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This study on the Influence Of MTV Base Musical Programme On The Dressing Pattern Of ABSU Students is relevant for students in Mass Communication and other related fields.


This study set out to evaluate the influence of MTV Base programmes on the dressing patterns of Abia state University students. Survey research method was adopted to investigate how MTV Base, a popular music television channel, has influenced the dressing patterns of the undergraduates, considering the channel’s constant portrayal of western culture in its music programmes, especially the dressing styles of foreign pop artists. The research objectives include; to find out whether the students` dressing patterns are influenced by their viewership of MTV Base programmes; to determine the cultural implications of MTV Base programmes on the dressing patterns of the students, and to determine whether there is a significant relationship between the students’ viewership of MTV Base programmes and the erosion of African culture. Anchored on Social Learning theory, the research revealed that the dressing patterns of undergraduates are negatively influenced as a result of constant viewership of MTV Base programmes, which subsequently results to cultural imperialism and massive erosion of African culture through the help of globalization. The study recommended, among others, that more should be done by the appropriate authorities to get university students in Nigeria to prefer Nigerian culture to others through the way they dress, talk and dance rather than cultivating and adopting alien cultures that constantly put them under criticism.
Keywords: African culture, Assessment, Dressing patterns, Influence, Popular Culture.

Chapter One


1.1 Background to the Study

The media are powerful presence in people’s lives. Within the field of communication, media is the term used to refer to the particular medium used to deliver a message to a large, anonymous, and diverse audience (Pearce, 2009a). Media studies involve research on media effects, which refer to the influence that the media has on audiences, and media representations, which are portrayals of various cultural groups. At the core of social construction is the idea that there is no such thing as objective reality (Pearce, 1995). Instead, scholars who advocate for this foundation stress that all knowledge is historically and culturally specific (Allen, 2005). Media, as a powerful social system, play an important role in creating a person’s sense of reality (Gergen, 1999). Even those persons who closely monitor their media consumption are not immune to media effects.

All types of media function as a cultural socialization agent. However, of all the different types of media, scholars have spent the most time researching the impact that television has had on personal, cultural, and societal perceptions (Orbe, 2010). This is largely due to the rapid growth of the television industry and its pervasiveness in everyday life. As a socialization agent, the mass mediated images that appear on television, via the news, soap operas, situation comedies, dramas, talk shows, sporting events, and so forth, can have a tremendous influence on how people view themselves and others (Orbe, 2010). Because of this, the governments in some countries ban certain types of programming, or only allow television shows that support specific agendas. As such, programs that are produced and aired are oftentimes subject to political, religious, cultural, and social agendas in countries throughout the world (Orbe, 2010).

For many traditionally aged university students, the world has never been without an array of reality television programs which has a history that spans 60-plus years. However, in recent years, reality television has become the most popular form of entertainment (Schroeder, 2006). Given its mass appeal in Nigeria and abroad (Hill, 2005), it has moved from the margins of television culture to its core in a dominating fashion. From a television executive perspective, reality television represents an attractive form of programming. It has low production costs. It can easily be marketed for foreign distribution. It also can be produced without dependence on unionized actors and writers (Murray and Ouellette, 2004). These factors, as well as huge popularity among diverse audiences, have propelled reality television from “another fad that overstayed its welcome” (Smith and Wood, 2003, p. 3) to a staple in contemporary television culture.

Okere and Uwon (2012) suggest that the youth today look up to celebrities for their everyday fashion tips, movies, albums and their general way of life. The youthful stage is a very confusing period filled with changes and challenges, and is a period where an individual feels the need to “belong” and to be “accepted”. When this need is created, the youth look for ways to fill the gap and most often turn to the media to perform this role. The magazines often are the most accessible.

Hood (n.d.) suggests that “celebrities are most like salespersons. Adding further that, though they may not explicitly try to persuade their audiences, they are subconsciously altering the thoughts of their publics; this can be seen through celebrity endorsements, press interviews, apparel worn during public events, items favoured by celebrities, celebrity-branded products and celebrities’ overall brand image all of which create epidemics of societal acceptance among various social groups.

These images of celebrities often provide the basis from which youths benchmark their thoughts, opinions and associations. The youth perceive such images as the social norm and, thus, as a means to attain the social acceptance that is so vital to their personal maturation. Youths are affected by the messages and images the media feed them with. Some of these images give them ideas of how to look and act to be accepted in today’s community (Okere and Uwom 2012). Taylor and Stern (1997); Weiss (2004) in Cyril de Run, Butt, and Yen Nee (2010) are of the opinion that teenagers and young adults have the tendency to be easily influenced by celebrities as compared to mature population because teenagers tend to copy the characteristics of celebrities, including their dressing patterns. Weiss (2004) adds that “this allows them to compensate their low self-esteem” (Cyril de Run, Butt, & Yen Nee, 2010). Everelles and Leavitt (1992) in Cyril de Run et al. (2010) further add that “there are some who would go over the limits by having plastic surgery just to look like their favorite celebrities.”

According to Jones (2005, p. 83), Music Television (MTV) continues to be a powerful cultural force. First introduced in the United Syates in 1981, MTV had an immediate impact on popular music, visual style, and culture. MTV was first to explore and introduce what are now staples of popular culture: It brought “mega-events” such as LiveAid, the merging of popular music and corporate sponsorship, “unplugged” acoustic performances, and reality programming in the form of The Real World (Jones, 2005). MTV quickly became an iconic presence in popular culture, not only inspiring visual media culture (Miami Vice, for example) but also inspiring songs about it (Dire Straits’ Money for Nothing and Beck’s MTV Makes Me Wanna Smoke Crack are two very different examples) (Jones 2005). It is against this backdrop that this study aimed at ascertaining the influence of MTV BASE on the dressing patterns of undergraduates with students of Abia state University as study focus.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

In this 21st century, most MTV BASE programmes are characterized by the modernisation of fashion sense which has its foundation in western cultures. Without paying attention to cultural diversities, MTV BASE produces programmes that are stuffed with Western ideas of fashion, singing, dancing etc. The influence of MTV BASE programmes on teenagers may not be immediate or out rightly effective due to some other variables like family, social group, peer group, etc, Anadi, C. C. (2017).

Nevertheless, the influence might be insidious and could lead the teenagers to harbour false ideas and exhibit negative social behaviour. The more they expose themselves to this entertainment television with reference to the amount of time some of them put into watching entertainment programmes, the greater the chance for them to develop a world view and a perception of reality similar to what they watch over time on entertainment TV. This study therefore is designed to examine the influence of these popular cultures portrayed by MTV BASE on the dressing patterns of students of Abia state University.

1.3 Objectives of the Study

The general objective of this study is to evaluate the influence of popular culture on the dressing pattern of the viewers of MTV BASE programmes with particular reference to Abia state University students while The primary objective of the study is as follows

To examine the impact MTV base musical programme have on Nigerian student dressing pattern.

To examine the factors responsible for MTV base musical programme influence on Nigerian students.

To find out if MTV base musical programme have any contribution on Nigerian students.

To examine the perception of youths about MTV base musical programme.


1.4 Research Questions

The following questions have been prepared for this study

What is the impact MTV base musical programme have on Nigerian student dressing pattern?

What are the factors responsible for MTV base musical programme influence on Nigerian students?

Do MTV base musical programme have any contribution on Nigerian students?

What are the perception of youths about MTV base musical programme?


1.5 Hypothesis of the Study

Ho: There is no significant relationship between respondents’ viewership of MTV BASE programmes and Nigerian student dressing pattern.

1.6 Significance of Study

This study is relevant in the following ways:

It add to the existing literature in this field

It may serve as a reference document to Nigerian films and censors’ board.

It will serve as a reference material to policy makers.

The study will be beneficial to students and mass media researcher as a reference

It will help to provoke thought among the youth to re-assesse their dress pattern

It will be beneficial to video censors board.

It will also sensitise school authorities on the issue of dressing code.


1.7 Scope of the Study

The study on media influence shows that there are various behavioural and attitudinal influences that could be attributed to the media. However, this study is restricted to the influence of MTV base musical programme on the dressing pattern of ABSU students.

Therefore, it will not include other behavioural or attitudinal characteristics like musical videos influence on pattern of speech, pattern of language, pattern of love and relationship, etc. such can be taken up by other researchers. This is because the resources available for this study cannot cover all the universities in Nigeria.

1.8 Limitation of the Study

The researcher encountered problems during the course of carrying out this research; such problems were as a result of selected respondents who refused to accept and participate and also encountered difficulty in acquiring relevant materials and items. The attitude of selected subjects to fill the questionnaire to time so as not to delay the result of the research also posed a problem. However, the researcher appealed to the participants through persuasive means.

1.9 Operational Definition of Terms.


It is defined as students in various universities in Nigeria and who fall between the ages of 15 -30


The media is operationalised as Tv. Broadcast used to generate or circulate information to the public

Cultural Identify:

It is those commonly shares socio-political interpretation and meanings related to the beliefs, norms, values, attitudes and behaviours within Nigeria.

1.10 Organizations of the Study

The chapter one consist of the introductory part of the study which includes the study background, the statement of the research problem, the study objective and scope of the study.

The second chapter is a critical review of other literatures relevant to the study and its objectives including the theoretical framework for the study. While the third chapter is methods of data collection, sampling and data analysis used in conducting the study. The fourth chapter centres around the research findings including an analysis of how it relates to previous findings. The fifth chapter consists of the summary of findings, conclusion and recommendations base on the study objectives.

Chapter Five

Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation

5.1 Summary

In this study, our focus was to examine influence of MTV base musical programme on the dressing pattern of students in Nigeria tertiary institutions using Abia state University student as a case study. The study specifically was aimed at highlighting the impact MTV base musical programme have on Nigerian student dressing pattern. The study also, examine the factors responsible for MTV base musical programme influence on Nigerian students. The study further, find out if MTV base musical programme have any contribution on Nigerian students. Lastly, the study examine the perception of youths about MTV base musical programme.A total of 360 responses were validated from the enrolled participants where all respondent are drawn from Abia state University student

5.2 Conclusion

Based on the finding of this study, the following conclusions were made:

One of the factor is uncensored MTV base musical programme

Another factor is parents negligence towards the kind of movies students see

Peer pressure can also be regarded as one of the factor responsible for MTV base musical programme influence on students

That MTV base musical programme are interesting to watch

That MTV base musical programme have evolved from what it used to be

That MTV base musical programme have contributed to the economy of Nigeria


5.3 Recommendation

MTV base musical programme regulatory frameworks must continue to be vigilant in screening contents of home movies so as to ensure the preservation of Nigerian/African cultural values both in the content and costume of these home movies.

A proactive media approach to issues containing cultural imperialism should be adopted by the MTV base musical programme.

The MTV base musical programme should use their medium to promote the very rich cultural values of Nigeria and African.

Film training institutions should as a matter of national importance encourage the increase in local content of their training curricula and structure

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