Influence Of Parents And Home Environment On The Academic Performance Of Senior Secondary School Students

In Oredo LGA, Edo State

51 Pages 1 – 5 Chapters10,315 WordsDownload Complete Material

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The home influences the students at the most possible time of his life at a time when his mind is most receptive. It provides the first impression which may last through the whole of the child’s life. The child often sees the parents, siblings and things in their immediate environment to be most significant and its capable of promoting or diminishing his self worth, emotional cum mental disposition and his academic performance. This study seeks to investigates of the influence of parent and home environment and its effect on the academic performance of secondary schools student in Oredo Local Government Area of Edo State, Nigeria. The study was anchored on Family theory Theory and Theory of Parental Involvement. The researcher used mainly primary data from a sample of 120 respondents obtained by the use of a well-structured questionnaire. The data collected were analyzed using multiple linear regression analysis. It was concluded that parents’ economic statuses, parental educational backgrounds, parental marital, Styles, and home locations of parents all do have varying degrees of effects on the performance of students in the study area. It was recommended among others that illiterate parents should be encouraged to go to school, in that their literacy will enhance their children academic achievement in schools.

Aims and Objectives

The purpose of this study is to examine the influence of parents and home environment on the academic performance of senior secondary school students in Oredo LGA, edo state. Specifically it aims;

  1. To examine the influence of parental involvement and academic performance of student
  2. To evaluate how parent’s occupation affect student academic performance
  3. To highlight the importance of home environment on academic achievement of secondary school students
  4. To investigate how family structure influence academic performance

To examine how parental education affect academic performance

Research Questions

As regard to the purpose of research the blowing research question provide the forms or the study:

  1. To what extent does parental involvement influence the secondary school students academic performance?
  2. To what extent does parent’s occupation affect the secondary school students academic performance?
  3. Does the type of family structure and family situations influence the secondary school students’ academic performance?
  4. To what extent does parental educational status influences secondary school students academic performance?
Hypothesis Of The Study

H0: Parent and Home environmental conditions have no effect on academic performance  of secondary school students.

H1: Parent and home environmental condition has a significant effect on academic performance of secondary school students

Chapter Two

Our focus in this chapter is to critically examine relevant literature that would assist in explaining the research problem and furthermore recognize the efforts of scholars who had previously contributed immensely to similar research. The chapter intends to deepen the understanding of the study and close the perceived gaps.
Precisely, the chapter will be considered in two sub-headings:

  • Conceptual Framework
  • Theoretical Framework and
  • Empirical Studies

Academic performance is the extent to which a student, teacher or institution has attained their short or long-term educational goals. Completion of educational benchmarks such as secondary school diplomas and bachelor’s degrees represent…

Chapter Five


5.0 Introduction

This chapter summarizes the findings into “The Influence Of Parents And Home Environment On The Academic Performance Of Senior Secondary School Students In Oredo LGA, Edo State”. The chapter consists of summary of the study, conclusions, recommendations and suggestions for further studies.

  • Summary Of Study

In this study, our focus was to examine “The Influence Of Parents And Home Environment On The Academic Performance Of Senior Secondary School Students In Oredo LGA, Edo State. The study specifically was aimed at examining  the influence of parental involvement on academic performance. It reveled the extent at which family size and situations affect academic performance. It examined the extent at which parents occupations affect academic performance. It also examined the influence of high and low parental educational level affect  academic achievement of secondary school  student in Egor local Government.A total of 120 responses were validated from the enrolled participants where all respondent are student of four selected secondary school in Egor, Edo State.

  • Conclusion

Conclusion from findings of  the study reveled the following:

  • Parent with adequate income are likely to be provided with high quality education from the nursery up the university land. Given this opportunity, it is likely that such student will be less delinquent than their counterpart from poorer homes and would enhance their attitude towards learning learning greater academic performance
  • That of family size and situation has to a high extent an impact on the students’ academic performance. The greater the family size, the lower the education attainment of children/students.
  • Parents with high occupational rank are able to provide the necessary incentive for their children learning, with high income level, they are able to provide better nourishment for their family while students from low parental occupation status have little opportunities to go to school because their parents lack adequate income to provide them with high quality education thus enhances the student education achievement.
  • parental educational background significantly relate to students’ academic performance. However Parents with high educational attainment and high income level are often more success in preparing their children for school because they have access to a wide range of resources to promote and support their children school.


Based on the responses obtained, the researcher proffers the following recommendations:

  1. Parent should improve their parenting style and their involvement in their children’s academic activities to enhance their performance.
  2. Parents of low socio-economic status should be empowered by the Government to enable them provide for basic needs for their children. Thus, enhances their academic performance in Biology.
  3. Government should build more school close to resident and rural areas and make provision for free school bus to enable children from poor homes to acquire education.
  4. Parent –teacher interactions should be encouraged. By this, students from poor home environment will be compensated.
  5. Counseling psychologist should be employed to schools to identify, advice and comfort students from poor homes and background. This will go a long way to improve their academic performance.
  6. Seminar and workshop should be regularly organized for parents of the effect of large family size. This will enable them to provide basic education needs for their children. Thus, enhances their academic performance.
  7. Government and educational stakeholders should endeavour to provide students facilities like Libraries, laboratories, etc. so as to improve students’ academic performance.
Table of Contents

Table of Content

Chapter One: Introduction
1.1 Background of the Study
1.2 Statement of the Problem
1.3 Objective of the Study
1.4 Research Questions
1.5 Research Hypothesis
1.6 Significance of the Study
1.7 Scope of the Study
1.8 Limitation of the Study
1.9 Definition of Terms
1.10 Organization of the Study

Chapter Two: Review of Literature
2.1 Conceptual Framework
2.2 Theoretical Framework
2.3 Empirical Review

Chapter Three: Research Methodology
3.1 Research Design
3.2 Population of the Study
3.3 Sample Size Determination
3.4 Sample Size Selection Technique and Procedure
3.5 Research Instrument and Administration
3.6 Method of Data Collection
3.7 Method of Data Analysis
3.8 Validity of the Study
3.9 Reliability of the Study
3.10 Ethical Consideration

Chapter Four: Data Presentation and Analysis
4.1 Data Presentation
4.2 Analysis of Data
4.3 Answering Research Questions
4.4 Test of Hypotheses
4.5 Discussion of Findings

Chapter Five: Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation
5.1 Summary
5.2 Conclusion
5.3 Recommendation

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