Influence Of Staff Training And Development On Operations Of Non Governmental Organization

The Influence Of Staff Training And Development On Operations Of Non Governmental Organization Complete Project Material (PDF/DOC)


This study examines the impact of Training and development on effective performance of workers in non governmental organization, it becomes imperative because of the poor selection of personnel’s, lack of proper assessment and evaluation of employee’s performance in the organization and the need to tackle the problems for efficient and effective performance.

The findings discovers that majority of the staff of non governmental organization understood what Training and Development meant; believed that Training programmes have paramount increase effect on their skills in some particular jobs as well as having a positive contribution to the economic wellbeing of the organization.

It is recommended that the importance of training and development is a vital and very indispensable tool in achieving an organizational efficiency and effectiveness. At this vantage point, it is necessary to embrace training and development concept to achieve effectiveness and efficiency in every organization to match with the current technological change and sophistications in the world.

Aims and Objectives

The objective of the study is to:

  • Ascertain the extent to which non governmental organization organize in-services training and development programme for its workers.
  • Examine the extent- to which the in-service and development programmes organized by non governmental organization have positively influence higher productivity.
  • Identify the hindrances to effective training generally and non governmental organization in particular; and
  • Determine the extent of damage done by inadequate manpower training in local government.
Hypothesis Of The Study

Hypothesis 1.

H0: There has not been a significant effect of training and development on employee’s productivity.

Hi: There has been a significant effect of training and development on employee’s productivity.


Hypothesis 2

H0: There has not been improvement of training and development in on employee’s productivity.

Hi: There has been improvement of training and development in on employee’s productivity.


hypothesis 3

Hi: Staff training in non governmental organization exist as a matter of government polices.


Hypothesis 4

H0: Lack of in-services training has adversely affected the job performance of workers in non governmental organization.


Hypothesis 5

H0: Insufficient budgetary allocations have militated against government training programmes in non governmental organization.


Hypothesis 6

H0: Political influence affect staff training in non governmental organization.


Hypothesis 7

H0: Ethnic or geographical location affect staff training in non governmental organization.


Hypothesis 8

H0: On –the- job training is the most popular training programme in the non governmental organization.

Chapter One


1.1 Background of Study

Some years ago, the concept of training and development were widely misunderstood and not fully appreciated in most Nigerian organization. Today, the situation has dramatically changed such that many organizations, business and non business organization have come to appreciate the need for employee development and training as a very important instrument for organization development.

Training and development date back to the beginning of man. In our own families, our parents direct the children on what to do. A little baby is trained / taught to sit, crawl, stand and walk. All these efforts are geared towards developing the child to gain essential skills for adaptability in this environment. It is this training and development that guides the child as he grows and matures into adulthood.

The above make it clear that although once is qualified to be employed in an office, to perform once duty or the other, yet the staff employed needs to be trained for adaptability in his office environment.

As can even be seen from the Biblical aspect of it, in the book of Samuel chapter 30, David the king of the Israelites realized the importance of training and development. By selecting his distinguished six hundred soldiers he gave the special training and sponsored their scientific and special reading to enable them to satisfy advisory roles in his palace and ultimately meet the nations needs in having a well trained army. It has become increasing apparent to more and more organization that life/long learning must become a reality for them to remain competitive in an increasingly demanding environment. Such learning can take place through training courses offered by the firm themselves or by outside suppliers of training and education….

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