and take proactive measures.
  9. Talent Attraction and Retention: Companies that embrace innovation are often more attractive to top talent. Employees are drawn to organizations that offer opportunities to work with cutting-edge technologies and develop new skills. This can help organizations attract and retain skilled personnel, which is essential for growth.
  10. Sustainability: Innovations in clean energy, sustainable materials, and eco-friendly practices can help organizations reduce their environmental footprint. Sustainability efforts can not only improve an organization’s reputation but also open up new markets and partnerships focused on green initiatives.

In summary, technological innovation is a driving force behind the growth of organizations. It enhances efficiency, expands market reach, improves decision-making, enhances customer experience, and provides a competitive advantage. To leverage these benefits, organizations need to foster a culture of innovation, invest in research and development, and stay attuned to emerging technologies and trends in their respective industries.